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46.8% Fairy Tail: The Prince of Peace / Chapter 22: GMG Day 5: Memory

Chapter 22: GMG Day 5: Memory

Awakened by a particularly pleasurable dream, Cana was up before almost everyone - or so she thought. Heading downstairs, she began to hear a soft humming. As she descended the final flight of stairs and rounded the corner, she saw Strider swilling a drink in a glass.

'Wonder what he's singing about?' she wondered, listening to his soothing voice. Soon, she heard him sing a poem.

"All that is gold does not glitter,

Not all those who wander are lost;

The old that is strong does not wither,

Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

From the ashes a fire shall be woken,

A light from the shadows shall spring;

Renewed shall be the blade that was broken,

The crownless again shall be king,"

Strider ended, drawing out the 'king'. With a sigh, he finished the glass before pouring himself a little more. It was just then that he noted that he wasn't alone.

"Ah, Cana. Good morning. Didn't expect to see you so early," he said with a smile.

"Hey. Same goes for me. What're you doing up so early?" she wondered, taking a seat next to him.

"Just couldn't sleep, unfortunately. It's an exciting day, to say the least. Just today and tomorrow until we find out who the top dogs are," he said.

"Definitely gonna be us," Cana said with a grin as she poured herself a glass.

"Is it really wise to be drinking so early?" he wondered.

"Dunno. You tell me," she replied, clinking glasses. Strider chuckled, taking a swig alongside her.

"Fair enough, I suppose," he said, licking his lips.

"So…," Cana began.

"Hmm?" he wondered.

"You and Mira?" she asked.

"Ah. Yes. I assumed that was coming up sooner or later," Strider sighed.

"So are you two a thing now?" she asked.

"I'm not sure what we are, to be honest. We decided to hold off on talking about it until after the Games," Strider said.

"Mmm. But have you decided?" Cana wondered.

"I haven't, no. Why the interest, though?" he wondered.

"Just… curious," Cana sighed, swirling the amber liquid around. "Wasn't Erza in your room a couple nights ago?"

"She was," Strider said. "But you'll have to ask her about it."

"She told us about your scars…," Cana began, carefully watching for a reaction.

"I see. What do you think?" he wondered.

"Do you mind if I…?" she trailed off, resting a hand on his leg. Strider clicked his tongue a few times before shrugging. Slowly, Cana snaked her hand up his shirt and began to feel around. She sighed as she felt the ridges and edges that lined his body.

"Not a nice sight," Strider sighed.

"How'd you survive this?" she asked quietly. "You should be dead right now."

"No kidding, right? I'd chalk it up to luck, I guess," he said.

"No way. No one is that lucky," she said. "This is insane. Even Gildarts isn't fucked up this badly."

"Can't tell if that's a compliment or insult," Strider sighed.

"Just a comment," Cana said, moving a little closer. She ran her other hand up his back; the story was much the same. "Wow."

"Has its perks. Who doesn't love danger?" he joked.

"This might be to much danger, you know," she sighed, resting her head on his shoulder as she continued to feel around. "You're still alive. That's important. I'm happy for that."

"As am I," Strider said. "About done?"

"Hm? Oh, sorry," she said, quickly withdrawing. "I think you need another drink, honestly."

"Gladly," Strider said, letting her fill his glass. "I'm guessing you have some more questions."

"You have no idea," Cana sighed. "Do they hurt a lot?"

"Most have healed - just reminders at this point. Some still hurt, but barely," he said.

"How are you able to move like that, then? You should be slower," she said.

"When there's something that needs doing, I can't get hung up on that. Lots of other important things to take care of. They take preference," he said.

"You're done fighting in a war, you know. Isn't it time to take it easy?" Cana asked.

"This is me taking it easy," Strider said.

"Easier, then," she sighed.

"I dunno if I could do that. I stay active, which is enough for now. But you never know what the future holds. I need to always be ready," Strider said darkly.

"You think there might be a war here or something?" Cana asked.

"Anythings possible," he shrugged.

"Except that. We haven't had a war in centuries. No country in Ishgar wants to fight anymore," she said.

"I hope you're right. That said, better safe than sorry," Strider said, tapping the counter. "Enough about that, however. Planning to stick around after the Games finish?"

"Oh yeah. Mira was talking about how there're some great bars in Crocus," Cana said.

"Planning a crawl?" he wondered.

"You know it. Care to join? I'm sure it'll be fun," she said.

"Count me in. We'll go tomorrow night once we beat everyone," Strider said, grinning.

"Can't wait. Anyways, I'm going to get a little more sleep. You really should as well," she said.

"Is that an offer?" he wondered.

"Not this time unfortunately. We don't have that long," she said in a sing song voice. Strider chuckled to himself before concentrating on his drink again. Looking out the window, the night was still strong.


"You seem tired," Mira noted as they walked to Domus Flau.

"Just a bit," Strider yawned. "Ready and able, though."

"Good luck," she said, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before joining the rest of the group. Team Fairy Tail continued to make their way to the arena.

"You didn't sleep?" Erza frowned.

"Unfortunately not. Happens sometimes," he said tiredly.

"Was it because of what we talked about?" she asked quietly.

"No, not that. Just couldn't sleep is all," Strider said. "That said, I'm ready to rumble."

"Wonder what today's event is gonna be?" Gray wondered.

"All I know is I'm gonna kick whoever's ass I have to!" Natsu exclaimed.

"YOU?! IT'S GONNA BE ME!" Gajeel yelled.

"We'll wait to hear what it is before we decide. All of us have already participated," Erza reminded them.

"Yeah, but you and Strider kicked ass! You gotta let us do that too!" Natsu whined.

"Erza's right. But don't worry. I believe tomorrow's event is a free for all between all the Guilds. I'll be surprised if any of us gets knocked out," Strider said with a smile.


"Welcome to Day Five of the Grand Magic Games, folks!" Chapati exclaimed to the excited crowd. "We've a simple event in store for you today, but perhaps the most entertaining as well! The rules are as follows: each team will choose one fighter to represent them. Once all the competitors are on the field, a barrier will be erected and a countdown timer will begin. If you touch the barrier, you will given a point. At the end of the countdown, whoever is closest to zero will earn 10 points for their teams!"


"I will participate in this event," Kagura said solemnly.

"Alright! We've definitely got this one in the bag. Gravity Magic is the way to go!" Risley said excitedly as Kagura walked out.


"And it looks like Lyon is going in for Lamia Scale! No doubt he wants some payback for yesterday's match! We might see a score being settled here, folks!" Chapati yelled.


"Jenny?" Eve wondered.

"Nope. Hibiki?" Jenny asked.

"No way. Already got my ass kicked in an event once," he sighed. "Ren?"

"Na. Eve?"

"I guess. Master is still out of commission. Plus, we want him to be rested for tomorrow," Eve sighed.

"You can do it!" Jenny chirped behind him.


"WILD!" Bacchus roared, slumping onto the field.


"Sting?" Rogue asked quietly.

"No," was all Sting said, his eyes shifting to Minerva.

"Do you wish to say something?" she asked coolly.


"PITIFUL!" Jiemma roared at the Dragon Slayers in front of him. Sting and Rogue were getting a tongue lashing from him; no one in the guild recalled him being so angry before.

"What happened, Sting, Rogue? I thought you two were REAL Dragon Slayers? You used to love reminding us of that fact. And then you go out there and get your asses handed to you by ONE guy?" Jiemma demanded. "What do you two have to say for yourselves?"

"It's like you said, Master," Rogue said, clenching his fest. "Natsu was able to subdue Sting and me somehow without using his full power. We never imagined that he would be that strong."

"Are you whining, boy?" Jiemma roared as he hit Rogue and sent him flying across the room.

"Rogue!" Frosche squealed, terrified as he rushed over to check on his friend.

"Aww, don't be like that master. They all tried their best! I'm sure they'll get it next time!" Lector said encouragingly, drawing all eyes toward him.

"Who are you?" Jiemma asked.

"I'm a member of Sabertooth, sir. See?" Lector said, showing Jiemma his mark.

