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29.78% Fairy Tail: The Prince of Peace / Chapter 14: The Dragon Slayer

Chapter 14: The Dragon Slayer

"Of all the people, Precht," Makarov sighed as he stood over his former master.

"Huh. I… didn't think it would turn out like this," Precht wheezed. "Not… sure where you pulled that boy from."

"Why?" Makarov asked.

"Why… what?" Precht asked.

"You were Master of Fairy Tail. This guild… was your home. Your family. Why? Why did you attack us - on Tenrou Island of all places!" Makarov said.

"Z… ha. It's not important now. You won. I lost," Precht said.

"I did not want to win. I did not want to fight. You did," Makarov said. "Why?"

"You know what I've… dedicated my life to," Precht said.

"All for her? Is that what you're trying to tell me?" Makarov asked. "You think she would've approved this?!"

"Maybe… maybe not. I thought I… had finally found a way. With him. With the Black Wizard," Precht said. "He was supposed to be here."

"That's ridiculous," Makarov said coldly. He met Prechts eye and sighed loudly before beginning to walk away.

"The authorities will come pick you up. I…," Makarov paused before continuing.


The Tenrou Island team was finally enjoying a well-deserved break from all the hell that they had just endured. Most everyone was sleeping off the injuries they had sustained, while some of the previously injured were only starting to get the feeling back in their limbs. Mira sat off to the side as she watched the scene unfold in front of her with a smile.

"It's good to see you well again," she heard a voice say from behind.

"Strider!" she exclaimed, trying to get up.

"Please, stay seated," he said, returning the smile as he took a seat next to her.

"Thank you," she said.

"No need to thank me, Mira," Strider whispered.

Softly, Mira rested her head on his shoulder, cuddling closer and letting his warmth wash over her. By now, she felt that she could count on Strider to support and help her when she needed it, as could the rest of Fairy Tail. She recalled what Lisanna had told her and how worried he was for her safety. The thought brought her no small amount of joy and comfort, knowing that some would look out for her. She scolded herself for letting her power fall so low, that she was hardly able to keep up with Azuma. She guiltily looked at Lisanna, who seemed to be having fun with Happy. As Strider saw her expression, he put an arm around her waist and gave her a gentle hug.

"You did the best you could," he said soothingly.

"Yeah… it wasn't even close to being enough," Mira said dejectedly.

"Don't think of it like that. Lisanna told me what you did, taking that attack from him. That was extremely brave of you," Strider said.

"I… just couldn't let her get hurt like that again. Never again," Mira said fiercely. She felt Strider rest his lips atop her head, giving her a soft kiss. The action made her blush slightly but she nonetheless looked up at him, smiling wide. "Any idea where the others are?"

"I believe I saw Natsu and Gildarts go off somewhere inland. Looks like Lucy and Cana are preparing to go for a walk as well," Strider said, nodding his head at the two.

"You don't have to keep me company, you know," Mira said.

"Maybe not, but have you already forgotten what I told you last night?" Strider wondered.

"You enjoy spending time with me?" Mira asked in a soft voice.

"That's right," Strider said. Mira smiled a bit brighter as he confirmed, putting her arms around his waist and giving him a tight hug.

"THAT'S NOT MANLY!" Elfman yelled, bringing attention to the two. He immediately regretted it as Mira flashed him a dark and dangerous look.

"People need to learn to mind their own business," Mira grumbled.

"Ha. He's just looking out for you. That said, perhaps you should tease him back regarding him and Evergreen. Look how lovey-dovey they are," Strider chuckled.

"Good idea. I'll talk to you in a bit," she said, giving him one more squeeze before getting up to sit with her brother and his crush. A short pause later, Strider got up and began to go inland for a walk, Erza following him closely.


"I know you're there, Erza," Strider sighed as he leaned against a tree.

"How're you feeling?" she asked in worry as she stood in front of him, gently reaching to touch his left shoulder. She noticed his recoil as soon as her finger touched it.

"I… feel fine," Strider said.

"You're the worst liar I've ever met," Erza sighed. She gently pushed him against the tree as she began to roll his left sleeve up. Strider quickly grabbed her wrist, giving her a cold look.

"What're you doing?" he asked in a low voice.

"You're hurt. Badly. It's been going on since you're fight with me earlier today. Why? What happened?" she asked. He looked at her with piercing eyes before slowly letting it go, gulping.

"It's an injury I sustained a long time ago. It… tends to act up now and again," Strider said.

"Did it hit a nerve?" Erza frowned.

"If only. No, it was something else," Strider said. Erza looked at him before beginning to roll up his sleeve a second time. This time, Strider just sighed and let her do it.

'Going to happen eventually,' he thought.

