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17.02% Fairy Tail: The Prince of Peace / Chapter 8: The Wizened Dragon

Chapter 8: The Wizened Dragon

Mira awoke feeling well rested since the first night in the Blue Mountains. She remembered the biting cold, but quickly her thoughts drifted to Strider and how he held her and kept her warm that night; the moment was enough to make her blush and smile. She put on his cloak and walked through the pouring rain to Fairy Tail to open up, but to her surprise, found that someone had already done so for her. As she entered, she spotted Master Makarov sitting on the bar with his eyes closed. Mira gingerly approached, unsure as to whether he was sleeping or meditating.

"Are you alright, Master?" she asked concernedly.

"Hmmm? Oh, good morning Mirajane. What brings you by so early?" he asked, slowly opening his eyes.

"Well, I usually open it, Master. You should know that, considering you hired me. But why are you here so early?" she inquired, taking the cloak off and gently laying it on the bar.

"I was hoping to speak with Strider in private for a bit, but he was in a hurry to leave," Makarov said.

"What? What do you mean!?" Mira asked in surprise.

"He gave me this note," Makarov said gravely. With a trembling hand, Mira took it and began to read.

'Good morning, to whomever sees this note after Master Makarov. If you're reading, you might already know that I've left the guild for good,' it read. Mira felt as though her heart was ready to burst. She wondered what could've driven him away - was it conversations he had with her, Erza, and Cana last night? Did he decide that Fairy Tail was being far to obtrusive? Gulping, she continued to read.

'Nah, I'm just screwing with you.'

Makarov chuckled as he felt the She-Devil aura come to ahead; he knew exactly what line she had read.

'I already explained to Master Makarov, but I had come across an interesting job when I was last scouting the board.'


A large, flying beast has been sighted roaming the mountains north of Hakobe. We're not sure what it is, but it appears to be something in the order of a massive griffon or thunderbird. Regardless, the townsfolk are getting weary and uncomfortable. We request the urgent aid of a wizard in dealing with the problem.

Location: Mountain range north of Mount Hakobe; location on map

Reward: 750,000 jewel

'While my last two jobs were exciting, I'd like to try a solo job as well. I thought it best to get an early start so I could come back soon. Thanks in advance.'

Mira let out the breath she had been holding, feeling her heart beat steady again. While she would've preferred that he had informed her personally, it was fine. So long as she knew that he was coming back, she was happy.

"Oh, thank God…," she whispered, shuddering gently.

"You and Strider seem to be getting along quite well, Mirajane," Master Makarov noted wisely.

"Oh. It's not like that, Master," she said, blushing. It was her job to tease others about their relationships; having the tables turned was decidedly not as fun.

"If you say so," Master Makarov said.

"What did you want to speak with him about?" she wondered as she headed behind the bar.

"This confounded rain. While it is the season, this is far more than we should be getting. He appears to be adept at his Magic, so I wanted to pick his brain about what it could be," Makarov said, looking outside.

"Wouldn't Juvia be a better choice?" Mira said.

"I've spoken to her and Gray about it. Neither have an idea as to what it could be, and Juvia is certain that she isn't the cause; her powers would be drained by now. No… perhaps it could be natural, but I would like to make sure," Makarov said.


"What?! He took a job without us?!" Natsu exclaimed.

"He's been traveling alone for a long while. I'm sure he just wanted to take a little breather," Mira said placatingly.

"I guess… ugh, would've been nice if he invited us," Gray mumbled.

"I'm sure you two would've destroyed so much, that the reward would be spent before we got it," Lucy said, looking sideways at them. Fire and Ice grumbled as they went back to their seats.

"Mount Hakobe, hmm?" Erza asked.

"Yeah. A flying beast… again," Mira sighed.

"I'm sure he'll be fine. It shouldn't take him too long to finish this request," Erza said.

"I hope you're right," Mira sighed.

"About last night, however," Erza said. Mira looked at her and Cana, whose ears perked up at the mention; seeing her approach Mira and Erza, Bisca came over as well.

"Cana told you?" Mira asked.

"Yeah. I… dunno wait to say, really," Bisca said uneasily. The previous night was an uneasy one for her, filled with dread and nightmares as she tried to doze off. She kept imagining Strider with his shirt off, his entire body bloodied, beaten, and bruised.

"Did… he tell you anything?" Erza asked. Mira paused before asking Kinana to tend to the bar for an hour. She, Erza, Cana, and Bisca hastily left the guild; as they did so, Lucy frowned and followed. As the four weren't in each others companies very often, it was odd to see them so joined together.


"That's intense. It sounds like he's been fighting his whole life," Cana said with a frown.

"That does appear to be the case. Did he mention how long it's been since the fighting ended?" Erza inquired.

"No. It probably just ended recently, if I had to guess. I think he mentioned that his first night here. At least, it sounded as though it had just ended and then he decided to come over to Fiore," Mira said.

"I can see why. It doesn't seem as though he has many happy memories of that place," Bisca said.

"Still, it's his home. But… you're right. I can understand why he felt the need to get away from it all," Mira said.

"LUCY! STEP OUT HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANT!" Erza suddenly roared. Mira, Bisca, and Cana deadpanned as the blonde stepped out from behind a wall shivering under the glare of the leader of the team.

"H-h-hey, guys," Lucy said in a small voice.

"Eavesdropping?" Mira asked with a sigh.

"Not at all! I was ju- yes ma'am. Sorry ma'am," Lucy quickly said, figuring the truth would be the easiest way to forgiveness.