"Who defiled our guild by placing the mark on this mangy beast?" Jiemma asked.

"What…" Lector began, but was cut off.

"BEGONE!" Jiemma roared. A bright began to erupt from where Lector was standing.

"Help me, Sting…" Lector said softly before an explosion erupted on the very spot. As it subsided, there was nothing besides a black mark on the ground.

"LECTOR!" Sting roared, eyes wide in horror.

"Stay close, Frosche," Rogue said, holding him close.

"He killed Lector," Frosche cried.

"What, you knew that thing?" Jiemma asked Sting.

"What the hell have you done?!" Sting roared. He caught Jiemma off guard as he roared at him in full force. Without a second to defend, Jiemma was blasted by the powerful laser. He fell to the ground, the pain overwhelming.

"You'll pay for that…" Jiemma said, struggling to get up.

"Well, this is a surprise," Minerva suddenly said as she walked to Jiemma.

"Minerva…" Jiemma coughed.

"What was it you always said? One loss, you're out? There can be no weak links, after all," she continued as she observed Jiemma, the displeasure evident in her eyes.

"What're you doing, you witch?" he snarled.

"Remove your guild mark, old man. I think at this point, Sting should take up your mantle," she continued, walking over to Sting. "Stop your crying. Your friend is safe. I hid him in a pocket dimension before the old man got him."

"What? Really, M'lady? Thank you! You can bring him back now!" Sting said, amazed.

"No. Not until after the Games are over. I may have saved him, but he's not out of the woods yet. We win, you'll get him. We don't…," Minerva trailed off. "And before you think of attacking me, remember that I'm the only one that can bring him back alive."


"No, M'lady," Sting said gruffly.

"Mmm, I thought as much. I shall participate in this event," she said.

"Are you sure, M'lady? You may be participating in the battle," Rufus suggested.

"No, I'm certain this is far more conducive to my skills," she said, walking out.


As the contenders finally walked out, everyone turned to Fairy Tail - who was still bickering back and forth.


"Well, this is unusual," Chapati sighed.


"NO! IT'S GONNA BE ME!" Natsu yelled at Gajeel and Gray.

"WHAT, SO YOU CAN GET SICK AGAIN?!" Gray yelled back.

"HEY, AT LEAST I GOT US A POINT!" Natsu shouted.

"YOU WANNA GO?!" Gray screamed at him.

"LET'S-" Natsu began before he and Gray were shut up unceremoniously by Erza.

"Children," she sighed. "Strider?"

"I'm game," he said, walking out. As soon as the crowd saw him, they erupted into a loud cheer. The other contenders looked on, half wary - half excited.


"Ugh. Now I wish I did go out," Jenny sighed, blowing him a kiss.

"Not that kinda match, Jenny," Ren teased, earning a glare from her.


"Ah. Now I'm jealous," Jura sighed.

"You really shoulda gone out there, Jura!" Shelia said. "But Lyon's got this!"

"I certainly hope so," Sherry mused, not as certain about his chances.


"Looks like Fairy Tail is busting out the big guns," Risley said.

"Awww, man!" Millianna whined. She knew Kagura was a significant threat, but Strider was something else.


"Gentlemen. Ladies," Strider greeted them.

"This is gonna be wild," Bacchus said with a grin.

"I was hoping you would send out Gray," Lyon sighed.

"He got on Erza's bad side. I'm sure you know what that's like," Strider sighed.

"Indeed. A wager, Strider," Lyon said.

"Oh? What is it?" Strider asked interestedly.

"If I win, you will hand over Juvia!" Lyon said dramatically.


Juvia screamed in horror at the thought of being parted from her beloved.

"Guess we know what she thinks of the idea," Mira giggled.


"What?" Strider wondered.

"WAIT! NOT LIKE THAT! I mean if I beat you, then Juvia must join Lamia Scale!" Lyon covered up.

"That's up to her, I'm afraid," Strider laughed. "But what if I win? What will I get?"


"More wagers?" Chapati wondered hopefully.


"I've no interest in making trivial wagers," Kagura sighed.

"Oh come on, Kaggy! Live a little!" Bacchus said, downing his alcohol. Strider saw Kagura tighten her grip on her sword; if there weren't so many people, it's likely that Bacchus would've lost his head by now.

"If I win, Juvia must join Lamia Scale!" Lyon declared again.

"Let's see… well, I wouldn't mind it if Wendy joined Blue Pegasus," Eve shrugged.


"WHAT?!" Wendy exclaimed, turning a bright red.

"Oooh, I think Eve really likes you," Lucy teased her.

"HUH?!" she shrieked, turning an even brighter red.

"Oh, they'd be sooo cute together!" Mira cooed.

"Wait! What if Wendy doesn't want to?!" Romeo suddenly chimed in. He soon regretted it as Mira, Cana, and Lucy turned to him, their eyes bright as they picked up on the meaning.

"Should've kept quiet, kiddo," Macao sighed.


"I… want you guys… to buy me… alcohol… for life!" Bacchus said, rolling on the balls of his feet, grinning madly.

"That's fine with me," Strider said. "Kagura? It just wouldn't be right if you didn't join."

Kagura looked at Strider, her eyes soon traveling to his sword. If he was anything like her, his sword was an extension of himself.

"What is the make of your sword?" she wondered.

"Ah. You want my sword?" he asked with a short laugh. "It's old and imbued with some unique Magic. That's as much as I can say about it."

"Very well. Should I win, I'll have your sword," she said.

"Excellent. And you?" Strider asked coldly, his eyes traveling to Minerva. She smiled as she looked at him intensely.

"Should I win, you will join Sabertooth. Immediately," Minerva said.


"WHAT?!" Mira asked angrily and she wasn't the only one. No one on Fairy Tail seemed keen on the idea.


"Very well," Strider said pleasantly.

"And what will you demand of us?" Minerva wondered.

"If I win, you will personally apologize to Lucy - and mean it," Strider said.

"Excuse me?" she asked, surprised.

"You will personally - and honestly - apologize to Lucy. I think it's fair. If that means you have to get on your knees and beg, so be it," Strider said. Minerva scoffed before shrugging.

"Very well. I accept," she said.

"Alright, folks! With that out of the way, let's begin the match! The barrier is up and the countdown… begins… NOW!" Chapati yelled.


As soon as Chapati finished, Strider's telekinetic power surged immensely. No one had a moment to prepare as their bodies were flung back, much like Jura's on the first day. The crowd cheered as everyone, except Strider, earned a point.

"That's not fair!" Eve complained.

"Apologies," Strider said, holding out his hand and sending Eve back into the barrier, adding another point to Blue Pegasus. Lyon shot an Ice Eagle at Strider which he cleaved apart before pulling Lyon close and giving him a painful headbutt. As Lyon's head shot back, Strider grabbed him by the collar and launched him at the barrier - another point for Lamia Scale. Bacchus got a karate chop in on Strider. Strider felt the sting of the attack but shrugged it off, kicking Bacchus square in the stomach and sending him back, just short of reaching the barrier.

Kagura soon got close to him, her sword still sheathed. Strider drew Anglachel and locked blades with her, frowning. He could sense the fury behind the attack but was unsure if the ire was directed at him. Kagura had to look up; Strider towered over her by a foot or so and behind his eyes, she felt a certain sense of power.

"You're strong, but are you quick?" she wondered as she stepped back and quickly began slashing at him. Kagura had the speed advantage as Strider had a difficult time blocking all of her attacks, some getting through. He was thankful that Kagura's blade was still sheathed and that his cloak was so strong; beyond reverberating against his bones, he was able to shrug off the attack.

"Evidently not," he sighed, clicking his tongue. "I don't think I've often - or ever - fought anyone as fast as you are."

"I'm afraid praise won't help you against me," Kagura said getting ready to unleash again.

"I'm well aware. That said, unless you unsheathe your blade, you won't be doing much against me," Strider said, activating his telekinesis again. To his surprise, however, Kagura didn't go flying back. Looking around her, he saw a purple aura.


