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12.5% Spellbound Reapers / Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Wands, Dementors, and First Impressions

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Wands, Dementors, and First Impressions

Chapter 3: Wands, Dementors, and First Impressions

After a less than comfortable form of travel which Toshiro was informed that it was called Apparition, the two professors appeared in one of the rooms of the Leaking Cauldron, with a slightly out of breath shinigami captain between them. Dressed in an outfit that Matsumoto had packed for him, glad that his lieutenant had enough foresight to allow him a break from her antics once in a while, as he wore a simple navy shirt under a black sweater, a single white dragon woven on the bottom left corner in a mid-roar finishing with dark jeans and his scarf woven over his neck.

Taking in his surroundings in a fraction of a second, the captain found himself in a large room with rather bleak furniture: beaten beds, musty armchairs, and dust-filled tables.

"May I ask where we are?"

"We are at the Leaking Cauldron, Mr. Hitsugaya. It serves as the entrance into Diagon Alley, it is the best place in London for you to retrieve your school supplies." Flitwick explained as Toshiro followed the two professors into another room, a confused look plastering over his face. The room was a narrow one, containing absolutely nothing other than the other wall was consisted of dusty bricks, several even broken and half missing.

"Observe." Snape merely whispered as he tapped the bricks in a counter-clockwise manner. Finishing the interval, the bricks began to shake, moving on their own as the captain unconsciously reached for a nonexistent Hyorinmaru, who growled at his master to watch for the time being.

Soon enough, the bricks moved away to reveal a cobbled area of a numerous shops, selling everything from robes to the insides of magical creatures that made even the captain grimace in sheer oddity.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley, Mr. Hitsugaya." Flitwick smiled as he gestured to the captain to a clothing shop, Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, a knowing smile on his lips as the two entered, the Potions Master opting for awaiting them outside.

"Hogwarts, darling?" A large witch who Toshiro presumed to be Madame Malkin, her purple robes trailing behind her as she took in her newest customer's measurements. "You are such a cute little thing!"

Suppressing his urge to freeze the woman for her over friendliness that all of these wizards and witches seemed to have, the ice captain merely snapped as nicely as he could, which in terms of his cold demeanor, not much.

"I am not cute, Madame Malkin. And I would advise you to refer to me as merely Hitsugaya or Mr. Hitsugaya."

Flinching at the white youth's cold and authoritative words, the woman quickly went to work, the ice captain soon reunited with Professor Flitwick, who awaited his escort, who was holding his wrapped robes with ease, having paid for them.

"You are acquainted with wizard money, Mr. Hitsugaya?" The charms professor questioned with a kind demeanor, joining Snape out the shop as they made their way to Ollivanders in the opposing side of the bustling alley.

"Ukitake had explained to me the workings of your currency, having met with Professor Dumbledore the previous month, communicating via owl in the concern which we had questions."

"Ukitake, he is your father, correct?" The professor inquired, his tone polite and not prying.

"Legally speaking, professor. Which is why I refer to my father by his last name along with my step-uncles and aunts. I was never comfortable in referring to them as my family, although I am confident to confide that they would protect me as I would them." Toshiro lied smoothly, as he made his eyes gleam with determination and hidden pain, an easy feat for the ice captain as such colors danced over his teal orbs often, the act enough to convince and silence conversation.

It is not far from the truth in either case.

The best lies are half-truths, Master. However, you are too tense. You must ease yourself if you are to play the child of the age you appear despite you being otherwise.

Very well. Toshiro sighed as he relaxed a fraction. But if we are killed, it is your fault, Hyorinmaru.

Not really, considering I am a part of you. The dragon noted, his echoing voice playful. Seeing how you are always unable to play, I must press you to do so.

Playing is for children, Hyorinmaru.

Says the chibi captain, who looks like one and can be like one.

Like you can talk Mr. Ruler of the Frosted Heavens; you are not exactly free of childish antics either.

I cannot help it if my release command is longer and more ornate than other zanpakutos besides I am YOUR zanpakuto, Master. Besides, you have just admitted into being prone to these 'childish antics.'

