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Spellbound Reapers

Author: Weraas

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Captain's Orders

Chapter 1: Captain's Orders

"As you all are aware, wizards and witches exist. However at their death and entrance into Soul Society, their reiatsu is depleted and deemed nonexistent. But we have discovered that such is not the case as Kurotsuchi-taicho will explain."

Silence enveloped the meeting of the thirteen most powerful beings of Soul Society as all eyes had turned to the white and black painted face of the Twelfth Division captain, who smiled eerily in response. Closing his eyes in slight irritation, the Tenth Division captain ran a hand through his silky white tresses, feeling a migraine soon to rise as he had a sinking feeling that the sudden captain meeting would somehow concern him.

Curse the fact that he was constantly right.

Allowing the events of last hour sink in, having consisted of him chasing his lieutenant to do her share of paperwork on time for once, but once he had gotten her sober and in the office, a harmless Hell Butterfly awaited the twosome as the smaller sighed in defeat that he would have to do the paperwork as it had been so for the last eighty years as he and his subordinate made their way to their respective dual meetings.

And now adding to his already growing irritation, now the white-haired captain must attend a captain's meeting that was called by one of the less than friendly captains. The mad scientist that stands next him in every one of these things. Hooray.

"… Now that I have all of you idiots' attention," Kurotsuchi began, waving his white hand and blue fingernails, with one exceptionally longer than the rest, in irritation as all the other captains were sure that the man would much rather be conducting experiments on himself. "I had gotten bored of experimenting with my subordinates when I had noticed that as I was collecting samples in the outskirts of Soul Society…"

The twelve captains held back a chill that threatened at the bottom of their spines at their fellow captain's words as samples, well aware of what the captain was doing in his 'collecting.'

"… I had encountered a child with rather high reiatsu; however, not so much to be a good sample sadly." A sigh coloring his words as he continued. "She recounted that she had perished at the age of six and had learned magic in duration of which she was alive. And what was more interesting was that she retained her ability to conduct and execute magic."

"Then what do you make of this, Kurotsuchi?" The captain of the Thirteenth Division, Juushiro Ukitake, inquired; the older and fellow white-haired captain questioning in his kind brown eyes.

"Bah! Like any magic is going to matter in the crisis of a battle!" The Eleventh Division captain, Zaraki Kenpachi spat, his single visible eye gleaming with bloodlust and thrill of battle. "Just as useless as Kido if you ask me!"

"If idiots such as that buffoon, will shut up. I will explain so even you can understand, Zaraki!" Kurotsuchi shot at the taller, glares from both sides intensifying as the other captains rolled their eyes at the everyday occurrence. With a slam of his cane and a small rise of temperature, the Head Captain of the Thirteen Court Squads spat at the bickering two as if they were children, his age and experience intimidating as it was.

The Head Captain is, in an understatement, the most respected man in the entirety of Soul Society, his appearance of an old man of red eyes that were only opened in times of surprise or seriousness, a long white beard intertwined with a purple ribbon, and perpendicular scars upon his forehead. Resuming the meeting with order, a single tap of the oldest captain's cane was enough for Kurotsuchi.

"As I was saying, through a series of tests, I am able to say that what we had thought of wizards and witches is true; however, with the exception that if the said magical soul perishes in the ages of which magic is developing in them between the ages of six to ten, they will retain what magic they potentially have and will have if they were to improve their skills."

"Thus at the report of such from Squad Twelve," The Head Captain began, as the attention of the meeting turned to the oldest man in the room. "It has come to the attention to the Central 46 and I, that we do not have any information of the world of wizards and witches."

"But we as soul reapers, have no way to locate the wizards and witches, not to mention if they have some kind of government or management. How will we decide if the wizards and witches are a threat?" Ukitake voiced as he was followed by acknowledging nods from the other captains other than Kurotsuchi who's lips curled to a victorious smile.

The hairs of the smallest captain stood on end as he shunpoed away across next to Kenpachi, as Kurotsuchi dove at the youngest captain with a large and ready to extract syringe.

"Tch, hold still, you little brat!" The mad scientist spat, earning himself an icy glare from the the so-called 'brat', that caused the scientist to take an involuntary step back, scowling at the smaller.

Before Toshiro could snap back with a biting retort, the founder and Head Captain, Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto had cut in. "As Kurotsuchi has neglected to inform," sending a raise eyebrow at the scowling scientist, as he continued. "We have only two 'children' in the ranks of Gotei 13, which are Histugaya-taicho and Lieutenant Kusajishi."