"How much did you hear?" Cana asked.

"Umm… most of it I think. I… can't believe that's what its been like for him," Lucy said, shifting uncomfortably.

"We still don't know most of it," Bisca sighed.

"What do you mean?" Lucy asked.

"That's just what it was like for him growing up. How the fighting itself was like… I think that's what will have left the biggest impact. And I don't know if he'll want to talk about that as much," she said.

"Can you blame him?" Cana asked mirthlessly.

"Nope. It's… a bad situation all around for him, I think. Jeez… I'm sure that the physical scars ain't all that's there," Bisca said.

"What do you mean?" Lucy asked with a frown. The four looked at each other before Mira and Erza began to regale everything for Lucy. With each word, the look of horror increased.


As they returned to the guild an hour later, Wendy had noted the sullen looks. Her attempts to find out what happened were rebuffed kindly by Erza and Lucy; neither thought that the Dragon Slayer was old enough to know about these kinds of things. As Mira went back to the bar, her thoughts were with Strider. With each drink she poured, each meal she cooked, and each request she approved, she thought about him.

As day turned to night, the worry in her heart grew.

"He's still not back yet," she sighed to Cana who grudgingly nodded. She wanted to talk to him again, but his lack of presence made such a thing difficult. Every time the door to the guild opened, she looked over only to be disappointed that it wasn't him.

"I'm sure he's fine. He is still pretty new here, after all. He's probably just taking in the sights or something," Bisca said, although her tone indicated she was trying to convince herself that such was the case as much as the others.

"I hope you're right," Mira said softly.

"Was a real dick move of him to start off his letter like that, though," Cana grumbled.

"Definitely deserves an ass kicking," Bisca agreed. The rest of the day was a long one for Mira, each hour seemingly slowing down to a crawl. Looking at the clock continuously didn't help matters much.


The following day was much the same. As Erza approached the bar in the evening, she wore a forlorn expression.

"I wasn't as worried in Macao's case. He's strong, but I can understand the request he took taking a while. With Strider, however… it's surprising that he hasn't returned yet," Erza said.

"I know. He beat an SS-Class monster by himself. Whatever job he took should've been in and out quickly, especially if he flew there. I don't like this," Mira said worriedly.

"If he isn't back by tomorrow night, I'll take the rest of the team to search for him," Erza said.

"Alright," Mira agreed.

"You guys don't think he might've… been… you know," Cana said uneasily.

"No, I don't think so. Unless the creature was a dragon or something similar, he should be able to handle it," Erza said firmly.

"I hope you're right," Cana sighed.

"Shouldn't you be on a request as well, Cana? S-Class Trials are coming up," Erza said.

"Yeah. I'll leave for one after he gets back," Cana said, swilling alcohol around in her cup.

"I wonder who the choices are going to be this year?" Mira wondered, trying to get her mind off the prior subject.

"If I had to guess - Natsu, Gray, and Cana at the very least. Hmm… perhaps Elfman as well; he's done well. Levy, Gajee, and Juvia as well, I'd say. Bisca and Wendy might be considered, although I think Wendy might be too young. Master has inquired about Striders performance on his jobs, so perhaps he might get a chance," Erza said.

"What about Lucy?" Mira asked.

"No," Erza replied.

"That's a bit harsh," Cana giggled.

"Unfortunately, I don't think Lucy is quite there yet. Perhaps as a partner, but I don't think she'll be initially chosen," Erza said.

"It's a good crop of choices this year, though. Whoever gets it is going to deserve it. But… it's gonna be hard as well," Mira said cheerfully.

"I'm guessing you two are going to be there as competition. Since Laxus is out and Mystogan isn't here anymore… that leaves Gildarts as well," Cana sighed.

"You know we can't comment on that," Erza smirked.


As Mira opened up the guild the following morning, she heard thumping upstairs. Knowing that Master Makarov was probably still asleep, her heart began to beat faster as she rushed upstairs. Opening the door, she found Strider as he put on a new, warm shirt.

"Strider!" she cried happily as she ran over to him and gave him a tight hug.

"Hey there, Mira. Good to see you as well. My apologies for taking so long to return. The job took a bit of a turn," Strider said, returning the hug.

"What do you mean?" she asked as she leaned back and frowned.

"It's a bit of a story, to be quite honest. If you don't mind, however, I'd like to wait on telling it. I'll tell you as I tell the team. I'm going to sleep for a little while, so when they get here, can you ask them to come up here? Gajeel as well," Strider said, laying down and closing his eyes.

"Gajeel? Really?" Mira asked in intrigue.

"Yup. Thanks, Mira," Strider said before quickly drifting off into sleep. Mira smiled gently at his resting figure and pulled a blanket over him before taking her leave. As she got to work, her mind was racing, coming up with ideas of what might've happened.


The rest of the team was assembled by afternoon, some of them taking their sweet time to get back. As they and Gajeel were all there, Mira went over.

"What is it, Mira?" Erza inquired.

"Strider came back this morning. He wants to see you guys and Gajeel," she said.

"Gajeel? Why him?" Natsu asked.

"I'm not sure. All he said was to ask you guys to come to his room when you were all here. It's about what happened on his request," Mira said. Erza nodded and went to grab the Dragon Slayer. As she ran it by him, he raised an eyebrow but put up no protest as he followed them to Striders room. Seeing them, Cana and Bisca nodded at each other and followed as well, intrigued.

As they entered his room, Strider was still asleep. Mira gently shook him, waking him up. Slightly groggy, he sat on his bed while others took some chairs in the room or leaned against the wall. He smiled at Bisca and Cana who both waved at him before looking at the rest.