Grumbling about annoying ice dragons as Toshiro ignored his zanpakuto's laughter, a hanging sign caught the captain's attention, painted upon the faded wood was Ollivanders and under it was inscribed with cursive script: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C.

It is a wonder how these wizards have lasted this long.

I, too, am starting to doubt these 'wizards' as well, seeing how the studies in which they indulge in, from what we have seen so far is rather poor and lackadaisical.

We shall refine from judgement for now, Hyorinmaru. This mission is under the course of a year and we have only embraced the mere surface of this world.

Rumbling his agreement, the dragon watched as his master entered the shop following the two professors, the said master flinching ever so subtly as a menacing growl roared in his Inner World.

These wizards are more despicable than we have anticipated. The ice dragon snarled furiously, icicle fangs bared with blood red orbs burning with cold fury.

What has upset you so, Hyorinmaru?

These wizards use the hearts of dragons, feathers of phoenixes, hairs of unicorns, to channel their magic tricks. How dare they steal our hearts to give to children to play with!

Calm yourself, Hyorinmaru. His master soothed his dragon, noting how temperature dropped significantly in his zanpakuto's rage. We are not aware whether these wizards have indeed stolen them or have been given the hearts to use.

Very well. The dragon relented finally, having composed himself; although carrying a suppressed anger. However, I will not share you with anyone, Toshiro.

Before the ice captain could speak to his zanpakuto for elaboration, the sound of Professor Flitwick's voice resonated in the room as he called out the shop's owner. Rolling of creaking wheels revealed the entrance of an aged wizard, his robes dusty and slightly ragged as his silvery hair fell down to his shoulders. The wand maker had a kind and feeble smile which reminded the captain of Ukitake, his silvery grey eyes gleaming at the prospect of a new wizard seeking out his wand as his eyes took in the appearance of the professors and the captain.

"Severus and Flitwick. What a surprise." Ollivander smiled in welcome, receiving a smile and a acknowledging nod in response as the wand maker turned to the captain. "And who may you be, my boy?"

"This is Toshiro Hitsugaya, Ollivander. He is from Japan and has come to study at Hogwarts as a sign of the growing bond between Eastern and Western branches of magic." Flitwick introduced as Toshiro bowed his head in respect towards the elder.

"How interesting." The wand maker commented as a tape measurer sprung to life by the snap of his fingers. "Hold out your wand arm, if you would please, Mr. Hitsugaya."

Deciding upon using his slightly dominant right hand, the ice captain watched as the tape wrapped over his arm, considering that Toshiro was proficient using both hands in writing and swordsmanship. Nodding, the wand maker made the tape dissipate and before the ice captain could blink, a wand was placed in his hand.

"Birch, unicorn tail, ten and a half inches." The wand maker chanted as he gestured for the captain to give the stick a wave. Feeling rather stupid to throw around a twig that he could snap with his fingers, the captain begrudgingly obliged. Only for the very twig to snap with shattering crack in the captain's fingers, the fragments seemingly unsalvageable.

Eyes widened in the case of the short professor and the olden wand maker as a raised eyebrow and a stern one over of the captain was the said reactions as the said child noted rather stoically. "I believe this is not my chosen wand, Ollivander."

"The wand chooses the master, Mr. Hitsugaya." Ollivander replied ominously as he pulled out his own wand, repairing the damage as if it had occurred frequently. "But of course, I have yet to have seen a wand combust like that, Mr. Hitsugaya."

Thus began the choosing of the wands as the captain toiled over wand over wand only to either causing the wand to become too heavy even for him to wield or simply begin to combust, the captain dropping it before it could. It was nearing the end of the hour as the professors now watched their escort with mild fascination and the wand maker in absolute glee, the wand maker relishing in the challenge of the new transfer.

Much like Kenpachi when he was having a good fight. But the ice captain must note, however, that the Eleventh Division captain was very much insane. A requirement for all captains seeing how odd all of them were, former and current, himself included.