As she began going, Erza sighed sadly. Along his arms were two marks that went up in a helix pattern. They were extremely thin and red, as though burning hot strands of fire had been pressed and patterned up. As she traced them, Strider felt a shiver go down his spine, remembering the exact day he received them. She continued rolling the sleeve up before she got to his shoulder. Her eyes widened as she saw a large, black splotch there. As she touched it, she felt Strider recoil viciously yet again.

"What happened?" she asked quietly.

"I was caught off guard," Strider sighed, looking at the wound with contempt.

"What made it?" she inquired.

"A cursed blade. It stabbed me and this is what was left. I've visited every prominent healer I could think of back home, but none could advise me on a cure. I'll have it for the rest of my life," Strider sighed. He felt Erza bring a hand to his cheek, gently cupping it as she continued to observe the wound.

"Is this why you were passed out when Lisanna found you?" Erza asked.

"It was. It doesn't happen often, but sometime the wound flares up - badly. Especially if I use my sword to often," Strider sighed.

"Why use it at all if that's the case?" Erza asked.

"Ha. My sword is an extension of myself. I can't quite give it up that easily. Besides, this is the first time it's flared up in at least a year. The pain'll subside soon enough," Strider said.

"Why… is it so black?" she asked.

"As I said, it was a cursed blade - so it was imbued with Magic. The one who gave it to me was adept in the Black Arts, so many of his attacks were Magic in nature. This is the remnant," Strider said.

"Does it hurt much?" Erza asked, not sure if she actually wanted an answer.

"I consider cutting my arm off every time," Strider said with a mirthless scoff as he pulled his sleeve back down. Bringing her other hand to his cheek, Erza gently pulled him in for a hug. A bit surprised by the action, Strider rolled with it nonetheless. Putting his arms around Erza's waist, he pulled her in closer as well. As she felt their bodies mesh together, Erza felt a pleasurable shiver run up and down her spine. She felt his hands rest securely on her lower back while her arms were comfortably fastened around his neck. While she had many embraces with others before, she felt as though this one felt different - as though there was something else there. The side of her head rested against his, her lips near his ear; at the same time, she felt his warm exhales on her neck, another nice feeling. Erza felt Strider shift gently, rearing back a bit as he stared at her with intense eyes. She returned the stare, lips slightly parted as she wondered where this would lead.

"WHAT'RE YOU TWO DOING?!" they suddenly heard another voice cut in. Erza immediately let go, taking a few steps back and blushing a maddening red. Off to the side Lucy had just appeared, also vehemently blushing.

"Ah, hello, Lucy," Strider said with a sigh. It seemed as though interruptions always abounded at just the most inopportune moment.

"ERZA!" Lucy yelled, aghast. She quickly shrunk as Erza glared menacingly at her. "Whoops. Ha. Sorry. Guess I… interrupted something important."

"Lucy…," Erza began dangerously, making the blonde gulp. Lucy quickly headed towards the camp, leaving Erza and Strider alone again. Erza opened her mouth to speak but quickly closed it, wondering what to say. Strider moved forward and cupped her cheek with a hand, much like she did for him. Gently, he swooped down and kissed her on the cheek, resting there for a moment before walking further inland. Erza brought a hand up to her cheek and felt the spot he had kissed. Cracking a smile, she quickly walked in Lucy's direction - both to reflect on what just happened and give the blonde a piece of her mind.


As Strider continued his walk, he soon ran into Cana who was smiling wide at him. As she saw him, she quickly hugged him tightly, burying her head into his chest as tears of happiness began to stream down her cheeks.

"Talk about a nice greeting," Strider chuckled as he hugged her back, his hands wrapped comfortably around his waist. Wiping her tears on his shirt, she leaned back slightly and looked up, still beaming.

"I told him," she whispered.

"Told who what?" Strider wondered.

"Gildarts. That… he's my dad," Cana said.

"He is?" Strider asked, surprised.

"Yeah. He never knew he had a daughter. Until now, at least. I'm so happy," Cana said, tears welling up again. Deciding not to press the point, Strider just pulled her in for another hug. She happily returned it, wrapping her arms around his neck as she pulled him as close as possible.

"Good. I'm happy for you," Strider whispered, kissing her on the cheek. Cana returned the favor, continuing to hold him. Finally, as they separated, he brought a hand to her cheek.

"How're you feeling, though? Better?" Strider asked worriedly.

"Much better," she answered.

"Good," was all Strider said. Wrapping her arms around one of his, they began walking, weaving through the trees.

"So Gildarts, huh? Pretty awesome dad you got," Strider said.

"A womanizer," Cana sighed; that was one aspect of her father she could do without.

"My kinda guy," Strider chuckled.

"Why am I not surprised?" Cana deadpanned.

"We all need companionship, especially on the road. But seriously, he's a badass. I don't know many people that could survive an attack by a dragon," Strider said.

"I guess. I was waiting until S-Class Trials ended, and if I won, I would've told him. But after everything that just happened, I figured… now was a good a time as any," Cana sighed.