"Hello, everyone. Gajeel, Lily - good to see you again," Strider said.

"Likewise," Lily nodded.

"Alright, so it's best that I just jump into what I needed to talk to you about. I took a request slightly past Mount Hakobe. The posting mentioned that there was a large, flying beast in the mountains and it had some of the townsfolk on edge. It seemed to be a relatively simple job, but turned out to be far from it. They thought it was a thunderbird or a griffon - both relatively good guesses, I suppose. However, it turned out to be neither. It was a dragon. Not a big one; nor was it in the healthiest condition. But it was a dragon nonetheless," Strider said.

One could hear only the whistling of the wind and the pattering of the rain on the window as everyone went quiet, holding their breaths. Gajeel, Wendy, and Natsu each had their mouths hanging slightly open as they let the realization dawn over them. The three looked at each other before looking back at Strider. As he looked at the others, he saw they were just as surprised; Cana and Bisca's mouths were wide opened while the color had drained from Lucy, Erza, and Mira.

"NO WAY!" Lucy shrieked.

"Way," Strider responded.

"You're screwing with us! There's no way!" Natsu exclaimed.

"Not at all. Completely serious," Strider solemnly replied.

"How the hell could it be a dragon?!" Gajeel asked.

"It wasn't as large as other dragons. In terms of size, I'd say it was as big as the bird from the first request we all did - maybe even a tad smaller. A runt, in terms of dragons," Strider answered.

"What do you mean it wasn't healthy?" Wendy asked with a frown.

"I think it's best if you start at the top," Lily said. Strider nodded and leaned forward as he began to recount the experience.


Strider had finally ascended to the peak of the mountain where the villagers had claimed to have seen the creature set down. They mentioned that it was a thunderbird or a griffon, but neither hypothesis resonated with him. Both would have a hard time living in such a cold climate, preferring something temperate. His mind immediately went to a wyvern, but they were regarded to be extremely vicious. He doubted a wyvern would've made its lair here and not attacked the townspeople below. The powerful and continuous snowstorm limited the possibilities to but a few creatures.

Completely covered in snow, Strider slowly made his way through the knee high material. It wasn't long until he came across his first clue. Roughly three feet in length, two feet in width, and around a foot deep - the tracks had a single rear talon as well as four frontal ones.

'It's large enough to be a wyvern, but the digits are wrong. But… no. It couldn't be… could it?' he thought. He looked around, on edge as his thoughts drifted to the one thing it could be. He followed the tracks deeper and deeper into the mountain range. The peaks began to ascend yet again as he walked in a shallow valley. The snow continued pour harder, but he decided against casting a spell against it; the importance of the camouflage it offered couldn't be stated enough. It was several hours until he finally ended up at a massive cave opening, into which the tracks led.

'Its lair,' Strider thought, gingerly entering. As he smelt and felt around, he tried to get a feeling for what might live here. It was surprisingly small, only as big as the guild hall. As he walked around it, he noted the scratch marks on the flower as well as the bones of what appeared to be cattle.

'Hunting? Best to wait outside,' he thought as he exited. A short distance away was a snowbank that he could hide behind. Burying himself inside and leaving just a small window to look through, he began the long and arduous wait. With each breath, Strider brought his heart rate down and steadied his body until he wasn't moving at all besides the odd blink here and there. Hours turned into several as the dark descended and passed, turning to the light of a new morning.

Finally he heard it. The sound of wings beating thundered through the falling snow. He listened closely and watched with an eagle eye as he awaited to confirm his suspicion. The snowfall was still to heavy to make a clear determination, but once the creature passed into the lair he would be able to tell.

Standing a mighty ten feet tall and twenty five feet long nose to tail, Strider was in awe. Although he had seen the sight many times in life, each new meeting was one that took his breath away. Even on all fours, it was large and domineering; a creature that inspired dread and beauty in all who saw it. It had sharp, keen eyes that could see miles ahead; no doubt it might've even noted Striders position already. Two sharp serrated rows of teeth were bared as it looked around. The snout was sharp and long and its neck stretched and for a length as it led into a muscular, although wizened, body that was adorned with leathery golden skin and scales. To his intrigue, the dragon appeared almost frail and old. He could make out the yellow underbelly, its weakest point; as well as a Vulcan wrapped within its long and prehensile tail. It let out a roar to alert anyone nearby that it was home. Only one thought went through Striders mind as the creature entered its lair.


It was shocking that he found one in this cave of all places. He never expected that a dragon might live so close to civilization and not attack. They were much stronger than wyverns, as well as more aggressive. The ones he had previously encountered preferred large territories to themselves. Strider began the easier-said-than-done process of calming himself; his heart beat had ascended yet again at the sight. A slew of questions sprung to mind.

'Why is it so small? Why does it look so frail and weak? It appeared to be timid; usually, they don't have to make their presence known. Why is it here of all places? Why isn't it attacking the town? How did it get here without being seen?'

Thinking on his stomach, Strider began to think of ways to approach the situation. It never mattered how weak or old a dragon looked; to rush into a fight with one was a mistake almost no one lived to regret. He remembered that his first encounter with one nearly cost him his life; he wouldn't repeat that again. He kept making observations, trying to use his senses as much as possible to outline the scenario. As the dragon entered, it moved gingerly; he figured that it was likely hurt or sick, which could also explain its reticence to attack the town. Any resistance they put up would make its life harder and the sighting of a dragon would call many heroes to this place - heroes that could put up significant resistance.