Taken out of his musings as another wand was placed in his fingers, the captain noted how different it had appeared in comparison to the warmly colored wands previously given. This wand was an ivory white, it's tip slightly pointed and flattened like a blade, with its handle cool and cold at the touch, interwoven with what appeared to be ice blue wisps of air.

"Yew, dragon heartstrings and thestral hair, ten and three-quarters."

The raised eyebrows of Professor Snape and the gaping mouth of Professor Flitwick informed the captain that this was not a common occurrence, but voiced nothing as neither professor did so. A feeling of dread grew at the captain's instincts at the reactions of the professors, but ruling in that he was to play an ignorant child, the captain turned his attention to the wand.

A low growl enveloped the captain's senses as the dragon did not answer his master's silent question, only giving a what Toshiro could describe as an approving yet authoritative roar as the wand suddenly glowed with a bright white light, choosing its master.

"How interesting." The wand maker sounded as the professors exited the shop, well aware that this was a private conversation that all of them, wizards and witches alike, had gone through, although; it did not keep them from eavesdropping.

Gesturing for the man to continue, the captain waited.

"I am able to recall every wand I have ever sold, Mr. Hitsugaya. I have seen many of these wands configure into their master's deeds, some great, some mediocre, some terrible, and some even unimaginable. However, your wand I cannot say."

"Oh?" Toshiro echoed, tilting his head slightly in innocent questioning that was far from innocent.

"Yes, Mr. Hitsugaya. Your wand is not of my craftsmanship. I had acquired this wand from my grandfather who had informed me only of this." The wand maker said, pausing. "That the heavenly guardian shall be the one to wield this wand, for it contains too much power for any ordinary wizard to wield."

Stiffening at the mentioning of his rumored title, the ice captain quickly masked his expression into his usual stoic and indifferent one, teal eyes glowing with an iciness rivaling the Dark Lord into silence as he thanked the wand maker and exited the shop; his Inner World in complete turmoil as he receded into it's cold depths, needing to question his counterpart.

Hyorinmaru. The ice captain addressed as the ice serpentine dragon appeared before him, his wings outspread and jaws agape, displaying rows of jagged icicle fangs that made knives and daggers look like playthings. What's wrong? What happened in Ollivanders' that has caused you to be so troubled?

Master, as your zanpakuto, I am protective of you and your well-being. However, it does not mean that I am to be the only subservient to you. The dragon growled as he materialized into his humanoid form, a tall man with an icy X across his face, grey eyes, and long, teal green hair that receded down his back. A navy chest plate hid under the zanpakuto's pale purple kimono, held in place by two bronze star clips, similar to his master's to hold his sword, finishing the appearance with a pale green sash, his arms, legs, and neck guard covered in ice. Trust upon me, Master, that all shall be revealed in time.

Am I currently incapable to hearing this information then? Toshiro questioned with a stubborn air in his teal eyes as he vowed to learn what his zanpakuto knew, relinquishing since interrogations would lead himself nowhere. At least, informed me of this, Hyorinmaru, have you accepted for myself to use this wand? The sentient being in this very wand, will he serve me as you do I?

I am true to my word, Master. I am a dragon, therefore, selfish upon the very thought of sharing you with anyone; nevertheless, a useless twig. However, the reiatsu and soul of the ice dragon in which resides within the wand, he and I have made a mutual agreement, therefore, I have consented.

His name?

Sephiroth, as he claims. But I still urge you to be cautious, Master. He, too, is a dragon; a youngling in comparison to us, but a dragon nonetheless.

So, I must prove to him as I have you to have him endow me his true potential then? Toshiro concluded as he noted his newly accepted wand. So be it. Can I meet him, Hyorinmaru?

I would suggest such a gesture for another time, Master. You have already reached into the Leaking Cauldron as we have been speaking. The zanpakuto reasoned as his master turned to find his words true.

"It seems as night has befallen us." Flitwick noted cooly as the three entered the quieting pub, the customers all bustling and doing about their own business.

"I trust that you have been competent enough to retrieve all of your things, I presume, Mr. Hitsugaya?" Snape noted with a hint of distain, as if he were forced here, the ice captain not doubting it.