At the oldest captain's words, understanding dawned upon the captains as their eyes snapped to the youngest captain who had already figured out Mayuri's intentions when he was assaulted. Well, attempted assault.

"Peh, that candy-crazed brat was no witch in training. Her test was a complete waste of time!" The scientist, waving away at the mention of the pink-haired Lieutenant of the Eleventh Division, turning to the Tenth Division captain with a mad keenness, the white-haired boy having resumed his earlier position.

After an approving nod at the scientist, all the captains watched with baited breath as the needle was inserted and then onto a contraption that appeared to be a Soul Phone.

A ding and the words of "CONFIRMED WIZARD," was all it took to seal Toshiro's fate.

Toshiro packed away his things with slight anger as the previously finished captains' meeting from several weeks ago, traveled into his thoughts, Hyorinmaru soothing his master with a low rumble from his Inner World.

After informing and catching up the lieutenants who were entered into the meeting, each one knelt behind their respective captain with the exception of Sasakibe who stood by the seated Head Captain.

"Having confirmed that Histugaya-taicho is indeed a wizard, a mission has been commenced." The booming voice of the leader of Gotei 13 echoed as the ice captain narrowed his eyes in mention of a mission, a sense of dread entering his thoughts as the oldest and youngest captain exchanged a glance, having not slipped unnoticed.

Yamamoto would not, surely be suggesting that he would be…

"Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya shall be sent to the Living World, to attend a school of magic, known as Hogwarts, posing as a third-year student transfer; to collect and deem whether the wizards and their world is a threat to Soul Society. Captain Juushiro Ukitake shall pose as Histugaya-taicho's guardian in the need of such." The air began to grow slightly cold as the addressed captain realized what his mission consisted of.

I, a captain nearing a century old, have to impose as a child stuck in a school with a bunch of magical children that more or less have no idea what they are doing…

I'm sure it will not be all that bad, considering you are one of the children who are going to be learning in that school. His zanpakuto chuckled as his master groan internally at the mere idea of this mission, but resigned himself that orders were orders and were to be followed; considering how the newly established Central 46 were also involved. Politics was the last thing he needed on his case.

Bowing his head in acceptance of the mission in response to the Head Captain, the white-haired captain held his mask of stoic indifference.

Glad that his orders were received with mild temperature change considering how usually such meetings often never got anything done, the oldest captain continued. "The Tenth and Thirteenth Divisions will be led by the their respective vice captains in the absence of their captains with the Eighth and Sixth Divisions assisting in the workload or training new recruits. And with this, this meeting is dismissed, with the exception of Histugaya-taicho and Ukitake-taicho!"

Exiting out of the chambers with shunpo, the respective captains and the lieutenants of Gotei 13 disappeared as the mentioned captains and their following lieutenants lined behind them.

"I have informed the Headmaster of Hogwarts of the circumstances of your arrival as a transfer student, and Urahara Kisuke to assist you and fill you in to play your role as a student, Histugaya-taicho. You and Ukitake-taicho shall leave for the World of the Living in several weeks. " The Head Captain inquired as Sasakibe handed a thick folder of papers to each of their lieutenants, a strawberry blonde curvaceous woman and a short black-haired girl with a single bang over her deep purple eyes.

Then with an outstretched hand, an envelope glimmered as the white-haired child took the letter, raising an eyebrow at the address of the letter written in a beautifully calligraphy of the English language.

Mr. Hitsugaya Toshiro


Division One Barracks

Captain's Meeting

How specific of them. Hyorinmaru grumbled softly as his master merely noted that this mission maybe more than just gathering information upon the so called wizards in which he was now affiliated to, the ice dragon growling in agreement as an exchange of dismissal was passed, ending the audience with the Head Captain.

Toshiro rubbed his fingers over his temple as he awaited Ukitake to arrive, his lieutenant fussing over ice blue trunk, it's top wide open after he had conceded to allow the whining woman to pack his things for him.

"Taicho! You have to wear all of the things I bought for you! They were specially designed for you and you only!" The short-haired strawberry blonde cried out as she pulled her captain into a suffocating hug, face first into her large assets. Pulling away from his lieutenant with a scowl, he snapped at her coldly.

"Matsumoto! I'm not going there to play. I have more important things to do than to play dress up with clothing."

Not to mention, the only defense I have against anything will have to be a stick. Toshiro thought as his scowl grew at the thought of entering this wizarding world. Seriously, how can these wizards defend themselves with only a simple incantations and a stick? What if this stick snaps? What will they have to defend themselves then? Run and hope to dodge? It is a wonder that these wizards had yet to die off.