'Getting the Vulcan was probably difficult for it. Then again… why not attack an outpost? It could swoop in and out easier than larger dragons, and these outposts are well tended. That would delay help. There's also smaller villages with just tens of people it could attack. Unless…,' Strider thought, as the realization slowly dawned on him. It seemed as though the dragon had no will to fight; perhaps it wanted to live its last days out in peace. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity for the creature, although he quickly overcame it; he couldn't be sure of that just yet.

'It seems as though dragons are more myth than reality here. Damn… Natsu, Wendy, and Gajeel probably would've loved to see this. But I can't risk it getting away,' Strider thought. He decided on a course of action and slowly, gingerly approached the cave. All dragons were intelligent to some degree; at least the ones he had encountered were. As he reached the mouth of the cave, he heart the dragon growl before speaking.

"Who goes there?!" a weak but gruff voice said.

"I mean you no harm," Strider answered.

"You carry a blade," it answered.

"That I will not draw unless necessary," he answered.

"Ah. You must be the wizard that the villagers hired to kill me, I surmise. It took them long enough," the dragon said. Strider heard a soft thud as it laid down yet again. He assumed that his hypothesis on its injury or weakness was accurate; at the very least, it didn't have the will to fight. Most dragons were breathe fire first, ask questions later.

"That's not entirely true. They put out a request to be rid of you. They think that you're a thunderbird or a griffon, not a dragon," Strider said.

"If I refuse to leave?" it inquired.

"We'll take it as it comes. I don't want to shed blood if it can be helped - especially not draconic blood," Strider said.

"I can smell blood on you. Despite my frailty, my senses are as they once were. I could smell it through the snow. You reek of it - like a freshly dead corpse. It doesn't wash off. I know this," it said wisely. Strider was quiet for a while before answering.

"You're astute. What can I call you? It'd make our communication easier," Strider replied.

"Glaedr. Yourself?" the dragon countered.

"Strider," he replied.

"You gave your name to a dragon. Do you think this wise, 'Strider'?" Glaedr inquired.

"I doubt your ability to put up a fight, so I've no need to deceive you," Strider answered.

"Ha. Very well. What do you wish to do now, Strider?" Glaedr asked.

"To talk, if you would oblige me," Strider answered.

"You know what I meant," Glaedr replied, although he didn't seem particularly irritated by the deflection.

"As I said, I don't wish to shed blood. Regardless, by the end of our talk, a final decision will have been made," Strider said.

"Mmm. Come out of your hiding place. We shall converse," Glaedr said. Strider did as he requested and walked into the cave. He saw the golden dragon lying down in front of a small fire, following him with its gaze. It didn't attack; although the keen and wizened eyes pierced Striders black ones with a ferocious intensity.

"A well made cloak," Glaedr said in admiration.

"Oh? You know of it?" Strider asked, intrigued.

"Only what has been passed through draconic history through the ages. The world used to be much smaller, much more open. On such a wide scale of time, the glaciating communication between lands is recent," Glaedr said.

"That much is true," Strider nodded. "You appear to be ill, Glaedr."

"An impressive observation," the dragon replied sarcastically.

"What's wrong?" Strider wondered.

"Nothing you can aid with, Strider. My condition is a result of actions from long ago. To recount the table would require time that neither you or I have. Dragon stories are told in terms of months and years, not minutes or hours," Glaedr said.

"That much is true," Strider sighed.

"You do not appear to fear me," the dragon said.

"You haven't given me reason to fear you," Strider said.

"You've interacted with dragons before, it seems; your smell and your manner of tone shows that you know how to treat with us. Might I know these dragons?" the dragon asked.

"If you've journeyed north, you might have," Strider answered.

"Ah. Unfortunate, then. I've only ever known this realm of Ishgar. Of course I have heard stories about the dragons, drakes, and wyrms of the Northern and Eastern Continents. Our kind in Ishgar mostly considered them a myth, as no dragon in the recent age has traveled there. However, I was always interested in that place. The myths and legends have been passed down through my particular line. My ancestors were more scholarly than then my brutish brethren. If you hail from there as you claim, am I correct in understanding that the legends are more than such? That dragons exist in the north?" Glaedr asked. Strider noted a hint of urgency in his voice; that of a dead man trying to make a final peace before passing.

"They do indeed. Many have carved out regions for themselves, as land is plentiful yet again. The largest keep tot he more ravaged and destroyed areas; one, in particular, prefers to make his home in a jagged mountain range. The population of my homeland isn't so large that its pushed other beings out of their habitats, so countless dragons thrives - although they are removed from the public eye.

"I see. That's interesting and heartening to hear," Glaedr said.

"I am curious - why did you choose to settle here?" Strider asked.

"I chose it as a spot to live out the rest of my days in peace - although when they should end, I do not know. I am not like most of my kind; I am smaller, a runt of a dragon. I also never had a problem with humans. Peace coexistence would've been preferable. Much of my brethren took offense to such," Glaedr said.

"Size isn't everything," Strider shrugged.

"It is if you wish to survive as a dragon. There are few of us that are prone to having conversationalist tendencies," Glaedr said.

"Huh. Maybe in Ishgar. They're far more fond of the tongue in the North," Strider said.

"Perhaps I was born in the wrong age and place, then. But you won't find many of us are anymore," Glaedr said.

"I wish to ask you something a little more personal. Do you know of any dragons by the name of Igneel, Metallicana, or Grandina?" Strider inquired.