Ignoring the man's tone, the captain replied, only to be interrupted. "It seems as if I was, professors. However, I-"

Then with an obnoxiously loud slam, entered a hunched and goblin-like man pulling along a boy that looked no more than the age of thirteen or fourteen at the most. The boy had unkempt jet black locks, his green eyes colored with naivety and slight innocence behind round-rimmed glasses, his physique rather skinny and small for his age group, and oddly enough, had a lightning bolt scar upon his forehead.

"Potter." Snape spat out with disgust as the ice captain merely rose an eyebrow. "It seems like you cannot even stay away from trouble for more than the span of a month, considering the trouble you cause, following your father's footsteps."

"Now, Severus. I'm sure Mr. Potter is up to no mischief."

So this was the boy that these wizards had entrusted to purge them of the entity of the name, Lord Voldemort. Nearly huffing at the utter nonsense of it, the ice captain was well and informed of this Voldemort and this Potter boy, and he was not sure which was more incredulous, the fact that this boy before him was to save his world or the fact that this Voldemort believed himself to take over the world by obliterating this boy and the his allies.

Shooting the ebony-haired professor a nasty glare, the Potter boy followed the goblin-like man up the stairs into one of the rooms of the pub, disappearing behind the door. Turning away as if the boy deserved no more of his time, Snape regarded the captain as he did the same.

"It is time we are to return you, Mr. Hitsugaya. Although I would much rather not, considering how Dumbledore has request myself to be cautious of you, seeing you are unlike other children." The professor almost sneered, as if challenging the captain. However, Toshiro had all too many confrontations with beings far more intimidating that the wizard before him, to fall before such a baited trap.

"My indifference and demeanor are none of yours or the Headmaster's concern, however; I must agree to your gesture, Professor Snape. I must return or else there will be less than comfortable consequences."

"Then shall we?" Flitwick smiled rather victoriously at Snape's silent huff of annoyance at the new transfer's unwavering composure. "Oh, yes. Before we set off, will you be in need of transportation into London, Mr. Hitsugaya, upon the first of the following week?"

"That would not be necessary, Professor Flitwick. Ukitake has informed me that he would provide me means of transportation into London and King's Cross at 11 AM promptly." The captain informed the wizards who in turn, acknowledged the stepfather's attempt in bonding with his child.

With a sounding pop, the three had dissipated.

Dumbledore smiled as two figures appeared before him, having returned to report to the Headmaster of the events he had concerned the both of them with. With a soft pop, the Potions and Charms professor apparated before him, a stoic face upon Snape's expression with a hint of annoyance and a concerned smile over Flitwick's lips.

"I presume Mr. Hitsugaya has been returned in safety and well being, having collected his things?" The Headmaster smiled pleasantly as Snape merely nodded, Flitwick relaying the afternoon's events.

"I see, the child is still as guarded and perspective as he was when I was with Professor McGonagall."

"Yes, although, I am not converse with the culture of the East, I find it rather odd that the boy regards his step-father and his adopted family with such politeness, as if he was distancing himself." Flitwick described, rather concerned. "Mr. Hitsugaya is unlike any other child I have ever seen, Muggle or a wizarding one at that, he carries an air of authority and self-confidence. His demeanor cold and indifferent."

"Perhaps the boy was merely trained and raised that way, Filius." Dumbledore sighed as he thought over the prospect of such a childhood that may have befallen his newest student. "We cannot say for certain what the child has gone through considering how the only thing we are aware of him is that he was an orphan and was taken in by his adopted family."

"Dumbledore, as you shall hear from Ollivander, I am sure; it seems that Hitsugaya is the master of the Ivory Wand." Snape whispered, his voice devoid of emotion as his eyes hardened, meeting Dumbledore's just as steely of a gaze.

Even the normally optimistic Charms Master held a serious air, his eyes relaying silent support to Snape's words. A pregnant silence enveloped the office as two women apparated into the depths, the two other remaining Heads of the other respective Houses, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff; both having no need of explanation as the answer they had awaited was clear upon the faces of the other Heads of the Houses.

