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Chapter 11: Interview with a Werewolf...

Everything in Alexander's life was expensive, refined and posh. From his luxury sports car, his wardrobe consisting of designer suits, to the way he walked. So it would be safe to assume the manner in which he ate and drank would also be classy. Well, in actuality it was the exact opposite, as Alexander did not eat his food, he devoured it.

At least that's how Derek, the young man sitting across him saw it.

[Derek Hale's POV]

' He looks like any other trust fund asshole, but something inside of me tells me this guy's dangerous. A feeling I've only felt with an Alpha, something he's clearly not. He's also stated to not being a werewolf, but that hardly makes it clear. No, what he is doesn't matter, what does is who's he working for, is it the Argents, or the Alpha?'

Just thinking about the Alpha, caused his blood to boil. The image of his sisters mutilated corpse, stuck inside his head. Not even closing his eyes could spare him from the ghastly sight. The grief in his heart slowly turning into anger overtaking his mind, causing him to ever so slightly lose control and his eyes to glow in a fierce golden hue.

" Hey, calm down. This isn't the place to do that. What's wrong with you?"

" What's wrong with me what's wrong with you!"

Filled with anger and feeling himself loosing control, Derek stood up and verbally lashed out towards Alexander. Who calmly wiped the steak grease off his lips, placed his knife and fork down, before responding.

" I don't know what idiotic, insignificant thought loosened your grip of reality, but sit down and stop causing a scene."

Alexander's words seem to do the trick, with Derek taking his seat again.

" Since you've so rudely interrupted my breakfast, tell me what's some lost puppy want with me?"

Alexander annoyingly asked, though with his heightened hearing Derek swore he heard a slight shift in his voice. Up to this point, the mysterious Alexander had spoken in perfect English. Yet in that last sentence, Derek clearly heard an accent. It sounded European, at least to him, but not one he'd heard before.

" Where's that accent from? I've never heard one like it before, sounds European."

Thinking he'd uncovered something important Derek couldn't wait to use it in his benefit. Unfortunately, Alexander didn't answer, instead he ignored his question altogether. Then asked a similar question, this time completely in English.

" So, pup, why were you following me? And for your sake I hope it's a good enough reason. Because I'd it's not, I might just break a few of your bones for wasting my time."

Listening to him speaking in such a threatening manner Derek's confidence fell. The hierarchy between supernatural beings was very clear. No matter how hard one would try they could never close that gap. So being a Beta, it wasn't in his best interest to confront someone on par with an Alpha.

So even though just the thought of it brought him disgust he lowered his head and answered.

" I saw you with an Argent, so I thought you were working for them, but now I can see I was wrong."

" I see, but when did I ever say that I wasn't working with them?"

" But you're a-"

" I'm quite aware of what I am, of that I can assure you. However what I'm not is a Werewolf, which is what the Argents are hunting."

For the second time in a short period of time, Derek could feel his hatred for Alexander reaching its breaking point.

" Or, maybe I'm a double agent, who's actually working for the Alpha."

" What?!"

Furiously slamming the table, Derek once again stood up while glaring at Alexander. Who didn't seem fazed by his latest outburst, rather he appeared to be enjoying teasing Derek.

" Woah, so that's your weak spot isn't it, the Alpha. Is it the one who turned you, no. Did he abandon you, no that's not it either.. So did he kill someone close to you?"

Derek didn't respond, he just stood there staring down at the grinning Alexander.

" Ah, you see your face might not be saying anything, but your heart tells me I'm right. So who was it, a lover perhaps, a family member? Eh, I'm right. So who could've gotten eaten by the big bad wolf?"

" Shut your mouth."

Derek whispered, yet Alexander heard it perfectly. Problem was, his twisted, narcissistic personality had shown its ugly face again today.

" You know, I recently moved to Beacon Hills, yet I almost regretted that decision when reading of the recent strings or murders. In fact I think a bus driver was just killed last night, but do you want to know which murder was my favorite?"

" I'm going fucking to kill you."

Another whisper that was heard but not acknowledged.

" It was the one about, the beautiful woman who was found ripped in half. What happened to her, was a tragedy..."

Mid sentence and with little chance to react, Derek lunged at the still seated Alexander.

"... Don't you think so Derek?"

Hearing him utter his name, completely stunned Derek. Culminating in his sneak attack failing almost before it even started.

" How do you know my name?"

" Lucky guess."

" What!?"

" Oh come now, it was an educated guess. You're a werewolf who's walking around town, you have a genuine hatred for the rampaging Alpha and most important of all, is your scent."

" My scent? What are you talking about?"

" (Sigh) This is why I don't like interacting with you people... You're almost as ignorant as humans, I swear."

"... "

" You're at least aware that every supernatural being has a unique scent, right?"

" Yes, but only those with a extremely keen sense of smell can pick those up."

" Technically any therianthropic species can train themselves to- Nevermind, that's besides the point, what isn't is that I picked up your scent. Which told me that you were a pureblood werewolf."

" But what does that have to do with you figuring out my name."

" You know, if it wasn't tradition to respect others, when a guest in their territory, I'd have punched you in your face already."

" Could you please explain it further to me?"

" The scent of a pureblood werewolf, meaning one born from two werewolf parents, is wildly different from one who was turned later on. The former smells like fresh air within a forest, while the other has a more polluted scent. As you may or not know, pureblood Werewolves are quite rare these days."

At the end of Alexander's brief explanation on scents, a few gears clicked inside Derek's head.

" Did you bring up my sister's death to confirm my identity?"

" Oh, so you've finally figured it out, good for you. Now I'd recommend for you to practice on your tracing, because I found you out in a matter of seconds."

" You're a fucking asshole."

" Okay? Well if we're done playing guess the brooding werewolf's identity, I've got important things to take care of."

" Wait!"

Derek loudly pleaded as he stretched out his right hand to grab onto Alexander's left arm.

" If you don't remove your hand in three seconds, you won't have that hand for much longer."

" What about the Argents, are you working for them?"

" Let me put it to you like this, the Argents have something that belongs to me. As long as I get my hands on that certain something, I could care less what happens to the lot of them."

" Then I'd like to ask-"

" Hey, let's get something straight here, the only reason you're still speaking, is because of the good will your mother garnered throughout her life. You on the other hand, I don't know you, and I don't like you."

Derek went silent after that, but only to return even more desperate.

" Please help me!"

" What are you on about now?"

" The Alpha, Argents or maybe even the both of them were involved in my sister's murder."

" And what does that have to do with me exactly?"

" While I admit that you're strong, surely even you can't fight off the Argents and an Alpha. So why don't we team up and take them out. You get whatever it is you're after and I get revenge for my sister."

" Listen to me very carefully, to me it doesn't matter if they both came through that door right this minute. Do you know why? Because unlike a certain, pup, I can take care of myself. So-"

Before he could finish, Derek jumped at the chance and asked him the following.

" Then teach me, to be as strong as you, please I'm begging you."

" Seriously?"

" I am!"

He yelled before bowing to a still stunned Alexander.

[Alexander's POV]

' Well I definitely wasn't expecting for this to happen...'

AnonAuthor AnonAuthor

Quick note, after chapter 15 I'll take a leave of absence to work on other fanfics. Thank you for understanding.

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