"I assume Lucy convinced you? You went off with her a little while ago," Strider added.

"Mmm, yeah, a bit. It's weird… I thought that after I told him, there would've been this sudden shift. But… I don't feel like anything's changed," Cana said, melancholy.

"Give it some time to sink in. I'm sure it'll change soon enough. That said, nothing might change. If that's the case, though, is it all that bad?" Strider wondered.

"I guess not. I love how it's always been, minus him not knowing. Now that he knows, it's like a huge weights been lifted," Cana said.

"I'm happy for you," Strider said.

"Thanks. How're you feeling, though? Lucy mentioned that you weren't to well," Cana frowned.

"I'm alright. Old injury has been flaring up, but it's feeling better now. Kind of sad that we won't get to end the trials, considering all the damage every one has taken," Strider said, trying to shift subjects.

"Tell me about it. Hell, I found the grave as well," Cana grumbled.

"Really?" Strider asked in surprise.

"Mhm," Cana nodded.

"Aren't you going to fill me in? I won't have to work so hard next year, if I make it," Strider said.

"Already looking a year ahead?" she smirked.

"I've come to enjoy my time at Fairy Tail. Doubt I'd find better company elsewhere," Strider said.

"I doubt it as well. That said, I'm afraid that's for me to know and you to find out. Can't expect me to make it easy for you," Cana giggled.

"You're worse than Lucy. I almost had it as well," Strider grumbled.

"Ha. You'll live. Anyways, we should head back," Cana said.

"Indeed. After all, what will people say?" Strider said, winking at her. Cana blushed, resting her head on his shoulder as they headed back to base camp.


"COME ON GRAMPS, THAT'S NOT FAIR!" Natsu complained.


"Calm down, Gajeel," Levy said placatingly.



"Oh, so you all want to continue this, eh?" Makarov thought, stroking his chin.

"YES!" Gray, Gajeel, Elfman, and Natsu roared.

"Very well, then. First person that can defeat me automatically becomes S-Class," Makarov said. That was all Natsu needed. He went in for the attack - before Makarov's hand turned into a giants hand and pummeled him into a tree.

"I was… so close," Natsu said, having lost all feeling.

"I would like to continue it as well, but considering all that's happened, I've no choice but to cancel," Makarov sighed. "Better luck next year, fellas."

"So unmanly," Elfman grumbled as he walked away.

"And where have you two been?" Evergreen inquired of Cana and Strider.

"Making love in the forest, obviously," Strider said, taking a seat and sighing. He laughed as Evergreen and Cana blushed. The brunette shot him a look that he countered with a wink before resting against a rocky outcrop.

"Hey! That's my daughter you're talking about!" GIldarts complained.

"This coming from the guy that's slept with more women than I can recall," Cana grumbled.

"That… hmph," Gildarts groaned.

"Hey Strider, do you need any healing?" Wendy piped in.

"I'm good, Wendy, thank you. But perhaps you ought to get some rest?" Strider suggested.

"I'm fine! I want to help," Wendy said as she began working on Natsu. Adjacent to her, Erza sat down, wearing a sultry nurse getup. Crossing her legs, she looked at the others seductively.

"Alright gentlemen, whose up next? If you'll tell me where it hurts, I can decide whether I should take your temperature first or just give you an injection," she said.

"Huh. What does she think we are?" Gray asked.

"Like we'll fall for that," Gajeel agreed. A moment later, Wendy's line was empty and everyone had begun to line up for Erza. They soon regretted it as they found that Erza's medical experience was below zero.

"Should've stayed with the expert," Strider chuckled as Mira took a seat next to him again. "Feeling better?"

"Much better, thanks to Wendy," Mira said, flashing the young girl a charming smile. "We'll be spending the night on the island and leave in the morning."

"Sounds good to me. I bet it'll look amazing here tonight. Zero light pollution," Strider sighed as he looked up. The sun was already beginning to set, the watchful night beginning to soon take over.

"I haven't stargazed in a long time," Mira sighed.

"One of my favorite hobbies. Fight have to find a better vantage point, though. There's a few too many trees here," Strider grumbled, looking around.

"The beach, maybe?" Mira suggested.

"That's perfect," he replied.

"That's a great idea. Could probably catch something good to eat there as well. Let's go, everyone! We're making camp on the beach!" Makarov yelled. No one raised an argument; quickly, they packed up and began to make their way over there.

"I don't think we've been introduced. Strider," Strider said, extending his hand to the blond arrival.

"Laxus. You must be the new guy," he said.

"I am. Laxus? You're Master Makarov's grandson, then?" Strider wondered.

"That's me. Just got on the island when I felt something off," Laxus said.

"Felt?" Strider wondered.

"Can't explain it, really. Just… felt like I needed to be hear for some reason," he sighed, rubbing his guild mark.