"It seems as if this year grows in complication as it draws near." The Headmaster drawled rather distractedly as he then turned to the silent Heads of the Fours Houses of Hogwarts, his twinkling eyes no longer brightened by mischief but dulled by the thoughts of the incoming onslaught. "Professors, I ask of you to watch Mr. Hitsugaya, seeing how we have yet to see which house he shall be sorted; just as we are to watch Harry. I fear that if it is truly the Ivory Wand in which Mr. Hitsugaya's wand to wield, we have more than just Black and dementors to face this upcoming term."

Exactly one week later, Toshiro sat absentmindedly across a slumbering Professor, who he presumed to be the newest Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor R. J. Lupin, in accordance to the said wizard's trunk at least. Having arrived at 10:30 via Senkaimon, the ice captain gritted his teeth at the sight of Urahara, Ukitake, Yoruichi, and Tessai sending him off, each and everyone of them other than Yoruichi and Ukitake, tearing at the sight of him leaving, shaking the disturbing memory away. Deeming the room temperature of the compartment too stuffy, not that anything above sub-zero was comfortable to the ice captain, Toshiro pulled off his white jacket, revealing a black shirt underneath, the long sleeves pulled to his elbows, thin white suspenders adding some contrast upon the captain's shoulders. Black jeans covered his slim yet muscled legs, ending with black combat boots, his left boot containing his wand for an easier reach.

Just as the white-haired boy finished away with his things and had allowed Korihana to perch upon the railing above him for the owl to enjoy her freedom while it lasted, the compartment door rammed open, revealing firstly, a rather bossy voice with a shrill note to it, the voice's owner, and followed by two boys who looked about ready to protest.

"Come on, everywhere else is filled."

The voice belonged to a girl who had intelligent and overly curious eyes, her hair a golden brown bush of volumed waves falling down her back and shoulders. One of the boys was one that Toshiro had already met, and from what he had seen was not throughly impressed. The second boy, however, he had yet to judge. The boy had fiery red locks and a rather freckled complexion, a rather stupidly expression upon his face, his blue eyes colored with more child-like nature and naivety than that of Potter's.

"Who's the bloke?" The red head blurted out, taking a seat by the slumbering professor with the girl, leaving Potter to be seated adjacent to him.

"It is proper to introduce one's self before asking another's name, no? Or, is it that you are unaccustomed to proper mannerisms?" Toshiro shot back, emotionlessly, teal eyes narrowing at the boy's usage of language.

Perhaps it is the way in which these adolescents speak, Master. The ice dragon rumbled in amusement. Perhaps you should give it a try.

Adolescence or not, from what I can recall, I was taught and drilled proper etiquette, whether a person was rich or poor. Besides, such foul language is beneath me.

Hm. Says the one who curses out his enemies whenever they mention your height, age, eye or hair color.

You're not exactly Mr. Normal and Polite neither, Hyorinmaru. Seeing as you are a man with grey eyes, teal green hair, ice claws and feet, and not to mention the icy blue X-scar on your face. People run away from you. Screaming. At least with me, they merely stare.

Peh. Serves those people right, running away from obviously powerful beings and glaring at you with pure envy.

Tch. Now you're merely stroking our egos.

But well aware that the dragon knew his master had found amusement in the conversation, a ghost of a smirk colored Toshiro's lips, as the girl spoke up in the red-headed boy's embarrassed stead, his ears bright red.

"Excuse him." She began as she looked at the captain with an insatiable curiosity in her eyes. "My name is Hermione Granger, his being Ronald -It's Ron!- Weasley, and this is Harry Potter."

Nodding an acknowledging nod, the ice captain did the same, his commanding voice husky and clear. "Toshiro Hitsugaya. A pleasure to meet you."

Just as the captain finished his rather stoically delivered introduction, the trio looked at him as if awaiting for him to do something; however, when he didn't, Hermione spoke up before the silence grew awkward.