"An interesting question, especially as you named names. Why do you ask?" Glaedr wondered.

"I'm acquainted with their adopted children," Strider said.

"Ah. The Dragon Slayers?" Glaedr asked.

"You know of them?" Strider asked in surprise.

"I do not know the children at all, and the other three I know of, but not intimately. Igneel, The Fire Dragon King. A powerful dragon that is quite scarred, thanks to the fights that he participated in with other dragons. Metallicana, The Iron Dragon. A bit brutish, but not horrendous. I met him once and while he did not comment on me, he didn't wish to squabble either. And Grandina, The Sky Dragon. Beautiful as dragons go, although unrestrained in tongue; she often angered many dragons through her words. Along with a few other dragons, they were kinder and wished for coexistence," Glaedr said.

"Are any of them still around? Their children wish to see them again," Strider said.

"Assuming Acnologia didn't learn of them, they might be," Glaedr answered.

"Acnologia?" Strider asked.

"The Black Dragon," Glaedr said. He noted that Striders lips twitched slightly. "What is so amusing?"

"I know a Black Dragon where I come from. He's not fond of sharing the title," Strider said.

"I see. But yes, Acnologia. He is a fearsome dragon in Ishgarian tales, although the wise assume his existence is true. His case is different from many other dragons, however. He was once a man - a mortal man, like most - but a brutal one. Centuries ago, he was known for the slaying of countless dragons. Bathing in their blood, Acnologia began to mutate and take on the form of a dragon. Even as he did, however, he continued slaying them - until one day, he simply vanished. No one knows his current location. Keep in mind that dragons are able to live in conditions that are inhospitable to humans. You will not find Acnologia as easily as you found me," Glaedr said.

"I see. He became a dragon?" Strider wondered.

"You do not seem particularly surprised," Glaedr said.

"There are… cases in which an event such as that has happened, although I can't recall one with dragons," Strider said.

"I can smell that on you as well," Glaedr noted.

"What?" Strider asked.

"Draconic blood. It has a… distinct odor to dragons. A blind dragon a hundred miles away could smell it. You reek of it," Glaedr said.

"I've had my encounters," Strider replied.

"Ha. You're evasive, but as you wish," Glaedr said.

"This Acnologia - is he why dragons are so rare, then?" Strider asked.

"Him and several other Dragon Slayers. Dragon Slayer magic was taught to humans by dragons. As any reasonable person might deduce, a faction of Slayers broke off and waged war against those that taught them; Acnologia was one such human. He single handedly tore through countless hordes of dragons. At the end of reign of terror, only a handful were left. I imagine the three you mentioned might be examples. I am another; I surprise a few more might exist as well," Glaedr said.

"I see. Acnologia…," Strider trailed off.

"Should he be within a hundred miles of you, I assume you will meet him. All dragons are interested in those that are powerful enough to slay our kind," Glaedr said.

"Here's hoping against it," Strider said.

"Hmph. Now, what do you intend to do with me?" Glaedr asked.

"I will leave you in peace," Strider answered.

"The request?" Glaedr wondered.

"I cannot drive an intelligent creature from its home, nor kill it in cold blood," Strider answered.

"You like," Glaedr stated. A moment of silence passed before the dragon spoke again. "Kill me."

"What?" Strider asked, taken aback.

"You heard me. Kill me," Glaedr said.

"I just said tha-," Strider began, before being cut off.

"I am aware of what you said. However, I am asking you this. Kill me," Glaedr restated. "Please," he added after another moment of silence.

"I…," Strider trailed off.

"This is not a life that I am living; it is a sloughing along. I've lived for centuries already, but I see no reason to continue. The world has irrevocably changed. The era of dragons has been over for a long, long time. I've overstayed my welcome," Glaedr said tiredly.

"That doesn't mean you need to end your life, though!" Strider exclaimed.

"What do you suggest I do, then? I cannot kill a human being or other intelligent creatures; even the Vulcan took a significant amount of power, as they are strong enough to put up a fight. To conquer is not in my nature, so I do not wish to carve out a piece of land for myself" Glaedr said. Strider thought on the question for several minutes before answering.

"Fly north," he whispered.

"What?" Glaedr asked in surprise.

"Fly north. You said you never left Ishgar, right? Fly north!" Strider stated again.

"I do not have the energy," Glaedr said. As he looked at him, however, Strider saw the gears turning in his head.

"You might not be as large as other dragons, but you're still a dragon, are you not? You have much more energy than you might realize - especially considering you've likely had a few hearty meals here. You do not have to make the journey in a long flight. Pace yourself. If I could make it Ishgar, I've no reason to believe you won't make it there. There are island chains along the way, although they are only reachable by flight as the water spouts and whirlpools make them inaccessible any other way. You've the advantage," Strider said. The dragon continued to look at Strider for a long while before answering.

"Perhaps you may be wiser than your years suggest, Strider," Glaedr said.

"I hope such is the case," Strider replied.

"I shall think on your idea. I bid you farewell for the night," Glaedr said.

"And I you, Glaedr. I will remain close by," Strider said.

"Very well," Glaedr said as Strider began to walk away. "And Strider?"

"Yes?" Strider asked.

"Thank you for the conversation," Glaedr said, bowing slightly. Strider nodded and bowed low in respect before exiting and making camp for the night.

'A dragon. I can't believe it…," he thought, trailing off with a smile as the snow continued to fall.


