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59.57% Fairy Tail: The Prince of Peace / Chapter 28: Parade

Chapter 28: Parade

"And here I thought that you and I would shower together this morning," Strider said quietly as he joined Bisca on the balcony.

"So did I. Had to make sure Asuka got her bath, though. Sorry about that," Bisca sighed, biting her lip. She had had a long and wonderful dream about the two of them having a wonderful morning, afternoon, evening, and nighttime session and was eager to replay the event again and again.

"It's fine. And how are you this morning?" Strider asked with a small smile.

"I think you know," Bisca giggled, punching him lightly in the ribs. "I'm just happy we weren't naked last night. That could've been a lot harder to explain."

"No kidding. Good thing we have such a private room," he said.

"There's something we need to talk about, though," she said, suddenly getting serious.

"What's up?" he wondered.

"The others," Bisca sighed. It was no secret to her that many of the other ladies in the guild - as well as outside - had their eye on Strider. To that extent, she also knew that he had kissed Mira a week ago and had, on multiple occasions, almost had the same luck with Cana and Erza - and perhaps already had. Beyond that, she didn't know what the exact nature of their relationship would be - especially knowing that he would be returning to his homeland in the near future.

"Right," Strider sighed. "It's…hmm. I'm not sure that I have the right word to describe it, to be honest."

"Yeah, neither do I," Bisca said. She was confident that she was the first to have sex with Strider in Fiore - but knowing how many had their eyes on him, she was certain that she wouldn't be the last. It was uncharted territory for the guild; besides possibly Porlyusica and Makarov many decades ago, she didn't see much of a template to go on.

"I'm sure we'll find an answer. Soon. Maybe. Eventually," Strider said with a little chuckle.

"You must be pretty happy about yourself. Any guy would love to be in your position," Bisca grumbled, punching him gently.

"You know my policy on modesty," Strider said. He soon felt a tug on his pants; Asuka was, once again, trying to climb them.

"Need help, sweetheart?" Bisca giggled.

"I got it, Mama!" Asuka shouted in response. She managed to make it a few inches before slumping back down, pouting at Strider.

"Like I said, quite an adventuring daughter. Were you like this?" Strider wondered.

"Oh God, I was worse," Bisca whined, wincing a bit as she recalled how much trouble she had caused. "No way. I'm not telling you about that."

"About what?" Strider asked, interested.

"Nope. Not me," Bisca said, scooping Asuka up and giving her a kiss on the cheek. Asuka giggled and hugged Bisca tight. The moment didn't go unnoticed by Team Natsu, Mira, Cana, and Juvia who had just invited themselves.

"You know, it's quite rude to enter someones private room without permission," Strider said in an unusually stern voice.

"A-A-Aye," Happy, Natsu, and Gray squeaked. Strider sighed, ushering telekinetically plating some food for them and sending it their way. The trio dug in happily while Juvia held on to Strider with a vice grip.

"So what're you all planning to do today?" Strider wondered.

"We're going to have to begin training soon for the Contest. Sign ups open today," Erza said.

"Are you all going to participate?" Strider asked.

"You know it! I'm gonna show everyone that I'm the best wizard in Fiore!" Natsu exclaimed.

"HA! You're gonna have to get through me first!" Gray shouted.

"You wanna go right now, princess?" Natsu asked, energy crackling.

"Let—" Gray began before being silenced by Strider clearing his through. With a quick glance at each other, Natsu and Gray returned to their food.

"I am as well. 50 million jewel," Lucy said, drooling.

"That'll last Lucy a few days," Happy snickered.

"WHAT WAS THAT, CAT?!" Lucy shouted, chasing him around.

"I'm in," Mira said.

"I thought you would want to avoid a fight," Strider said.

"Usually, but this sounds fun for the most part. It's not as serious as other times," she said brightly.

"I intend to bring my full power. I won't go easy on anyone!" Erza declared.

"Ugh. Try to go easy on us, at least," Cana grumbled.

"How about you, Juvia?" Strider asked.

"Will you be joining, my love?" she asked.

"I will," Strider nodded.

"Then I shall be right at your side!" Juvia declared, nuzzling him again.

"How about you, Wendy?" Strider inquired the young dragon slayer.

"I think I will as well," she said thoughtfully. "I think Shelia is going to join. It might be fun!"

"Bisca?" Strider asked.

"I dunno. I don't want to leave Asuka alone," she said, hugging her.

"I can take care of her for the duration of the Contest, if you'd like," Mavis suggested, drooling over the food that she couldn't eat.

"Are you sure, First Master?" Bisca asked.

"I am. I'm sure that Makarov will as well. Guild masters are forbidden from entering, from what I understand," she said.

"That's a shame. Master Makarov is really something else when he uses his powers," Strider sighed, remembering how gigantic he had become. His appearance belied a man that had power in spades.

"Yeah, no kidding," Natsu grumbled, rubbing his head. He had been on the receiving end of one of Makarov's giant punches multiple times.


"Master, do you know where we can sign up for that fight thing?" Lucy wondered.

"I believe you can do so at Mercurius. The match itself will be three days from now to give you all time to recuperate and train. Use this time wisely!" Makarov suggested.

"Are you going to go sign up now?" Mira asked Strider as they set out.

"Probably. Might as well get it out of the way, lest I forget," Strider said.

"They might as well give you the title right now," Cana sighed on his other side.

"I dunno. Maybe you guys can gang up on me. Or try what Minerva did," Strider said with a grin. With a deadpan glance at each other, Mira and Cana both pulled on his arms.

"Ow, ow, ow! Forgive me!" Strider said, trying to hold back his laughter.

"Speaking of Minerva, though, do we know what happened to her?" Cana asked.

"Probably left before the dragons attacked. She's not exactly a graceful loser," Mira said.

