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40.42% Fairy Tail: The Prince of Peace / Chapter 19: GMG Day 2: Kiss

Chapter 19: GMG Day 2: Kiss

"Strider? Strider! Are you ok?" Mira asked in a panicked voice as she tried to wake him up. He was tossing and turning in his bed, covered in a cold sweat. He soon shot up, Anglachel flying to his hand unsheathed.

"Mira? he asked, his pupils dilated as his eyes scanned the room. His breathing was heavy and labored, as though he had just gotten away from some kind of danger.

"Are you ok?" she asked, bringing a hand to his chest.

"What happened? Is something wrong?" he asked.

"No, no. Nothings wrong. I… came over to wake you up but it looked like you were having a nightmare," she said, caressing his face. "Please, calm down. You're safe."

"Forgive me," he said, letting the sword drop. His breathing began to ease out, but was still heavy.

"It's fine. But… what were you dreaming about?" she asked tentatively.

"I… don't recall," he said, shaking his head gently.

"Just relax," she whispered, laying him back down on the bed, wiping away some of the sweat on his face.

"Have the Games begun?" he asked.

"Just about. The first event is in an hour, but should be there a bit early. I think you should rest for a little while longer, though," she said.

"Thanks for worrying, Mira, but I'm fine. I'll go ahead and shower," Strider said, gingerly getting up. Mira sighed as she watched him go before taking her leave.


"Feeling better?" Mira asked as they got to the dugout.

"Much," Strider nodded, rolling his neck a bit.

"You look like you could've gotten a few more minutes," Gajeel said.

"Maybe tonight," Strider said, rubbing his face. "I'm not one to get tired, usually."

"Busy night?" Gajeel asked.

"A bit," Strider said, smirking. "But nothing I can't handle. Certainly nothing to make me want to sleep standing up. I suppose it happens."

"I told you you should've gotten a bit more rest," Mira sighed.

"Oh? When'd you tell him that?" Cana asked with a smirk. Mira turned red, opting not to answer. She was saved further embarrassment by the announcers finally arriving.


"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the second day of the Grand Magic Games! I'm your host, Chapati - and I'm joined once again by Mr. Yajima. Joining us also is Jason from Sorcerer's Weekly!" Chapati yelled to applause.

"SO COOL!" Jason roared into the mic.

"To start off, we have our event of the day - Chariot! The participating teams have already chosen their representatives and are off and running - literally! The goal of the event is to make your way across the chariots and to the finish line without falling off. Participating are Bacchus of Quatro Cerberus, Blacksnake from Raven Tail, Risley Law of Mermaid Heel, Yuka Suzuki of Lamia Scale, Ichiya Vandalay of Blue Pegasus, Natsu Dragneel from Fairy Tail A, Gajeel Redfox from Fairy Tail B, and finally Sting Eucliffe of Sabertooth!" Chapati yelled.


Blacksnake, Ichiya, Yuka, Risley, and Bacchus were making their way through the front half of the chariots, with Blacksnake in the clear lead. Ichiya was having a bit of trouble, while Bacchus was drunkenly slogging along. Yuka suddenly kicked it into gear, using a Wave Boost to propel himself further along, catching Risley and Ichiya by surprise.

"This should be a contest of strength, man! Not Magic!" Ichiya said dramatically.

"Two can play at that game, sweetheart!" Risley said, activating her Gravity Magic. Her form shifted considerably; instead of being short and stout, she added several feet and toned down considerably. She began running along the side of the chariot, taking over Yuka and Ichiya with ease.

"Very well! I shall not be outdone!" Ichiya said, taking out a vial of Fleet Foot Perfume. Taking a long whiff, his speed increased dramatically. He quickly caught up with, and surpassed, Yuka. Midway through the chariots, Bacchus grinned widely.

"Guess I better get serious!" he said. He brought his right foot high before smashing it down with a furious stomp. The chariots began to rumble and crack under the pressure and soon splintered entirely. Every candidate in front lost their balance, while Bacchus, in an immense show of speed, overtook all of them.


"Quite an impressive showing," Strider said interestedly.

"No kidding. Erza mentioned he was tough, but I didn't think he was that fast as well. He's always drunk," Mira sighed.

"I've known a few people like that. You'd be surprised at how much power lies under the facade," he said.


"That was an underhanded trick!" Ichiya said, slowly getting up.

"Yeah, no kidding," Yuka agreed, getting back into the fray.

Bacchus soon passed first while Blacksnake came in behind him; with Risley, Yuka, and Ichiya rounding out the next three spots respectively.

Competing for sixth, seventh, and eight were Natsu, Gajeel and Sting. The Dragon Slayers were being confronted by their most significant adversary: motion sickness.

Gajeel appeared to be the most trouble, having never experienced the sensation before.

"This is - URP - embarrassing. I used to b - UGH - be able to ride on vehicles just fine," he said, hand over his mouth as tried his best to keep breakfast down.

Natsu and Sting weren't doing much better. All tree seemed to be on the brink of falling down.

"Heh - that just means you've finally become one," Sting said with a sickly grin.

"Mmm?" Gajeel asked, not daring to open his mouth.

"A real… ugh… card carrying Dragon Slayer," Sting said, shutting his mouth quickly. Something was coming up his throat and he had to pause to get it under control. "I guess congratulations are in order. Welcome, newbie."

"NEWBIE?!" Gajeel yelled, shoulder Natsu into Sting.

"What's up?! Where'd all my strength go?!" Gajeel asked the heavens.


"So why did we send Gajeel into this?" Strider asked, amused.

"Natsu was going to compete and Gajeel had to prove that he was better, of course," Mira giggled.

"And speaking of that, why'd they send Natsu into this? Erza or Lucy would've been a much better choice, it seems," Strider said.

"You know how excitable Natsu is. I guess he really wants to put the first points on the board," Mira said.

"I admit, it is slightly fascinating," Strider said.

"If you say so. I just think it's gross. A bit adorable, though. Two tough guys yet they can't handle vehicles," Mira giggled.


"Ok… so he thinks puking in slow-mo is entertaining?" Olga asked, bemused.

"Is this a common affliction amongst your kind, Rogue?" Rufus asked in interest.

"I had assumed that only Sting and I had trouble with motion sickness. It appears as though it applies to all Dragon Slayers," Rogue said.

'Glad it's not me down there,' Rogue thought to himself, feeling for his friend.


"Does it affect you too, Laxus?" Mira asked.

"Don't tell Natsu. He'd never let me live it down," Laxus grumbled.

"Huh. So I guess it effects anyone that uses Dragon Slayer Magic, no matter how they got it. Interesting. Well, that's good to know for future reference," Mira said with a sly smirk.

"Something tells me I'm going to regret telling you that," Laxus sighed.

"I dunno what you're talking about," she said in a chipper tone.

"I probably wouldn't have said anything," Juvia sighed.


"GAH! GOTTA KEEP MOVING! I'M NOT GONNA LOSE LIKE THIS!" Natsu exclaimed, pressing forward, ahead of his competitors. Gajeel soon matched him, refusing to lose. Sting, however, decided to hang back, willingly resigning himself to last place.

"Huh. Talk about uncool. Anyone can see you don't have any strength left. You're just making fools of yourself," he said.

His snark fell on deaf ears, however. Natsu and Gajeel continued to press forward, determined to put more points on the scoreboard for Fairy Tail.

"Fine. Whatever. I didn't need this win, so I'm just going to let you have it. Sabertooth is just going to keep racking up points after this. One measly point isn't going to make a difference, anyways. Doesn't matter who you have on your team," Sting said.

"One point ain't nothing to scoff at, kid! Don't you forget that!" Gajeel yelled back.

"I don't get it. Explain something to me," Sting said. Natsu and Gajeel paused and looked back, interested in what he had to say. "Why'd you even bother entering the tournament? I mean, seriously. You're nothing like the Fairy Tail that I knew growing up. You're just obsessed with proving yourself and with whatever the rest of the world thinks of you. What happened to the Fairy Tail of my childhood? The guild that did whatever the fuck it wanted, whenever it wanted? They never gave a damn what anyone else thought or said of them. They just did their own thing."