"Got it. Was good to have you," Strider said, clapping him on the back.

"Strider! Remove your hand form Laxus at once!" Freed suddenly exclaimed, blushing.

"I'm sorry?" Strider replied, raising an eyebrow but acquiescing all the same. Mira giggled and pulled Strider back a bit, letting Freed walk in stride with Laxus.

"Pretty sure Freed has a thing for him," Mira whispered in Striders ear.

"Ah, got it. Like Natsu and Gray," Strider said wisely. Mira erupted into laughs before groaning, the laughing putting a strain on her stomach. "Ha. Easy there."

"It's your fault," she grumbled.

"If you want, I can carry you there," Strider suggested.

"What?" she blushed.

"You heard me," he whispered.

"I can handle it. Thanks for offering, though," she smiled.

"My loss," Strider shrugged, looking around. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw another figure. Turning towards it, for a second, he saw what appeared to be a a young girl with long, blonde hair wearing a frilly pink dress. Immediately, she was gone. Shrugging it off, he continued.


"Feeling alright, Juvia?" Strider wondered as the bluenette walked with him.

"Much better now, yes," she said, smiling at him.

"Happy to hear it. How'd your fight go, by the way?" he wondered.

"They… mmm…," Juvia said, looking down. She felt Strider put an arm around her, offering her a comforting smile.

"All that matters is that you're safe. Couldn't ask for a better outcome," he said kindly. Almost immediately, Juvia began to melt into a puddle at the touch.

"You better keep going. I'll help her," Lisanna giggled, pushing Strider ahead. "You ok, Juvia?"

"Touch… so… warm…," Juvia giggled happily.


As they reached the beach, Gildarts headed to a small outcrop to begin catching fishing while the others set up their new camp.

"Finally," Cana groaned as she laid down on the warm sand, letting it course through her fingers. The others began tot get comfortable as well, some opting to take a quick nap before the food was ready.

"This is nice," Lucy said as she came up beside Strider, smiling at him.

"Agreed. That said, I'm looking forward to heading home tomorrow. After all that fighting, I just want to see my bed again," Strider sighed.

"Planning on moving out of the guild anytime soon?" she wondered.

"When Master Makarov decides to evict me," Strider chuckled.

"Ugh… can't believe you're getting to stay there for free," Lucy grumbled.

"After that last job we pulled off, you should be set for a while. So long as you don't go wild on the frivolities, that is," Strider sighed.

"I promise I won't," Lucy whined.

"Good. Then again, maybe that'll mean can do another job together soon. That'd be just as nice," he said, dropping his voice a bit. Lucy blushed at the inflection, looking away for a second before returning her gaze to him.

"Strider! Come assist me! We're going to find some meat!" Erza called out. Winking at Lucy, Strider set out with Erza.


"What's edible on this island?" he wondered.

"According to the Master, all the large fauna can be eaten. There used to be a colony here, as I'm told, and they survived off the land. We should be able to make it until tomorrow," Erza said.

"Sounds good to me. Huh, maybe we can find that massive boar thing I flicked away earlier," Strider thought.

"Any of them will do. We should down a couple, just to be safe," Erza said.

"Might as well get one just for Natsu," Strider chuckled. "So what's the plan once we get back?"

"I think it's best if we all take a breather for a few days. We can go on a job after we're all recuperated," she said.

"Fine by me," Strider sighed.

"I imagine your shoulder could use some rest as well," Erza said.

"It'll be back to normal soon enough," Strider said, shaking his left arm a bit.

"I wanted to ask - the marks on your arms," she began.

"Torture," Strider said.

"Torture?" she asked, stunned.

"War, Erza. Not very pretty," Strider said grimly.

"Nonetheless," she trailed off, before stopping. She turned to him and looked him up and down, wondering if she should ask.

"No," Strider answered, having an inkling of what was on her mind. "I never needed to do that."

"I see. That's heartening to hear," she said, letting out a relieved sigh. She wasn't sure if she could reconcile the man that she knew now with the man he might've been, but knowing that he wasn't as cruel as many she had encountered relieved her quite a bit.

"Are you afraid of me?" he suddenly asked.

"What?" she replied, stunned by the question.

"Are you afraid of me?" he repeated. As she looked at him, she saw the warmth in his eyes was still there, but there was something harder as well.

"No," she answered without hesitation. Strider paused, simply looking at her for a while before finally nodding. "Why do you ask?"

"I simply assumed. I wouldn't blame you if you were, is all," he said. Strider stopped again, feeling her arm resting on his shoulder. As he turned to face her, Erza pulled him in for another hug, holding him tight against her as she pushed herself against him.

"I'm not. The opposite, in fact: I enjoy being around you," she whispered. She felt Strider put his arms around her again, inhaling her scent.