"No kidding. What a bitch," Cana grumbled.

"At least Sabertooth seems to be doing a lot better without her influence. I hear Sting's done a good job as Master so far," Mira said.

"He's a strong and smart guy. With Rogue, Rufus, and Olga, I think he'll do a fantastic job," Strider said.

"Wait - if he's Master, then he can't participate, can he?" Mira asked.

"I hope the King gives him a pass or something. It'd be a shame if he couldn't," Strider sighed. "What about Gildarts? I imagine he doesn't know what's going on."

"Don't you have a call card from him, Cana?" Mira asked.

"Hmm? Yeah, think so. One sec," Cana said, pulling the card out and giving him a ring.

"Hey baby girl!" Gildarts voice came through.

"Hey dad. You know about this contest the king is having in a few days?" Cana asked.

"Huh? What is it?" Gildarts asked curiously.

"It's tournament to determine the Champion of Fiore," Strider said.

"Is that Strider?" Gildarts asked, surprised.

"Yup," Cana replied.

"Hi, Gildarts!" Mira chirped.

"And Mira?!" Gildarts exclaimed.

"Yup," Cana said.

"Strider, you dog!" Gildarts laughed uproariously.

"It's not like that!" Cana exclaimed, turning red.

"If you say so, kiddo. But hold on - a tournament? For the Champion of Fiore? Is this something new?" Gildarts asked. He barely kept a pulse on what was going on at Fiore in large.

"Yeah. You should come on over, if you're nearby. It's in three days," Strider said.

"You're competing, then?" Gildarts asked, his grin evident even on the other side.

"I am. I imagine most guild wizards will," Strider said.

"I'll be there in a couple of days, then. Shouldn't be to tough; I'm still in Fiore!" Gildarts exclaimed.

"Excellent. I look forward to seeing you," Strider said.

"See you, dad," Cana said.

"See you soon, kiddo," he said to Cana.

"Well, this just got funner," Strider said cheerfully.

"Great. Now you and Gildarts and probably Jura," Mira sighed.

"Don't worry, I'll go easy on you," Strider said, giving her a one armed hug.

"Is that a promise?" Mira asked flirtatiously.

"Nope. I'll probably go all out," he said, eliciting a grumble and punch from her.


"Wow. Looks like everyone had the bright idea to sign up today," Strider said. The line went out the castle as more than a hundred wizards crowded to sign up for the fight. A grumbling Fairy Tail was dead last.

"This is all Gray and Natsu's fault," Lucy complained.

"WHAT?!" Natsu shouted.

"HOW DO YOU FIGURE THAT?!" Gray demanded.

"You guys took way to long stuffing your face!" Lucy exclaimed.

"BLAME HIM!" Gray pointed at Natsu.

"IT'S HIS FAULT!" Natsu replied back.

"Idiots," Erza sighed, smiling fondly at their antics.

"I hope this doesn't take to long. I really want to do some shopping today," Lucy whined.

"Wouldn't your time be better spent training?" Strider suggested.

"Meh. I don't know what three day's is going to do. Hmm…although maybe I could try to find some other Keys around here?" Lucy said.

"Keys?" Strider wondered. "Oh. Right. Celestial Spirit Keys. Can you really just buy them anywhere?"

"Only Silver ones. There's only one copy of each Gold Key, but there's a bunch of different Silver ones. Now that I think about it, the only Silver Key I ever bought was Plue," Lucy said.

'Wow. That was seven years ago. It's already been so long,' she thought with a small smile.

"I know there's a few shops that sell wizard gear around Crocus. You might wanna check those out," Mira suggested.

"Can you take me, Mira? I don't wanna get lost," Lucy begged with puppy dog eyes. Mira giggled but accepted.

"Are you going to train for the fight?" Cana asked Strider.

"I think I'll just rest up a bit more. Already worked myself hard last night," Strider said with a small smirk. Bisca blushed red, giving him a sideways glare. As they got moving, she made sure to give him a sharp jab in his ribs, eliciting a small laugh from him.

"Oh yeah, aren't you in the same suite as he is, Bisca?" Mira asked, eyes narrowed.

"You guys should've been faster," Bisca said with a wink.

"So unfair," Erza grumbled.

"No kidding," Lucy agreed.


"Strider! It's good to see you," Princess Hisui said. Fairy Tail had finally made it inside the castle, but were still in a slow moving line.

"You as well, my lady. How are you?" he asked politely.

"Well. Preparing for my trip in a few weeks," she said with a smile. She waved at the other members of the guild, who bowed for her. "Please! There's no need to bow to me!"

"You are the princess, my lady," Makarov said gently.

"Still, it is…it doesn't feel right, especially after all you've done for the kingdom," she said. "Are you here to sign up for the tournament?"

"We are. Slowly, but surely," Strider sighed.

"I wish you the best of luck. I believe the tournaments in other countries are going on now as well," Hisui said.

"The King mentioned that the winner of this tournament would have to fight the winners of the others, correct?" Strider asked.

"That's correct. Each country will have its own Champion, but above that will be the Champion of Ishgar. Incidentally, these tournaments are open to the Wizard Saints as well - and they're already considered some of the best on the continent," Hisui said.

"Master, aren't you a Wizard Saint? Can't you compete, then?" Lucy asked.

"Guild masters can't, but I wouldn't want to either. Much more fun to see people beat the crap outta each other," Makarov said with a laugh.

"Strider, might I borrow you for a minute?" Hisui asked.

"Certainly, Princess," Strider said.

"What's that about?" Mira whispered to Erza.

"I've no idea. Not sure I like it, though," Erza admitted.

"Didn't she dance with him at the Ball?" Lucy wondered.

"Yeah. Think she's got a thing for him," Bisca sighed.

"Ugh…" Cana grumbled.


"What can I do for you, my lady?" Strider asked as they entered her personal chamber.