The other members of Fairy Tail looked downcast at his words, the weight of the seven years absence weighing down on them.


"The reason? We're here for our friends!" Natsu yelled back at him. Sting seemed stunned by the answer, stopping moving entirely. "The ones that waited for us for all the years we were gone. The ones that fought through the pain and heartache. They were humiliated by guilds like yours, but they stayed strong. They kept the guild together and they kept it running. We're not in this to prove anything to you. We're here for our friends. We're here to… let them know that it wasn't for nothing! Fairy Tail never gave up - not for a second! So there's no chance in hell I'm going to give up now. If they could go seven years like that, I can go seven minutes like this!"


Natsu's word seemed to strike a chord with everyone. It brought his guilds to tears, while it moved the rest of the crowd as well.

"Impressive speech," Strider whispered with a slight smile.


Natsu and Gajeel made it at last. With a triumphant roar, Natsu collapsed over the finish line.


"About… time we put some points on the board," Natsu said weakly.

"Ha! Now those boys have some moxie!"

"No kidding - that was awesome!"

"They're gutsy, I'll give 'em that."

"Maybe their guild ain't so bad after all. Kids got some courage."

"Got me right in the feels, man."

"Way to go Fairy Tail!"

"You just earned yourselves another fan!"

The entire arena had erupted into cheer. The boos from the day before seemed to be a distant memory.


"Glad… I did it," Natsu said, his eyes and head spinning. The chariot race took more out of him than pretty much any fight he had.

"He looks like he's ready to keel over," Lucy sighed.

"That's what happens when you push yourself like that. Good job though, Natsu. We're proud of you," Erza said with a smile.

"Is he gonna be okay?" Lucy asked Porlyusica, the healer of the guild - who typically stayed separate. She was busy tending to Wendy, who was still resting.

"Why wouldn't he be? It's just motion sickness," she answered.


"Ladies and gentlemen, get ready for the matches of the day! We have several great fights in store for you, although I think it'll be difficult to top the final match of yesterday!" Chapati yelled. The crowd cheered as they remembered Strider's victory and soon started chanting his name.

"Looks like you won over the crowd, at least," Mira said.

"Perhaps not as much as Natsu and Gajeel. How're you feeling, by the way?" Strider asked the Iron Dragon Slayer. Gajeel was about to heave yet again but grinned weakly.

"Heh. Salamander's the one - UGH - lying in bed. Looks like I won out," he said before suddenly running out.

"Ah. Looks like he'll be like that for a while," Strider chuckled.

"Glad I didn't have to run that race," Laxus sighed.


Toby of Lamia Scale was up against Blacksnake from Raven Tail. Both were duking it out fiercely in the arena, quick as whips as they lashed at each other. Blacksnake was easily able to dodge every scratch and slash that came his way, while Toby's lithe physique aided him in contorting to avoid lash like punches and kicks.

"BEAT THAT SCUMBAG AND I'LL PAY YOU YOUR WEIGHT GOLD!" Toby heard Makarov yell at him He went in for a paralyzing claw slash, but Blacksnake easily dodged the attack before suddenly disappearing into the sand.


"No way! That's my Magic! Sand Magic!" Max exclaimed.

"Mimic Magic. That's quite interesting. I haven't seen that in a long time," Mavis said with a smile.


"Fascinating," Strider said, paying intense attention. As Mira looked at him, she saw a look of interest there she hadn't seen before.

"You think so?" she asked. Strider simply nodded.


"Awoooo! You're pretty strong," Toby howled.

"You're not to bad yourself," Blacksnake replied.

"Wish I had a cool name like Blacksnake," Toby said.

"It's just my wizard name," Blacksnake shrugged, going in for a kick. Toby easily evaded it.

"What?! You mean you lied to me!" Toby exclaimed.

"What do you mean?" Blacksnake replied, quickly going on the defensive as Toby went in for multiple strikes.

"Tell you what! If I beat you, you have to tell me your real name!" Toby exclaimed.

"Heh. Agreed. But what do I get if I win?" Blacksnake inquired.

"I'll tell you my super secret!" Toby answered.

"Agreed," Blacksnake said with a light smile.


"Interesting! Looks like our competitors have a little wager going on! This should spice up the match!" Chapati said.


"How was the announcer able to hear that? I barely made out what he said over here," Strider wondered.


Blacksnake was quickly back on the attack with much more passion. His quick strikes soon began connecting with Toby, who was quickly knocked out.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the victor is Blacksnake! That certainly didn't take long! Ten points for Raven Tail!" Chapati exclaimed.

"Looks like you have to tell me your secret now," Blacksnake said as Toby cried on the ground. As his sobs subsided, he answered with puppy dog eyes.

"I can't find my sock," he said, sniffling. The crowd went silent while Blacksnake raised an eyebrow.

"What was that?" he asked lamely.

"It's been three months since I lost it. I haven't been able to find my sock since," Toby cried through renewed tears.

Blacksnake pointed to his neck. As he looked down, Toby broke into a giant smile.

"MY SOCK!" he roared in excitement, kissing it several times.


"You have got to be joking," Lyon said, slapping himself with both hands. Jura and the rest of Lamia Scale seemed just as flabbergasted by the ordeal.

"No kidding. Who would've thought?" Sherry sighed.

"Ugh. Toby…," Jura said, rubbing his brows.


"That's so precious," Erza said, wiping away a tear.



"Happens to the best of us," Strider said.

"That was kinda cute," Mira giggled.

"No fucking way you two are serious. You're kidding, right?" a bewildered Laxus asked.

"It's not rare that someone misses something right under there nose," Strider said.

"It's pretty rare if they literally have it dangling around their neck, though!" Laxus said.

"Nonetheless, alls well that ends well," Strider said.


"Thanks! You're not such a bad guy!" Toby said as Blacksnake extended a hand. As Toby was about to grasp it, however, Blacksnake yanked the sock out of his hand. He began to rip it up in front of a horrified Toby, while a shocked crowd looked on.

"The more precious something is to someone, the more I want to destroy it," he said quietly.


"That was uncalled for," Mira frowned.

"What a prick," Laxus grunted.

As Strider saw that, he felt a sudden surge of anger in his stomach. Anglachel quivered gently, hoping for some blood as it felt the anger.


"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our participants from the second match of the day! From Fairy Tail A, we have Elfman Strauss!" Chapati exclaimed.

"ME?!" Elfman asked, surprised.


"Elf is fighting?" Lisanna asked, slightly worried.

"I'm sure he'll be fine. Your big brother may be an oaf, but he's a powerful one," Evergreen said.


"I hope he'll be alright out there," Mira said nervously.

"He's going to be fine," Strider said, placing a comforting arm around her. Mira smiled and nodded, leaning into the embrace a bit more and reciprocating.


"His opponent will be… Bacchus, from Quatro Cerberus!" Chapati exclaimed.


"Mmm. This may be more difficult than I initially thought," Erza said.

"What's wrong, Erza?" Lucy wondered.

"Bacchus is a very capable wizard. While Elfman is powerful, Bacchus is S-Class in his own right," Erza said.

"Do you think Elfman has a chance?" Lucy asked.

"A chance? Certainly," Erza said.


In the rafters, the King of Fiore - Toma E. Fiore - was agitated.

"You idiot!" he exclaimed.

"Forgive me, your majesty," an armor wearing man with a pointed noise, shaggy hair, and beard said.

"I wanted to see Erza vs. Bacchus, Arcadios! He'll make short work of this novice!" the king said.

"Yes, your majesty - I suppose he will," Arcadios sighed, admonishing himself for misunderstanding the king.


"Elfman, huh?" Bacchus wondered as he sauntered on to the arena.

"That's right," Elfman said, standing his ground.

"How about we make a wager like those guys before?" Bacchus asked.

"What?" Elfman asked, curious

"Your two sisters are some smokin' hot numbers," Bacchus said with a smirk.