They must have done something to have survived this long, Master. His zanpakuto reasoned as his master tuned out his lieutenant of her whining. No matter how much it angers me to know that you must replace me with a useless stick that these people call their 'wands', we must tread carefully. We are entering circumstances that we have little or albeit even no information other than their loss of reiatsu upon death.

Your words hold true, Hyorinmaru. However, the very thought of replacing you with a useless wand continues to irk my nerves.

As it does mine; however, I shall be by your side at all times, even though unseen. The zanpakuto assured his master, as the two smiled softly in their shared Inner World.

"My apologies, Histugaya-taicho." The kind voice of Ukitake sounded followed by the bickering of his two Third-Seats, pulling the smaller captain from his Inner World as he realized the older had finally arrived, his lieutenant finally done with her fussing, a proud smirk on her face. "I had a small cough this morning, and was delayed a bit."

Waving away the often-ill captain's reasons, the smaller captain turned to his lieutenant, eyes serious as she followed in suit, her eyes no longer playful. Behind him the Senkaimon Gate opened, a white light casting over the five as Ukitake too turned to his Third-Seats with last minute instructions.

"Matsumoto, watch over the division and do not let them slack off in my absence along with the paperwork. You have Lieutenant Ise and Kyoraku to assist you, though I doubt Kyoraku will be much help." Toshiro deadpanned as he grimaced at the thought of Kyoraku having Matsumoto as his lieutenant, as the said lieutenant giggled at her taicho's cute grimace. "And no sake parties until you have completed your paperwork."

"Taicho! I'm allergic to paperwork!" The well-defined woman whined as she pouted at her captain's words, his cold stare unrelenting; even though he knew the moment he stepped out of Soul Society, she would be put together one of the largest sake parties in Seireitei, not to mention the mountain of untouched paperwork he would undoubtably would have upon his return.

"I'll miss you, taicho!" Matsumoto cried as she pulled him into one of her famous death hugs from behind, her taicho remaining still for once as this mission was a long one and usually, the two were seldom seen without the other. In a normal circumstance, he would have yelled at his lieutenant to free him and squirm to be free without avail, until she was done.

With a reluctant release of her captain, the lieutenant of the Tenth Division watched as her superior entered the white exit of Soul Society into the Precipice World, a ghost of a smile on his lips as if to assure her that he would soon be back with a fellow white-haired captain trailing behind him. As the light died, the lieutenant smiled lazily as she made her way to one of her favorite bars of Seireitei, unaware that her captain had left after making sure to threaten/promise every barista that if they had served his lieutenant any alcohol in any form, their business would be frozen for the next millennium.

None of the bars dared to defy the youngest captain's promise, well aware of the fate of the last bar that had done so when the said captain was away with his lieutenant in Seireitei. It was still defrosting.

Emerging from the Senkaimon, the two white-haired captains quickly set off to a rundown yet still standing Urahara Shop, greeting the former Twelfth Division captain with a smile in the older's part, as Toshiro merely nodded with a glint of amusement in his cold teal eyes.

"What great timing you two have!" The blonde cried in mock surprise as he hid a smirk behind his fan, the shinigami donned in a dark green hakama and to finish with white and green striped bucket hat upon his pale blonde locks. "I, coincidentally enough, had just finished in making your gigais and materials!"

"I, for some reason, doubt that Urahara." Toshiro deadpanned to the shop owner as the two newly arrived captains seated themselves in the dining room, across from the smirking blonde hiding behind his fan.

"You hurt me so, Hitsu-chan!" The blonde whined as vein began to throb on the youngest captain's forehead.

"It's Hitsugaya, Urahara."

"Mu, Hitsu-chan is being cranky." The blonde pouted as he hid a growing smile behind his white fan as the ice captain began to twitch in irritation. Deciding to intervene before blood was shed, the older white-haired captain spoke up, turning attention to the mission at hand.

"Kisuke, Sensei had mentioned that you will assist us in this mission of wizards and their world. I trust that you had been informed of the circumstances?"

"Yes, indeed I have." The blonde replied his playful eyes turning in serious as the three began to address the issue at hand. "From what I have received from the Twelfth Division in Mayuri's research of wizards, it seems to be that wizards or humans that are capable of magic have some kind of level of reiatsu that would be the equivalent of a 10th or 9th Seat at the most."

"In other words, they won't be able to see us in soul form when we leave our gigais." Toshiro noted, as the child sipped his green tea.

"Yes, but another matter entirely makes this job for a captain rather than for a lower rank." Urahara said, as he waved his fan over his face, grey eyes twinkling with ominous glint. "We have seen some strangely mangled souls, all of which were wizards, however; it was as if they were devoid of happiness or will, like they were to be condemned to death."