"Likewise," was all he said before rearing back a bit, looking at her. Much like what had happened before, the two leaned in until their heads were touching, lips separated by no more than a few inches. As Strider took the initiative and moved in a bit closer, Erza bit her lip in anticipation for what was going to happen.

A loud roar cut through the forest as a stomping headed towards them. Strider felt the fury wash off of Erza like a waterfall as she turned to face the beast that had just interrupted. Shifting into her Heavens Wheel armor, it happened before Strider could blink; the monster was cut down to size quickly, Erza standing victoriously on top of it as she began to grind her teeth.

'First Lucy, now this thing! UGH!' she thought. As another beast came from the forest and pelted towards her, Strider quickly launched forward. He made a quick kill of it, not pausing to flourish. With a sigh, he smiled at Erza.

'First Lucy with Cana, then Lucy with Erza, and Wendy with Mira… ugh, somethings working against me, I think,' he thought. Holding the monsters with his telekinesis, the two made their way back in silence.

'Two times. But… what'll happen after it happens? He obviously wants it to happen, I think. But Cana said that she and he… I suppose all of us… and he… ugh,' Erza sighed, rubbing her temples.


"You two took a while," Mira said, looking at Erza.

"We had to find something suitable to eat," she answered.

"Mhm," Mira replied, taking the meat and beginning to cook it.

"Aww man, I need a bed right about now," Bixlow complained.

"Natsu appears to be the exact opposite," Freed noted. The Fire Dragon Slayer was sprawled out over the sand, not noticing anything else. Stopping to chuckle at his behavior, Strider headed over to Wendy, who seemed to be on the brink of falling asleep as well.

"How're you keeping up, Wendy?" he asked.

"The child is about ready to pass out due to exhaustion," Carla sighed.

"I'm fine, Ca-a-a-rla!" she whined, the whine quickly becoming a yawn.

"I rest my case," Carla said.

"Why don't you get some rest? I'll wake you when the foods ready. Everyone seems to be doing alright, in no small part thanks to you," Strider said, ruffling her hair. Wendy smiled before nodding wistfully. Leaning against a rock, she began to doze off. Taking off his cloak, Strider draped it over here.

"You ought to get some rest as well, Carla," he said.

"I believe I'll take you up on that offer," she said, getting comfortable on her partners head. Rolling his neck a bit, Strider headed closer to the water, sitting on a rock and gazing out at the ocean. As he looked up, he smiled; it was a day like this one that he first landed on Ishgar.

'Barely been part of Fairy Tail for a few months and it feels like I've been here years,' he sighed.

"Thinking about something?" Lucy wondered, leaning against the rock as well.

"A few things. Mostly just how nice this all is," Strider said, nodding his head back at his guild mates.

"I'll say. At least the worst of it is over. Soon, we'll all be comfortable back at the guild," Lucy said.


Finally, on a full stomach, everyone was starting to get comfortably asleep. The ones who had taken the heaviest damage, including Freed, Bixlow, Laxus, Natsu, Gray, Gajeel, Elfman, and Evergreen fell asleep almost immediately. Wendy fell asleep quickly as well, exhausted from all the healing she had done. Cana, Lucy, Erza, and Mira were still mostly awake, looking up as the stars were shimmering brightly across the night sky. Strider sat on a small rock, deciding to keep watch over the others for the night.

"You can get some rest as well, child," Makarov said, coming up behind him.

"I'm fine, Master. Honestly, with a night like this, I wouldn't be able to sleep even if I tried. Look at that," Strider said with a bright smile, looking up. Makarov did so as well, sighing as he saw what he meant; constellations that one couldn't see due to all the light pollution in Magnolia ignited across the sky. Stars burned across the black background, distant yet attainable; full of wonders and excitement, new roads yet to be traveled.

"I can see why Master Mavis was so fond of this island," Makarov said with a gentle smile of his own. Clapping Strider on the shoulder, he quickly got settled down as well, although continued to look up, tracing constellations here and there.

'Menelmacar, the swordsman,' Strider thought, tracing three stars that made up the belt of the figure. He continued to pass the time by tracing more stars across the sky. A few hours later, sure everyone was asleep, Strider opened his pocket dimension and pulled out his pipe. Igniting some pipe-weed within, he took a deep draw and exhaled comfortably, the sweet smell wafting over and ticking some of the noses. Quietly, he began to sing in a different tongue.

"I nimwaloth i bain a phant,

I laiss in end calen nadhras,

A egennir galad vin lant

En elin vi uialthiliol

Tinúviel i lilthas ias

Na lind o *simp dholen a brand,

A vi finnil dîn glîn ennas,

A vi chammad dîn míriol.