The following morning, Strider awoke and immediately went to the cave. It was empty, the fire put out, and Glaedr was gone. He was surprised that the dragon was able to leave so lithely, but his interest was quickly piqued as he saw two spheres on the ground - lacrima. As he approached, one of them immediately started. In the sphere, he saw Glaedr's face and began to hear his voice echo throughout the cave.

"If you're seeing this message, Strider, it means that I have taken my leave. My brethren would consider me the King of Fools for doing so, but I've decided to heed your judgement. I have left the cave and am journeying north on your suggestion. If I make it, I shall be the first dragon in ages to make the journey. Should I fail along the way, my original wish will be granted. Next to this lacrima, you will find another; a communication lacrima. I quite enjoyed our talk; it's the first I've communicated with anyone, much less a human, in over a century. I had almost forgotten that your kind wasn't as foolish as we thought you to be. I shall happily converse with you until the end of my days, which may yet be delayed if I find vigor in my journey. Alas, apart from my knowledge, I've no hoard to leave you. That said, you can tell the villagers your job was a success," Glaedr said. As soon as the message ended, Strider activated the communication lacrima.

"Strider. I'm happy to see that you're well," Glaedr's voice came through.

"And I you, Glaedr. I'm even happier to hear that you took my advice," Strider said with a smile.

"As am I. I've already crossed Valmar and am over the Great Sea as we speak. Interestingly, the town appears to be empty," Glaedr said.

"Really?" Strider asked in surprise.

"Yes. I saw a horde of humans many miles south, however, and traveling away. It appears to be an exodus," Glaedr said.

"My first request was in Valmar. The townsfolk are nomads. It appears as though they've decided to pick up and settle elsewhere. You could rest at the fortress, if you wish; it belong to me," Strider said.

"I see. Perhaps I might've earlier, but I feel much more energetic than I have in a while. I suspect I shall not set down for a great while - not until an island, at least," Glaedr said.

"I wish you well on the journey, Glaedr, and I offer my assistance as I can. A little more advice, if I may. Continue on your journey north, even as you pass the land. At a dragons speed, it won't be more than a few days until the smell of volcanic ashes reaches you. Use it to hone in on where you should be heading; a place with three volcanos called Thangorodrim within a mountain range known as the Iron Mountains. The range has a distinct and distorted shape, so it should be noticeable. Within a hundred miles of reaching it, you'll notice another smell; that of a dragon. I'm acquainted with this one that makes his residence there. He's a black dragon, although not the one you mentioned. Tell him about your conversation with me, or contact me through this lacrima if preferable. At the very least, he will help and protect you," Strider said.

"Your kindness is refreshing, Strider. I will heed your advice and will contact you upon my arrival in your land. Until then, my friend," Glaedr said.

"Until then, Glaedr," Strider said as the dragon ended the communication. Strider let out a sigh and grinned wide at the night he had had; one of the best in a long, long time. Spirits high, he went back to town and collected his reward before heading back to Fairy Tail.


As Strider finished the story, he saw everyones jaws hanging low, frozen in disbelief.

'Ha. If they fell any further, they'd be on the ground,' he thought.

"Theres no way," Gajeel finally said.

"I'm completely serious," Strider said.

"It… can't be true," Erza said, not hearing him.

"It is," Strider nodded.


"But I don't wanna!" Wendy cried out.

"I don't think you have to worry about that, Wendy. It only happens to those that bathe in dragons blood. I suspect a form of magic was involved. But here, if you still don't believe me," Strider said, holding out the memory lacrima. He began to replay it for them. Quickly, the deep voice of the dragon hit them. They saw the beautiful gold color of his skin and scales and the wizened black eyes.

"ITSADRAGON!" Lucy yelled.

"It is," Strider said.

"How are you so calm about this?!" Cana asked aghast.

"I've met dragons several times before. You don't really ever get over the initial shock, but I was able to ruminate on my meeting with Glaedr," Strider said.

"A dragon! OH MANS THAT'S SO AWESOME! But… is he really gone, then!? I wanted to talk to him!" Natsu cried out.

"I'm afraid he is. He's over the Great Sea right now. I have the communication lacrima, so I'll let you guys speak with him in a few weeks, after I'm sure that he's made it to land. You didn't see how weak he was. I want him completely focused on the journey," Strider said firmly. Natsu was about to reply but Erza shook her head; she was in agreement with Strider.

"This Acnologia, though… you think he killed our dragons?" Gajeel asked. Wendy whimpered at the thought of Grandina being dead. Strider smiled and gave her a hug that she returned tightly before leaning against him. Mira and Erza exchanged a small smile, as did Bisca and Cana as they saw that.

"I don't think so. Dragons can live in very inhospitable conditions, so I don't think that it's too far out there to say they might've gotten to a place where he couldn't find them. Plus, it seems as though you had seen them fairly recently. A dragon fight isn't something that goes completely unnoticed unless you're in a ridiculously secluded place. However, it doesn't appear as though he has any insight on where they might be," Strider said.

"Any lead is worth pursuing at this point, I think," Lily said.

"Aye!" Happy said.

"I agree with Lily. No matter how small…," Carla said as she flew to Wendy's shoulder and comforted her.

"If not, we gotta find this Acnologia! He might know Igneel!" Natsu said.

"I'm not sure if we'll be finding him anytime soon. It's not very easy to hunt down a dragon that doesn't want to be found. Even then, most of them have a short temper," Strider said.

"Strider is right. Let's not get ahead of ourselves," Erza said.

"Bu-," Natsu began before Strider rested a hand on his shoulder.