"She stopped him?!" Mira asked, surprised.

"Gravity Magic. Kagura can increase or decrease the efficacy of the attack within her radius, or she can increase or decrease her weight to allow her more freedom. It's quite an interesting counter," Mavis said, intrigued.

"Wow. I thought he was gonna bust through everyone," Bixlow said.

"I suppose it's a good thing," Mavis said with a smile.

"Why do you say that, First Master?" Makarov wondered.

"It'll make him think a bit more. Strider doesn't seem like he's used to people stopping him like that," Mavis said, noting the surprised look on his face.


"Gravity Magic," she said. "I-,"

"There's no need to elucidate. I'd much rather find out for myself," Strider said; he felt a rush of excitement that he hadn't in a long time.

'No ones been able to defend against my Magic for a long time! This is getting interesting!' he thought ecstatically. Kagura was surprised by the sudden intensity of his next attack; Strider used his telekinesis to propel himself forward. Anglachel locked with Archenemy and Kagura was forced back a bit.

"He seems a bit more riled," Lyon said.

"No kidding. I think we're gonna have to work together for a bit," Eve said.

"Agreed. Bacchus?" Lyon asked as Bacchus downed another bottle.

"Ha! I'm in, man. Let's get wild," he grinned.

"And you?" Lyon asked Minerva, who was mostly observing.

"As if I need your help," she said. She suddenly disappeared into a pocket dimension, surprising the three. Looking towards Kagura and Strider, they saw a black ball appear between them. Kagura seemed surprised by Strider suddenly reaching into it. Fishing around, he felt an arm; grabbing it, he ripped Minerva out and tossed her at the barrier, adding another point to Sabertooth.

"That won't work on me," he said coldly. He suddenly felt his body blast back; Kagura used the moment of thoughtlessness to lower the gravity around him, making him nearly weightless. Strider used his telekinesis to bury his blade deep into the ground, slowing him. He felt the weight on his right shoulder but pushed through the pain, stopping only feet from the barrier. Kagura rushed him almost immediately. Strider threw up a dust cloud with his Magic, blinding her a bit. Roughly, he grabbed her face and hurled her the few feet left to add another point to Mermaid Heel.


"That was close," Erza sighed.

"She's no joke, though. Holy crap! Erza! You think you could take her?!" Natsu exclaimed.

"I certainly hope to find out," Erza said.


Lyon, Bacchus, and Eve took that moment to strike. Strider flew to the center, making sure he was as far as he could be from the barrier. As the others got back up, they looked at each other, wondering what their best strategy was.

"As I said, we may have to work together," Lyon said. "Kagura?"

"Very well," she sighed; as much as she didn't want to admit it, Strider was deft in his movements.

"Minerva?" Lyon asked again. She sighed, but didn't move. "Good."

"All five, hmm? So be it," Strider said, rolling his neck. His eyes and mouth blazed blue as he smiled eerily at them. He took a step forward - before suddenly, he was gone in a haze of smoke.

"What ju-," Lyon began before he felt a painful shock in his side. Strider and reappeared, slashing him viciously; and a moment later, he was gone. He reappeared near Bacchus and cut him as well before disappearing and reappearing behind Eve. He grabbed him by his collar and hurled him into the ground before turning his attention to Minerva and Kagura, both of whom began to move quickly around the arena.

Strider blasted the ground with his telekinesis, sending up a massive dust cloud that hindered the other two. He appeared behind Kagura and grabbed her around the waist, suplexing her into the barrier. As he appeared near Minerva, though, she barely dodged him.

"An interesting maneuver," she said. Strider simply chuckled - but it was a mirthless one, devoid of any humor. More than anything, it was menacing; Minerva felt the hair on her neck stand up.

"There's no escape," she heard him say in an icy tone.

"Are you sure of that?" she asked, eyes narrowed.

"I am. Fall," he said. Minerva felt her body collapse, the weight of the telekinesis to much. The ground around her cratered before she was sent towards the barrier.


"Looks like Strider is in the lead, folks! It's not entirely unexpected - he has been the one to beat during the Games!" Chapati announced.


"I didn't know he could teleport like that!" Max exclaimed.

"Nor did I. Mira?" Freed inquired.

"I didn't know either. Guess there's still a lot about him we don't know," she said, brow furrowed. Whenever his features blazed blue, she felt an uncomfortable sensation - as though he wasn't the Strider she felt for. He was usually kind and caring; but like this, he had a menacing and dangerous aura about him.

"It's pretty cool, though," Bixlow said with a grin.


"Kind of reminds me of that Racer guy," Gray mused.

"I thought he simply moved fast?" Erza asked.

"He did. He couldn't teleport like that. Although, looks like Strider can't go to far," Gray said.

"Teleportation is always a dangerous feat. It's best to be used sparingly or not at all," Erza said. She had heard horror stories of people that left half of their bodies behind when attempting it.


"Damn it…," Lyon said as he got to his feet after being thrown against the wall again. Lamia Scale and Mermaid Heel had three points, while Blue Pegasus, Sabertooth, and Quatro Puppy had two; Fairy Tail was still at 0 and in the lead.

Strider took care to even the score; methodically, he pelted Minerva, Eve, and Bacchus into the barrier again. As he got settled, he had to quickly take his sword out and lock with Kagura again, who seemed to be increasing her ferocity. Strider kept up with each attack of the scabbard.

"Is that all?" he asked.

"Meaning?" she inquired, leaning in close. Their faces were only a foot apart, each measuring the other.

"Aren't you going to actually use the blade?" he asked.

"It's not meant for you," Kagura answered.

"Who is it for, then?" he asked.

"That…," Kagura said, twirling and getting a strike in on his right shoulder. Strider clenched his teeth hard as he took a few steps back, trying to get the throbbing under control, "…is none of your business!"

'Damn Nazgûl,' Strider thought. He felt a bit of liquid begin to trickle down under the shirt; Kagura had burst the wound open. He quickly applied some telekinetic pressure to it - he couldn't let any blood drop here.

"Only a few minutes left, competitors!" Chapati announced.

"You may wish to focus on each other," Strider said as he circled the other guilds like a wolf stalking its prey. Minerva sighed; she could see where this was going. She suddenly lashed out at the others, forcing an explosion that caught Bacchus, Eve, and Lyon off guard. Each was flung into the barrier, while Kagura evaded her attack. Kagura ripped after Minerva while Strider watched.

"Such anger," Minerva teased. "I suppose it's no surprise you defeated that little girl."

"Your teammate?" Kagura asked.

"She's no teammate of ours," Minerva spat. "Sabertooth does not accept loss!"

"You don't have much of a choice," Kagura retorted, landing a blow on Minerva that ripped part of dress. "The winner of this match already seems to be decided."

"Perhaps if someone wasn't such a coward?" Minerva offered.

"I take that to mean me?" Kagura spat, shifting the gravity around her and Minerva. She was about to land an attack when Minerva disappeared into her pocket dimension. She reappeared behind Kagura, blasting her into the barrier.

"Who else?" Minerva said. "A timid little girl, always afraid to expose herself - in more ways than one."

"You know nothing about me!" Kagura said angry, leaping towards Minerva again. Minerva smiled; she had gotten the exact reaction she wanted. She took advantage of Kagura's anger and managed to land another point on her.

Meanwhile, Lyon, Eve, and Bacchus had resolved that they would not place first - but just as much, they were focused on not placing last either. Lyon and Eve had teamed up on Bacchus, landing several decisive blows - but were unable to force him back. Downing another bottle, Bacchus took the battle close and personal. The Ice and Snow Wizards were unable to defend against his exemplary Palm Magic and hand to hand combat; Bacchus easily threw them into the barriers several times. While he took a moment to soak in victory, Minerva landed another spatial explosion on him. She was clearly poised to take second place.

"And what is your Magic, I wonder?" Strider asked he came up behind her, sending her face first into a barrier before telekinetically rocketing Kagura back before she had a chance to activate her Gravity Magic.

"Territory," Minerva said as she walked back to him. She refused to end the match without landing a decisive blow on him in particular.