Nu laiss Beren erui padas,

Ab aegais ring dad túliel,

Ennas i elduin sirias

Ho nûr a erui reniol

Min laiss en-gwaloth tíriel

Glinthant 'lassui mellys ennas

Na choll a rainc dîn derthiel

Sui esgal finnil dîn aphadol"

Still awake, Mira, Erza, Cana, and Lucy soon heard what he was saying. They listened intently, trying to make heads or tails of what he was saying, but it was unrecognizable. Despite that, the words and rhythm brought them a sense of comfort as well as excitement - for his homeland and what else might there.

'That sounds so pretty,' Lucy thought.

'Didn't know he could sing,' Cana said, turning a bit so she could look at him.

'I wonder what he's singing about?' Mira wondered.

"I lûth nestant i dail naegrol,

Berthennin dhyl athreviad;

Agamp geleg ho vell, bragol,

Mabant ithildim thiliol.

Trî 'aladhremmin eldorath,

He dregas fair na dail lilthol,

Awarthant Beren reniad,

Erui vi daur dhínen lastol.

Erza soon fell asleep, letting his voice carry her to her dreams.

Sui laiss dulus i thail ellint,

Lastant ennas lhyss reviol,

A vi imlaid thyrin i lind,

Ennas eithelui tuiol.

Si *nimwaloth i tharn, thinnol,

a thloss ab loss vin chelch thind,

laiss e-mrethil vi daur dharthol,

hain sui gwilwileth sí dannol.

Slowly, Lucy and Cana drifted asleep, smiles on their lips.

Ún chir hen revias palan

Erin laiss caedennin ennas,

Nu 'ilgalad a nui gúran

Vi menel edhring míriol.

Nu ithildim coll dîn tinnas

Sui caw amon, haeron a brann

Nadail dîn peliol, lilthas

I chîth gelebren hwiniol," Strider said, exhaling once more. As he looked around, he found that Mira was looking directly at him. Four verses still left to go, he decided to cut it short for now.

"Still awake?" he whispered, sitting close to her.

"Yeah. I really wanted to hear how that ended," she replied, tracing a finger on his knee.

"I'm afraid my voice isn't as silvery as yours," he said.

"It's passable," she winked. "That wasn't our language, though."

"Nope. It's one of the tongues I picked up back home," he said.

"It sounds beautiful. What's it about?" she wondered.

"It's a long tale and I still haven't finished singing the song. I'll tell you about it on the ride home. How's that sound?" he wondered.

"Sounds perfect to me. Mmm… good night, Strider," she whispered.

"Sweet dreams, Mira," he replied, giving her a soft kiss on her forehead before taking his seat again. With a pleasant smile on her lips and a rosy blush on her cheeks, Mira soon fell asleep.


"WAKE UP! WAKE UP NOW!" they heard Strider and Gildarts roar. Bleary eyed, everyone grumbled as they began to do so. They sun was already high in the sky, with some noting a slight black blot against the sky.

"W-what's going on, guys? It's still so early," Natsu grumbled.

"NOW! DRAGON!" Strider roared, his voice carrying over the island itself. Natsu, Wendy, and Gajeel immediately snapped to as they began looking around wildly before setting their eyes above at the black blot, which was circling over them.

"No way," Natsu said weakly, eyes wide.

"It's really… a dragon," Gajeel whispered. The others soon snapped awake as way, their eyes unbelieving as they watched it fly overhead. With a snakelike head that ended in rows of sharp teeth, blue tribal markings, and a jet black body, it flew effortlessly over the island, as though sizing up its surroundings. Opening its jaws wide, the dragon let out a might roar that forced most of them to cover their ears. It soon ripped towards the ground, causing a small seismic event as it landed, snarling at the others.

"That's the bastard," Gildarts groaned.

"Where's the ship?!" Strider asked.

"A mile down the beach," Gildarts said.

"Take them and run," Strider said, withdrawing his sword.

"You can't fight this thing. Look at what it did to me," Gildarts said.

"I've experience with dragons. Take them and go! RUN! RUN NOW!" Strider yelled to everyone.

"I have to ask him wh-," Natsu began before Strider telekinetically threw him into Gildarts arms. Gildarts squeezed him tightly and roared at the others to follow. All but Makarov and Strider did, their eyes tracing the dragon.

"Master-," Strider began before he was cut off.

"I will not let him attack my children - any of them. If that means that he wants a fight, that a fight is what he'll get," Makarov said as he activated his magic. Strider looked on, stunned as Master Makarov began to grow to gigantic proportions, glowing a light yellow.

"Wow," he whispered. He quickly refocused himself on the fight, looking sideways at his sword.

'I need you to obey me. You'll have your fill soon,' he thought to his sword, which vibrated in agreement.


"Strider!" Mira shrieked, looking back.

"Master!" Erza yelled, stopping as well.

"Gildarts, we can't leave them!" Natsu screamed. The others were mostly to terrified to react; words didn't exist that could properly convey their fear.