"Relax. We'll get it done," he said kindly. Natsu looked at him for a second before he grinned and nodded. Gajeel, Lily, Natsu, Happy, Wendy, and Carla left to go think about the story Strider had told them, with Gray following close behind. Erza, Mira, Cana, Lucy, and Bisca stuck around, however, as Strider laid down again.

"Tired?" Cana wondered.

"Oh yeah. That place is pretty cold, and I barely got any sleep the last two nights. I think I'm going to pass out again, if it's alright with you, Erza, Lucy," Strider said with an audible exhale.

"Sure. Get some rest," Erza said before leaving and taking the others with her.

"Didn't you want to talk to him?" Lucy asked as they stood outside his door.

"Yes, but now isn't the time. Lets let him rest, first," Erza said.

"How do we bring that up, though?" Mira asked with a frown.

"That… I am unsure of," Erza said.

"I don't think we should do it as a group, though. Kind of seems… pushy," Cana said.

"Agreed," Bisca said.

"We'll do it as it comes our way, then," Erza said. They nodded in agreement before heading downstairs. Strider listened to their conversation and sighed.

'Guess I'll have to give them more,' he thought. Keeping secretive about it wouldn't do him any favors.


Night had fallen and Strider had finally joined the team.

"You might have preferred to stay awake until a few hours from now," Erza noted.

"Don't remind me. Guess I'll have to stay awake a little longer than usual so I can get back into rhythm.

Soon the door opened again; and this time, there was a prominent reaction. A tall and muscular man with a bald head, a pair of black oval-shaped marks above his eyes, and a frown stepped in. He wore diagonal black belts around his toro, his midsection bare. Cover the top half was a blue and white striped mantle with gold tassels. He wore a pair of tight green bands around his arms and a fur-lined loincloth around his waist, going down and wrapping around his legs. Accompanying him was an elderly, bald, and cross-dressed man. He wore a purple spaghetti strap shirt with a gold hoop necklace. He had on red lipstick and blush on either cheek and a small pair of wings on his back.

"Jura Neekis and Master Bob," Erza said in surprise.

"Woah! What're they doing here?" Lucy asked, just as surprised.

"You two know them?" Strider asked in interest. His eyes fell on Jura, who noted him as he sat with Team Natsu. Strider could sense his power all the way over there; the man had a presence about him.

"Jura is a Wizard Saint and we worked with him before. Master Bob leads the Blue Pegasus guild," Lucy said.

"Wizard Saint?" Strider inquired.

"It's a title given to an exceptionally powerful wizard as chosen by the Magic Council. They don't even have to belong to a guild. Master Makarov is one of them as well. Probably stronger than Jura, if I really had to say," Erza said.

"He's powerful," Strider said.

"Oh yeah. Guys insanely strong!" Natsu said excitedly. The two walked over to Makarov, who seemed to be expecting them. He took them to his second floor office while everyone else began to gossip about their visit.

"Why are they here?" Erza wondered.

"Not sure. Appears to be business with Master Makarov, however," Strider said.

"Last time we partnered with them, it was because of a dark guild - the Oracion Seis," Lucy said with a shudder. The fight truly tested their mettle.

"Hopefully this is something benign," Erza sighed before looking at Strider. "Might I speak with you in private?"

"Sure. Let's head out," Strider nodded. As he and Erza left, Lucy took a seat at the bar with Cana, Bisca, and Mira - each of whom watched in interest.

"Guess she's up first," Mira said.


"What's up?" Strider asked as he and Erza walked down to to shoreline behind the guild hall. The rain poured into the sea, swelling it somewhat. The raging waves crashed against the rocks, spraying foam everywhere. He took a deep breath, having an idea of what she wanted to talk about.

"I wanted to talk about what you told me a few days ago," Erza said as she looked out into the distance, brushing some hair behind her ear.

"What about it?" Strider asked.

"I want to make sure that… you're alright," she said, turning to him. "I know, better than most perhaps, what happens when you sustain that much trauma. I kept it bottled up for a long time. The team only found out a few months ago, in fact. But it sounds much more… continual in your case."

"Ah. Thank you… for the offer, I suppose. But I'm fine. Or, as fine as I could hope to be in this case," Strider said.

"You might not be as fine as you think," Erza said. Strider was silent as he stared at her. She saw his fist clench and thought he was going to punch her for a second before he finally sighed and walked towards the shoreline. She watched him kneel down, running his hand through the wet sand. Scooping it up, he let it fall in clumps before repeating the motion.

"Maybe. Maybe not. As I said, the stories take an emotional toll on me. While I'm not averse to speaking about it, I'd rather not relive it constantly. This isn't the first time I've regaled them, but one hopes that each time is the last," Strider said.

"Of course. I don't want to sound insensitive to how you're feeling. Just… the offer will always remain," Erza said, putting a handle on his left shoulder. To her surprise, he recoiled at the touch.

"Ah. Sorry. I… sustained an injury to my left shoulder a while ago. It tends to throb at the worst moments," Strider said.

"I see. What kind of injury?" she inquired.

"It's magic related, if that's what you're asking. No remedy," Strider said.

"May I…?" she asked, pointing to his shoulder. Strider looked at her before shaking his head. Erza was about to protest but sighed instead. She guided him back to a standing position before embracing him as he did for her when she told her story. Strider returned the hug tightly, gently rubbing her back.

"You're part of our guild and our team now. That means that you're family. We're here for family," she said.

"Thank you," Strider replied. Smiling, Erza led him back to the guild.