"What's your point?" Elfman asked, grinding his teeth.

"If I win, they keep me company tonight. Both at the same time," Bacchus said with a wild grin. As he saw Striders arm around Mira in the distance, however, he regretted the wager slightly.


"What a creep!" Cana exclaimed to Evergreen.

"No kidding. Jerk," Happy said as he flew to Lisanna's shoulder.


"I'm going to tear you apart," Elfman growled before springing into attack. His flurry of kicks and punches mostly missed the mark, however; Bacchus was far to fast for him to land a hit.

"Beast Soul: Weretiger!" Elfman roared. He began to undergo a transformation; his hair grew out a bit while his body turned a golden-yellow with black spots.


"Amazing. What is that?" Strider asked Mira.

"One of Elfman's Beast Souls. This one is the Weretiger; it gives him a boost in speed. But… I'm not sure it'll be enough," Mira said worriedly.

Even with the increased speed, Elfman was unable to land a hit on Bacchus - who soon went on the offensive. A master of Palm Magic and a powerful hand to hand fighter, Bacchus was no slouch. In rapid succession he was able to subdue and then beat down Elfman. As he turned back into his regular form, he was bruised all over.


"Oh no…," Lucy said worriedly.

"It's worse than you think. When he's sober, Bacchus is an extremely capable fighter - strong enough to probably get a few hits in on Jura. When he's drunk, however, it numbs the pain that he feels and makes his movements wilder and more powerful," Erza said.

"And he still has that bottle down there. Which means he still isn't drunk. Crap…," Lucy said.

"Have a little faith, Lucy. Elfman's got this," Gray said confidently.

"You really think so?" she asked.

"No doubt - especially not after the bet that Bacchus wanted to make," Gray said.


"You wanna stay down, big man?" Bacchus asked with a wild smile.

"I'm fine. And… I've decided what I wanted after I beat you," Elfman said, getting to his feet.

"Oh? What's up?" Bacchus wondered.

"If I win, your guild has to change their name to Quatro Puppy for the rest of the tournament!" Elfman said.


"Quatro Puppy?" Strider wondered.

"Sounds to cute for a guild of guys," Mira giggled.


"WHAT?!" the crowd exclaimed. A few laughed, but most were bewildered.


"HA! I like your style, man! Agreed," Bacchus said as he walked over to the bottle he brought. He soon downed it, rolling his neck as he got ready.


"He's serious now," Erza said.


Quickly - even quicker than before - Bacchus was on the attack. He hit Elfman seven times in the blink of an eye. Suddenly and unexpectedly, however, parts of Bacchus's armor began to fall off.

"What the -?" he asked in surprise, looking back at Elfman. His white hair elongated and ran down his spine in a series of spikes as sharp scales covered his now reptilian body. The scales shredded the armor of the martial artists, who smiled.

"Not bad, man!" Bacchus yelled, leaping back into attack. His wild flurry grew more erratic. Elfman refused to move, choosing to steel himself and withstand the onslaught. The barrage went on for several minutes before Bacchus finally stopped, panting desperately. Bruises and cuts covered his entire body, while Elfman had reverted to his normal form and fallen to his knees, trying to catch his breath. Finally, Bacchus stood upright and laughed.

"THAT'S RIGHT, I'M WILD!" he exclaimed, to a resounding cheer from his guild mates.


Fairy Tail looked on in worry, wondering what the outcome was going to be. Neither wizards had fallen yet.


"Hey, your names Elfman, right?" Bacchus asked. Elfman offered no reply.

"I gotta say," Bacchus said, falling on his back." You - are a real man."

The crowd went silent before erupting into a loud cheer. Mira hugged Strider ecstatically while Lisanna cuddled Happy and Evergreen nearly choked Freed to death. On his knees, Elfman raised his arms high and let out a mighty roar of victory.



As the match was still going on, Natsu had risen from his slumber.

"What's that smell?" he wondered aloud. Looking around, he didn't see Wendy, Carla, or Porlyusica. Troubled, he erupted from bed to look for his friends. His nose soon struck gold and picked up Wendys scent. As she came into view, he saw that she was still unconscious and being carried by someone.

"HEY!" Natsu roared.

"CRAP! HE'S AWAKE!" one of the three men yelled.

"Get them outta here! I'll take care of the kid!" another man yelled. Natsu easily knocked him out before giving chase to the others. They had no chance against the Dragon Slayer; he quickly caught them and freed his friends. As the match ended and the three began to wake up, they quickly hailed the Royal Guard.

"Who hired you?" Natsu asked, cracking his knuckles.

"R-Raven Tail! They wanted the Celestial Wizard!" one of the men said meekly before they were whisked away.


"So the plan failed?" Arcadios asked one of the Royal Guard.

"I'm afraid so, sir. The Celestial Wizard wasn't there," the guard answered.

"Then we move on to Plan B. We'll activate Eclipse yet," Arcadios said.


"You did a wonderful job, Elfman," Erza said, smiling. She was surprised that Elfman was able to beat Bacchus. Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, and Gray stood around him - just as happy.

"I wish I could stay with you, Elf," Lisanna said, smiling at her brave brother.

"I wouldn't want to if I were you, Lis. Mira's up next, right? Go out and cheer extra hard for her," Elfman said weakly. "Hey Wendy. Sorry, kid, but you're gonna have to tag back in."

"Don't worry, Elfman! I'll make you proud!" the bluenette said, ready to go at last.

"We'll stick around and guard him," Evergreen said. After learning about Raven Tai;'s antics, they wouldn't take any chances.

"Hey Elfman, if you need someone to cuddle with, I'm sure Ever would be happy," Bixlow said, pushing her onto Elfman with a grin.


"Carla, you're OK! I was so worried!" Happy exclaimed, leaping out to hug the Exceed.

'What did Raven Tail want with Lucy?' she thought before quickly pushing the thought from her head. Right now, she needed to cheer on Mira.

"Let's go Mira-aaaaaaah!" she exclaimed in horror. "What's going on here?!"

"You're not gonna like it," the dejected Happy said.


Mira and Jenny were having a contest, but not in the vein of a battle. They appeared to be modeling for the viewing pleasure of the public.

"Do you like what you see?" Mira asked in a flattering red bikini. Her long white hair flowed down her back with the signature tuft at the top as she kneeled on the ground.


Strider let out a wolf whistle and grinned.

"Huh. Didn't think you'd be into this," Gajeel said with a smirk.

"Who doesn't love beautiful women? Although since Levy's not up there, I imagine you're not as interested," he said, winking at Gajeel. The Iron Dragon Slayer turned a fierce shade of red.



"Mmm," Jenny said with a seductive smile. She wore a stunning blue bikini, her hands ruffled through her blonde hair.


"What kind of battle is this?!" Gray and Natsu exclaimed in shock.

"I don't know," Wendy said, shivering as she looked over the barrier. The crowd didn't share their apprehension; they let out a resounding cheer for the beautiful models.


"Hey boys," Mira said seductively, wearing a light blue bikini and running a hand through her hair.

"Hiii," Jenny cooed as she changed into a black and pink bikini, her hand between her breasts.


"They're not going to have me do this kind of nasty stuff, are they?" Wendy asked, blushing and pointing at Mira and Jenny.

"No. I think this is a special arrangement just for them. At least, I hope it is…," Lucy trailed off, grumbling.


"You definitely still got it," Jenny said, hand on her hips as she smirked at Mira.

"Thank you. Feels pretty nice to be doing this again," Mira replied.

"I was kind of surprised you actually agreed to do it," Jenny said.

"You know me, Jenny. I like to avid fighting wherever possible," Mira said.

"Well, I can think of a certain someone who must be enjoying this," Jenny said, her eyes traveling surreptitiously to Strider. As Mira followed her gaze, she sighed but smiled.

"Mhm," she replied.


"Who are they talking about?!"



"Two bodacious babes are who both masters of Transformation Magic! Someone pinch me, I'm dreaming!" Chapati exclaimed. "And again, I'm joined by a real ladies man himself, Mr. Yajima. What do you make of all this?"