"You don't understand, Natsu! This isn't a fight we can win! We have to run - now!" Gildarts yelled, shaking Natsu violently. Natsu grimaced as he looked back; the dragon was circling Makarov and Strider, who had begun their attack. As the others looked back, they saw that Strider had begun uprooting trees telekinetically, sending them towards the dragon. Instead of rebounding them off his scales, however, he focused on forcing them in the mouth. The mass of trees soon began to have an effect, forcing the jaw open wider and wider. They heard sickening crunches as the scales around mouth began to crunch under the force. The dragon let out a scream of pain before it let out a powerful roar, spewing the trees out and looking at Strider with anger.

"Acnologia…," Gildarts gulped.


"ARGH!" Makarov grunted as he locked Acnologia in a test of strength. He had the dragons neck in a choke but the snakelike length gave it leverage to bit Makarov on one of his enlarged biceps. Slightly distracted, Strider went straight for one of the beady, black eyes. He sliced across it with his sword, eliciting a roar of pain as fluid began to seep out. As he attempted to slice at the scales, however, he found his attack rebuffed; they were extremely tough.

'Damn it!' he thought, going for a few more strikes, each as useless as the last. 'Going to have to rethink my strategy.'

As Master Makarov attempted to punch the dragon, he found his attacks had almost no effect, much like Striders sword. They simply bounced off of the tough hide. Acnologia went in to bite Makarov but was soon rebuffed as Strider threw a massive boulder in his mouth. Struggling to close it, Acnologia force his mouth close nonetheless, shattering the boulder in thousands of tiny pieces.

"Even if it may kill me, I will not let you bring harm to my children!" Makarov roared, bringing his fist all the way back and rocketing it right into Acnologia's face, on the side where Strider cut into the eye. Fluid erupted from the eye as Acnologia reared and roared in pain, partially blinded. As Makarov and Strider considered their next move, they suddenly heard yells from behind. Their hearts fell as the rest of the team had turned around and decided to make their last stand, for better or worse.

'Fools,' Makarov thought, grinding his teeth.


As everyone was locked in combat with the dragon, a young girl with green eyes, wavy blonde hair, and a pink dress watched the scene unfold with a tender smile. She could sense the love and power that was pouring out like a waterfall from these people that were fighting side by side against a most terrible enemy. Clasping her hands together, she began to pray.


As Acnologia reared his has, they saw that he was preparing to unleash another defeating roar. With how injured everyone still was, only a couple were able to fight at their best - but even then, their chances would be nil.

Freed and Levy knew that there was only one thing left to do now - they had to focus on protection.

"Freed!" Levy yelled.

"Right!" he replied.

"Feed and I are going to try to set up a barrier to protect us from the attack, but we need more energy!" Levy yelled to everyone.

"Everyone, hold hands! Focus all of your Magic on Freed and Levy!" Makarov roared as he shrunk down and took Gildarts and Laxus's hands. Everyone immediately did as he asked, joining hands. Erza and Mira each grabbed Striders hand, closing their eyes as they began to focus. As Mira glanced at him, though, she saw that Strider was shifting uncomfortably.

"Strider?" she asked fearfully. Slowly, Strider turned to look at her, giving her a small, chilling smile.

'They need more time,' he thought. Stepping back, he locked Erza and Mira's hands together, holding everyone in place telekinetically so they couldn't break formation. Everyone looked on in horror as Strider erupted into the sky, cratering the ground below, and flew directly at Acnologia. Using his telekinesis to propel him at the speed of a bullet, Strider held his sword at an angle and jutted across Acnologia's side. The sheer speed and angle were able to find their mark; a small, but deep, gash appeared across the neck of the dragon, who stopped to focus on Strider. It took flight, looking to attack him but Strider kept diving this way and that, making sure the focus was completely on him as opposed to the others. Acnologia and Strider continued their fight in the sky while the others continued to look on, tears in their eyes. Mira, Erza, Lucy, and Cana tried as hard as they could to get free, but the telekinesis holding them in place was to strong; they could little but watch.

Strider tore forward in the sky, cutting Acnologia across the tender wounds that he had opened on either side of his mouth. The flesh was slightly exposed there, thanks to the trees forcing it open so much; he cut across the cartilage, evoking more cries of pain. Suddenly, the tail came up. Strider hardly had a chance to defend; he was able to raise his sword, but found his body buffeted back towards the island. Looking up, he saw Acnologia open his mouth yet again. A hyper beam of fire jutted forth, connecting directly with his body. The sword was able to bear the brunt of the attack, vibrating in excitement as it lapped up the flames greedily. The plume of fire kept on coming. Strider braced himself for impact against the land, hoping the others had put up a barrier, but the ground never came. To his shock, he landed directly in the water. Forcing his eyes open, he looked around in a panic but saw only water; Tenrou Island was gone.