"Yo Erza, Strider! We've been looking for you! Master needs us!" Gray shouted as they reentered. Shrugging at each other, they followed him to Master Makarov's office. The rest of the team was gathered there, along with Gajeel and Juvia. As Strider smiled at her, she blushed as deep red.

"Ah, you're back - good. Strider, this is Jura Neekis and this is Bob, an old friend and Fairy Tail wizard. Gentlemen, this is Strider - the newest addition to our guild," Makarov said.

"A pleasure," Strider nodded, shaking their hands.

"Oh, Mocky - he's a handsome one," Bob giggled, eliciting a laugh from Strider.

"Greeting, Strider," Jura said, nodding at him.

"Jura," Strider nodded back.

"We teamed up with their guilds - Jura is in Lamia Scale and Bob is the master of Blue Pegasus - before in a fight against a dark guild, the Oracion Seis. Blue Pegasus has been investigating the rainfall recently, which is far more than what we should be getting - especially at this time. They recently discovered what appears to be an… anomaly. Bob, perhaps you'd better explain," Makarov said.

"Mhm. So like Mocky was saying, an anomaly. It's centered near the shore on the borders of Fiore and Seven, another country to the northeast. The shape of the countries forms a sort of bay, in the middle of which is another large island with an old temple and a population of a few hundred. The heaviest rainfall is happening there - so heavy, in fact, that it's threatening to swallow the island up!" Bob said with a flair of drama.

"Indeed. Whatever is causing this inclement weather appears to be something either old or powerful. As strong as the Wizard Saints are, I don't know of any that can alter the weather for such a long time on a country wide scale. Reports indicate that the countries of Bosco, Iceberg, Stella, and northwestern Minstrel are also receiving alarming amounts of rain. We've decided to join our forces again to investigate - just in case. I'll be leading a team from Lamia Scale, and Master Bob will have someone lead a team from Blue Pegasus. As we've worked together before, we thought it best to include you," Jura said.

"Thank you for thinking of us, Jura, Master Bob. We accept this mission," Erza said.

"Erza, shouldn't we put this to a vote or something?!" Lucy whined, remembering the fight against the Seis.

"All in favor?" Erza asked. Everyone but Lucy agreed.

"Ugh…," the blonde groaned.

"Wait - what's he doing here, then?!" Natsu asked, pointing at Gajeel.

"Gajeel is incredibly capable. I'll likely be sending Levy, Freed, and some of the others along as well. Levy is as smart as Hibiki, so they should be able to figure out whatever is going on," Makarov said.

"We shall set out tonight, then," Erza said.

"We've reserved a living space close to the shore. After we regroup, we'll head towards the island," Jura said. With that, he and Bob took their leave.

"Wonder what this could be…," Erza trailed off thoughtfully.

"If it's some kind of force, it appears to be extremely powerful. I suppose it could be a natural phenomenon, though," Strider said.

"Think that's likely?" Lucy asked hopefully.

"Ah… no," Strider answered lamely, dashing her hopes immediately.

"Whatever it is, we'll soon find out. Prepare to leave!" Erza told them before exiting, Strider in tow.


"Getting ready to go?" Mira asked as she popped her head into Striders room.

"More or less. I don't carry much on me, so there's never really a period in which I need to get ready," he said as he took a seat on the edge of his bed.

"Pocket dimensions come in useful," she said as she sat next to him.

"What's up?" he wondered.

"I… Erza spoke with you earlier, I think," Mira said.

"She did. You want to talk about the same thing, I assume?" Strider inquired.

"Mmm… I dunno. I just wanted to make sure that you're alright," Mira said.

"I am. I thank you and Erza for your sympathy, but it's not necessary," Strider said.

"You're wrong," Mira said quietly.

"What?" Strider inquired.

"I said you're wrong. It is necessary. I don't know what war is like… that's true. But I do know that you can't go through something like and come out fine. I lost Lisanna and it… nearly killed me. I lost my ability to use my magic. I lost my will to fight. If it wasn't for Fairy Tail, I'm not sure what I would've done," Mira said, tearing up as she remembered the events. She felt Strider put an arm around her and pull her in. As she rested her head against his shoulder, she ran a hand up and down his back, surreptitiously feeling the scars.

"When you say you lost your magic…," Strider said. It was the second time Mira had mentioned that happening.

"I couldn't use my Takeover anymore. Even when we fought against Phantom Lord, I couldn't use it. It was what took Lisanna away from me… so I just sealed it away. I never wanted to become that again," Mira said.

"But you can use it now?" Strider asked.

"Sometimes. I'm more comfortable using it now, but it hasn't been necessary yet. I'm afraid to use it around her, though," Mira said.

"I'm sure she doesn't blame you two. At all," Strider said comfortingly.

"I know she doesn't. But that doesn't make it any easier," Mira said, holding his arm.

"I suppose I can understand that. It's not easy to overcome," Strider said.

"What?" Mira asked.

"Regret," he sighed.

"What do you regret?" she asked.

"I'm afraid I don't have that kind of time," he said with a dry laugh. Mira frowned as she gave him a tight hug. "Anyways, I ought to get going. We'll talk when I get back," he said, getting up.

"Alright," she said, before stopping him.

"Hmm?" he wondered. Mira leaned on her toes and kissed him on the cheek. With a mad blush, she made a hasty exit, although Strider could swear he saw her smiling. Smiling as well, he headed downstairs.


"Shall we?" Erza asked.

"Let's. Are we taking a train?" Strider asked.

"For as close as we can get. It's a short hike from the last stop," Erza said. With that, they headed towards the train station and onwards to their destination.

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