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100% The Green Witch And The Silver Prince / Chapter 2: Vision Of Death

Chapter 2: Vision Of Death

"Mama! Mama! I want more candy! Can't we go back to the festival to get some?" Emilia asked looking up at her mother with large pleading green eyes.

Telara nodded in agreement with her sister before she said. "I want more candy too!"

The girls proceeded to chant about sweets, and their mother bit her lip, looking as if she would give in to their pleading, after all the mid autumn festival only comes once a year. Placing a hand on his wife's shoulder the girls' father said. "You don't need anymore candy. If you eat too many sweets all of your teeth will fall out, just like old lady Violet down at the library."

Both of the girls gave a shocked expression and clapped their hands over their mouths before they checked to make sure all of their teeth were still intact. Both of the parents smiled and chuckled softly at their daughters' reactions. Their father gave them both a kiss on the forehead before going to his office and their mother said. "He is right girls, now go and get ready for bed. You two wouldn't want to be sleepy for your fifth birthday celebration tomorrow, now would you?"

They shook their heads and hurriedly ran up the stairs towards their bedroom to be greeted by their nanny. Letting out a sigh their mother headed towards her husbands office to let him know she would be back down after the girls bedtime story. "Michael I think I'm going to read the girls' bedtime stor-"

She was stopped as she had come around the corner and into the office when her husband hushed her. "Shh be quiet Ana... I saw someone lurking around outside, near the edge of the trees."

Coming to the window where her husband stood she pushed the curtain back a little farther to look outside with him. After staring at the tree line for a few moments she was about to say he was seeing things, however then she saw it, a large figure slowly creeping closer to their home just beyond the light of the full moon. In a hushed voice Ana asked. "What do we do? Should we go back to town and notify the guards?"

Michael shook his head. "No I'm going to go and tell the man off myself. He has no right approaching an earl's home in such a manner."

"Maybe that's not the best idea, we don't know his intentions." Anastasia followed after her husband as he walked towards their bedroom. She had felt a chill go down her spine when she was contemplating the figure which was stalking through the underbrush.

Michael grabbed his sword which sat near his side of the bed, and secured it around his waist. "You have nothing to worry about, it is probably just a thief looking for something valuable. I'm going to go scare him off and then I will be back in a moment."

Hurriedly Ana went to her nightstand and pulled open a drawer before feeling around and lifting out the false bottom. A silver dagger glistened in the secret compartment. Once she had retrieved the dagger she ran after her husband, having heard him already make it out the front door.

She walked out into the cool night and saw Michael quickly making his way towards the forest. She followed after him, cursing her dress as it wasn't allowing her to move as quickly as she wanted. Ana froze when she looked back up from the ground, the figure they had seen was now emerging from the woods. It was a man who looked nearly seven feet tall, he was nude and his exposed body was extremely muscular as well as covered in a layer of black fur. His face looked more beast than man and his expression was a feral grin showing off many pointed teeth. Ana knew what she was seeing, a werewolf in his half transformed state. She screamed out to her husband. "Michael get away from him!"

Michael furrowed his brow hearing his wife call after him. She should be inside where it's safe but of course she followed him out here, he thought. Michael had definitely not been expecting a werewolf when he saw someone lurking in the woods, he hadn't even seen one since before the girls were born. After he had summoned his most commanding voice the Earl said. "Halt werewolf! These lands are not yours! You have crossed over into Edenfal and if you don't go back to Hadrea immediately I am authorized to kill you."

The creature continued to walk closer and he let out a rumbling laugh. "Earl Michael Aldric, your words do not intimidate me. Especially when I know that you wield no silver." His voice was rough and deep almost sounding like an animalistic growl.

Michael drew his sword and got into a defensive stance. Even if he didn't have a silver sword, he could kill the beast. All he would have to do is hack the head off before it could regenerate. "I will not warn you again, if you continue to approach me I will be forced to attack." His voice maintained a cool confidence.

The werewolf's yellow eyes seemed to glow and his smile only grew wider which exposed even more jagged fangs. His gaze passed beyond the man and landed on the woman who must be the Earl's wife. She was beautiful, long fiery red hair which fell to her thighs in gentle waves, and eyes which were so green they almost appeared luminescent in the light of the moon. Deciding to prod the man the werewolf said. "Once I kill you I'm going to take your wife back to Hadrea with me. She will have many litters of my pups there."

Michael's demeanor cracked for a moment and a look of fury passed over his face. The thought of his wife being taken and raped by this beast was disgusting to him. The werewolf continued to grow closer so the man decided to charge forth. He rushed towards the beast and just as he got within range he swung out at his target's knee in an attempt to knock him to the ground. The sword slashed against the thick muscled flesh of the werewolf's thigh causing him to stagger a bit but not fall.

Blood dripped from Michael's sword but it seemed to evaporate almost moments later. When he looked to where he had slashed the beast, the gash was already knitting itself closed. The werewolf then rushed the Earl, hitting him full force in a tackle.

Anastasia watched in horror when her husband was tackled to the ground. Willing her legs to move, she began running to where the beast had pinned Michael down. The werewolf wrapped a hand around the man's neck, squeezing so hard that he felt crunching inside. He said nothing, a chilling look passing over the bestial features of his face.

Just before she made it to where they were Ana heard a loud crackling snap. The werewolf then stood up leaving Michael on the ground who lay there lifeless. She fell to her knees and lifted her husband into her lap but she could tell he wasn't there anymore. His eyes no longer held any life. A tear streamed down her face to fall on Michael's cheek.

The werewolf then said to Ana in a nonchalant tone. "Don't cry over an idiot. Only a fool would charge at such a high ranking werewolf without a silver weapon."

Slowly Ana looked up at the beast and while she held his attention with her eyes she slipped her hand into her pocket to grip the hilt of her silver dagger. In a shaky voice she said. "I assume there was a reason you've done this. You knew his name and title, as well as the fact he doesn't own a silver weapon. Why?" She got to her feet with quivering legs so he could better look at her face.

"My father commanded it. Your husband's death is instrumental in weakening the defense of the border." He responded in his deep gravely voice.

Drawing closer she said in her best flirtatious tone although she couldn't keep her voice from wavering. "You must be very important in the Wolflands of Hadrea. Someone as strong as you could only be a descendant of werewolf royalty, correct?"

The wolf looked down into the woman's tear stained eyes, the green color seemed to swirl and grow brighter. He was entranced by the siren before him and spoke slowly. "Yes... my father is the chieftain of the strongest tribe in the southern Wolflands..."

Now inches from the lycan Ana drew the blade from her pocket. Too hypnotized by her eyes he didn't even notice when she raised her hand to plunge the dagger into him. As the cool metal was driven into his chest the werewolf was abruptly brought back to reality, rage painted his face and the burning sensation from the silver spread throughout his body. He swung with his massive clawed hand and caught Ana's throat. She grasped at the lacerations stumbling backwards, blood began to gush between her fingers and it painted the front of her dress red. The werewolf pulled the dagger from his chest and let out a pained yelp when his hand was burned by the metal. They stared at each other for what felt like an eternity, when finally the wolf fell. Only moments later Ana collapsed as well and both lay in heaps on the ground motionless.

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