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66.66% Fantasy Or Reality / Chapter 4: "Take Control"

Chapter 4: "Take Control"

Deputy Saigen leaned against the wall as the Mayor finished he's important phone calls. He raised a brow getting more suspicious, observing his suddenly very quiet Sheriff. He questioned irritated, "Who is here? Someone shows up buys a bus pass, not happy with the bus fare and takes out the entire city? Needless to say causes a massive electric storm. Creating a riot we get under control, suddenly now our residents are acting up to the point of violence. One man doing all this, b*llsh*t. Now we have a panic and interference in anything electrical through the entire city. Let's be realistic Sheriff, what are you not telling me?" The Sheriff sighed sitting down he massaged his temples. Unsure on what to do, he looked through the procedures. He hissed exasperated. "We don't have any procedures on such happenings, I honestly don't know what to do Deputy. I can't really tell you what's going to happen. My best advice is get a maintenance team out there as soon as possible. Enforce our residents safety and proceed with an evacuation. We have to some how prevent a panic, I don't even know what's causing all this, I can't give an explanation to the press other than a possible electric storm. Have you heard anything from the military?" Deputy Saigen frowned, "Waiting for his call, hopefully we can receive a fax to give the press some kind of evidence. Guide the evacuation by patrol, and Military to get people out safely. Before the weather decides to get destructive, clear out the neighborhoods with military assistance and loyal, trustworthy residents. And contact the fire department to maintain some kind of control. So far we've had good responses. Let's hope it stays that way, our residents safety is the up most importance." The Sheriff nodded in agreement as he listened to Deputy Saigen. His concern escalated at the thought of the hospitals, how the h*ll would they protect the patients, they didn't have enough resources to move all the patients. Could they legally leave them and just pray. Would it really be necessary to evacuate the entire city. Damn it to h*ll he thought this year he'd retire. Deputy Saigen had a cool, and very controlled professionalism about him. Thankfully...The Mayor and himself were far from calm. Guess that was a good thing especially with this whole situation. Damn there had already been casualties, something they hadn't expected. Everything seemed so unnatural, he had a bad feeling about everything and just couldn't clear his thoughts. He's memories intensified, he just couldn't put his finger on it. Everything his Deputy said didn't make any sense. No man could do such a thing its impossible. Nothing made sense, not even the weather channel knew what the h*ll was going on. Only thing he had where statements from witnesses, it didn't make any freaking sense. He had seen this before in he's home town, there had been some casualties, and some lost structured. Just not at this magnitude, why didn't he see it coming. Deep in his thoughts the Sheriff went silent again. The Mayor looked at Saigen stating, "The press will be here within the hour. They're demanding an explanation, and what I'm going to do about it. Cars are stalling over the entire city, residents are scared and angry. The maintenance crew has reported in and are being sent to the areas that have been affected. They've shut down the bus stations by my orders as well as preparing for the worst. The storm has spread across the entire city. There's an opening twenty miles out, the skies are clear.

Near an old abandoned hospital. Guess they've been working on it for awhile, another hospital is needed due to our city's population. Other than the information I've given you. Have you heard anything?" A loud beep sounded, Deputy Saigen smiled with relief. Sure enough he's friend came through. Walking to the fax machine he looked over the paperwork. He stopped staring at one report, quickly folding it he tucked it in his pocket. He's frown deepened as well as his concern grew, he didn't like what he was reading...yup Bad News. Damn I do enjoy when my instincts are correct. He thought, paging through more paperwork he watched the Mayor approach out the corner of his eye. As the Sheriff looked something up on the computer suddenly a gleam of hope flashed in his gaze. They had to figure out what to do and fast. The situation definitely needed a remedy and quickly. He's phone rang, he smiled answering, " How are you doing, I've been concerned about you....That's what the doctor said...your in room 132....what's your condition?...No sis you can't go home right now...the powers out...I'm under a lot of stress right now, stay where your at...I'm still at work...yeah its bad...I'll be there as soon as I can..yeah love you to...gets some rest lil sis." He smiled relieved handing the Mayor the report, "Well here's what you asked for Military has suggestions about the situation. They've maintained control of the power plants and the water facility's. We've been restricted at this time, more maintenance help is coming in, they're 15 minutes away. Some are already on location, your not going to like it Mr. Mayor." The deputy walked up to the Sheriff stating cautiously, "I need to leave for a few, my sis was injured during the riot. I need to check on her, you'll be alright for a few?" The Sheriff nodded in agreement. Yeah we'll figure out what to do I found some information that might help the situation we're in. Give your sister my regards telling her I hope she gets better with a fast recovery."

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