"We'll be spending a few days together on our trip to Bosco, and I thought it might be best for us to get to know each other a little better," she said, offering him a seat across from her.

"What would you like to know?" Strider asked, leaning back and looking at her intensely. Hisui blushed as bit; his eyes, while kind, were cutting. She felt as though he was analyzing her, a sensation that she wasn't used to.

"My father mentioned something about you not being from Fiore. Is that true?" Hisui asked.

"It is. I'm from the northern continent," Strider said.

"The northern continent?" Hisui asked, surprised.

"Yes. Beyond the Great Sea. Not an easy crossing, but doable for me, at least," Strider said.

"Wow. But…if that…how, then…?" she trailed off. Her eyes went wide as it finally clicked. "You flew here?"

"I did," Strider nodded.

"But if the waters are that dangerous, wouldn't that be a huge risk?!" she exclaimed.

"It is. There are several island chains along the way where you can rest, but if you fall in the water it's almost impossible to get out. I did a couple of times and… well, I suppose it's easy to understand why no one has ever crossed it successfully," Strider said.

"What do you mean?" Hisui asked, leaning forward in intrigue.

"I'd rather not get to deep into it," Strider said, running a hand through his hair as he remembered his fall into the water. "Suffice it to say the it's not just the meteorological conditions that prevent ships from crossing it."

"If we could find a way to counteract those conditions, though, we could open up trade between our country and yours," Hisui said excitedly.

"While that would be nice, I'm not sure if anything short of a miracle will help. I doubt that I could lead a ship through those waters," Strider said.

"Is it that difficult?" she asked.

"More than that, unfortunately," Strider said with a small smile. "The winds, the whirlpools and typhoons, the flora and fauna - almost as though the whole thing was created solely to showcase to give everyone thalassophobia."

"And the structure of the northern continent?" Hisui asked.

"Geographically?" Strider asked.

"And politically," Hisui said.

"The place I'm from is split into various smaller regions and nations - analogous to what Fiore is to Ishgar. When I first came here, war had just ended and reparation had begun. Some land is almost uninhabitable because of the bloodshed; I can't think of many places that were completely untouched. Geographically, it runs the gamut - we have large and open plains, many mountain chains and volcanos. Fortresses litter the landscape, as do forests and small towns. There aren't many large cities like Crocus, though. Technologically, we're not as advanced either. Magic isn't the same there as it is here - much more rarer," Strider said.

"How did you come to learn it?" she asked.

"I had a good teacher," he said with a smile. "Most people are solider, farmers, or merchants. Politically, it's mostly a monarchy. I imagine some places are more anarchic, but kings still reign for the most part."

"Are you a soldier, then?" she asked.

"I was. No pressing need for soldiers right now - we're at peace, mostly. Even though the fighting ended eight years ago, there's a long road ahead of us," Strider said.

"Were you rank and file?" she wondered.

"I commanded a small force," Strider said.

"How small?" she wondered.

"Around fifty people, all told. Most of them have been aiding in the reparation and making sure that things go smoothly. The people trust them, as do I," Strider said.

"Don't you want to be back there, helping?" Hisui asked, leaning her head on her hand.

"I helped get the ball rolling in several realms. The work has been delegated to people that are better suited to it than I. It's not imperative that I stay there at all times. Plus, after I heard that my friends in Fairy Tail were back, I just rushed over," Strider said.

"It must've been hard for you," she said softly.

"Perhaps more than you can imagine," Strider said with a heavy sigh. "But, they're back. That's what matters."

"You said that you helped the ball rolling in several realms. What do you mean by that?" Hisui wondered, backing up a bit.

"Because of the widespread damage, some of the monarchs were obligated to aid in reparation as much as they could. When I had initially gone back, there was a meeting held by the new king to spread the effort amongst us all. He gave me free reign to choose, so I chose the most impacted regions," Strider said.

"You…chose the most impacted regions?" Hisui asked, uncertain.

"Regions that were left nearly uninhabitable or places that no one would want to rule over. I figured someone had to; might as well be me," Strider shrugged.

"So…you're saying that you're a king as well, then?" Hisui asked, surprised.

"Definitely not. I'm not cut out for that kind of a role," Strider said with a laugh. "I'm just doing my part."

"What about trade between your continent and neighbors?" Hisui asked.

"There's not much communication between us. It's both a matter of distance and reason. Ours and neighboring continents have been content until now and so there hasn't been significant reason to make any serious attempt at outreach. The Great Sea also divides us from them, but not to as significant an extent as it does from Ishgar. It's navigable, but not easy by any means," Strider said.

"But have you traveled there?" Hisui asked.

"I have. Interesting people, to say the least. One race in particular have huge horns on their heads. Fascinating," Strider said.

"Horns?" Hisui scoffed.

"I'm serious. Even the women. Quite beautiful, to be honest," Strider said.

"I…are they not human, then?" Hisui asked, shocked. She was surprised to see that Strider was so nonchalant about it.

"I suppose not. They mostly ignored me, to be honest, and I didn't spend much time there before I came here," Strider said.

"Amazing. I had no idea…" Hisui said softly. "Maybe…the mainland here…?"

"Could have races like that? It's possible. Ishgar is part of a larger landmass, is it not?" Strider asked.

"It is. While Alikitasia is to the west, east of the Pergrande Kingdom is the mainland. It's difficult to reach, however, because of the Chasm."

"The Chasm?" Strider asked, intrigued.

"It's almost like a scar on Earthland," Hisui sighed. "It runs across the entire border of Pergrande Kingdom and the mainland. I know there have been attempts at building bridges, but they never get far because of random downdrafts."

"Interesting. I think I'd like to see it sometime," Strider said, making a mental note to go there.

