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Ch 10 Grinding A Mini Dungeon A Job and Magic

Over the next 6 day I went grinding. I stocked up on stamina and and HP potions and bought a pass everyday for the Mini Dungeon. Each day I completed the dungeon as many times as possible. Twice on day two, Three times on days three and four, five times on days five and six. Also on the way to the dungeon I ran into low level monsters several days. When all was done at the end of the sixth day I had reached level 8. The things I learned from this were

1) If a monster was 1 level higher or the same level as you than you you got his level x10 in Exp

2) If a monster was the lower than you his Exp was cut in half, seems you will always gain at least 5 Exp from a monster

3) your level requirements so far adapted as follows-Exp to advance

1-2 50

2-3 100

4-5 200

5-6 400

6-7 800

7-8 1500

To reach level 9 requires me to get 2500 Exp, so it seems not to be a consistent increase ratio. I am truly blessed if not for the Leveling Perk from Reeka it would have been twice as hard.

4) skills and drops seem to be acquired after the dungeon is complete not in the middle of it. Not sure as the reason but it's the case. Also, each time you enter a dungeon the monster change except the boss or should I say can change. Only once did the mix of monster match a run before. The levels do not change but the mix and monsters do. I do not know if quest and jobs or caves will follow the same forte regarding drops and skills.


Level 8————Exp 215/2500

Name Gavin Moss

Class Necromancing Elemental Warrior Sage

Guild: Adventurers Guild

Party NA

HP 41

MP 35

Strength 33

Vitality 29(+5)—34

Stamina 29

Agility 21 (+2) —23

Intelligence 19

Charisma 16

Enlightenment 8




Swordsman: +10 Any sword attack: Mastery 2/10

Sneak: enemy awareness reduced 5%: Mastery 1/10

Quick Step: A quick evasive maneuver agility increased by 5 for 2 sec: Mastery 1/10


Easy leveling: All levels require ½ Exp than normal to increase.

Reincarnations 4/5

Innate Abilities

**** Error ****


Clothes: Simple Clothes

Shoes: Warrior Boots Agility +2

Weapon: Worn Short Sword

Armor: Lower Demon Beetle Breast plate + 5 Vitality

Accessories NA


Magic Core x2

2 stamina tonics

1 HP tonic

2 gold coins, 45 silver, 22 copper

Worm Silk x6

Goblin ears x4

Lower Beetle breastplate x2

Slime Jelly x2

Rusty Dagger x3

Going forward the mini dungeon has little to offer. I see why Reeka started me here, she said it was her favorite place but I think she might be more considerate than I first thought. I believe she put in a place I could succeed and start my journey keeping my life intact. I'll say this I need a hot bath and a good meal and I'm feeling mead tonight. Hopefully Reeka or Ena show up I have a question.

I hit up the local bath house, it's not like a Japanese hot spring but it's nicer than the Inn bath. After relaxing and recovering I go to the Inn for a meal. Tonight is Salted pork stew, bread, salad, and fried potatoes. The food was delicious and was well round out by a nice few mugs of mead. I'm not a lush but a nice beverage at the end of a tough day hits the spot. I return to my room this is the last night I'm paid through so hopefully I can hear from one of those two. "System! Can I contact Reeka or Ena thru you?" "Affirmative!" "Contact Reeka then." "Affirmative"

2 mins later a slight glow emits I'm the corner of the room… A fully naked Reeka comes running at me and jumps to my arms. *Quick Step* Boom! Reeka hits the floor.

"Why do you hate me Gavin?"

"I don't hate you but I need to talk for now."

" Oh, so it's like that you want whatever you want from me but I get nothing in return?"

"Ummm I believe I gave plenty… like my life twice, I died a virgin, and I'm saving your world here since you put rules in place not even you can circumvent because you're incompetent in the first place."

"that's all in the past" (while she sulks like a child)

"Fine ask your questions"

"Ok I have 2"

"Maybe I will answer and maybe I won't"

"Q1 Where should I go next? I know this place was selected for my best interest by you, so I appreciate that. I feel as far as growth Luck has nothing more to offer."

"That's impossible you should have been able to get a month out of this place it's only been a week. And you are right I did this for you, see I take care of Master Gavin so it's only fair to take care of me too. Let me see your stats though. Huh! Level 8 already? What have you been doing?"

"I ran the mini dungeon as many times as I could every day the past week, plus I fought monsters on the way there!"

"I see, well tickle me pink I'm impressed you worked so hard! Seriously though tickle my pink"

"Moving on, Q2 how do I learn magic?"

"Magic huh? Well there are a few ways. You need a teacher that can teach you the chants. You can teach yourself through scrolls or text. You can buy magic gear that have magic circles imprinted on them and cast by forcing mana into it. That's it."