"Does the Head Captain believe this to be doing of these wizards?" Ukitake questioned, his eyes concerned for both the vagueness of the mission and the bestowed upon.

"Yes, well to an extent, at least."

"To an extent?" Toshiro asked, his only reaction being a raise of a white eyebrow.

"Yes, Head Captain and I have reasoned that if the wizards did not have a system in place for this magic or the creatures in which conduct this nature of torture that this nature of mangled souls would be more prominent. However, for some reason, this past few months, the numbers had steadily increased." Noting this and nodding to investigate further in the future at the school, Toshiro turned the subject to another matter.

"And of our cover story?"

"The Head Captain himself met with the Headmaster of Hogwarts to finalize your transfer, Hitsu-chan." The youngest captain cringing at the sound of the nickname, but said nothing, motioning the blonde to continue. "Through the story that you are the prodigy heir to one of the high noble houses of Yamamoto, who is your 'grandfather', you have been chosen to learn from your European cohorts in pursuit to establish future bonds between Eastern and Western cultures."

Raising an eyebrow to the elaborate yet fitting cover, the white-haired child gestured to the other white-haired captain in question, then to the blonde himself.

"Ah, as a minor Hitsu-chan, you are attended by two adults, your stepfather and step uncle, who are Ukitake-taicho and I respectively. However, in the aspect of entrance to the school, you would only be able to come 'home' during Christmas break and summer, which marks the end of the school year. Therefore, this is where this comes in."

Holding out an outstretched arm, a flash of white flew in from the opened paper doors of the room, alarming the two captains who drew a hand to their respective blades in reflex. Perched upon the blonde's arm was a small, snowy white owl, her eyes a beady and cold ebony. She held a proud air around herself as if all were below her intellect, her eyes cold and calculating as she scanned over the inhabitants of the room.

The owl unhooked herself from the blonde with what appeared to be a look of mild annoyance, turning from the outstretched hand of a smiling Ukitake who faltered at his failure, her attention now on the ice captain. An exchange of unwavering glares battled between the two, when the snowy owl finally relented, her new master acknowledged.

"She is an artificial soul that I have created for you to be able to send messages to me in Karakura Town which I will in turn send to Soul Society, since you are allowed a pet to accompany you. Her name is Korihana, fitting, right Hitsu-chan?"

Sending a glare toward the blonde, the ice captain allowed himself a small smirk as he saw Korihana, her name meaning ice flower, do the same, her black beady eyes not losing to his own icy glare.

"On to your gigais," The blonde grinned as he led to the twosome into a backroom, where two lifeless snow-haired bodies laid, perfectly still and dressed; one being smaller than the other. Toshiro's gigai wore a simple black collared polo under a turquoise scarf and solid white long pants that finished with black combat boots; where as Ukitake's wore a similar attire, his collared polo a soft green and dark navy jeans, his long white hair held loosely by a low pony tail. "They have all the features that Head Captain has requested for them in masking your reiatsu and still allow you to be capable in some degree to do kido, shunpo, and your own endurance/strength. You will have to adjust, of course."

"Of course." The older captain smiled in gratitude as the younger captain voiced his in a stoic syllable, both soul reapers entering the faux dolls, emerging as they adjusted to the best of their ability.

It seems that my power is limited to what was before the war.

That may be for the best, Master. After all, you will be in the presence of children and beings with significantly less levels of reiatsu than that of a lieutenant, not to mention a captain.

Perhaps. However, I highly doubt that these wizards are only at the maximum of a mere 10th seat, Hyorinmaru. We have only seen the levels of children who have died early and the levels of reiatsu for aged wizards have depleted in death. That much we are sure; however, what if they were alive?

Then I suggest extreme caution, Master. In the prospect that they discover shinigami and Soul Society does not place us in a favorable position.


"I have a question, Urahara." Toshiro voiced, silencing the conversation between the former captain and older white-haired captain. "How the are we getting to London? And how will these wizards take me to this Hogwarts?"

Holding out the addressed letter the child captain had received weeks prior, having been instructed to not open its contents by the Head Captain but to keep on his person at all times till their arrival in Urahara's Shop, the smaller white-haired captain looked at the shop keeper questionably.

A devilish smirk colored the blonde's face at the younger's words, sending an involuntary chill down the ice captain as he met those cunning grey orbs with his curiously cautious teal ones.

Whatever Urahara had planned, the ice captain knew that he was going to be in for it.

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