"If you live so close to such a race of people that you otherwise didn't know existed, I'm eager to see what we might find on the other side of the Chasm," Hisui said excitedly.

"I imagine a Wind Wizard or something similar could fly over?" Strider suggested.

"Pergrande Kingdom, unfortunately, isn't as accommodating of Wizards as the other countries are. It's changing slowly, but it's been difficult to even get them to open up their borders, let alone let wizards freely enter and exit the country," Hisui sighed.

"Is there a reason why?" Strider asked.

"There was a bloody civil war in the kingdom a few decades ago. A lot of people - on both sides - died as a result. Slowly, the monarchy began to exile wizards until only a few were left under employment by them," Hisui said.

"What other countries are there?" Strider wondered.

"There's Seven, which shares a border with us; Bosco, which is heavily forested. It's also the only remains country that still has a slave trade," Hisui said, rubbing her temples. "Iceberg borders Seven and Bosco on the east; the northern part of the country is covered in glaciers. Stella is south of Iceberg and Joya is south of Stella. Desierto is south of Joya and is mostly a desert; in fact, I'm not even sure how many cities the country has. I've heard that the center region gets so hot, it's nearly unlivable. Caellum is an island south of Fiore. For some reason, though, it's almost entirely deserted. We still haven't established much in the way of communication with them. Minstrel is south of us; we're separated by a gulf. I've never been there, but my father says that it's exotic. Midi is south of Minstrel. Bellum…Bellum's a country between Desierto and the Pergrande Kingdom. It's where many of the wizards that left the Pergrande Kingdom went to after they were exiled. There's a lot of fighting going on there now; it makes crossing the country to get to Pergrande Kingdom really dangerous."

"Are they at war with Pergrande Kingdom, then?" Strider asked.

"You would think so, but no. It's a civil - this time between wizards and wizards. They can't fight the Pergrande Kingdom because they don't have the resources to cross the Antebellum Mountain Range that lines the Kingdoms border," Hisui said.

"Are there any other countries?" Strider asked.

"There's Enca, an island, and Sin," Hisui said.

"Sin?" Strider asked with a short laugh.

"My father refuses to let me go there, so I can't tell you anything about it," Hisui sighed.

"With a name like that, I can only wonder what they get up to there," Strider chuckled.

"It's probably nothing like that. Just a case of an unlucky naming," Hisui sighed.

"We're going to Bosco in a few weeks, right?" Strider inquired.

"Yes. I want to petition the king to put an end to the slave trade," Hisui said.

"It'll be difficult for them. I imagine a significant portion of their economy is built on it. They won't change unless they're kicking and screaming," Strider said.

"Nonetheless, we have to try. It's an asterisk on all of their neighbors if we don't do something to remedy the situation," Hisui said.

"I imagine your father is worried about an attack on you when you travel there?" Strider asked.

"He is," Hisui said, shifting uncomfortably. "There was an incident almost a decade ago where another princess had gone missing in the country. We only found out a year ago that she had been captured and sold into slavery."

Strider felt his anger surge but quickly brought it under control.

"I assure you that you'll be safe with me, your highness," he said calmly.

"I'm certain I will be. Thank you, Strider," Hisui said with a smile as she got up.

"Not at all, my lady," Strider said, kissing the hand she offered. Hisui blushed but nodded, escorting him out. She led him to the front of the line and let him quickly sign up before taking her leave.

"HEY! THAT'S NOT FAIR! YOU GOT TO CUT AHEAD OF US!" Natsu shouted from several spaces back.

"Alls fair in a long line," he said, taking his leave.


"Guess you got out ahead of everyone?" Jenny asked Strider as she came up behind him. She took an arm and quickly put it around her, leaning in close.

"Courtesy of the princess," Strider said.

"Now you have royalty interested in you? This must be doing wonders for you ego," Jenny said lamely.

"Oh, you've no idea," Strider said with a laugh. "You signed up as well?"

"Yup. Go easy on me if you see me," she cooed.

"Mira's the one you need to tell that to," Strider chuckled. Jenny grumbled; she would have to be wary of her rival and Erza, both of whom she had a feeling wouldn't be fun for her.

"Ready for the parade tonight?" Jenny asked, changing subjects.

"Almost forgot about it," Strider sighed. Part of the festivities the king had planned included having the wizards parade through the city, putting on a show for the citizens of Crocus. All of the guilds would be participating.

"There's going to be a small carnival for the wizards afterwards, so it'll be fun. Cheer up," Jenny giggled.

"Well, with you by my side, how can I not be cheerful?" Strider asked in a husky voice. Jenny turned red before smiling and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"You want to pose with me for my shoot?" she asked seductively.

"I'm afraid that I'm not that confident. I'm honestly surprised that you're going through with it," Strider said.

"Blame Mira," Jenny grumbled.

"Blame Mira for what?" Mira asked in an innocent voice as she came up behind them.

"You know for what! The nude photo shoot!" Jenny exclaimed.

"You're the one who wanted to make the bet," Mira chirped.

"Only because I thought you would lose," Jenny grumbled.

"Silly, it was a fight, remember? How else would it end?" Mira asked with a laugh.

"So unfair…" Jenny whined. "You sure you don't want to join me, Mira?"

"Ha. I'm sure," Mira said.

"Now that issue would sell," Strider said, imaging it. With a glance at each other, Jenny and Mira both gave him a light punch.


As Strider went back to the hotel to get some rest, he noticed Erza was sitting in a corner by herself, poring over a book. Intrigued, he quietly went behind her and began to read along.

"… as he wrapped the rope, first around her ankles and then her wrists. With each twine, she felt him grasp her tightly, his rough hands sending shivers up and down her smooth and sensitive skin. She sighed in please as she felt him run a finger gentle between her breasts, his eyes full of passion and he headed towards her most sensitive spot. As he caressed her softly…" Erza muttered as she read on.