"Territory?" Strider questioned.

"I can manipulate space," she said.

"Interesting," Strider mused.

"No one has ever tried to reach into my dimension, though. That was a foolish move," she said.

"What's the worst that could happen?" he wondered.

"You could lose an arm," she said.

"Worse things could happen," he shrugged. "So, you can teleport using your Magic? Intriguing."

"You're far to kind," she said. "You seem to be able to do so as well."

"Only short distances," he said. Minerva suddenly teleported again. Strider braced himself, waiting for the spatial sphere to reappear. It suddenly did in front of him. As Minerva exited, instead of attack him, she suddenly kissed him. Strider was surprised, to say the least - enough so that Minerva generated an explosion that blasted him back - and into the barrier. Landing gracefully, she licked her lips and smiled.


"I DIDN'T EXPECT THAT, FOLKS!" Chapati suddenly roared while the crowd simply cried out in shock. None really had the words to express what Minerva did.


"WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!" Makarov yelled.

Mira, Bisca, Cana, Lucy, and Juvia all stared with wide eyes, unable to process it. Mira's She-Devil aura began to surge forth, her anger ignited.

"That bitch!" she snarled.

"No kidding! THAT WAS DIRTY!" Cana shouted at her.

"Must… kill… Minerva…," Juvia said, feeling a vicious surge of anger.

"When I get my hands on her…," Lucy said.

"What happened, Mama?" Asuka asked as Bisca stopped rocking her. Bisca felt a sudden urge to whip out a sniper rifle and headshot Minerva.

"You'll know when you're older, sweetheart," Bisca said with a pained smile.

"I can't decide whether to be angry or jealous…," Macao cried.

"That was quite an interesting attack," Mavis giggled. She laughed full force as she saw Makarov, Macao, and Wakaba long for similar treatment.


"Uhh… Erza…?" Natsu asked.

"Hmm?" Erza hummed.

"Your gloves are cracking…," Natsu pointed out. There were significant cracks forming in her armored gloves.

"Natsu," Erza began.

"Yeah?" he wondered.

"If you speak again, the only thing cracking will be your skull," she said menacingly.

"Aye," the Dragon Slayer replied meekly.



"I've never seen her this pissed," Hibiki mused.

"Did she forget which team she's on?" Ren sighed.


"What the hell?!" Sting shouted, aghast.

"That… did the trick, it seems," Rufus mused, also unsure of what to say.

"Didn't think she'd plant one on him," Olga said.

"Rogue?" Rufus asked.

"I have no idea, honestly," Rogue sighed.

"The old man can't be happy about that," Olga said.


"Well, she did manage to land a point on him," Meredy laughed.

"I can't tell if he's happy or not," Ultear sighed.

"Of course he is!" Meredy giggled. "Come on, any guy would be! Right, Jellal?"

"I have no idea," Jellal sighed.


The timer finally hit zero. Fairy Tail handily won, with Sabertooth in second place, Mermaid Heel in third, Quatro Puppy fourth, Lamia Scale fifth, and Blue Pegasus sixth. Strider was back to normal, eyeing Minerva curiously.

"Well, that was unexpected," he finally said.

"I use what I can to my advantage," she said.

"I can tell. Can't say I'm entirely disappointed with the outcome," he said. "I look forward to hearing you apologize."

Minerva scoffed and sighed as she headed off the arena. The others sulked away, except Kagura - who was looking intensely at Minerva's retreating form.

"Are you alright?" Strider asked as he passed her.

"What?" she asked sharply.

"Are you alright?" he reiterated. "You seem angry."

"That's none of your business," she said, brushing past him.


"Strider! What the hell, man?! You're supposed to be fighting, not getting laid!" Gajeel yelled.

"I know, I know," Strider sighed. "I was just as surprised, believe me."

"Well, it was accident. Can't be helped, I guess," Erza said, her teeth grating. The intense anger had not yet died down. Strider sighed, wondering what he could say to her - and the others. He began to focus on cleaning up the trickles of blood that threatened to spill.

"Uhh…," Gray began.

"Leave it if you wanna live," Natsu said, surprisingly sage like.

"Yeah… good idea," Gray grumbled.


"Uhhh… M'lady?" Olga began.

"Hmm?" Minerva hummed.

"Never mind…," Olga sighed.

"A wise decision," she said.


"Well, folks - our fighters have their work cut out for today. That event is gonna be hard to top - but they'll try nonetheless! Welcome to the battles for the day - the final three before tomorrow's Final Match! Please welcome to the arena - Ren from Blue Pegasus and Novali of Quatro Puppy!" Chapati shouted. Despite the cheer, it was more muted than before.


"GO REN!" Sherry cheered.

"Tch," he scoffed, mocking indifference.

'Gotta make sure I win. Can't let myself lose in front of her,' he told himself.

"LET'S GET WILD!" Novali yelled, ready to rumble.

Ren and Novali wasted no time in attacking each other striking quickly and hard. Ren's attacks seemed to have a bit more power; it wasn't long until he had blasted Novali back with his magic. The bandanna wearing Wizard grunted, trying to figure out the best way to combat him.

Ren posed as Sherry cheered him on; the slight opening was enough for Novali to land a powerful attack, blasting the Air Wizard back.

'Gonna have to turn it up a notch, I guess,' Ren thought. He began charging up a magic attack, but opted not to release it at just that moment. Novali was intrigued; he took the risk and got up close. As he nearly closed the distance, however, Ren finally unleashed his spell. The cyclone hit Novali head on, sending him flying high into the air. It was a few seconds before his body smacked on the ground; he let out a meek 'wild' before passing out.


"Ladies and gentlemen - our winner, Ren of Blue Pegasus!" Chapati announced.


"Way to go, Renny!" Sherry cheered delightfully while Ren smiled.

"Ren, Ren, he's our man, if he can't do it, only Ichiya can!" Eve and Hibiki cheered as Ren returned to him, bowing.


"Next up - from Lamia Scale, we have Jura Neekis against Risley Law of Mermaid Heel!" Chapati exclaimed.


"I dunno about this one," Beth said worriedly.

"Kagura?" Millianna asked.

"Jura is extremely powerful," Kagura sighed. As much as she didn't want to say it, she didn't like Risley's chances.


"Iron Rock Jura, huh?" Risley asked, smiling.

"Your Magic is exceptional," Jura said, returning the smile. "It's a rare Wizard that can master Gravity Magic. I know how complex it can be."

"Now you're just charming me," Risley giggled.

"Not at all. It's why I intend to go all out," Jura said as Chapati announced for them to begin. Risley was off to a strong start. She used Gravity on herself, changing from her short and stout physique to a tall and slender one.


"She's like a whole new person," Strider said.

"Kinda weird, though," Gray said.


Jura anchored himself as he felt the gravity change around him. Suddenly he brought both of his hands up, buffeting her towards the sky with rock pillars that erupted from the ground. Risley easily manipulated the Gravity around her; she managed to land deftly on her feet.

"Quite impressive," Jura said as he hurled several large boulders at her.

"Charmer," she smiled. She changed the Gravity of the boulders, making them almost weightless. They flew back at Jura - who took them head on. A passive hand erupted from the ground and punched through. Risley activated Gravity yet again, but the speed was to high to be immediately effected. The Rock Fist collided with her, knocking her out.


"And this match goes to Jura, folks!" Chapati exclaimed.


"Well done," Lyon said with a smile.

"She's an adept Wizard. I look forward to seeing her in future games," Jura said.

"Hmm… that leaves Fairy Tail and Sabertooth. I wonder who's gonna be chosen?" Shelia wondered.


"And now, folks, our final match of the day! From Sabertooth, we have Rufus Lore!" Chapati exclaimed. As Rufus walked out with a smile, he received a thunderous applause from the crowd. They recalled his tremendous performance from the first event and were hoping for another blowout. "And from Fairy Tail… oh, this is a surprise! The man that astounded us just moments prior - welcome back to the arena - STRIDER!"

