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85.71% Witcher Work In DxD / Chapter 18: -18- Love Hotels and Evil Gods

Chapter 18: -18- Love Hotels and Evil Gods

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my OC


Today we are in the Hyoudou residence basement watching Oppai Dragon show apparently it has been a hit in the underworld.

Jacob"Really ?"

Koneko"Apparently children loved it, it has become really popular"

You know what i give up nothing can give me a shock after this.(This did not hold up long)

Ddraig[*Sniff* my legendary name]

Hang in there Ddraig! Akeno teasing Issei about a date, Irina almost falling because of her own imagination....

Yeah bunch of good for nothings that somehow became main cast.


School continues as always but me and Baraqiel are accompanying Odin while he roams Japan with the most X rated route he could come up with while waiting on Japanese gods so they could make an alliance, Rose pretty much detests such places so she's waiting outside while me and Baraqiel have to endure Odin's perverse ways of living.

After coming out of particular bar for the man of culture we found Rose scolding Issei and Akeno in front of a Love Hotel and as expected Baraqiel is lost himself, i don't know the exact story but deadbeat father+ no mother figure paints a pretty accurate image so i took Odin and Rose to go back to Hyoudou residence while they had their family fight, sorry Issei i need you to be the sacrifice.


Coming back home we told Odin's reasons to be here and i hear Baraqiel yelling about devouring breasts ? it's about Issei right ?

anyhow ORC will accompany us sometimes during the guard duty and there's been sacred gear users popping out like popcorn since they are attacking any supernatural i also send a warning to Yasaka and Kunou they may be peaceful but these guys doesn't seem like they would care about such things.

Next day the ORC has gone to underworld for merchandise deals for the Oppai Dragon show, events, signing and stuff like that thankfully i am not included in the show dodged a bullet there now i just have to move along as Odin keeps on going in his debauchery.


During one of our guard duties when the ORC was with us we ran into trouble, well of course we would the main cast here is after all, looking up i see the blue haired piece of shit Loki and while i was looking at him he seems like there's a static around him like a broken TV, voices are muffled but they're getting better.

Odin"Boy! you.... look... fine?"

Loki"You... naive... father.... you thought i wouldn't do something to him while he was in Asgard"

Odin"You're getting out of hand brat"

Loki"Is that so but i just wanted Ragnarok, now come my loyal dog let me take a closer look at you."

I can feel the illusion he put around the energies in me keeping my head clear, wish i had a god slaying hidden blade, i go up to him, he has absolute confidence in his power too bad he run in to the wrong man, when i am in range i make my fastest quick draw slash, he dodges the fatal blow but injured nonetheless.

Loki"WHAT! how did you not get influenced by my spell, i was going to use you to make them reluctant"

Jacob"You can't live in this world without a trick or two" and who admits their plan.

Loki"Doesn't matter i just have to use my original plan meet my son Witcher... FENRIR!"

Now when you say Fenrir i can only hope for a petite wolf girl but unfortunately this is not that novel so all i get is this giant ass wolf looking like someone took his toys.

Jacob"I will keep the Fenrir at bay take care of Loki"

To be honest fighting a god killing murder wolf mid air is harder than it sounds since it's speed is roughly superior then me and i can't even parry his attacks since it would break my sword those paws and jaw are deadly, after around 10 minutes of dodging around and trying to pierce his fur i manage to draw blood, quickly storing the blood i was about to keep fighting but it appears Vali and his band of merry came along to fight Fenrir (Hence the reason i had enough time to secure the blood) so seeing that he was in disadvantage Loki ran away.


Coming back to Hyoudou residence i quickly pull Rose to another room she's been distracted ever since the attack after i made sure she's fine, turns out she's just making a training regime so she won't fall behind me, we came back to hear Vali's group offering an alliance to take down Loki and we accepted it due to Azazel promising they will behave, to find a way to handle them they are going to call the dragon kings it appears one of them is Loki's son ? and actually just wants to sleep i can relate.

While they were planning i head over to my house and i set up my distillery, i didn't go out of my way to get Fenrir's blood just to look at it, setting it up i go back to learn they will get some chains and replica mjolnir since Thor was apparently unavailable because of plot reasons like really even the weakest god is satan class and you guys are having these kids handle it even with me around it's suicidal.

Sigh, it looks like the preparations are going to be finished by the time Odin will have the meeting with Japanese gods, hey maybe i'll even see Amaterasu ? and my god killing wolf mutagen should be ready by that time as well


*Mad Cackles*

*Karate Chop*

Rose"I understand you're going to raise your strength but can you be more serious it's going to hurt like hell"

Jacob"This is just comedic relief"

Rose"What ?"

Jacob"Don't worry about it, now let's hope i don't get midnight blue hair"

After injection bi get a massive headache like there's a ball of hot metal in my head surprisingly it went away quickly.

Rose"Okay what changed"

Jacob"I don't know might be my spells ?"

Odin"Try out Yrden kid"

Jacob"How long have you been there"

Odin"All the time don't tell me you didn't even notice"

Not answering him i cast Yrden to cover the room and it appears to have gained a blue aura.

Jacob"So what will this do ?"

Odin"It suppression, of course you can't bring down high level god to your level but you can suppress Loki to beatable levels and it works better on divinity"

Anti-Divine aoe spell huh.... Nice.


Going to the underworld for the meeting between Japanese and Asgard for them to join the alliance which Amaterasu is late due to her busy schedule.

While we were waiting Loki barges in like he owns the place then Ajuka foce teleported him like it's nothing.

Ajuka"Odin has to stay here for the meeting like us, so you guys have to handle Loki"

going to the dimension that Loki has been sent to, i cover the battlefield with my Yrden since i can set it up to affect people i choose, we waited until Loki break from the pyramid Ajuka put him into.

Loki"You think you can stop me with this, you think i didn't prepare..."

Jacob"Just summon your minions i have better places to be!"


I angered him so he won't notice the suppression at least not right away after he summoned like a bunch of animals i again went up against Fenrir and this time it's solid ground plus now we're at equal power levels so i am enjoying the fight kids can take down the rest and Vali/Issei duo can handle Loki.


During the fight my bullshit sensors kept going off but i was finally given time to breathe after Arthur alongside Kuroka came to enslave Fenrir with the Excalibur Ruler looking back i see Loki being sealed by Rose and Rose going over to the surviving dragon .

Kuroka"You're not gonna try to stop us"

Jacob"Try fighting that alone i am too tired to care *Sword i my hand cracks and falls apart* also i rather not fight without a weapon"

Arthur"I was looking forward to challenge you after this i guess i have no luck"

Kuroka"You seem depressed do you want to make kitties to cheer up"

I flicked her forehead she asked the same to Issei as well, she probably has a good reason but i am married.

Jacob"Tell that to the Sasuke rip off i am going"

It took them a while to connect the dots, at that time i went up to my wife who just turned a mountain sized dragon into cheese.

Jacob"What got you this pissed off"

Rose"That pervert dragon got help from a god called Chichi kami that reigns over female breasts"




Rose"Jack are you okay you seem a little pale"

Jacob"Yeah just a lot to take in"

What in the actual fuck, next what nipple lasers ? going over to Loki's seal i engrave a circular rune that will make the time in the seal faster for Loki so he would enjoy his stay inside and after that we went back, Vali's group ran after stealing Fenrir but i am not really worried about them.

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