"I wasn't aware you were so into erotica, Erza," Strider said. Erza yelped louder than she ever had, attracting many surprised stares. Turning, she looked at Strider in horror.


"Well, we're all staying here…" Strider said.

"IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" she yelled.

"It looks like you were re-," Strider began before Erza immediately cut him off and pulled him into an elevator, quickly closing the doors and pushing the penthouse floor button. She immediately regretted it as she turned to look at him; she had done the opposite of what she had wanted.

"So…" Strider said nonchalantly.


"Easy, easy. It's not to be ashamed about," Strider said, trying to clam her down. "Everyone has their proclivities. Some like reading about sex. It's completely fine."

"It…that…I…ugh…" Erza whined, turning a shade of red as bright as her hair.

"Honestly, the only surprising thing was the fetish. I didn't know you we—" he began before Erza pressed her hand to his mouth.

"Please save me the embarrassment," she said. Strider sighed but nodded. They went out onto the balcony, admiring the view of the city. Erza took several deep breaths to calm her down, glancing sideways here and there to see if he was chancing a look at her as well.

'I can't believe he saw me reading that!' she thought embarrassedly.

"You know, it's been a long time since we've been on a job," Strider suddenly said.

"What?" she asked, surprised.

"A job. Seven years, I think. I don't think we've done one since we all got back. Once we get back home, I think we should go on one," Strider suggested. As he looked at her, Erza saw a surprisingly solemn look in his eye. She moved a bit closer, brushing his hand with her own.

"I agree. I'd like to as well," she said softly. "I'm sure the others are just as eager. While the Games were a nice change of pace, after everything that's happened, I think we all just want to go back to the routine we were used to."

"No kidding," Strider sighed. As a gust of wind passed over them, he brought Erza in a bit closer. She shivered pleasurably at the touch and leaned in, resting her head against his chest.

"About the night before last…" she began.

"I remember. Mira interrupted us. Think she has a sixth sense about these things," he laughed.

"We were about to…" Erza began, beginning to turn red again.

"Yeah," Strider said, mindlessly running a hand through her hair. Erza enjoyed the sensation, rubbing a bit closer to him. She slowly slipped a hand under his shirt, feeling around the scars. It wasn't long ago that they were pressing against her skin. It was an odd sensation; they were rough and jagged, but as he pressed her against him, she felt nothing short of warmth and excitement.

"I'm going to go get ready for the parade," she whispered.


As Strider reached the lobby, everyone was gathered and changed into their clothes for the parade. Erza was in her Armadura Fairy armor - one of her most powerful and beautiful re-quips. She was sporting a pink breastplate that had short pink wings jutting upwards from her shoulders. Over a pink fabric skirt she wore tassets, along with pink gauntlets and knee guards. In each hand she held a sword and behind her billowed a flowing purple cape.

Strider snapped and his clothes changed ever so slightly. He wore a rich and heavy black coat with the regalia he had worn the the Ball. Atop his head was a crown, and the hilt of his sword was exposed for all to see. He cast an imposing figure, drawing several stares from passerby.

"Beautiful," Lucy said, rubbing her face against his cloak.

"Not as beautiful as what Erza or Mira are wearing," Strider said with a smile. Mira wore a beautiful white dress that blossomed around her as it went down her legs, stopping just above the ankles. She wore a flowery crown that complimented her look wonderfully, as well as a pair of white wings, giving her the look of a Fairy.

"You look stunning," Strider said.

"Wow, Mira - that's really pretty," Lisanna said admiringly.

"You're a fairy!" Asuka said adorably as Mira hugged and kissed the child. The guild began to file out to where they were supposed to be. Fairy Tail would begin the parade. They would be joined by Sabertooth next, then Lamia Scale, Mermaid Heel, Blue Pegasus, and finally - Quattro Cerberus.

As they made their way to their floats, they could see a large crowd was already lining the lit streets of the city in anticipation. The moon was in the sky and as the floats ignited to life, they cast a glow over the city.

"This one is ours," Mira said, smiling as she led Strider up to the stage area of the float. Mira and Strider would be playing the role of a Fairy Princess and a Prince respectively. Both certainly looked the parts - their clothes gave off a faint glow and sense of respect that the people admired. The float they were on was, of course, imbued with magic. Magical waterfalls fell around them, although they were spared being splashed. They stood on a pedestal that was raised ten feet into the air, the most visible position in the parade. The crowd cheered as they waved at them; guys and girls swooned alike.

"Natsu, Gray, Juvia, Lucy, Wendy! You're with me. You as well Carla and Happy!" Erza yelled to her companions who joined her.

Natsu, in addition to his usual set of clothes, wore a pair of horns and a large dragon like tail. With a massive grin, he began shooting fire off at the crowd, exciting them with his tricks.

"OH YEAH?! WATCH THIS!" he yelled and blew a massive ring of fire into the sky, following it with a few more that went through each other. The crowd cheered as Happy leaped through the rings of fire.

Not one to be outdone, Gray created an ice slide and began going around a figure eight. He wore a cape and crown of ice, giving him a regal appearance, despite his lack of a shirt. Juvia stood in the middle of the float, creating a veil of water that Gray would sometimes leap through. She longingly looked back at the float that Strider was on, desiring to be on the same one.

'Soon, my love!' she thought.

Suddenly, Gray collided with a ring of fire that Natsu had created. Predictably, the two were almost at each others throats. On her A-game, Erza quickly knocked them out, eliciting a loud cheer from the crowd who assumed it was a part of the ordeal.

"Idiots," she sighed, leaving them crumpled on the floor.

"Scary," Lucy complained, hugging a just as afraid Wendy.

"At least everyone else seems to be doing alright," Wendy noted.