"Are you from Japan? Where are you from in Japan? How is it that you are able to speak so fluently in English? And how did you come to Hogwarts? Was it by choice? Or were you forced to come? Are your eye color and hair color natural? Do you know what house you-"

"Would you kindly shut her up?" Toshiro snapped, interrupting the girl in her tirade as she blushed furiously, Ron growing red in anger as Harry shook his head rather apologetically. Before Ron could snap back, the ice captain spoke up.

"For one thing, I apologize for interrupting you, Granger. However, do you not realize that by asking one question at a time, you can learn more rather than bombarding a person with a series of tirades in which they cannot even recall the very first question?" The captain asked rhetorically, raising an unimpressed brow as the girl looked away. "And secondly, do not refer me upon my first name. From where I originate, it is considered rude and informal. Hitsugaya should suffice for you all."

"And to answer your question in order: Yes. None of your business. I taught myself, along with several others. To learn. No. Yes. Yes and yes. And having not heard your last question, I am unable to answer." Toshiro deadpanned as he closed his eyes in a small sigh, giving the girl a moment to match the answers and questions together.

"Oi, you white-haired mi-" Ron began to yell when Hermione silenced him with a look, as she turned to Toshiro who did not even flinch, only opening his right eye lazily, as if the red-head was a minor annoyance.

"He's right, Ron. Forgive my rudeness, Hitsugaya." The girl mumbled slightly, a smile breaking out of her face as he merely shrugged it off. Now for questions. "And for my last question, I was going to ask, have you been sorted into a House yet?"

"A house?" The captain echoed, his eyes questioning.

"First years upon entering Hogwarts, are sorted by a 'Sorting Hat', into four different houses. In these houses, the students eat, sleep, and attend classes together." Hermione explained as she took out a book, the coat of arms displayed of each house. "Gryffindor, which represent bravery, daring, nerve, and chivalry. Hufflepuff, represents loyalty, hardworking, dedication, honesty, and tolerance. Ravenclaw represents wit, creativity, and wisdom. Where the last house, Slytherin, represents ambition, cleverness, cunning, and resourcefulness."

Noting the change of tone at the mention of the last house, Toshiro merely nodded. "And you three would be in…?"

"Gryffindor." Ron proclaimed proudly, his chest huffed with pride as Harry nodded happily. "I'm no bloody Slytherin."

"Nor are you a bright Ravenclaw or a hard-working Hufflepuff, sadly." Hermione sighed mockingly as Harry laughed at Ron's blushing face, his face in mock anger.

"Are you a first-year then, Hitsugaya?" Harry asked, his eyes oddly on guard, as the captain merely shook his head. "Then, why Snape and Flitwick with you at the Leaking Cauldron a week ago?"

At the sound of Harry's question, the twosome looked at their friend oddly as Toshiro merely replied, "None of your business, Potter. But is must know, they were merely giving me a hand, seeing as I will transfer into Hogwarts as a third-year."

"Third-year?!" Ron cried out in surprise. "You don't even look older than a first year! How can you be a third-year?"

"Again, Weasley, that is none of your business, seeing as the three of you are also third-years."

"Oi, how you know that?"

"Deductive reasoning, Weasley. Perhaps you should try it." Toshiro deadpanned to the red head, as Harry and Hermione roared in laughter. Several hours later, the comfortable atmosphere of the compartment continued, until a sounding question made the air grow cold, Harry seeing fit that the ice captain had disappeared after introducing his pure snow white owl, Korihana, who held an icy air like her master.

"So, wait, let me get this straight. Sirius Black is after you, and might come to Hogwarts just to do away with you?" Ron cried out, the concern for his friend coloring his voice. "Blimey, Harry, will we ever have a normal year at Hogwarts?"

"Yes, Ron. It's not as if I go advertising for a worse year at Hogwarts." Harry snapped at his friend, as Hermione decided to intervene.

"Stop it both of you. This is not the time to be arguing. Besides, seeing as how Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall has yet to tell Harry to be hidden or go rogue, I am sure they are doing everything to make sure that Black is caught."

"Did my dad tell you anything else, Harry?"

"Only to not go find Sirius for myself."

"Thats ridiculous, why would you go looking for a killer that wants to kill you? How preposterous." Hermione piped as she stroked Crookshank's fur.

