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66.66% Fate/Gacha: Infinite Salt Work / Chapter 44: Professor Ritsuka

Chapter 44: Professor Ritsuka

After seeing the Newspaper, I immediately go to my base with Lily on my side because I don't want any reporter to spot me because of that stupid photo in the Newspaper.

When I arrive inside the Temple, I immediately go to my bedroom and prepare myself to learn Wizarding Magic. However, before I was able to reach my bedroom, Custer approached me and said,

"Master, I need your blood for the staff."


"Yeah, I need your blood for the staff that I make for you."

"You don't need my help in choosing the wood and the Core?"

"Nah, I'm your servant, so I know how your magic feels, so it was easy to choose the Wood. As for the Core, that is why I need your blood master. I can carve some rune to be the Core, but I need something to bind it. Your blood will be the one that binds the Runestone, so it will work like intended."

"I see how much blood do you want?"

"Please fill this Vial."

I then feel the vial with my blood after cutting my hands with the Azoth Sword that I always bring on my hips for an emergency matter.

"There you go."

After filling the vial, I heal my hand and give it back to Custer.

"Good, Your staff will be ready in two days."

I then look at Custer that walks away from me. I then took my phone and saw the date.

"23th August. I have at least one week to learn all the spells and also learn the magic theory. This is going to be sucked."


I continue to learn and practice the spell from the books without any help from a wand or staff, which is a little bit difficult because Wizarding spells don't need much mana in their spell. Every time I cast some spell, it will explode if I don't force my magic to tune it down.

After practice for at least 45 hours, I successfully mastered the spell from the First Year to the Sixth years of Hogwarts standard spell.

When I practiced some spells, someone knocked on my door. When I open the door, I see Custer holding a Staff in his right arm.

"Yo Master, This is your Staff. I make this with Acacia wood that I found around this forest. Acacia Wood is a picky wood, and It will not let anyone except its master cast a spell on it, and with your blood as binding, then this staff can't be used or touched by your enemy."

My Staff that Custer makes almost identical to his staff except my staff have a crystal on top of it. The crystal has a purple color, and inside of the crystal, I can see many runes carved inside of it.

"Thank you, Custer."

"Think nothing of it. Also, master, please go to sleep. The Little Lass is worried about you."


"Lily, Valerie, Jack and Ophis"

"I see, Very well."


I then look at Custer, leaving me alone in my bedroom once more. I then walked toward my bed and began to sleep after two nights of sleeplessness.


30th August is the day I need to go to Hogwart to meet my employer, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. I am finally able to learn all the spells that I need to teach the students in Hogwarts, and I can cast the spell without my staff and not explode anymore. The Staff that Custer created is a miracle because now I can easily choose how much mana I need to cast the spell. While learning the Wizarding magic, I also learn how much one Galleon is worth. One Galleon is equivalent to $25, One Sickles to $1.50, One Knuts to $0.5.

So right now, I have 60000 Galleons, so, If I convert it to USD, then I have 1.5 Million Dollars inside my vault in Gringotts. After knowing all of it, I immediately converted 1000 Galleons into USD using my phone and bought 5208 Quartz.

Of course, I use all of them, Lo and Behold. I only get myself a CE and Duplicate of my current servant, which sucks. I don't know how but I feel that someone cursed me from the DxD world because I only got One to Three stars and never Four or Five stars. Which makes this summon my worst summon yet.

Anyway, after I finished crying, I walked out of my bedroom and got ready to go to Hogwarts. I take a bath and then put on my Mage Association Uniform. After putting my uniform, I walk outside the Temple and see my servant already waiting for my instruction.

"Alright, I will say your assignment once again. You guys will be gathering some information about the location of the Holy Grail. Archer and Asia will go to Japan and search for any interesting information that you can also don't forget to buy any magic book for me. The Duo Cu Chulainn will go to Ireland, followed by George. The rest of you will stay here and explore this country, but please be careful of all of you. I know that this world is not a threat for you guys, but I don't want the enemy to be able to injure you guys by an ambush."



I then see my servant disappear one by one and leave me with Artoria, Lily, Muramasa, Ophis, and Valerie.

"Alright, guys, I will go."

"Take care."

"See you, Mommy."

I then create a magic circle before I teleport myself to the alley where I first appear in this world. I then walk toward the Leaky Cauldron and greet Tom.

"Good Morning Tom"

"Ahhh, Good morning Ritsuka."

"Can I borrow your Floo Network?"

"Of course, please follow me."

We then walked toward the fireplace as Tom threw a little dust toward the fire, and suddenly a picture of an older man appeared on the fire.

"Good morning, Professor Dumbledore."

"Ahhh, Good Morning Tom, Long time no see. What can I do for you?"

"I'm currently with Ritsuka Fujimaru. She says that she needs to go to Hogwarts right now."

"Ahhh, Yes, Yes. Please let her in. The Address is Hogwarts Headmaster Office"

"Thank you, Professor. Have a nice day."

After talking with Dumbledore, the face then disappears from the fire.

"Now, Ritsuka. I hope you know how to use Floo, right?"

"Yes, Throw the floo powder while saying my destination."

"Good. Then go ahead."

"How much for the Floo Tom?"

"It's free."


"No, This is my congratulation gift for you. Not much but a gift nonetheless."

"Then, thank you."

"No problem."

"Hogwarts Headmaster Office"

While saying it, I throw the Floo powder to the ground, and suddenly my vision becomes green. A second later, I look at my surroundings that change from the old but cozy pub to something like a library.

"Welcome, To Hogwarts Ritsuka, My Dear."

"Thank you, Headmaster."

"I'm so sorry for the sudden calling. We are busy dealing with other business and forget about the DADA professor that just retired."

"It's okay, Headmaster."

"Thank you, My Dear, for your understanding. Now, this is your schedule, and also, do you need a room for you to stay?"

"Ahhh, there is no need for it. I just bought a house not too long ago."

"I see, then let me say this, My Dear. Welcome To Hogwarts Professor Ritsuka"

LuxVonDeux LuxVonDeux

The advance chapter can be found here:


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