On the float in front of them were Levy, Jet, Droy, Gajeel, and Lily. Levy was wearing a beautiful yellow sundress as her blue hair fell around her; a striking difference from how it was usually kept in place by a yellow hairband. Jet and Droy respectively wore a purple and green suit as they tried to capture Levy's attention. She, however, only had eyes for Gajeel who went with a black suit as his wild hair cascaded down his back as usual. Pantherlily was flying around all their heads.

Not wanted to be outdone by Gray or Natsu, Gajeel suddenly added his own flair. Whipping out his guitar, he dramatically took a seat and began to serenade the audience.

"Uhh…" Levy began before deciding against it.

"Guess we should've expected that," Lucy sighed. While no one wanted to admit it, Gajeel was a decent singer.

"He's not bad," Wendy said uncertainly.

"It's not that he's bad, it's just that… it's just weird, Wendy," Lucy sighed.

"Huh. No kidding," Cana said, coming up behind them with a bottle in her hand.

"CANA?! WHAT'RE YOU DOING HERE?!" Lucy asked in surprise.

"Oh. I was on some other float, but decided to join you guys instead. Don't worry - I got a few cards up my sleeve," Cana said with a wink. Aiming her arms at the sky, several cards suddenly erupted and began to shower the crowd with sparks. They cheered and grabbed at them, laughing as they were softly zapped.

"Not gonna bring out your Spirits?" Cana wondered.

"Ahh…I don't think that's a good idea," Lucy grumbled.


As the floats proceeded, Sabertooth joined Fairy Tail in front. Sting, Rogue, Lector, and Frosche were on a float that resembled a black and white dragon. Sting and Rogue were having a mock battle with their powers, showering the crowd with black and white sparks.

Olga, Yukino, and Rufus were on the float in front. As Olga sent black lightning overhead, Rufus created multiple things with his memory magic - toys for children, ice knights that gallantly fought each other; and a little snow, copying some of Eves magic. Yukino summoned Libra with whom she did a coordinated dance. The crowd cheered for the beautiful Celestial Wizard and her spirit.

"Crap… what happened to Natsu and Gray?" Sting wondered, looking behind. The two were still knocked out, Erza dancing around their fallen bodies.

"Erza, if I had to guess," Rogue sighed.


"I hear that Hyberion is coming soon," Ooba said to Jura on the float that they were on.

"Indeed. The Council and Saints thought it best to send him for now," Jura sighed.

"Why him when you, Yoruichi, and Makarov are here?" Ooba wondered.

"They want somebody that's impartial. Because he's a part of Fairy Tail, Master Makarov is out of the running; and because I've worked with Strider in the past, they thought I might not be honest in my review. And Yoruichi is…Yoruichi," Jura sighed.

"I suppose it's better than Serena," Ooba sighed.

"If they had sent him, he'd just want to get in a fight," Jura said with a small smile.


"Any idea when they're going to be back?" Risley asked Kagura.

"Soi Fon and Master Yoruichi?" Kagura asked.

"Yeah. Soi Fon's already been away for way to long," Risley sighed.

"I know - but she has important business to take care of. I hope they do come back soon, though," Kagura sighed.


Finally, the parade came to a stop outside in a large plaza where a carnival had been set up. With multiple game booths, bars, eating areas, a ferris wheel, music, and entertainment - it was definitely going to be a fun night. Everyone quickly jumped off their floats and scattered, arguments flying about what to do first.

"Toss the beanbag in and win a prize!" the man tending the booth said as he pointed to a large stuffed fairy.

"I'll give it a shot," Strider said as the man gave him three beanbags. One, two, three - each met their mark.

"Wow, pretty," Asuka said, looking at the large fairy plush toy.

"For you, my lady," Strider said dramatically as he passed it to her.

"Thanks!" Asuka replied happily, hugging the fairy toy. Bisca smiled and scooped her up in her arms again, giggling at how she cuddled it.

"So cute," Lisanna chirped happily. "Bisca, can I hold her for a bit?"

"Sure," Bisca said. Asuka laughed as she hugged Lisanna, eliciting a happy giggle from the girl. Off to the side, Strider noticed Natsu stealing a few glances.

"Looks like Natsu is finally growing up," Strider said as Mira came up next to him.

"I can tell. It's only a matter of time," she said happily.

"Room for another lady?" Cana asked as she slung her arms around both of them, a slight drawl in her voice.

"Fine with me," Strider said, eliciting an eye roll from Mira. "Guess that's a no."

"Hope you're not drunk already, Cana," Mira sighed.

"I barely get drunk," Cana reminded her. "What else do they have here?"

As they began to walk around, they suddenly happened on a Tunnel of Love with a long male and female line.

"Well? What do you think?" Cana asked.

"Per—" Strider began before Mira shoved him into the male line with a wink. Sighing, Strider went along with it.


"Fellas," Strider nodded at the other male wizards.

"Huh. Didn't figure you'd be on this ride," Gajeel said gruffly.

"I'm curious as to why you are," Strider said.

"Blue made me," Gajeel sighed.

"Ah. Levy?" Strider asked.

"Yup. Same with these two," Gajeel nodded at Jet and Droy, who had their fingers crossed.

"I can guess what they're thinking," Strider said with a laugh. "Laxus? Where's Freed?"

"He decided to go on the other lane," Laxus sighed. "So - you ready for the fight?"

"I am. You?" Strider asked.

"Need to do a bit more training, but I should be good to go. Might be difficult, but it should be fun," he said with a smirk.

"Gildarts is going to be joining as well," Strider said.

"Really? With you, him, and Jura, I'm not sure if the arena will survive," Laxus chuckled.

"You ever go up against Gildarts?" Strider asked.

"Once or twice. Kicked my ass back then, but I think I could take him now," Laxus said

"Get in line. I'm gonna kick his ass first," Gajeel said smugly.