"It makes me pine for my youth," Yajima replied with a grin.

"SO COOL!" Jason exclaimed.


Suddenly, a couple of voices cried out from the bleachers. Three figures jumped down and joined the models on the arena.

"You don't just expect us to let these bubble headed bimbos hog all the attention, do you?" one exclaimed.

"We have strong and beautiful chicas as well!" another said.

"Team Mermaid Heel is the ultimate in girl power!" Aranea and Risley exclaimed as they joined the fray along with Beth.

"This is embarrassing," Beth said, blushing.


"Sure you don't wanna join?" Millianna asked Kagura.

"I've rarely ever been more sure of anything," Kagura sighed.


"I definitely did not see this coming! Mermaid Heel has joined the party. Even Risley ditched the junk in the trunk and brought the va-va-voom!" Chapati exclaimed.

"Hold it you guys!" two more voices suddenly cried out.

"All you girls are missing the most important thing! What good is skanking around in your swimsuits if you don't have the love to back it up?! If you want love, then you've got to give love," Sherry declared as she and Shelia entered the fray.

"And we're both bursting at the seams with it!" Shelia chirped.


No one was as happy as Macao, Wakaba, and Makarov - all of whom had hearts in their eyes. Levy, Cana, and Lisanna were shocked by the turn of events.

"I can understand Mira and Jenny, but…," Levy grumbled.

"Why are you ladies just watching from the sidelines?!" Master Mavis suddenly asked.

"What're you talking about?" Cana asked.

"Wait a minute - do you think we should be down there?" Lisanna asked.

"Are we always supposed to have a swimsuit handy?" Cana asked ironically.

"No silly, but one should be prepared for everything! That's why I brought one for all of you!" Mavis exclaimed, thrusting her hands to the sky and bringing down a torrent of swimsuits.

"Pay close attention boys! this is why we must never - never - question the infinite wisdom of our First Master!" Makarov said intensely. Wakaba and Macao nodded vigorously in agreement.


"You shouldn't stand around like a bunch of party poopers! Let's all go down there together!" Mavis exclaimed to Erza, Wendy, and Lucy.

"You're kidding, right?!" Lucy asked.

"Come, it'll be fun," Erza said with a smile.


"My body's made of water, so I can fill a swimsuit out better than the rest of these girls," Juvia said, getting comfortable

"You're competing too, huh?" Gajeel asked.

"But of course," she said. She blushed as she looked at Strider.

"You look stunning, Juvia," he said with a smile. She gave him a bright smile before walking out confidently.


In a few minutes, many of the women from the participating guilds were in the arena and strutting about. The men in the crowd ate it up, as did more than a handful of women.

"This has gotten quite a bit out of hand, wouldn't you say?" Mira asked Jenny happily.

"Yeah, but the fans are totally eating it up. Besides, it's all in good fun," Jenny said, waving at everyone.

"First up, school swimsuits!" Chapati yelled out.

Mira had changed into a tight blue swimsuit that accentuated her curves kindly, alongside Wendy, Levy, and Lisanna.

"Ok… this is getting a bit creepy," Levy said nervously.

"Wendy doesn't seem to out of place in hers," Lisanna said, smiling at the bluenette.

"I feel out of place!" Wendy exclaimed, blushing.

"Next up, bikinis and thigh-highs!" Chapati yelled.

Jenny was sporting a red and black bikini with a butterfly pattern as well as black thigh highs. Lucy sported the same thigh highs, but with a white bikini.

"It covers up more, but feels more embarrassing," she sighed.


"We don't have contests like this where I'm from," Strider said, enjoying the show.

"No?" Laxus wondered.

"It's a lot more conservative for most," Strider said.

"You don't seem to be to troubled by it," Laxus mentioned.

"Conservative ideals never meshed well with me," Strider shrugged.


"Bondage gear!" Chapati yelled.

"Sometimes, love has to HURT!" Sherry said, cracking a whip.

"You're scaring me!" Shelia exclaimed to her cousin.

Evergreen, who decided to leave Elfman for a minute, turned to Erza who she'd been competing with until now.

"So, Titania, have you accepted your place beneath me yet?" she asked smugly.

"You dare speak to me?" Erza inquired, pointing her whip at Evergreen.

Evergreen noted her mistake, as she dropped to her knees.

"Sorry ma'am!" she bowed.


"Next up, we have a blushing brides challenge! Ladies, squeeze into a wedding dress and grab a lucky guy! Make yourselves presentable, gentlemen!" Chapati exclaimed. Besides the married men - Macao, Wakaba, Nab, Max - some of the male members of the guilds hopped into the arena. Strider found himself escorted in by Mira.

"What's going on?" he wondered.

"Haven't you been listening?" she asked.

"Been busy," he said with a smirk.

"Now it's time to get busy," she said.

"Ah. A bit public, don't you think?" Strider wondered. She blushed as she realized what she implied.

"Not that! I need your help, though. It's a wedding dress challenge and I need a guy to be my husband. Do you mind?" she asked.

"It'd be an honor, m'lady," Strider said as he snapped his fingers.

Mira was stunned at the change. His usual garments were replaced by a beautiful, flowing, silky black fabric. It was soft to the touch and flowed down his body and onto the ground. Not a speck of dust was visible, however; it seemed as though the ground itself was determined not to mitigate the beauty. On his head was what appeared to be a silver crown with a tightly-wrought metal interlinking. There was a black jewel in the center of it that complimented the beautiful dress.

"What…," she began to say, rubbing his chest and stomach, feeling the material.

"Specially made dress from back home. Keep it in a pocket dimension, just in case. The material is soft and light, and nigh indestructible. Never to hot, never to cold," Strider said.

"It's beautiful," she said.

"As are you," he said, tilting her head up. He took a moment to admire the white wedding dress she had donned. She blushed as she considered how they'd look in a picture perfect moment like this.

"Thanks," she said, taking his hand before locking their arms together.

"Oh. There's something I have for you, though," he said, suddenly stopping.

"Hmm? What's up?" she asked. Strider snapped his fingers yet again.

Looking down, Mira was surprised to see the change affect her as well. She gasped at the beauty of what was on her - a long, flowing white dress - whiter than anything else she had seen. It glowed lightly in the sun and seemed to repel the dirt as well. It exposed a slight bit of cleavage, but was conservative by liberal standards. Lifting her arms, the light that shone through the dress gave her the appearance of a descending angel. Several girls looked on in surprise as they crowded her; the dress she wore was far and away the most beautiful they had seen. Strider put out his arm for Mira to take, which she did after admiring her garments.

"My goodness… this is…," she began before suddenly noticing a weight atop her head. She reached up and pulled off a crown, similar to the one Strider wore - except it had a bright blue jewel in the middle of it.

"A headpiece that belonged to… someone important," Strider said, managing a pained smile.

"It's stunning," Mira whispered, running her fingers along it. She looked at Strider again, noting the warm look he had in his eyes.

"It's not necessarily a wedding dress by the standards of this country, but it's close enough," Strider said, admiring her.

"It's beautiful is what it is. Thank you," she whispered.

"I'm glad you like it," he said.

"I love it. I absolutely love it," she said, giving him a quick hug before resuming their walk, spirits high.

"No fair!" Jenny suddenly exclaimed, latching onto his other arm. She wore a shoulderless, lilac colored wedding dress.

"You look beautiful as well, Jenny" Strider said, appreciating her beauty.

"Mira! Where'd you get that dress?!" Jenny suddenly asked, feeling the material.

"Courtesy of Strider," Mira said with a happy smile.

"Aww, I want one too!" she pouted. Strider chuckled and snapped his fingers yet again. Jenny underwent the same change; a moment later, she was wearing a lilac dress in the same style as Mira.

"Oh wow…," Jenny said, marveling the dress.

"Pretty sure this is supposed to be guy and girl, Jenny," Mira complained. She was slightly miffed that Strider gave Jenny a dress, but smiled slightly as she saw that she didn't have a headpiece like hers.