His panicked searches revealed nothing. All he felt was the slightest trace of magic, but he doubted even that; his senses felt off kilter. There were only three things that he felt, that he was sure of: one, his shoulder was burning in a way he had never felt before; two, Tenrou Island was gone - and with it, Mira, Erza, Cana, Lucy, Juvia, Lisanna, Evergreen, Levy, Wendy Carla, Elfman, Gildarts, Laxus, Gray, Gajeel, Makarov, Freed, Bixlow, Natsu, and Happy; and third, the vibrations of his sword. It knew that Strider encountered something big and powerful. It took all of his willpower to control the rage that wanted to raise his sword and slice the world in half. Cracking his neck and grinding his teeth, he looked at the receding black dot in the sky. He erupted towards it, only one thing on his mind. As the thoughts raged across his mind, another voice was brought to the fore.

'You cannot think like that. You know the dragon would've come regardless. At least now, you have a chance to make sure it doesn't ever wreak that havoc again. But remember, Strider. Remember your promise,' the gentle and peaceful voice said to him. Strider felt a shiver go down his spine as he recalled it.


Strider followed the black dragon back to Ishgar, flying high above so no one would trace his presence. Keeping a significant distance from the dragon, he focused on bringing his senses back to ahead and preparing himself for what was to come. The dragon flew through the night before finally, it landed in a mountainous region. Strider kept to the air for several hours, taking a meditative position as he began to concentrate all his power. He let his love for his new friends and the hate for the dragon flow through him, making sure to keep it reined within himself so the dragon wouldn't sense it. After what felt like days, he finally lowered himself to the ground. As he twirled the sword within his hands, it began to vibrate again.

"Soon," Strider whispered. Getting on his knees in the valley, he began to wait. He would have Acnologia come to him, not the other way around.


It was only a couple of hours until Strider felt another presence. Rising from his knees, he slowly turned to see a man approaching him. He had a muscular physique, covered in tribal tattoos. His wild white hair was all sprawled all around him and he wore dark pants and a black cape. His good eye was narrowed as he focused on Strider, who returned his cold gaze.

"I don't have time for you," Acnologia said as he suddenly moved towards Strider at an immense speed. To his surprise, however, he stopped a foot from attacking. Acnologia had to look up to match the Wizards eyes. Strider brought up a hand and viciously slapped him into the rock. Staggered, Acnologia soon got to his feet again. Wiping his cheek, he saw some blood - to his immense surprise.

"You must be Acnologia - the dragon that attacked Tenrou Island a few days ago," Strider said in a calm and level voice.

"I am," Acnologia replied, spitting some blood. "You were there?"

"I put the trees in your mouth. Looks like the wound hasn't healed. Nor has your eye," Strider said, noting the scars and the milky eye. Axnologia let out a low snarl, caressing the scars - the first he had received in a long time.

"No," Acnologia replied.

"I suppose that's good for me. You can imagine why I'm here," Strider said, twirling the sword in his hands. It began to vibrate yet again, drawing his gaze.

"That sword," Anologia muttered.

"This sword is special - for me in particular, and for its history. It was forged to deal with beasts like you," Strider said, looking at the black blade before turning to Acnologia. "I had a talk with a dragon a few months ago. He mentioned you took pleasure in killing dragons hundreds of years ago."

"I did," Acnologia answered simply.

"You must be pretty powerful. It's not easy to kill a dragon," Strider mused.

"And you would know this how?" Acnologi inquired.

"I've had to deal with a couple in my time," Strider said, gently rubbing the left side of his face. As Acnologia smelled the air, he raised an eyebrow.

"I smell dragonfire," he said.

"I imagine you do," Strider said.

"Where's the wound?" he wondered.

"You don't need to see it. Now, I've one more question. Where are the dragons Igneel, Metallicana, and Grandina?" Strider wondered.

"No idea," Acnologia said.

"Fine. I'll pry the truth from you one way or another. Well, shall we get down to it, lizard?" Strider asked scathingly. Acnologia snarled but was quickly pulled forward by Striders telekinesis. Strider grabbed on to his cape and head butted him, tearing it off. "The last dragon I slew was much larger than you. A real bastard. That said, your hide is strong - that much I know. I'm going to enjoy breaking it. Don't try to run, lizard. There's no place in this world I won't find you. Especially not after what you did."

"I thought you wizards abhorred killing?" Acnologia spat.

"I consider this a culling," Strider said, kneeing him in the temple and sending him back. He waited for Acnologia to draw himself to full height, a terrifying expression on his face. He let out a large roar as his body began to transform. Scoffing, Strider simply waited for him to finish. With the others, he had to make sure they were safe. Now, however, he had nothing but time.

Acnologia stamped hard on the ground and let out a might roar, fixing his gaze on Strider. Strider turned his sword over in his hand a few times before finally looking at it.

'Almost time for a meal. Have your fill, Anglachel,' he thought. Anglachel shivered excitedly in Striders hand, eager for the dragons blood.

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