"You could try, but if you can't beat Natsu. I dunno if you have a chance against him," Laxus said.


"I get the feeling you two are never quite going to settle that question," Strider sighed.


"Isn't this a surprise," Strider said as he got into the small swan boat with none other than Kagura.

"It…I…forgive me. My friends…" Kagura sighed, shaking her head. Risley and Arana had all but forced her onto the ride, giving no heed to her continued complaints.

"It's fine," Strider said with a laugh as they slowly got moving.

"I'm…not quite sure what…" Kagura trailed off.

"Just sit back and enjoy the ride, I suppose. It goes on for a while, from what I understand," Strider said, stretching a bit. They continued the ride in silence until, to Striders surprise, Kagura broke it.

"Your swordsmanship - I'm curious where you learned it?" she wondered. Strider smiled as he thought back on it.


"Ferocity is not enough!" an Elven warrior said as he cut Strider across the chest, creating a deep gash.

Close by, an old man was watching the scene unfold. Strider had been with him for a few months and showed a stunning development in power; the boy was no doubt skilled and capable, although he still had a lot to learn. He used his anger to propel himself forward. But as the Elven warrior showed him, anger wasn't enough.

"Your anger is clouding your mind, boy. There are times when you need to feel it; but right now isn't one of them," the Elf said kindly as he knelt down close to Strider. The boy refused to cry or give up. He nodded as he closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths, steadying and centering himself. Finally, he got into position.

"Now show me your power," the Elf said, smiling.

Strider lunged.


"I had a few teachers. I started when I was young, though. After I picked it up, I never really put it back down. Like I said at the Ball, I just don't feel right when I don't have my sword with me," Strider said, running his fingers along the hilt.

"Much the same for me. After I began to learn it, I never really wanted to stop. No - I couldn't stop," she said.

"You seem to have put it down for now. That's something, at least. You're not as angry anymore," Strider said.

"Thankfully," Kagura sighed. "I almost did something terrible during the fight against the dragons."

"What do you mean?" Strider asked, frowning.

"You know about Simon, right? My brother?" she asked.

"I do," Strider nodded, remembering the final event of the Games.

"Jellal - he was there during the fight against the dragons. I heard him speaking with Erza. I…I wanted to run my sword right through him…" Kagura said. Strider noticed her clenching her fist hard, tears forming in her eyes. "But I couldn't. After…after my match with Erza - what she said to me - I just couldn't."

"Do you regret not doing it?" Strider asked quietly.

"I don't know. Does that make me a terrible person?" she asked softly.

"Not at all. It makes you human, is all. You shouldn't have had to endure what you did at such a young age. It's reasonable that you would be angry - at Jellal or anyone else," Strider said softly.

"I don't know…if next time, I'll…" she trailed off.

"I don't think anyone knows what they'll do in a situation like that until they do it. The best you can hope for is making sure that when the time comes, you make the best decision you can for your long term happiness. If you had killed him, there's a chance you might've regretted it immediately after," Strider said.

"What should I do? I…I don't want to kill him - not like I used to. But…" she trailed off.

"I'm afraid I don't know the answer to that," Strider sighed. "I want to say talk to him, but that's cliche and I'm not sure if that'll help."

"What would you do in my situation?" Kagura asked.

"I don't know," Strider said. 'That's a lie. I already know. I'd kill him,' he thought.

"Perhaps you should talk to Millianna and Erza about it. You three know Simon better than anyone else, I imagine. Perhaps talking is the right thing to do? Or get your anger out on him without killing him," Strider said.

"Maybe," Kagura sighed. Strider gently put an arm around her, turning her red.

"W-Wh-Wha…" she sputtered.

"Sorry. Just looked like you needed a hug or something," Strider said with a small smile. Kagura looked away but scooted a bit closer, resting her head against him. She exhaled happily; besides her teammates and Erza, she hadn't gotten this close to someone in a long time.

"This is nice…" she mumbled. Strider smiled, leaning back once again and letting the boat take them along.


"I appreciate your advice," Kagura said.

"Anytime. If I can help, you've but to ask," Strider said.

"I'll keep that in mind. Thank you," she said. With a lightning quick hug, she went to rejoin her teammates while Strider continued.


"Where's Elfman?" Mira asked as she joined Lisanna, Erza, Cana, Lucy, Wendy, Carla, Jenny, Bisca, Asuka, Laki, and Levy at a table with some food.

"He thought he was being sneaky, but I noticed him leaving with Evergreen. Think they're heading back to the hotel," Lisanna giggled.

"Ugh, TMI," Lucy said, rubbing her temples and trying to get rid of the image.

"So Mira, how was the Tunnel of Love?" Lisanna asked with a smile.

"I didn't even know the guy I got paired with," she grumbled. The ride mostly went along in silence as her partner seemed to afraid to talk to her.

"Me neither. Ugh," Cana grumbled along, neither getting the pairing they wanted.

"Wonder who Strider got?" Lisanna asked aloud.

"No idea. Never again, though," Mira said.

"Levy's happy, at least. She got Gajeel," Laki said with a laugh.

"Oh? How was it?!" Mira inquired.

"Did you two—" Cana began before Lucy covered her mouth, nodding at Asuka who was watching with a keen interest.

"Uh…did you two have fun?" Cana asked.

"It…was alright," Levy said, turning red.

"Mama, is she okay?" Asuka asked worriedly.

"She's fine, honey. Just…a little sick, I think," Bisca said with a giggle.

"I hope you feel better!" Asuka shouted at Levy.

"Thanks, Asuka," Levy said, waving at the little girl.

"Do you girls know what the king has planned for tomorrow?" Laki wondered.

"Dunno. I think we have tomorrow and the day after off. I would think so, at least. I don't think anyone got any training in tonight," Jenny sighed.

"It's going to be a tough match," Mira noted.