"Thats what I told him."

"On the contrary, that is the opposite of what I would do." A cold and stoic voice sounded as the speaker entered the compartment, his teal eyes glowing with determination.

"What?" Harry asked as the three turned at the white-haired captain, baffled at his answer, as the said child seated himself by the still slumbering professor. "Are you crazy, Hitsugaya? Why would you go looking someone who wishes to kill you?"

"It is your life or the killer's, Potter. If there was someone who truly wished to do away with me, I would not take a seat and allow myself to be done away with like a pathetic animal. Nor would I hide away in the cloak of another in fear, such acts are cowardly. I would, instead, seek them out and do away with them before they do away with me." Toshiro said with nonchalance, as if this was an everyday occurrence to him, which in a sense was.

Before Harry could retort his response, a jolt shook the entirety of the train as it pulled to an abrupt stop. Whispers and astonished cries of young children echoed through out the compartments as Harry stood to look out the compartment, seeing only the same confusion reflected back to him.

"Why are we stopping?" Hermione whispered, her voice nearing panic as Ron looked about to soil himself as he looked out the window, whimpering. "It's too early for us to be at Hogwarts."

"Something's out there." The red head whimpered as the lights flickered out, ascending them in darkness. "Ouch! 'Mione, that was my foot!"

"I didn't do anything! You're probably just panicking!"

"I'm not some wimpy pr-"

"Stop it!" Harry snapped, as the train shook once more, the compartment door locking the four in as the door slide into a ominous click. Whimpering continued as Toshiro turned to the window, only to watch as ice grew at Ronald's hand, the air lowering in temperature.


No. It is neither you, I, nor Sephiroth who have done this, Master. This is due to another creature.

What and who then?

A chill ran through the captain's spine, when his eyes widened with surprise. He never experienced shivers, chills, or even the cold for that matter; he administered them even. The air was visible in white puffs as the three wizarding children in the room held their hearts in their sleeves, heartbeats roaring in their ears.

Another shake of the train elicited a cry from the two facing the captain, as Harry and himself shot their eyes around the compartment, looking for the cause of the madness. A wisp of black and soundless movement turned the four's attention to the compartment door, only to see a skeletal black hand open the door with an agonizingly slow turn of the wrist.

The being was a hooded humanoid, at least nine feet in height. On the basis of the appearance of the hand, the captain figured that the being was composed of a decomposed body under its black raggedy cloak, as a soft rattle of breathing that seemed to originate from the being. A dark and hollow-like reiatsu came from the being, so far into hollowfication, Toshiro was surprised it was yet to be one.

A sense of dread enveloped the captain as he began to hear a faint screaming, a woman's no doubt, the captain slowly but surely feeling fatigued as the being grew closer. Teal eyes widened as the dementor neared into the compartment, it's attention particularly on Potter, who froze upon his seat. The teal orbs narrowed as the cloaked figure seemed to suck away something from Potter, however, as if sensing a better meal, the dementor had turned away from the Boy Who Lived and on to him.

A bright light illuminated the compartment as the slumbering professor beside him seemed to awaken at last, as Potter slumped over, passing out as the captain felt as though he would nearly do the same, only the white-haired boy had a lot more stamina and reiatsu to waste away.

As Granger and Weasley attended to Potter with the climax of the day come and gone, Toshiro merely said he was fine and unharmed, as he stood behind them as they toiled over their friend, the captain's attention turning to the newly awakened professor.

Professor Lupin had a pale face, faint scars coloring it with a small number of wrinkles, a little premature for a man of his age. Soft brown hair hovered over his forehead slightly, lingering over his kind brown eyes. His clothing was rather shabby and slightly patched; however, holding a dignified and proud air.

Narrowed from a fraction of a second, Toshiro's teal eyes closed with realization as Potter began to come back to the conscious world.

Sentient sticks, hollowed dementors, bratty and rather obnoxiously slow children, an oddly kind yet evil headmaster, and now, a werewolf professor. As if he didn't have enough to worry over.

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