"I'm sure Strider can handle more than one lady. Isn't that right?" she asked.

"I believe anything I say can and will be used against me," he said cheerfully.

"Yeah, you're in a happy mood. Oh come on, Mira! It's ju-," Jenny began.

"You don't look to bad," Cana said with a smile. She wore a stunning white dress that contrasted wonderfully with her hair. She had her hands crossed in front of her, looking more innocent than she had ever done.

"I could say the same for you. The dress looks marvelous on you," Strider said. Cana smiled and was about to thank him when they heard a scream from above. Lucy was falling down, having just gotten rid of Loke (who had whisked her away into the air). Strider quickly held his arms out in front, chuckling as he caught her.

"I'm not sure what this fortells," he said.

"Oh, thank God! Thanks for catching me! I thought I was a goner!" she exclaimed, giving him a hug.

"Not at all. I suppose it's a grooms honor to catch his bride. Or, perhaps, brides in this case," Strider said.

"What? Oh… OH. OH CRAP!" Lucy exclaimed as she saw how Cana, Mira, and Jenny looked at her. She quickly got back on her feet, blushing madly. "I SWEAR that was an accident!"

"It's fine," Strider chuckled.

"Don't you look handsome," came a voice behind. As he turned, Strider felt his breath catch. Bisca wore a light green wedding dress, blushing slightly as she carried Asuka, who was laughing and giggling along.

"Mama! Look!" she exclaimed, pointing at Striders gown. Bisca sighed as she handed the little girl over to him. She immediately began cuddling against the material, eliciting a airy 'awww' from the audience, as well as the other contenders.

"That's gotta be cheating," Cana whispered to Mira, who just grumbled. But as she saw the bright look on the mother and daughters face, she sighed and smiled; it was to precious to not adore.

"So soft!" Asuka said happily.

"Sorry about that," Bisca sighed.

"I don't mind," Strider said with a chuckle.

"Oooh, pretty," Asuka said with bright eyes as she spotted the crown on his head. Strider nodded down, allowing her to pick it off his head. Asuka turned it over in her hands, looking at it with wonder and amazement.

"Glad you like it," Strider said.

"What is it?" Bisca asked as she ran a finger along it.

"Made of a special metal from back home. Mithril is what it's called. Nigh indestructible. I had it specially made by a friend; took him days to get the material malleable enough that he could do anything with it," Strider said.

"It's certainly beautiful," Bisca said.

"Much like you. You look stunning in that dress," he said.

"Thanks," she said with a small smile. The two stared at each other for a long while before they were interrupted by a loud squeal.

"IS THAT YOUR DAUGHTER, BISCA?!" Erza exclaimed. Strider laughed as he passed the child over to Erza, who had become like a child. He watched with amusement as she pinched and patted the little girl, who laughed at her antics as well.

"Erza seems to love children," he mused.

"More like Erza loves cute things just as much as the next person," Mira giggled, grabbing as arm again. "What happened to you being my husband?" she asked with a pout.

"I'm sure I can think of something to make it up to you," Strider laughed.

"That's not fair!" Jenny exclaimed grabbing his other arm. "Besides, we're a match made in heaven."

"What! How do you figure that?!" Cana demanded.

"Number one model in Fiore and probably the strongest Mage in Fiore. Just makes sense," she said, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Like hell it does!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Must…," came a dark voice behind them all.

"Hmm?" Jenny wondered, turning back.

"Kill…," Juvia drawled, wearing a sky blue wedding dress.

"Uhh… what? Isn't she in your guild?" Jenny asked Mira.

"I think we better duck," Mira sighed.

"All… of… yo…-," Juvia began.

"Juvia, my dear - you look magnificent," Strider suddenly said. All the dark aura suddenly disappeared as Juvia blushed madly and looked at him.

"Oh, really? Y-you think so?" she asked, twirling a bit.

"I do," he said. As soon as he said that, it was as though Juvia's eyes turned into hearts. She began to melt yet again.

"Is she gonna be ok?!" Jenny asked in a panicked voice.

"It's just Juvia being Juvia," Strider said. He went over and helped her up a bit. "There we go. But yes, I mean it. Not sure anyone could pull that dress off like you."

"Hehehehehe," Juvia giggled relentlessly.

"Anyway, that was nice and all - but if you girls will excuse Strider and I for a second, we have to do a walk around the arena," Mira said, quickly pulling Strider away from the others. They would've followed, had the gentlemen still unable to find a bride not accost them.

"Won't lose me that easily," Jenny suddenly said, grabbing his other arm. Mira sighed but decided not to press the point. She felt Strider disentangle his arm from hers a bit; his hand descended and locked with hers. They looked sideways at each other with smile and continued.

"Really, you two look wonderful. I think I might just be the luckiest guy in existence," he said.

"Damn right about that," Jenny said, quickly giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"It looks like our two top contestants have it out for the mysterious Strider from Fairy Tail B!" Chapati yelled, drawing more attention to them.

"WHAT?! That's not fair!"

"Lucky bastard…"

"Lucky bastard?! More like lucky girls!"

"Hope you're ready for more attention," Mira sighed.

"Decidedly not," Strider said, although he put on a smile for the crowd. They began showering the competitors with petals soon, much to the amusement of the ladies and the reticence of the gentlemen.

"So Strider…," Jenny began with a smirk.

"Mmm?" he wondered.

"Whose number one? Me? Or Mira?" she asked.

"The correct answer here is: I'd rather chop my own head off than answer," Strider said.

"Come onnnn," she cooed.

"Nope. Not with a mile long pole, Miss Realight," he said.

"Ms. Realight-Strider," she giggled, waving at the crowd.

"Looks like the others are having just as much fun," Mira whispered, nodding behind her. Strider chuckled as he saw some of the going ons. Jet and Droy were fighting over who would get Levy's hand in marriage.


"Not so fast, buddy! Levy's never going to marry you!" Droy yelled, punching his best friend in the face.

"You think she wants you instead?!" Jet asked, punching back.

Levy, however, only had eyes for one person. Deciding to take the initiative, she went over and pulled Gajeel up.

"What're you-," he began before Levy locked arms with him.

"I need a partner for the rest of this event," she said, blushing madly.

"What ab-," he said before looking over to Jet and Droy. The two seemed to be locked in a brutal fistfight. Sighing, he acquiesced to her demands.


"Would you partner with me, Carla?" Happy asked, getting on a knee.

"Well, we are both Exceeds," she nodded. Close by, Lisanna and rushed over to Natsu.

"Hey, Natsu," she said with a lovely smile.

"Huh? Oh wow. You look really nice, Lisanna," Natsu said, admiring her beauty.

"So do you," she said happily.

"Huh? What do-," Natsu said before yelping as he looked down. He was out of his usual clothes and in a white tuxedo. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!"

"Wedding dress contest, remember? The girls need to team up with a guy. Do you want to?" she asked with a blush.

"Huh? Oh, I…," Natsu began.

"Remember those times when we were kids and pretended to be married?" she asked. Natsu couldn't help but smile as he remembered, vividly, the time when he and Lisanna looked after the egg that Happy hatched from.

"Yeah. Sure," he finally said. Lisanna smiled wide and took his arm, leading him around. As Mira saw, she squealed in delight.

"They're so cute together," she cooed to Strider.


"Ladies and gents, I hope you're enjoying this special event these lovely ladies have put on for you! Another round of applause for the illustrious Mirajane Strauss and Jenny Realight!" Chapati yelled. The crowd broke into their loudest cheer yet as they cheered the two beauties on, who continued to wave at them.

"Enjoying yourself?" Jenny asked Strider.

"Very much. I certainly hope you two are as well. Hope I make good husband material he laughed.

"I know I am," Jenny said, kissing his cheek again.

"And you, Mira?" Strider asked. Mira turned to him and smiled brightly. She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek, resting there for a few seconds.

"I am, too," she said. Strider felt the spot where her lips touched him burn a bit hot, a feeling he hadn't had for a while.

Suddenly, a loud voice cried out from atop one of the stone giants around the arena.