The crowd veritably exploded, chanting his name furiously. Rufus frowned; the cheer that Strider received was far more significant than his own.


"I think I'm gonna go deaf," Lisanna grumbled, covering her ears.

"No kidding. Super loud," Lucy whined.

"Think he's ready, though? He just fought," Levy said.

"I'm sure he's fine, especially up against pretty boy," Cana said.


"I wasn't expecting to face you of all people," Rufus said.

"Nor was I," Strider said, stretching a bit.

"I was more surprised to see that Lady Minerva managed to land a point on you. Perhaps you aren't invincible," Rufus mused.

"I never claimed to be," Strider said. "Although, I'm not sure a similar tactic will work for you."

"I've no compunction about that. I'm far more intrigued to see what else you're capable of. Your Magic is intriguing to say the least," Rufus said.

"Thank you. Your Memory Make Magic is something else as well. I assume you've tried to copy my attacks?" Strider asked.

"I have," Rufus sighed.

"Any luck?" Strider wondered.

"None at all. I'm curious to find out why," Rufus said.

"Best of luck," Strider said graciously as Chapati shouted at them to begin.

"Night of Shooting Stars!" Rufus immediately exclaimed, sending the bright balls of lightning at Strider. Strider immediately took control of them and flung them back at Rufus, who seemed surprised.

"Surprised?" Strider wondered.

"More than a little. But, you must have limitations," Rufus said.

"Certainly. In a sense, my Magic just might be the weakest here. After all, I can't create something out of nothing as everyone else appears to be able to," Strider said.


"What's he talking about, First Master? He's kicking ass!" Macao inquired.

"He is, Macao, but that's because Strider has significant control over his Magic. In fact, he's likely the strongest here in terms of control. I don't think we've seen the limit of his powers yet. That said, he's right when he says that he's limited to what he can control. While the range is considerable, there are some things that Strider can't do that virtually every other Wizard here can - create something, such as fire with Natsu or ice with Gray - or anything from memories with Rufus," Mavis said with a light smile.

"But he's always surrounded by… something," Mira said.

"And that is where his versatility lies. So long as something exists, Strider's telekinesis will be able to control it, making it a difficult ability to overcome," Mavis said.

"You're a strategist, First Master. How would you go about fighting him?" Makarov wondered.

"Minerva seemed to have had the most ideal approach," Mavis giggled, breaking into full laughter as she saw the looks on some of the girls.


"Indeed," Rufus said. "I've noticed that you are unable to do that. But light should be difficult for anyone to control."

"Ah, well, there's rub. If it exists, I can control it," Strider said. "That said, you've got a significant repertoire to work with."

"Karma of the Burning Lands!" Rufus shouted, using the same move he used on Eve. Strider felt the area around him start to heat up significant; a moment later, pillars of fire began jutting at him. He flew between them, doing his best not to touch any; even with his control, he could feel the sear.

"Come on, hit that pretty boy!" Gray yelled at him from the sidelines, eliciting a chuckle from Strider.

'Gray definitely wants another go at him,' Strider thought. Meanwhile, Rufus continued cycling through his attacks, which Strider managed to easily evade.

"Your speed is impressive," Rufus said as he stopped for a moment, smiling.

"You're far to kind," Strider said. Suddenly, Rufus closed his eyes and began to concentrate. Strider felt a pressure on his head, as though something was trying to wiggle in.

It was as though a dark veil had come over Domus Flau. People looked on, intrigued as Strider's memory was projected for the world to see.


"What's going on?" Makarov asked.

"It appears as though Rufus is projecting Strider's memory. He appears to have put a lot of power into the attack, which explains why we can see it," Mavis said.

"Is that fair? This is private!" Mira shouted.

"Unfortunately, I don't think the match will be stopped," Mavis frowned.


"Interesting," the king said, noting the change. The entire arena had a shadow looming over it, signifying the strength of the attack.

"What kind of attack is this, Father?" Princess Hisui wondered. She was a beautiful young woman with stark green hair that went just past her shoulders. She wore a light green dress and two ringlets around her left thigh and right calf. She had been watching the games intently, impressed by the new addition to Fairy Tail.

"I'm not sure, my dear. Since Rufus uses Memory Make Magic, I image it's related," the king said.

"I'm not sure this is right," she frowned. "This seems personal to Strider."

"Strider?" the king asked, surprised his daughter used the Fairy's first name so casually.

"Isn't that his name?" Hisui asked.

"It is - I just didn't think you were comfortable enough with him to use it," the king laughed.

"Ugh…," Hisui grumbled.


More figures and shapes began to take form until finally, they coalesced into a discernible image. The crowd was engulfed in the memory and transported to a world they hadn't been to. They were in the middle of what appeared to be an outpost with stone walls and pillars jutting up on either side. As they heard a clash and clang, their eyes settled on several figures. Strider was immediately recognizable, his appearance the exact same as it always was. What was different, however, was that he had his sword drawn and was locked in a fierce battle with several cloaked figures. All they could see of the mysterious figures were their swords, their gauntlet covered hands, and their greaves covered feet. In a corner, they saw several tiny people huddled into a corner, watching with fright.

Strider blasted a figure back before locking his sword with another one. He began smashing it down on the sword of the other, who buckled. With a sharp burst, he sent the figure tumbling back and out of sight. Two came at him from either side, but he managed to get out in the nick of time. A third, however, managed to land a blow on him. The sword cut through Strider's cloak and slashed him across the chest. He recoiled and put a same distance between him and them, clenching his teeth as he tried to figure out a strategy.

In his moment of recoil, he saw one heading for the huddled figures. Strider shouted at it before rushing again into the midst of the battle. He put himself between the cowering folk and the looming specters, determined to keep them safe.

"What're you gonna do?" one of them asked.

"Trying to figure that out," Strider said, gritting his teeth. "If you see an opening, run and don't look back."

"We can't just leave you!" another shouted.

"You just might have to," Strider said, locking swords with another dark figure. It let out a terrifying screech which grated on his ears. Strider didn't have time to deflect a figure that suddenly came at him from the side. He let out an anguished scream as a dark sword pierced his shoulder.


"What the hell…?" Lucy said softly as she saw the look of pain. She hadn't ever seen him like that before; he seemed to be severely hurt.

"When did this happen?" Cana wondered aloud, gulping as she saw black blood begin to drip down the blade that pierced his shoulder.

Mira surreptitiously rubbed her own, gulping as she remembered the black mark on his shoulder.


"That's gotta hurt," Gajeel said.

"No kidding. Looks really bad," Natsu said.


"Looks like he does bleed," Minerva mused with clear interest.


The memory began to fade before suddenly, a bright light erupted in the dark. Instead of being something warm and comforting, however, a sudden chill descended on the arena. The crowd began to shiver and panic, looking around for something resembling their world. All they could see, however, was a bright orange light in front of what appeared to be a pain ridden Strider.

"Folks, I'm not sure what's going on here…," Chapati said nervously.


"Do you feel that?" Mavis suddenly said, gulping.

"I do, First Master. What is it?" Makarov asked, fear etched into his heart as well.


"What's going on?!" Lyon shouted.

"I'm not certain. I feel something, but I'm not sure what," Jura said, feeling the hair on his neck stand up.


"It looks like there's something in the light," the king said, covering his eyes.

"Father… Arcadios…," Hisui said softly. The king and his right hand man simply looked at each other, unsure of what else to say.


"Do you feel that?" a short man with wizened features asked.

"I do. But what is it, I wonder?" a well dressed man with vampiric features wondered.

"I'm not sure - but it's…," trailed off another man who resembled a tree.

"Evil?" asked a man who had a scar across his nose and hair that fell around his face.

"No. This is beyond that," the vampiric man said.

"Zeref?" the short man inquired.

"Worse," the treelike figure answered.


Within the bright light, a flame suddenly erupted.


"What is that?!" Natsu yelled.

"Fire?" Gray asked.

"No wait… it's taking shape. Is… is that a person?" Erza asked, surprised.


