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24.56% The Last Slytherin / Chapter 28: Returning to the London

Chapter 28: Returning to the London

The next day morning, every student started to talk about Harry Potter's glorious deed of stopping Professor Quirell who shared a temporary body with Voldemort's soul, from getting the Philosopher's stone. Only two people in the Hogwarts knew there's something else big that happened that night.

One is Neal Slytherin who doesn't tell anyone about it, the other is Myrtle, the ghost which no one wants to ask about it. Thus a secret has been kept from Dumbledore who was confident that he knew everything about Neal.

During the final feast before they leave, Dumbledore spoke, "Another year gone. What a year has it been! Hopefully, your heads are all a little fuller than they were. You have a whole summer ahead to get them nice and empty before next year starts.

Now, I understand everyone is looking to hear about House Championship. After adding all the personal points that each student gained to their House points, the results are as follows. In the fourth place, Gryffindor with 1350 points.

The Third place belongs to Ravenclaw with 1380 points. The second place goes to Hufflepuff with 1450 points and the first place once again goes to Slytherin with 1645 points. Well done Slytherin. This is the highest number of House points in the last decade.

While Slytherins were celebrating, Dumbledore then spoke, "However, last-minute personal points need to be added based on the recent events. These students deserved it. First, Mr. Ronald Weasley, for the best-played game of chess that the Hogwarts has seen in many years, I award him 60 points.

While Ron was surprised, Gryffindors began to congratulate him. Tears welled up in his eyes with happiness as he never received so many points and thought finally someone has recognized he has a talent in something. Percy was also boasting to other prefects that he was his brother and was proud of him.

While someone spoke, "Hey we're are at 3rd place now", Dumbledore continued, "Second to Miss Hermoine Granger, for the use of cool logic in the face of fire, I award her 60 points". While Hermoine was getting embarrassed when everyone else was clapping, someone excitedly said, "we're at 2nd place".

Dumbledore then continued, "Third to Mr. Harry Potter, for pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award him 80 points. and Finally Fourth to Mr. Neville Longbottom, it takes a great deal to stand up to our enemies but just as much to stand up to your friends, for that, I award you 10 points".

While Slytherins sighed in relief that they were still the winners, just then, Dumbledore continued, "it isn't over yet. There is one more last thing that needs to be awarded. The overall performance of the year. Mr. Harry Potter, for you being the most outstanding seeker Hogwarts has seen in decades while creating the record of catching the golden snitch every single time in a year and gave the winning to your House, twice, I award you 100 points".

After hearing it, The Gryffindor table erupts in applause while everyone is excited as they beat Slytherins and Slytherins along with Neal disappointed to lose while Malfoy's mumbling, "this is too much. Dumbledore is purposely making Gryffindor win".

Just then, Dumbledore continued, "Finally to Mr. Neal Slytherin...". As his name came out of Dumbledore's mouth, the hall became pin-drop silent and everyone is wondering whether Neal will receive more than 15 points or not.

"for being a perfect and the most outstanding student while breaking the academic scores of the first year, after several decades and created a new record in the History of Hogwarts, I award you, 50 points".

Upon hearing it, the Gryffindors along with the other two houses looked down in disappointment while Slytherins became excited once more. Dumbledore laughed, "assuming my calculations are right, Slytherin wins the House Cup for the seventh time in the row". All the Slytherins threw their hats in the air while everyone else is depressed.

Later, everyone packed their luggage and sat inside the Hogwarts Express to return to their home. While returning, Neal, Draco, Daphne, and Tracey sat together. While they were chatting, Daphne asked, "by the way Neal, where do you stay in London? I will write letters to you". Neal replied, "I, actually don't know. Edward is coming to pick me up. I'll ask him and tell you".

They reached King's Cross station by evening 9 P.M. As they step down with their luggage, Neal saw Few people are standing together. While they went towards them, Draco was hugged by his mother which he pushed off in embarrassment.

A man who had the same color hair brimming with noble aura around him greeted him, "I believe you are Neal Slytherin. I'm Draco's father, Lucious Malfoy. I heard a lot of stories about you from Draco in the letter". Neal took his hand and greeted him with a smile.

Malfoy then introduced his mother. Neal greeted her, "thank you for the Christmas gift, ma'am. I loved the present".

Then he was introduced to Daphne's dad and Tracey's Mom who's a pure-blood witch and married a muggle. Although she divorced him later. Then, later, after giving his address, Neal left with Edward while everyone left with their parents.

A while later, they reached the Indigo Hotel which Edward owns. In the front, it's just a Muggle hotel but the 2nd floor was off-limits for customers to stay and was reserved for wizards and all the staff too are wizards/witches who were muggle-borns.

After reaching his room on the 2nd floor, he slept directly without having dinner as he was too tired. The next day morning, he woke up and went downstairs and started to eat breakfast while talking bout different things.

Edward said, "I've got Scamander's address. When do you wish to go and meet him?". Neal thought for a while and replied, "I'll take a few days of rest. I'm very tired from reading, managing the magical creatures zoo and constant training to master the spell all the year.

Sigh... too much happened in one year. My life was completely changed with one single incident. Oh, by the way, I didn't ask you before as this is just a simple matter but after staying there in Hogwarts for a year, I feel like there might be something more to that fire.

I want to confirm whether someone really wanted to kill me or just used it to confirm with their eyes whether I've magical ability or not. My logic says the number one suspect is Dumbledore. But my heart says he isn't. Can you help me out?".

Edward then asked, "what will you do after learning about it?". Neal replied without hesitating, "nothing. I just need an answer. I have two theories running in my mind. Whatever it is, I'll just accept and forgive them either its Ms. Anne, Matron or Dumbledore".

Upon hearing it, Edward nodded. Then Neal asked, "there's also one more thing but it might take a long time and might not be worth enough to waste your time". Edward asked, "what is it?".

Neal replied, "well, it's just a magical music box probably with random effects or maybe not. I didn't have the time before playing it. The strange thing here is the sender is anonymous and only sends the note "Use it Well".

A few days later on June 18th, he celebrated his 12th birthday with Edward and the staff and also with Tracey as she lives in London with her Mom. He got letters from Daphne and Malfoy with gifts on behalf of their family.

A week later, as the summer entered, Neal and Edward stood at a simple house in Dorset. Edward smiled, "here, we are. I'm a bit excited to meet the famed Magizoologist".

Snowstar Snowstar

End of the Volume

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