"YOU FOOLISH YOUNG PEOPLE! LET OOBA TEACH YOU A LESSON!" yelled Ooba, master of Lamia Scale. She leaped spray into the arena, more so than anyone could believe for someone her age. As she landed, she was spinning around in her bathing suit. The crowd went quiet. Some looked on in surprise, others in glee, but most in despondence at the sight.


"And with that, ladies and gentlemen, we return to our match," Chapati said sadly.

"Looks like our brides are still finishing their round," Yajima said, nodding to Mira and Jenny still locked arm in arm with Strider.

"I suppose that's my cue to leave. Best of luck to you. Can't wait to see who wins the match," Strider said. He quickly kissed both of them on the cheek before taking his leave - to cheers and boos from the arena.

"Oh, it looks like our competitors are still in their wedding dresses! That's quite an interesting style, I must say," Chapati noted as Mira and Jenny returned to their spots. The two looked down again, smiling as they saw how beautiful the dresses looked on them and the other.

"I agree. I've never seen something that beautiful," Yajima noted.


"The dresses are quite splendid," Mavis agreed from the rafters.

"They kinda look similar to what Strider was wearing. Oh, I hope he can make me some!" Lisanna chirped as she admired how her big sister looked.


"Quite beautiful," Lucy said. She deadpanned as she saw how despondent Erza looked.

"I was to enamored by how adorable Bisca's daughter is to even pay attention to the match," she sighed, rubbing her temples.

"Don't worry. I'm sure you'll have other opportunities," Lucy said, consoling her.

"So Natsu…," Gray suddenly said with a smirk.

"Sup?" he wondered.

"Lisanna," Gray said.

"YOU WANT ME TO THROW YOU INTO THE RING?! WE CAN GO RIGHT NOW, SNOW QUEEN!" Natsu began. A glare from Erza quickly shut him down.


"Striderrrrr," Jenny called out to him before he reached the dugout.

"Hmm?" he wondered, turning back.

"Would you mind changing Jenny and I back into our regular outfits?" Mira asked, winking at him. Strider bowed dramatically before snapping his fingers. Mira returned to wearing the black dress she had started the match in, while Jenny wore her purple dress.

"Thank you," they said in unison, blowing a kiss at him. He responded with another dramatic bow and smile.

"Looks like these beautiful bombshells have it out for Strider of Fairy Tail!" Chaapyi exclaimed.

"Oh what I wouldn't give to be young again," Chapati said airily.

"Looks like it's just you and I again," Jenny said.

"It was fun while it lasted," Mira admitted.

"So before we end this, how about we make a bet like everyone else?" Jenny wondered.

"I'm game," Mira said, smiling.

"Whoever loses has to pose in Sorcerer's Weekly wearing nothing but her birthday suit," Jenny said.

The crowd went dead silent, hanging on every word.

"Sure," Mira said happily.

It was as though a bomb went off. The entire arena erupted into the loudest applause they could. Windows in the city below the arena began to shake as the excitement reached them.


"I'm sorry, but I don't know who to root for," Macao said weakly.

"Me neither," Wakaba agreed.

"WHAT?!" Lisanna exclaimed, surprised that Mira would agree.

"Elfman won't like it if she lost," Levy said.


"UNBELIEVABLE. THIS JUST MIGHT BE A BET WHERE EVERYONE WINS!" Chapati exclaimed, sweating bullets.

'Perfect. Guess Strider might be able to see her in all her glory faster than she thought,' Jenny thought, beginning to transform.

"Oh, let's keep with tradition like everyone else as well! We'll end this with a battle," Mira said, transforming as well.

"Wait, are you serious?" Jenny asked lamely.

"Yup," Mira said as she changed into her Satan Soul: Sitri. She was decked out in a long, flowing black cape and wore and a tight white and blue armor with horns jutting out on either side of her head. Jenny could only gulp as Mira rushed her. In one not-very-powerful swipe, Jenny had lost the battle - and the crowd had erupted into a volcanic cheer.


"If this'll make you feel any better, I'll buy an issue it first comes out. I'm sure Strider will as well," Mira said, smiling at Jenny as she changed back. Jenny could only comically cry and hug herself in response.

"Huh. Never knew she had it in her," Gajeel said.

"Yeah, she's brutal. That's why you always want to stay on her good side," Laxus said.

"That was amazing, Mira!" Juvia exclaimed as Mira reached them.

"Thanks, but that whole experience was more than a little embarrassing," Mira said with a blush.

"I thought you did amazing," Strider said.

"Going to buy an issue of Sorcerer's Weekly next week?" she wondered. Strider just winked in response, eliciting a playful punch from her.


"And now, for our fourth and final match of the day! From Sabertooth, we have Yukino Agria and from Mermaid Heel, Kagura Mikazuchi!" Chapati announced. The two ladies solemnly made their way to the arena.

"I suppose that in the spirit of the games, you and I should make a bet like the other participants," Yukino mused.

"I've no interest in casual bets," Kagura replied, eyes closed.

"Perhaps something a bit more serious, then?" Yukino wondered.

"And what do you have in mind?" Kagura asked.

"How about our lives?" Yukino offered, stunning the crowd.


"What, loser dies?" Strider wondered.

"I don't think so. At least, I hope not," Mira offered.

"Stupid bet to make," Strider sighed.


"Agreed," Kagura nodded.

Yukino was the first to attack. She summoned two massive fishes to the arena - her Celestial Spirits, Pisces


"No way! She's a Celestial Spirit Mage!" Lucy said, awestruck. She was paying intense attention to the match; she had only one run in with a Celestial Spirit Mage before this.


The black and white colored fishes lunged at Kagura, but she dodged gracefully with a high jump. Yukino followed up by summoning another spirit - the scale holding Libra.

"You know what to do," Yukino told her spirit. Libra nodded and began to alter the gravity in the arena. Kagura was buffeted slightly but quickly turned the tables by negating the effects. Libra and Yukino both looked surprised.


"Ha. That won't work for her. Kagura is a master of Gravity Magic. Hell, she's the one that taught me," Risley said with a smile.


Yukino surprised the crowd a third time - most of all, Lucy - by taking out another key. She summoned her third spirit, Ophiuchus the Snake Charmer, when Kagura suddenly attacked. She didn't even draw her blade before lunging at the spirit. The white scabbard tore threw the spirit and obliterated it. Yukino was standing clear on the other side. Kagura continued her attack, closing the distance between her and her opponent.


"She should move," Strider mused, closely watching Kagura.


Yukino had no chance to do anything before Kagura was behind her. With a thud, Yukino fell - utterly and totally defeated.


"She's quite impressive," Erza said in surprise. An adept swordswoman herself, she'd never seen anyone like Kagura before.

"NO KIDDING! HOLY CRAP!" Natsu exclaimed, impressed and slightly terrified by the vulgar display of power.


"She didn't even unsheathe her sword!" Mira exclaimed.

"Heh. She might be able to give you a run for your money," Gajeel said to Strider.

"Perhaps I'll find out," Strider answered. He felt Anglachel move gently at his side. The sword was aware of the match and power excited it.


"Will you honor our wager?" Kagura asked coldly as she loomed over the crying Yukino. She nodded, but could offer not other response.

"And what that, folks, Day Two of the Grand Magic Games comes to a close! We hope to see you all again tomorrow for Day Three!" Chapati yelled as everyone began to file out.

"She didn't even unsheathe her sword the entire match," Mira said in awe.

"Hell, she might be able to give you a run for your money, Strider," Gajeel said, smirking.

"I hope to find out," Strider said, smiling. Mira looked at him and was slightly unnerved. This wasn't the usual kind smile he had. There was something else there… something wilder. She pushed the thought from her mind.

Kagura walked over to Yukino.

"Will you honor our wager?" she asked a crying Yukino.

Yukino nodded.

"And with that, ladies and gentlemen, Day 2 of the Grand Magic Games comes to a close. We hope to see you all again tomorrow for Day 3!" Chapati said, as everyone began to file out.