Within the bright light, a darkened figure began to emerge. All anyone could make out was a vaguely humanoid appearance. It stood in front of Strider, impassive and imposing. The figure's head began to move, aiming here and there towards people in the crowd - some of whom fainted at the sight.


"Arcadios… what is this?" the king asked his lead general.

"Your majesty… I…" Arcadios said, unable to speak further.

"The gate?" the king asked.

"No, sir. This is something far, far worse," said Arcadios.


From within the fiery light, the dark figure finally settled its gaze on Strider. Suddenly - and in a terrifying voice - it began to speak.

"You cannot hide," it spoke slowly, drawling the words out a bit. The voice was powerful and malevolent, striking fear and terror into everyone that heard it.

"I see YOU!" it said before letting out a low growl. "There is no life… in the void."


"I've never felt this much power before," Mavis said. Despite her incorporeal form, she could sense the hatred and strength in the voice.


"Only… death," it ended. As it said the final word, the memory Strider suddenly vanished. Replacing him was the Strider everyone was used to, his eyes and mouth blazing blue.

"Be gone!" Strider roared, shoving a hand into the dark figure. The figure shrieked at the touch, forcing everyone to flinch. The terrible sound quickly began to subside, however.

"YOU!" the figure shouted at Strider. Strider was impassive as he forced his hand through the body. He quickly whipped out Anglachel and cut through it. Anglachel quivered excitedly as it felt the darkness. The dark figure began to vanish as quickly as it had appeared; the dark of the memory began to subside and the sun was soon out once again. As the final wisp of the figure disappeared, it spoke so softly that only Strider could hear.

"Death will come to all."


"Wha… wha… what…," Levy mumbled.

"I'm not sure," Makarov said, intently watching.


Rufus was sprawled out, eyes staring wide into the sky. Being so close to the memory, he bore the full brunt of it.

"I… I'm not sure what happened, folks, but it looks like Strider has… won the match," Chapati said meekly. The crowd slowly began to cheer, trying to forget what happened; it was of little use, however - the cheer was polite at best. Sighing, Strider went over to Rufus and held a hand to his hand, chanting softly. Rufus suddenly gasped for air before he settled into a pained breathing.

"That… that…," Rufus said.

"I know," Strider said softly.

"It… I…," Rufus said as his teammates approached the field.

"I understand. Did it speak to you?" Strider asked.

"No," Rufus said quickly. Strider nodded, thankful.

"It was a memory. No more," he said, helping him up before turning to his teammates. "Make sure he gets rest. If his condition changes, tell me at once.

"What…," Rogue began before being silenced by a look from Strider.

"Do you really want to relive it?" he asked quietly. Rogue shook his head. Slinging one of Rufus's arms over him, he and Sting quickly escorted him away. Minerva stared at Strider, curious yet feeling a slight hint of dread. Strider couldn't help but smile, slightly sardonic.

"The world is a terrifying place, Minerva," Strider said, walking back to the camp.


"Strider…," Erza began.

"Later," he said. Erza nodded as she opted to simply following him back to the hotel with the others.


"Strider! What was that?" Makarov asked him privately as their returned to camp.

"A relic from the past, Master. The enemy, as it were," Strider sighed, opting for a whole bottle.

"That was the enemy you spoke of?" Makarov asked in surprise.

"The leader of the enemy forces, yes. Well - that was just a memory. But in essence, yes," Strider said.

"It felt so real," Mavis said softly as she sat on the bar, looking intently at him.

"His power was exceptional by any standard," Strider said.

"That figure…," Makarov said, shivering as he remembered it. He couldn't ever recall a fear so potent.

"One of the forms he had taken long ago. He had a watchful eye that presided over his lands, piercing everything. He could see slightly into the near future, as well as into lands that were still untouched. He could focus on a particular place, especially those in his realm. The body itself was destroyed long ago - but his spirit endured," Strider said darkly.

"If just his memory is that powerful…," Mavis trailed off, deep in thought. The memory was one of the most powerful and terrifying things she had ever felt.

'If that was the memory of a spirit, what about the person?' she thought. She quickly shook her head; she didn't want to think about it.

"He was much more powerful in his own time. From the stories I've heard, he carried a mace that was imbued with his hate. He had hordes at his disposal and was powerful enough that several lands submitted before he reached them. Probably thought they could escape the fighting. How wrong they were," Strider said, sighing.

"How did his spirit survive being destroyed, though? That should be impossible," Makarov said.

"He poured his hatred and malice into a powerful conduit - a ring. Until the ring was destroyed, he couldn't be," Strider said.

"Did you manage to destroy it?" Mavis asked.

"Eventually. I wasn't there to see it actually happen, but it was destroyed… at last. Two of my companions did it. Quite brave," Strider said, smiling to himself. "Unfortunately, the ring was special in that it could only be destroyed where it was forged. It took a long time to accomplish. I wasn't as powerful back then as I am now."

"Speaking of which… your shoulder…," Mavis said uncertainly.

"Ah. Yes. Still hurts," Strider said, caressing it gently. With a bitter smile, he took his bottle and headed to his room, unusually slumping.

"Let him get some rest, girls," Makarov sighed as he saw Erza and Mira watch worriedly.


Soon, the events seemed to be a distant memory to everyone. They did their best to brush off the fear they felt. Strider saw people acting more raucously in the streets below.

'Poor bastards,' he thought, finishing the bottle at last.

"Looks like they're happy again," he said aloud. Erza had just entered his room, slipping away from everyone.

"I guess you can't blame them. That was…," she trailed off.

"I'm sorry you had to see that," Strider said as he slung an arm around her.

"I don't know how you fought something like that. I could barely stand listening to it," she said, bringing a hand to his cheek.

"We didn't have much of a choice," Strider said.

"Even at the Tower of Heaven - or against the Oracion Seis or Acnologia - I don't think I've ever felt that much fear," she said, uncomfortable at the thought.

"And I hope you never have to again. But remember - even when things get dark, there's always gong to be some light fighting back," Strider said, brushing some of her hair back.

"And how did you manage to find the light?" she asked softly.

"Survival," Strider said. Erza sighed and nodded - the most basic instinct. She leaned forward resting her head on his chest, listening to his surprisingly calm heartbeat. Looking up, she quickly closed the distance between them once again, giving him a passionate kiss. She felt Strider's hand descend down her back before resting on her plate skirt. She was quickly embarrassed by her state of dress; this wasn't any way to go about this, she thought.

"Sorry," she said, blushing madly.

"Not at all," Strider said, restraining a laugh.


As they went downstairs, they saw that Lamia Scale and Blue Pegasus had joined the party. Seeing a tuft of blue hair just outside, Erza quickly excused herself to speak with Jellal. As the kiss went through her head, she wondered how to move ahead with it - and with Jellal.

Mavis came up alongside Strider, carefully analyzing him. Strider nodded imperceptibly; he and Mavis headed to his room.

"Was there something else you wished to discuss, Master Mavis?" he inquired of the petite blonde.

"The malevolence…," Mavis began, her mind still on the figure.

"He was vicious. His sight, hardly hindered; his power at the time, unmatched. His hatred, unrivaled," Strider said.

"And you didn't have to fight him, you said?" she asked.

"I suppose that's the most terrifying part. Never in our age. His lackeys, his armies, his generals - they were as much as we could handle. He corrupted some of our best," Strider sighed.

The two sat in silence for a long time before Strider spoke.

"Master Mavis, why'd you name the guild Fairy Tail?" Strider asked. She seemed taken aback by the question.

"I was told stories about fairies by my parents. I spent a long time searching for them," Mavis said innocently.

"Did you ever find one?" Strider asked kindly.

"No," she said sadly.

"Maybe you didn't travel far enough?" Strider asked.

"Maybe they don't exist," Mavis retorted.

"Oh, I wouldn't be so sure," Strider said with a secretive smile. Mavis's eyes went wide as she picked up on the inflection.

"What?" she asked softly.

"I wouldn't be so sure that they don't exist. It's a wide, wide world. Perhaps not here - but in my realm, we had fairies - as well as fairy like figures," Strider said.