"What about voiceless magic?"

"It's a bit of a mystery but it seems to be either you can or can't! You have to be able to visualize the spell in you mind, basically you visualize it forming then releasing you have to match the release and you mana output to create the phenomenon. If it happens it happens if not you can't do it. Good magicians have wasted lives trying to figure it out to no avail "

"Tomorrow can we go somewhere remote and you help me?"

" One condition!"

"Fine I'll do it."

"Huh? Do what?"


"What? I was gonna say you let me cuddle but I'll take that too."

"Okay, cuddling it is."

"Hey you can't take that back!"

Off to bed it is then. What to do, what to do? To hell with it's gonna happen at some point she's never gonna give up!

Reeka is standing beside the bed. I start walking her way and completely strip, I arrive beside her and force her onto the bed.

"Wait. Are you sure you really want to I mean we have time and your young. I didn't think you'd say yes and now your being so strong. I mean I don't even know what to do."

"I'll be gentle "


And just like that. I made a goddess out of Reeka. I didn't let her rest, I took her and took her for hrs even when she begged I didn't stop. It was my first and honestly it was amazing she was soft and warm. After about 4 hrs I was out of stamina. So, we slept.

The next morning was a little awkward Reeka's mind was blown that I went through with it and I was actually surprised I figured she was all talk the way she hesitated. I collected my things and headed to the guild with Reeka in tow. We went to the job board Reeka said I was to go to a town called Toray. It's a good bit bigger than Luck and should be a good stepping stone. I'm looking for a quest or job that will take me that direction or close to it. This way I get my destination and Exp all in one go. As luck would have it there is a delivery job in a small town smaller than Luck that's about a days walk from Toray called Rance, the job is to deliver medicine to a healer.

We walk outside and say goodbye to Luck. Reeka has a plan. The town we are headed to is about a weeks walk it is called Rance. Once we get to a secluded area we find cover and Reeka begins undressing, I pinch her cheek and scold her. Apparently she was in it for a quickie. With me shooting that down. She says hug me. After a huge glow we are in the woods still but they are different.

"We teleported, we are 5 mins from Rance, I didn't want to walk that far."

"I did I could have fought my way here and leveled up"

"Keep sleeping with me and you will. You earned Exp last night didn't you realize? You're my servant and you did your job by serving your master!"

"You have issues " with a quick glance, dammit she's right 250 Exp for that, she's a con artist, but hey there are worse ways to earn Exp. We make a quick stop in Rance, I delivered medicine to the healer. After the delivery we hit the small guild in town, I submitted the job as complete. I received 15 silver and 100 Exp, that's awesome considering I didn't do anything. I mean that is do to Reeka cheating but who cares I guess. Looking at the job board here and low and behold a delivery job for Toray! Accepting the quest with haste we head outside.

"Reeka? Is there somewhere close and isolated we can see if I can do voiceless magic?"

"Yeah it's a remote area so it won't be a problem. Let's dip out of sight and I will port us somewhere. Now hold me."


Standing in what appears to be a dried up lake bed we get started. Reeka explains things once again. Nothing left to do but give it a shot. Reeka says if I can do it after figuring a spell out I will be able to recall it effortlessly.

I start to picture nothing in my mind. A black hole if you will. A space void of all light , matter, elements, and time… I picture that void folding in on itself and collapsing anything the gets near it. As I picture this I start forming mana into my right hand. I see the void of space forming above my hand and then I start to push more mana. All of a sudden I feel a force around me and then it forms in real life I open my eyes and there is a black void of nothing sitting just above my hand. Reeka stands staring in shock she says she knows what it is but doesn't understand how I was able to visualize it and create it. Especially something no one else has ever done and to do it so easily. Now it's here I can maintain it with just a little mana output. Let's see what happens if I increase that flow a little, as I push just a bit more mana in the size grows, I reduce the flow and nothing happens. I suppose I can grow it or cut it off but not decrease it. I quickly cut off the mana flow and it disappeared. I recall the black hole right away and pump a little more mana in. It is now the size of basketball, I need to be careful I can feel it pulling on me now. Now time for a test. I see a small bush a several feet away taking aim I make a motion like throwing a baseball and release the mana thread from me to the void. It hits the bush collapses and it's gone not just the bush but a chunk of ground part of a rock, everything. I guess anything with in the pull radius collapsed into the void until it folded in on itself a left no traces.

"Whoa this could be terrifying!"

Reeka looks at me "Seriously what the hell are you? Haha just kidding but you're scary"

Let's go to Toray. "Reeka, I'm walking the rest of the way

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