Fairy Tail was celebrating the day. Both Elfman and Mira had racked up wins for their respective teams, while Natsu and Gajeel's spirit during Chariot brought up everyones mood.

"Hell of a match, Elfman," Macao said, throwing him a drink. Elfman caught it with a grunt and nodded his appreciation, looking for a seat to get some rest.

"That dress was so beautiful, Mira," Lisanna squealed to her sister.

"Thanks, but that was all Strider," Mira said with a smile. She regretted saying that as she saw Lisanna's eyes brighten a bit. "Lis…"

"That's so adorable!" Lisanna squealed.


"How're you feeling, Wendy?" Strider asked as the bluenette worked on healing Elfman a bit more.

"I'm feeling a lot better! I think I'll be able to compete the next few days," she said brightly.

"I'm happy to hear that. Just don't push yourself to much, alright?" he advised her.

"Indeed. I shall make of that personally," Carla declared.


"So three more days?" Erza asked Master Makarov.

"Indeed. They're adding an extra day for the events before the Final Match, which is a free for all between all teams. It also looks like we're gonna be staying after the Games end," Makarov said.

"Oh? Why's that, Master?" Lucy wondered.

"From what I learned, there's going to be another event held after the Games. The King is staying mum on the matter, but rumors indicate a large event of some kind," Makarov said.

"I hope it's not another fight," Lucy grumbled.

"I really hope it's another fight," Natsu piped in.


"Don't want to join the festivities?" Mira asked Strider, who was sitting at the bar area.

"I enjoy observing, myself," he replied.

"I can tell. You were really focused on the match between Jenny and I," she giggled.

"Ha. I'm about to head out for a walk, though. Care to join?" he asked.

"Sure," Mira said.


Strider let Mira guide him throughout the streets of Crocus. Along the way, they shook several hands and sighed countless autographs before finally finding a quiet area in the gardens, away from prying eyes.

"Thanks again for the dress, by the way," she said. Strider smiled and snapped his fingers. Mira was again wearing the white dress and mithril crown from the match.

"I'm used to my own Takeover, but this is just incredible," she said.

"I'm afraid I'm limited to what I can deliver. They already exist and are in a pocket dimension; it's not as versatile as yours. That said, do you like it?" he wondered, caressing the fabric.

"I love it. A lot," she said, feeling the material. "What's it made of?"

"It's specially made with a material from my homeland, as well as imbued with some Magic. I can safely say nothing more comfortable exists in the world," Strider.

"The crown?" she wondered, taking it off again.

"Mithril. An especially hard and difficult to work with material from my homeland. It takes a special smith to weave it like that. It's a good thing I knew just the right people," he chuckled.

"What about the jewel?" she wondered, tapping the beautiful blue stone.

"I found it during a raid. It was part of a dragon hoard that was claimed by the enemy. They melted as much as they could for weaponry, but we managed to drive them out. A gemologist and historian friend of mine looked into the historicity of it. She mentioned it came from over the sea ages ago, brought to our land by the first settlers. They lived in peace for a long time before the dragon attacked them. This particular stone belonged to the Queen that led that particular tribe. She imbued some of the jewels with her particular brand of magic, would made it indestructible as well as protected the wearer from some things - disease, poison, venom. It was difficult to work with, but eventually it was set in the headpiece. I gave it to… I… gave…," Strider suddenly trailed off. Mira saw the color drain from his face as his memories traveled to a far more troubled time.

"She must've been special," Mira said quietly.

"She was," Strider said, gulping.

"Was it… the girl you told me about? Anairë?" Mira asked tentatively.

"Yes," was all Strider said.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to be so…," Mira said.

"It's… not your fault," Strider said before sighing heavily. "I haven't had to talk about her for a long time. It's difficult when I do."

"I understand. You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to," Mira said.

"It's not that. It's… talking about it at all is difficult. It's not because of you," Strider said, his fingers going to his left shoulder. Mira saw him caress it gently, something that piqued her interest.

"Is your shoulder alright?" she asked.

"More or less," he said. However, she didn't believe him. Gently, she removed his hand from his shoulder and began to roll the shirt down. Strider wanted to object, but opted against it. As she saw the black spot, she felt a pitfall in her stomach.

There was a massive black spot there, not unlike the mark of a sword or polearm that had thrust through. The veins surrounding it were ignited black; it was as though whatever happened was spreading through his bloodstream.

"My God…," she whispered, touching it gingerly. Strider recoiled as she did. "What happened?"

"A cursed weapon will do that to you," he sighed.

"A sword did that?!" she asked, incredulous.

"Yeah. Cursed blade, wielded by a cursed user. The weapon that did it was specially made for the wielder. A stab is enough to kill a person, usually. If it doesn't do it quickly, the poison eventually will. If it doesn't kill you, it mutates you," Strider said.

"But… how are you…?" she asked.

"I was brought to a healer at just the right time. Would've been a goner otherwise," Strider sighed. "Stroke of luck, if there ever was one."

"What do you mean by mutate?" she asked.

"The person that stabbed me was a Wraith. A spirit of sorts. But an extremely powerful one at that. He was part of the enemies vanguard, a king amongst them. I… had my attention momentarily occupied, which is when he got me. The weapon itself is designed to whittle away at the life force of someone and eventually turned them to a Wraith as well. The process takes time, but unless it's stopped, either death or transformation is inevitable," he said.

"Did you…?" she began, wondering how to ask.

"Begin to transform?" he asked. Mira nodded. "Almost immediately, it poisoned me. My companions took me to the home of one of the few that could treat it. After it was treated, I rested for a long time to heal."

"Does it hurt?" she asked, her eyes fixed on it. The black spot inspired a certain dread inside her.

"Every day. Every night. Not a bit of time passes that I don't remember it a bit," he sighed. She tried to touch it again, even softer than before; and still, he recoiled.

"How does a weapon like that…" she began.

"Power and hate," Strider said simply.

"The one who did it to you?" she asked.

"Gone," Strider said.

"Did you…?" she began, slightly uncomfortably. It was something that always came to her when she taught about him, but she never wanted to ask. Did you kill him? Did you kill them? She knew that the answer was yes - how could it not be? It was war. While the concept wasn't entirely foreign to her, the act of doing so was. Fiore had been free from war for centuries; the same with Ishgar at large. Even in all the fights they had participated in - against the Seis, or Phantom Lord, or in Edolas - they hadn't killed a single person. "Nevermind."

"I know what you were going to ask. But in this case, the answer is no. He didn't make it, that much is certain. But not at my hands, although we did clash a bit," Strider said, gritting his teeth.

'I would've,' he thought. 'Happily.'

"You couldn't beat him?" she asked in surprise.

"Whenever I got close, the mark would flare up in pain. He could still control it to a certain extent, although only in close quarters," Strider said.

"You said he was a king amongst them? It sounds like he was really strong," she said.

"You've no idea. The Witch King of Angmar. For the land that he had taken. Terrible weather," Strider said with a sardonic chuckle before sighing and rubbing his face. "It's going to take a long time for me to get it up and running again."

"What do you mean?" she asked in surprise.

"The land he used to own belongs to me now," Strider said.

"What?" she asked, doubly surprised.

"Angmar. His realm. After I went back home, there was a meeting to divvy up the lands. As you can imagine, there's a lot of land no one wants. Part of it is because it's so desolate, that changing it could take more than a hundred years. The other part… superstition. Some people just don't want the land because of the… rather disconcerting history. That said, the world is growing. Eventually, people will spread further and further. For lands like these, where evil is steeped and grounded, nothing grows. As a… reward… for my service in the war, I took the land no one else wanted for myself. Someone had to. It's part of the reason that I'll be traveling back some times. Restoration has been underway for seven years. We're making progress, but it'll take a while to finish," Strider said.

"Couldn't you let anyone else do it? You've… done so much already," Mira said, cupping his cheek. Strider smiled at the touch. He brushed some loose strands of hair behind her ear, eliciting a gentle blush.