"You're joking," she mumbled.

"Most assuredly not," he said.

"Fairies?" Mavis asked.

"Fairies," Strider said. "There are several races in my homeland. Elves, Dwarves, Men, but Fairies are by far the most secretive. Short in stature and emanating a soft glow. Kind, gentle, and helpful - but often mischievous as well," Strider said, smiling as he saw Mavis look on with wonder.

"They glowed?" she asked excitedly.

"Oh yes. Softly, as I said - but enough to make those that caught a glimpse stop and admire them. I saw a few playing on the edge of a river once. When they noticed me, they invited me to stop and rest for a while. I took them up on the offer and we spoke for a while. They told me stories about great adventures they had seen through the ages, of the world changing around them, of time passing," Strider said fondly. "Great storytellers when they wanted to be."

Suddenly, he snapped his fingers. His usual cloak was replaced with the regal robes he had worn during the Wedding Dress contest.

"Fairy clothes?!" Mavis exclaimed, feeling the fabric.

"It is. They made it specially for me after I returned home last," Strider said. "Next time I go back, I'll be sure to have some made especially for you."

"Really?!" she asked excitedly.

"Certainly. I think you'd like it," Strider said with a chuckle. Mavis bubbled over in glee. Leaving her with her newfound thoughts, Strider changed back into his usual clothes and headed back down.


"So what did Master Mavis want?" Mira asked as Jenny had gone to get the three a drink.

"To talk about fairies," Strider said.

"Fairies?" Mira asked, surprised.

"Yup. She loves them," Strider said.

"Adorable," Mira cooed.

"So, Strider…," Jenny said as she handed him a drink and sidled close.

"Hmm?" Strider hummed.

"Mi. Ner. Va," she said, eliciting a laugh from Strider.

"I know, I know. It wasn't my fault, you know," he said.

"Of course I know that. But - did you enjoy it?" she asked, eyes narrowed.

"Hardly. I prefer to be in control," Strider whispered in her ear. Jenny turned a bright red and felt a pleasurable chill down her spine. Strider winked at Mira, who couldn't help but giggle at how her friend reacted.

"Asshole," Jenny grumbled.

"Ha. Sorry," Strider said, giving her a hug.

"Room for another lady?" Cana asked, sitting on his other side.

"Of course," Strider said, slinging an arm around her as well. "A foursome, hmm? Well, I'm game."

"Don't be a perv," Cana sighed, clinking glasses with him. "Hey, you should really get some sleep."

"I'm not that old, Cana," Strider sighed.

"No, but you did have two matches," she said worriedly - surprisingly out of character for her. Strider smiled and kissed her atop the head.

"Thank you for your concern," he said softly. Cana smiled at the touch and leaned in a bit closer, winking at Mira who grumbled.

'At least we'll be able to go out tomorrow night,' Mira thought. She'd been looking forward to their date.

"STRIDER!" Ichiya suddenly yelled, sniffing the area around Strider. "Your parfum is intoxicating!"

"Thank you, Sir Ichiya. Yours is much more potent, if I might say," Strider said graciously.

"Great job out there today," Eve sighed, rubbing his neck.

"Hope I didn't hurt you to bad," Strider said apologetically.

"Na. Eve's walked it off," Hibiki said before taking a seat next to Mira. "Ah, Mirajane. You're looking as beautiful as ever."

"Aww, thanks, Hibiki," she said with a sweet smile. "Great job during the event a couple days ago, by the way."

As she mentioned that, Hibiki broke into tears. Ren and Eve grumbled as they tried to comfort him; his low score of 95 was a considerable blow to his ego.

"STRIDER!" Lyon suddenly shouted, rushing up to him.

"Hello, Lyon. I hope I wasn't to hard in our event today," Strider said pleasantly.

"This isn't over! I will challenge you to another match for Juvia!" he declared.

"If you say so, Lyon. Although, you might just want to challenge Juvia," Strider said.

"Should he try to take me from my beloved, I will drown him in his own tears," Juvia suddenly said, appearing behind Strider. She softly ran a hand through his hair, beginning to melt at the touch.

"That girl," Cana sighed.

"To be honest, however, I'm much more interested in seeing you fight Gray," Strider said.

"Ah, I'm afraid I can't pick on children," Lyon smirked. It wasn't long until he and Gray were brawling.


"Jellal, Ultear, and Meredy would like to speak to you after the Games finish," Erza said, rubbing her temples.

"About what happened?" Strider asked.

"Yes. They said it was distinctly different from Zeref, but apparently they could feel it as strongly from a distance as we could from the arena," Erza said.

"I see. The day after tomorrow, then," Strider said.

"They were hoping for tomorrow evening or night," Erza said.

"Prior engagement. So the morning after is ideal," he said.

"What're you doing?" she wondered.

"Ah, now that's for me to know," he said.

"Strider…," Erza suddenly began, resting a hand on his thigh.

"Hmm?" he wondered.

"We have to talk about this soon," she said. Strider sighed, nodding.

"Right. Day after tomorrow," Strider said, rubbing his brow.

"Very well," Erza sighed. While she didn't want to wait to long, she wasn't quite sure what she would say right now.


As Strider laid down on his bed, he let out a pained groan.

"Come in," he said as heard a knock on the door. Mira entered, a worried look on her face.

"Are you okay? Really?" she asked, sitting on the edge.

"Yeah. Just… beat," he said, trying to keep his eyes open.

"The memory must've had an effect on you," she said, gently brushing some hair from his face. Strider gently took her hand in his and kissed it.

"A bit. It's a memory that I would've preferred to have left untouched," he said, gently caressing her hand.

"You don't have to think about it anymore," she said, leaning down to kiss him. She ramped up the passion, tracing his chest down to his stomach, trying to keep her hand from going any further.

"Not that I mind, but what was that for?" he asked, taking in the remnant of her taste.

"Just trying to help you make a new memory," she said with a smile.

"Well, I'm not so tired that I'm unwilling to take you up on that," Strider said, about to get up.

"Nice try," she said softly, resting her hand on his chest. "But no. Rest."

"That's cruel," he sighed.

"I think I've earned it for all the times you've teased me. Good night, Strider," she said, winking before taking her leave. Strider sighed as he watched her go; it wasn't long until he was out like a light.


Gajeel had taken Natsu and Wendy aside, whispering something to them. The three slipped out quietly, but not unnoticed. Lucy, Gray, and Erza surreptitiously followed.

"Any reason you guys followed us?" Natsu grumbled.

"We're part of your team - duh," Lucy sighed.

"Are you sure you're ok, Lucy?" Wendy asked worriedly.

"Relax, Wendy. I'm fine," Lucy said gently.

"We probably should've asked Strider to come," Carla sighed.

"He needs sleep. He was probably most effected by what happened today. There's no point waking him up," Erza said.

"Man, that was creepy," Gray sighed.

"No kidding. Kinda wanna fight whoever that was, though," Natsu said.

"Don't be foolish," Erza said, her voice sharp and biting. "If the thought of it was that powerful, the actual thing would likely be considerably worse."

"We're almost there," Gajeel said as they went through a cavernous opening. As they followed through, everyone looked on, stunned.

"Dragon bones…" Natsu whispered. All around were bones - a dragon graveyard.

"Do you think Igneel might be here?" Happy asked suddenly.

"Happy!" Carla said.

"Oops. Sorry," Happy said sadly.

"He's not here. I'd have smelled him," Natsu said seriously.

"Our dragons left just fourteen years ago. These dragon bones are a lot older. I found this place after you sent me down there," Gajeel said.

"These must be centuries old. The skin is completely stripped away," Carla said, examining them.

"What are they doing here?" Wendy asked frightfully.

"I'm not sure. Didn't even know there were dragon bones here," Gajeel said.

"That's it!" Wendy suddenly said.

"What's it?" Natsu asked.

"One of the spells Grandina gave me - Milky Way! I always thought it was a combat spell, but now that I think about it, it might not be. Everyone stand back," Wendy said. They heeded her advice as she began to draw a magic circle in the middle of the ground before kneeling in the center of it.