"We're all entering, right?" Jenny asked.

"Definitely. 50 million jewel," Lucy drooled.

"It should be fun," Wendy said happily.

"I'm thinking we girls should work together a bit," Cana suggested with a smirk.

"What do you mean?" Lucy asked.

"The guys are to muscle headed to even consider it. If we team up, we can probably get rid of most of them," Cana suggested.

"It's not a bad idea," Jenny said, shrugging.

"Levy?" Cana asked. Being the smartest out of them, Levy was their best chance of coming up with an effective strategy. With a smile, they got to work.


Strider, meanwhile, had joined Laxus, Gajeel, Gray, Natsu, Happy and Lily as they talked about the upcoming fight.

"Gildarts is joining as well," Strider said, informing the others.

"What?!" Natsu exclaimed. Strider nodded.

"Well, we're screwed," Gray lamented.

"I am interested in seeing how he stacks up against you," Lily mused.

"Meanwhile, I want to see how I stack up to him. It should be an interesting fight. Especially now that he and Jura are both involved," Strider said.

"I forgot he was entering. Oh man, we are screwed," Natsu lamented along with Gray.

"Better watch your back. The guilds are gonna gun for you first," Gajeel said.

"I know. It'll be fun, to say the least," Strider said with a smile.

"The fight just got harder," Gray shouted to Lyon as he joined the conversation with Yuka, Toby, and the Trimen.

"What do you mean?" Lyon asked.

"Jura and Gildarts are in," Gray said. The men groaned; Jura and Gildarts were easily worth a few hundred men their own.

"I don't know why you guys are complaining. The more, the merrier, no?" Strider said.

"Of course you would be excited," Yuka said, shaking his head at Strider.

"We're definitely going to have to team up," Gajeel said, not wanting to admit it. But even he wasn't foolish enough to think he could take on a guild master alone.

"Hey Gramps, Gildarts is coming for the tournament," Laxus said as Makarov and Jura approached them.

"Really?" Makarov asked, surprised.

"Yup. Strider invited him," Laxus said.

"Gildarts, Jura, and Strider. This just got even better," Makarov said as Jura smiled as well. He always wanted to square off against the Ace of Fairy Tail.

"Hey, what about us?!" Natsu asked, crossing his arms.

"Huh? Of course, you as well," Makarov said absentmindedly as Natsu deadpanned.

Makarov got on the table as he yelled aloud so everyone could hear.

"Listen up, everyone! Gildarts is coming back! We're taking bets on who will become Champion of Fiore! Will it be Iron Rock Jura Neekis? Or the Ace of Fairy Tail, Gildarts Clive? Or, will it be the…" Makarov turned to Strider.

"What's a good title?" Makarov wondered as everyone sweat-dropped.

"Hmm…or will it be…Strider?!" Makarov roared, just dropping the title as he couldn't think of one.

"Hey, Gramps! What about us?" Max asked as he joined the group.

"Hmm…or will it be Sand Master Max?!" Makarov yelled.

'Sand Master Max…hey, that's actually not bad,' Max thought.

"Place your bets here!" Makarov yelled once more as he sat back down and people began to crowd around him.

"My money's on Strider," someone said.

"No way. Everyone's going to be gunning for him. I'm gonna bet on that Max kid," someone else said.


Strider soon excused himself from the fair and headed back to the hotel.

"Going back so soon?" Erza asked as she soon caught up with him.

"I thought I'd call it an early night. Yourself?" he wondered.

"Much the same," Erza said.

"Going to return to that book?" he asked with a smirk.

"Ugh. Please don't bring that up again," she grumbled.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. I never thought you were into that kind of material. It's just too good to pass on," Strider said. Suddenly he leaned in closer. "You want to try it?"

"W-W-What?!" Erza shouted, shocked and turning a bright red. Strider just laughed as he continued walking.

"Kidding, of course. Unless I'm not," he said in a sing song voice.

"It's not funny," she grumbled, giving him a light punch.

"You're right. I'm sorry," he sighed, putting an arm around her. Erza sighed and leaned in, putting hers around his waist. They continued their walk to the hotel in silence. As they arrived, Erza invited him to her room. Getting settled on the bed, she rested her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"You're going to be telling Mira and us whatever we want to know, right?" she asked softly.

"I am," Strider nodded.

"Can I ask you something right now, then?" she wondered, slipping a hand under his shirt. Strider felt her trace his scars, her hand warm to the touch.

"What is it?" he finally answered.

"Have you ever been in love?" she asked. As she asked, she mounted him, a surprisingly intense look in her eye. She took his face in her hands, staring intensely into his eyes.

"I have," Strider sighed.

"With someone from your homeland?" she asked.

"Yes," Strider said.

"Is…is she still…?" she trailed off.

"No. She died about nine years ago," Strider sighed.

"Do you miss her?" Erza wondered.

"Everyday," Strider said, closing his eyes for a short while before opening them. Erza was surprised to a solemn sadness in them.

"What was she like?" she asked.

"She was kind. Beautiful. A loving person that everyone enjoyed being around," Strider said, his voice shuddering. To her surprise, he sprung up. "Sorry, Erza. I'm more tired than I thought. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Strider! Wait!" she shouted. Without another word, however, Strider took his leave. Erza fell back onto the bed, a clenching around her heart.

'Who was she?' she thought.


As Strider was out on the balcony, he felt a sudden pain shoot through his shoulder. He grabbed at the spot, cursing it and the Witch-King that gave it to him. It was several minutes before he brought himself under control, although his breathing was still rapid. He chastised himself for leaving Erza so abruptly.

'I'll make it up to her tomorrow,' he thought, leaning against the railing.

As he headed to his room and put his sword on the bed beside him, he felt it rattle slightly. With a look of disgust, he forced himself into an unpleasant and tormenting sleep.

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