"I could. But… no. No, I couldn't. I want to make it a better place for tomorrow," he said.

"But you're here," she reminded him.

"I've entrusted parts to the men and women that I know best - all of whom served with or under me during the war. They're all powerful, as well as well respected and loved. Not to mention, they can do somethings better than I ever could," he said. Mira sighed and nodded, moving a bit closer.

"You've been through so much," she said, resting her head against his chest.

"I suppose I live in interesting times. Could be worse, though," he said, hugging her.

"Yeah? How's that?" she wondered.

"Could be without you," he said.

"Ha-ha," she said, smiling and rolling her eyes.

"I mean it," he said leaning back a bit. "You deserve my thanks. I'm not sure I would've felt quite as home here if it wasn't for you and Fairy Tail."

"We're lucky to have you," she said with a smile.

The two stared at each other for a long time under the twinkling stars, Mira still wearing the wedding dress and the headpiece on her head. She had had the thought a thousand times by now, and she felt the time right. Leaning up, she kissed Strider. He took the motion in stride, feeling the pain finally go away, only to be replaced by a burning sensation in his stomach. He grabbed Mira's thighs and brought her on to his lip, wrapping her legs around his waist. Mira tightened them, thrusting herself close, feeling as though she was going to melt into his. Parting her lips, she let Strider enter and explore, giving him the taste he wanted and having her own in return. She moaned pleasurably into the kiss as she felt him squeeze her thigh with a rough hand. Her fingers wove through his hair, making sure to keep him in place; his did the same. Each tasted the other with passion, insatiable and wanting more.

"MIRAJANE STRAUSS!" a voice suddenly roared out. Mira and Strider continued the kiss for a second longer before parting, their lips just a centimeter away. Both breathed heavily, inhaling the others succulent scent. Finally, Mira turned to see who yelled and immediately turned red - both at what she and Strider had just done, and that they were seen doing so.

Erza, Cana, and Lucy were standing there with indescribable emotions running across their faces.

"Fuck," Mira moaned, wondering what was going to happen. She turned to Strider, who was still looking at her. His eyes were warm and inviting as always, but this time she saw something else there; something she couldn't describe. Finally, he spoke.

"That's about right," he sighed. He would've continued, but they were suddenly interrupted by something else: a massive explosion. Strider jumped up, letting Mira down, his eyes fixated on the explosion.

"I'll see you all back at the hotel," he said, erupting into the sky. Mira sighed before turning to Erza, Cana, and Lucy - pale white.

"You. Hotel. Now," Erza demanded of her. With a sigh, she followed along, surrounded by the three formidable Mages - all of whom didn't know how to process what had just happened.


Strider soon landed at the site of the explosion; the rented home of Sabertooth. Looking around, he saw the source of the destruction. Natsu, for reasons unknown to him, attacked Saberooth and was attacking their Master. He quickly pulled Natsu back just as a beautiful woman in blue appeared in front of their master, holding a blue cat. She had was it length glossy black hair, most of it running down her back save for two buns on top of her head. She wore dark lipstick and had sharp eyes. She wore a beautiful blue cheongsam with a large slit running down the left, exposing a long, tan leg. She was, in a word, beautiful.

"Happy!" Natsu yelped.

"Natsu!" Happy cried back.

"Natsu!" Strider yelled.

"Strider?" Natsu asked, incredulous.

"Frosche!" Frosche interjected.

"What's going on here?" Strider asked.

"These scumbags don't know how to treat someone in their own guild!" Natsu snarled as the lady in blue released Happy back to Natsu.

"How our guild operates is none of your concern," she said.

"When you make your own guild mate strip and remove their mark?! Where the hell do you get off treating someone like that?!" Natsu demanded. It suddenly clicked for Strider. Sabertooth must've excommunicated the girl that lose to Kagura.

'They stripped her?' Strider thought, feeling his anger surge forward. Others must've felt it as well, for several guild members retreated. He had overseen men and women in his command; how they could treat someone that should've been like family in such a manner was beyond him.

"Enough, Natsu. We'll handle this in the arena," Strider said, grinding his teeth. Natsu snarled at Minerva before turning away and leaping down.

The guild regarded Strider; some of them looked ready to pounce on him. Strider couldn't help but smile at how brave some of them seemed.

"I haven't done anything except break up the fight. But if you want to continue it, feel free. Come," he said, drawing Anglachel. The sword vibrated imperceptibly in his hand. As it felt the fear, however, it stopped.

'Hmph. Even it can tell they're cowards,' he thought, seeing looks of fears.

"Good choice," he said, sheathing the sword and turning away.

'Your guild mates got some guts," the burly old man sad. He was bare chested with a massive, white beard and large, red balls around his beck. Strider eyed him before scoffing.

"That he does, old man," Strider said.

"He's not going to get away with it," the old man said.

"We can settle it in the arena. Unless you're feeling younger," Strider said mockingly.

"You're in our house right now," the old man said.

"I assume you're the Master of the guild? Or would it be you?" he asked, turning to the beautiful lady. She smiled as she looked him up and down.

"My father is the Master of the guild. Jiemme," she said, nodding at the old man. "You must be Strider. I saw your match with Jura."

"I trust you enjoyed it?" he asked.

"More than you might guess," she said, her voice more than a little seductive. Strider felt more angry eyes on him as she spoke like that.

"You should let the old man know that just because he can't get it up anymore doesn't mean he should be stripping young girls. I trust nothing more happened to her. Otherwise, I might have to come back. I'd much rather settle this during the Games," he said.

"You have my word that nothing more happened to her. But trust that this won't go unpunished. However, we will leave that for the Games. Good night, Strider," she said.

"And you are…?" he wondered.

"Minerva Orland," she replied.

"I see. Good night, Minerva," Strider said. He erupted into the sky, destroying more of the apartment in his wake. Minerva bit her lip as she watched him. Power, more than anything, impressed her. Sting and Rogue raised an eyebrow at each other as they saw the look in her eye.


"What the hell were you thinking, Natsu?" Erza yelled.

"I couldn't let them get away with something like that! Lucky for them I'm such a reasonable guy," Natsu continued.

"It's not Natsu's fault! If I didn't let that girl capture me, Natsu could've creamed that old guy," Happy said despondently.

"There's no need to feel so sad, Happy! It's good that it turned out that way. If Natsu injured their Master, we could've been disqualified," Wendy said.

"DO YOU EVEN HAVE A BRAIN IN YOUR HEAD?!" Gray demanded of his best friend


"What the HELL were you thinking?! I mean, why do you get to have all the fun?! I would've loved to beat on those guys!" Gray exclaimed.

"I'm going back right now!" Natsu declared.

"Count me in!" Gray said.

"Neither of you are going," Strider suddenly said.

"STRIDER! Did you beat on that old guy?!" Natsu asked.

"We would've been disqualified if I did that, Natsu," Strider said, smiling. "I know you're angry. I am as well. What they did to Yukino is terrible. But going off like that isn't going to help anyone. Put that anger to good use during the Games. I've no doubt you'll end up against Sabertooth soon. Save it for then."


As Strider left the room, Erza and Lucy followed. He as he turned to them.

"So…," he began.

"Don't. Even. Start," Lucy said, holding up a hand. Strider sighed and nodded.

"What…," Erza began, more than a little uncomfortable.

"It just happened, Erza. I promise that it wasn't part of a plan or anything," he said.

"And you…," she trailed off.

"I don't know," Strider said. Erza nodded, sighing deeply before rubbing her face.

"I hope Mira's still alive," he sighed. The two simply blushed.

"Get some sleep. We'll discuss it later. But we will discuss it," Erza told him. Strider nodded. Wishing them a good night, he headed to his room.


As he got to his room, Strider noted a paper at the foot of the door. He scanned the front page as he entered.


'150,000 huh? Wonder how many you and I killed?' he thought, looking at Anglachel. The sword stood still, eliciting a scoff from him. Taking his shirt off, he looked at the black mark with disgust. Feeling more tired than ever, he quickly collapsed on the bed, quickly succumbing to nightmares.

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