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33.33% Pathway To Heaven / Chapter 4: The Capital

Chapter 4: The Capital

The carriage stopped at the city gates. The two guards stationed there said, "Get out so the carriage can be inspected." At these words, the carriage driver took out a purple emblem, and showed it to the guards. The guards eyes widened at the sight of the emblem and stuttered, "Nevermind, feel free to pass through, respected sir."

Taking a glance inside the carriage as he moved out of the way, he saw a human and an orc, which he memorized the faces of. 'I'll be sure to treat them with respect if I see them in the city.'

As the carriage entered, it soon stopped at a small plains biome." Alright, kids, get out of the carriage, you're at the capital."

Micheal and Dante got out with a look of surprise. Never before have they seen such a grand city.

'Where do I start', Micheal wonders as he stares in amazement at the grand sight that stands before him.'

'Now then, where to start? There's so much damn content here. Maybe I'll start at that tavern over there, but how do I even ask for this information?'

Micheal decided instead of wandering aimlessly, he would just go follow Dante, who seemed to know what to do. He had mentioned that he was going to look for information on the summoning pathway, so surely, wherever he's going, likely a library, must have a lot of information!

Dante started to look around town, and he saw a lot of different races. He saw orcs, elves, dwarves, and humans. A brown haired elf with two different colored eyes caught his attention, he felt some sort of familiarity with them. 'That's strange, I certainly don't know them.' Dante asked a fellow orc where he could find the library and started heading there.

Micheal followed behind Dante at a distance. Dante then realized his presence and asked "Why are you still following me Mike L.?"

Micheal answered, "I need information. The library is the best place to find that, and I knew you would go there. Just don't mind me." Dante sighed and turned around, then headed into the library.

Dante entered the library, and Micheal followed. He then heard Dantes comment. "Holy heck". Micheal entered the room to find countless books. 'Wow, these must contain so much knowledge!'

Micheal and Dante were speechless, but came to their senses as an old man from which great power exuded from, approached them. "You may call me Elder Tyson. What do you seek, young men?'' The man asked. Dante excitedly said, "I seek the knowledge of the Summoner Pathway. I am already a Step 1 Apprentice." As he said that, he started taking out coins from a pouch. He has heard that fees need to be paid to rent out books or for time to read them. 'Isn't it weird that this powerful man greeted us, instead of…. Well, I haven't been to a library, but anything else?'

Tyson turned away and after whispering something under his breath, a book hovered towards him.

"This book contains all the knowledge needed about the Step 2 Novice Summoner, study it well. No need to pay."

Dante was suspicious of the man. 'Now, I don't really care if I have to pay or not, but why would he treat us this nicely? Back in my village, the only time I was ever treated even a fraction as nice as this man treated me, was when the other party wanted something from me. And if he is plotting something… I better be respectful towards such a powerful figure....' he shrugged and continued.

"Thank you, Elder Tyson. May I ask, why do you not require us to pay?"

Tyson chuckled. "Seems you guys aren't from these parts. The descendants of the heroes get special treatment due to their immense potential."

Both Dante and Micheal had such a visible expression disbelief on their faces that they both nearly looked the same despite how different they are on all aspects.

'This… ' Micheal thought, 'So… all this time, not only does everyone in the cities have a pathway, but this entire time I could have gotten immense benefits if I had just lived in one?! But wait, how does he--'

Their thought process was soon interrupted by Tyson.

"Young human, you've also come to the library. What do you seek?"

Despite knowing that he would be asked next, this question caught Micheal off-guard. 'Indeed, what do I seek? Originally, I had resolved to come to the capital because I had believed that my powers from becoming a fortune teller from that scroll were unique, so I would have an unfair advantage over everyone else, and could easily become rich and eventually move all my friends to the capital too. I… I… until I know more, I'll…. Indeed, until I know more! I am at the library!'

"Elder Tyson, I've come here seeking all sorts of general knowledge such as information on our geographical and political situation, local and foreign powers, and information on pathways, particularly the 2nd step to the fortune teller pathway."

With this, Tyson looked at the two young adults in front of him differently. He had thought they had come from the same place, both being descendants of the heroes and travelling together, but it seems that is not the case? From their reactions, he knew Dante was from a backwards village but it seems Micheal just doesn't know anything? How remote must he have lived?"

"Ah, I've got just the books for you." A few unintelligible words were muttered under his breath, and books floated towards him.

"Here you go. The top book is about the history of pathways, and includes the names of all of the known pathways and steps we know about, among other things. The book in the middle has a map, and information about foreign powers and our relationship status to them. Finally, the bottom book has the history of our kingdom and cities, and goes in depth about the situation regarding the great churches."

Tyson looked downwards, and was startled. 'I almost thought I saw Micheals eyes sparkling, how old must I be getting!'

Micheal was in awe! 'These books… I thought of myself as a smart person. Indeed, I had read every book in the village! However, I'm afraid all that I've read in my life isn't even as much as half of one of these books!'

Micheal quickly regained his senses, "Thank you Elder Tyson!"

"You can read them in the library, but to take the books out you must pay a fee."

Tyson looked at the two. 'Dirty and Tired, they must have just arrived.'

"Perhaps you haven't heard yet. The Royal Palace and the Great Churches are gathering up the strong and the heroes descendants for a mission regarding the ancient demon lord. If you join, I'm sure you'd be provided with plenty of benefits."

'The demon lord again!' Micheal was shocked. First, when he had departed from the village, he learned the demon lord was real, and now there's a mission regarding this very same demon lord? He was defeated so long ago though! What are the chances?'

'Benefits?' Dante took the opportunity to ask, "Sir, where would we go if we wish to participate? Also… what kind of benefits are we talking about?"

Two papers inexplicably appeared in Tysons hands as he handed one over to the both of them. "This is the official notice issued by the king himself."

"Before you do anything however, I suggest you read the books you've requested for."

This statement brought their thoughts back to the books they had just gotten. Indeed, this was the most important thing at this moment.

Dante kept silent, but Micheal immediately thanked Tyson.

"Well, the reading rooms are over there." Tyson pointed over to a door. With that, Tyson snapped his fingers and his figure instantly disappeared.

'So… this is the power of those at the capital… the power of… high level steps.' Micheal seemed to have internally made a decision.

In another room, Tyson suddenly appeared, as if from some sort of portal. "These hero descendants… " As he said this, he had a complicated expression on his face.

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