"I call on the wandering souls of dragons. Accept my call. Milky Way!" Wendy cried, arms towards the sky as green light erupted around her. Suddenly, something began to stir. Wendy searched for the source and then extracted what it was. Everyone took a step back as a giant green dragon had appeared before them. It let out a mighty roar that turned everyone bone white before it started laughing.

"HAHAHA! Even in death, scaring humans is hilarious!" it said, a gleeful look on its face. "My name is Zirconis, the Jade Dragon. Now what's this? Seems like the handiwork of the Sky Dragon, Grandina. Where is she? Oh, how adorable. This little Dragon Slayer is the one who summoned me!"

"Hey! Back off!" Natsu said.

"Then, I'll just eat her. And she's only the appetizer," Zirconis said, glaring at Natsu.

"Just try it!" Natsu threatened, butting heads with Zirconis.

"Sheesh, lighten up, dummy. It'd be pretty hard to eat any of you if I can't even touch you," Zirconis said, pointing a finger at Natsu. It just phased through him, leaving no signs of damage.

"What'd you call me?" Natsu demanded, eyes narrowing.

"Of all the dragons, we get the crazy person," Lucy deadpanned.

"Dragon. It's not a person," Gray said.

"I got another idea what to call it," Gajeel grumbled.

"My name is Zirconis. They call me the Jade Dragon," Zirconis repeated.

"You already said that!" Gray exclaimed, exasperated.

"We were wondering why there are so many bones here?" Lucy asked.

"Hmph. I've nothing to say to you humans," Zirconis said, looking away.

"OK, what about cats?" Happy asked.

"It must've been 400 years ago…," Zirconis began.

"Guess he doesn't have any problem with cats," Gray interjected.

"Dragons roamed the land. We soared through the skies, the land, and the sea. Everything belonged to us - even humans. But then, a fool of a dragon appeared. He started spouting nonsense about coexistence and how we could live harmony with humans. A war broke out between the dragons that supported coexistence, and others that didn't. I battled against the ones that sought coexistence," Zirconis explained.

"You fought against the humans?" Lucy asked.

"It's true, I'm not fond of your kind - unless they've been properly cooked, medium rare of course!" Zirconis laughed.

"Didn't your parents teach you not to talk to your food," Natsu said, holding a hand over his mouth to stifle a laugh.

"Hey, show some respect to the dead!" Zirconis shouted.

"What happened after the war began?" Carla asked, trying to get back on track.

"We were in a stalemate. The battles had already decimated the land. That's when the dragons that supported the humans thought up a plan that would doom us all. They gave them the magic to slay dragons - and finally, humans entered the war," Zirconis said.

"The first Dragon Slayers…" Lucy said.

"The humans began pushing the dragons back. Victory was almost assured for the fanatics. Unfortunately, the dragons made a mistake. You see, they had given the humans too much power. Eventually, the humans turned on the dragons that they had called friends. There was one man in particular that slew so many dragons, he turned into one himself. His skin became scales; his teeth, fangs. He became a dragon. His name still strikes fear in the heart of dragons. They called him Acnologia," Zirconis said.

"The dragon we fought on Tenrou Island… the one Strider…," Lucy said, remembering the attack again.

"The dragons you see here are the victims of that monster - the Dragon King. The war he gave birth to was known as the Dragon King Festival," Zirconis said.

Suddenly, he started disappearing.

"What's going on?" Natsu asked.

"That's all the power his spirit had left. Hopefully now he can find some peace," Wendy said.

"I know we talked about this before… but… ARE WE GONNA TURN INTO DRAGONS TOO?!" Natsu exclaimed.

"How should I know!" Gajeel said.

"But I don't wanna!" Wendy cried.

"That is highly unlikely," said a male voice.

"Who goes there?" Natsu said sharply, preparing to attack.

"Forgive me. I took the liberty of eavesdropping. This merely confirms my suspicions," said the voice. "My name is Arcadios. I wonder, do you know about the Demons of the Books of Zeref?"

"Deliora," Gray said as Arcadios stepped into the light, followed by a young woman - Yukino.

"It is said that it was Zeref who turned Acnologia to a dragon and that only he may summon it. In other words, to beat the Black Dragon, you must defeat Zeref. And we have a plan to do just that," Arcadios smiled.

"Yukino?" Lucy asked.

"Allow me to explain. There's a certain battle plan is in the works that requires Celestial Spirits. That's where Yukino's power comes in," Arcadios said.

"What do you need with Celestial Mages?" Natsu asked.

"Follow me, so I may show you," Arcadios said, turning and walking away.

"Lucy, this also a request from me. If this plan works, we can defeat both Acnologia and Zeref," Yukino said, turning away. The others looked at each other and huddled.

"Acnologia is dead," Natsu whispered.

"They don't know that," Gray whispered.

"Master said not to tell anyone. If they need to know, they will," Carla said. The others agreed to stay quiet on the matter for the time being and followed the two.

"First, I'd like to apologize for an incident a few days ago - the one where we targeted Miss Heartfilia," Arcadios said.

"That was you?!" Natsu demanded.

"We thought we needed a Celestial Wizard urgently. The Grand Magic Games have been a cover for something else. You see, we've been collecting power from the Wizards," Arcadios continued.

"That's pretty dirty," Natsu snarled.

"It matters not what you think. It was for the sake of the plan. The Eclipse Gate," Arcadios said, leading them to a massive door.

"What is that…?" Lucy asked in awe.

"The Eclipse Gate. 12 Keys will be used to open this gate. When they open, we will travel 400 years back in time to eliminate Zeref before he became immortal. That is the Eclipse Plan," Arcadios said.

The others looked on in shock.

"Time t-travel?" Lucy stammered.

"We know that time flows differently in the Celestial World. By using their dimensional plane, we plan to send ourselves back in time to accomplish the task," Yukino said.

"We'd like to use your power to do this, Miss Heartfilia," Arcadios said.

"Stop right there!" another voice suddenly shouted. Everyone was suddenly surrounded by an army.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Arcadios demanded. He seems just as surprised as the others.

"Arcadios," came another voice, from a diminutive man - Darton, the Minister of Defense "You've leaked classified information to outsiders."

"I know you're opposed to the plan, Darton, but we need them!" Arcadios said.

"Of course I'm opposed to the plan, you fool! You're tampering with the very fabric of time!" Darton said.

"If we change the past… we also change the present," said Carla.

"Apprehend Arcadios for treachery! By extension, Miss Heartfilia and Miss Agria as well. Get rid of the others," Darton said.

"You bastard!" Natsu roared as he leaped at the Minister, about to hit him. Suddenly, he felt drained of his magic.

"Using your magic this close to the Gate will only result in it being drained from you," Darton said coldly as they walked away. "His majesty has always been very fond of Fairy Tail. If you win the Games, you may get a chance to meet him. You can persuade him to change his mind regarding your friend at that time."

"You'll pay for this!" Natsu snarled.


"WHAT?!" Makarov yelled.

"Lucy was captured by the Royal Army?" Strider asked, roused from a particularly pleasant dream.

"I don't get it, but she is apparently being treated as an accomplice," Gray said.

"So we have to win the Games to get her back?" Laxus asked.

"Who cares about that! Let's just go to the king and make him give her back!" Natsu yelled, restrained to a large post.

"We can't fight the kingdom. It's possible they're only holding her until they find a resolution," Makarov said.

"Fools," Strider snarled. "If what they say is true, it could have a devastating effect on the present."

"Why'd they let us go?" Gajeel asked.

"It would look odd if several members of Team Fairy Tail vanished just before the Final Event tomorrow," Juvia said.

"You're public figures now," Mira added.

Natsu suddenly broke free of Makarov and ran towards the door, but was crushed by Makarov's giant fist.

"Our comrade has been taken. We can't make an enemy out of the kingdom, but we will not let Lucy be resigned to her fate. That's not how we do things," Makarov said, eyes narrowed as the others nodded. They began to devise a plan; the Final Day of the Games was upon them.

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