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55.55% The Witch's Mistake / Chapter 5: IV: Finding The Demons

Chapter 5: IV: Finding The Demons

Jisoo immediately started walking towards the school building, the ends of her hair standing up at the sound of the disciplinary officer's voice. If Saeron hadn't told her about the time she would have been standing with the late students and getting scolded too.

"Jeon Jungkook, you're late too? Put your hands up!" The name made her stop in surprise.

"Oh no… Kookie's late." A female student voiced as her friend nodded in pity.

"Don't worry, it's his first time being late, Mr. Bang won't give him such a hard time."

Jisoo turned back, her eyes landing on the bespectacled boy. He was the only one with a frown on his face despite being scolded, everyone else was scared.

She never thought she'd see him looking irritated, she always thought the boy would have his head down if a teacher scolded him, Hyeri did tell him he was a shy person.

Their eyes suddenly met startling her. His forehead creased and the ends of her hair stood up as he gave her a sharp glare.

'What are you looking at?!' She didn't have to hear him say it, the glare was enough.

She took a step back, heart hammering nervously inside her chest as she turned around and made her way towards her classroom.

'What the heck?! I thought he was extremely shy with girls? Where did he get the courage to meet her eyes like that?'

After the school bell rang signaling the dismissal of her first class, Jisoo pushed through the crowd of students muttering the word 'excuse me'.

A sigh of relief escaped her lips when she was finally in front of the school's huge bulletin board. Her eyes immediately searched for the school map.

She just had a school tour yesterday but she was already forgetting the location of most of her rooms in her morning classes. Luckily she still had half an hour before her next class. She sighed.

'Damn the school for being huge- Oh wait, it was already damned…' She bit her lower lip in guilt. She needs to find those demons after her morning class.

Eyes locked on the map as she looked for her room numbers and corresponding floor levels, she was startled when her sight suddenly got blocked by a person's back. Her eyebrow rose. It was a boy. And a tall one at that.

How rude. It was clear that she wasn't finished looking at it yet. And with his height, he would have clearly been able to look from behind her if he wanted to. He did not need to block her sight.

She cleared her throat trying to calm the irritation she was feeling "Um...Excuse me.."

He did not hear.

"Mister?" She poked his back.

The boy suddenly turned to her surprise. Why, will you look at that? It's the Academic King.

Jisoo was about to greet him with a smile thinking he really didn't mean to block her when she noticed the slight rise of his eyebrow as their eyes met. Her forehead creased in confusion at his scrutinizing gaze.

'What's with him?'

"Yes?" He asked crossing his arms as a look of disinterest flashed on his face.

"Y-you're actually blocking the map…" She squeaked, a bit intimidated by the guy's cold aura.

This wasn't the kind and refined Kim Namjoon he saw at the canteen, it's like he changed overnight.

'Maybe he's in a bad mood… did he had a fight with one of his friends?' she thought.

"Hey, Joonie~!" A loud voice boomed before he could reply. It made both of them turn towards the source of the voice.

A boy with an orange-brown hair and sunshine smile waved at their direction and the crowd of students miraculously made way for him like the red sea as he ran towards them.

It was Jung Hoseok.

"Do you really have to shout?" Namjoon asked when his energetic friend was finally in front of them panting. He was clearly unimpressed by Hoseok's loud entrance.

"Of course, you wouldn't have heard me with the entire crowd's noise if I just talked." He grinned, placing his arms over Namjoon's shoulders.

"I thought we've already conversed about that atrocious nickname you keep calling me? Have I not told you that I prefer not to be called by other names than my own?"

"But don't you think it's cute, Joonie?" Hoseok teased causing Namjoon's ears to redden a bit.

"I am nothing but cute!" He frowned disapprovingly.

"Whatever." Hoseok rolled his eyes chuckling. His attention then shifted to the girl in front of them "Now, what were you discussing with the cute lady over here?" He asked, sending Jisoo a wink which made her cheeks flush.

'Huh, I guess they didn't… was the fight with Jin then?'

Her blush slowly disappeared when an uneasy feeling rushed up to her spine. The female students were already taking notice of her, wondering about the girl who was suddenly taking the attention of two of the most popular boys in school. It wasn't long before they started whispering.

Crap. She shouldn't have stood still watching them talk. Why didn't she just read the map while they were busy and walked away? That would have saved her from a lifetime of backstabbing from the lunatic girls at their school who make up their fan club.

"You're not making her cry, are you?" Hoseok accused.

"What?! No! What are you talking about?" Namjoon answered, his forehead creased.

"I don't believe you. You just made one of your fans cry this morning, remember?" Hoseok pouted "I was really surprised you could stomach doing that to a girl, you were always patient with them."

Jisoo tilted her head to the side trying to get a glimpse of the room numbers behind them.

"She was invading my privacy and taking pictures of me wherever I go. I simply taught her a lesson."

She took a side step, craning her head more to the side. Just a little bit... Just a bit more and she could see it.

"You smashed her camera on the floor and continuously stepped on it with your feet." Hoseok's brow rose up at his friend.

"She deserved it for being a stalker, besides I have already paid for the damage done so she could buy a new one, provided that she stops following me like a paparazzo, of course."


Her eyes lit up. There it was! Her English Class, 29A-C on the third floor! Building B! A grin tugged on her lips as she mentally did a victory dance.

A thud on the floor disrupted the bickering boys, their heads turned towards her on the ground as she massaged her back.

"Ow! Oww!" She had lost her balance and accidentally slipped.

"Did you just fall?" Hoseok asked, both eyebrows raised in awe.

"No, I kissed the floor." She replied grinning sarcastically.

"Butt first?"

"I know, I know I'm a fucking genius."

"Unbelievably foolish," Namjoon said giving her a disappointed look.

She glared at him. She just fell once in front of him and he thinks she's stupid?

 Namjoon suddenly froze at Jisoo's gaze, his face turning pale as he touched his temples. He winced, shaking his head.

"S-sorry… I didn't mean to be rude…" Namjoon said giving her a faint smile of guilt.

Jisoo's forehead creased in puzzlement at the sudden change of attitude.

Hoseok let out an amused chuckle as he gave her a hand. "Here let me help you…" He said, offering a hand "Did you get hurt?" He asked in concern.

"N-no, I'm fine, thank you." She said waving her hand off and helping herself instead.

'Can't let your fangirls see you helping me or I'll get a thousand-year curse.' She thought as she dusted off her skirt.

"Sorry about Namjoon's attitude earlier. I think his headache is making him very grumpy."

"Y-yeah…" She uttered shifting her gaze from Hoseok to Namjoon who kept holding his temples. She suddenly felt sorry for the guy. 

He must be getting a lot of stress. There sure is a lot of pressure when everyone thinks you're perfect.

"No worries, I understand."

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" Someone voiced making her turn.

Woah… Her eyes glinted with admiration. It's Jin!

'It's the guy who makes the holy Kimchi Rice!'

"Jin!" Hoseok grinned at the sight of his friend, he raised his hand near his mouth lowering the tone of his voice as if telling a secret "We're just apologizing to the lady right here. He just got attacked by Namjoon's grumpiness."

"A lady you say?" Namjoon mockingly smirked surprising the three of them and most of the students who could hear. His cold gaze caused her to suddenly feel conscious as he scanned her from head to foot.

'What is wrong with him?!' She thought. Even Jin and Hoseok seemed taken aback by his actions.

"She is too graceless to be one. She's as clumsy as a limping canine."

She gasped her blood rising up to her head in annoyance. Did he just compare her to a dog?

Is this guy for real?!

"Excuse me?" Her eyes widened at his statement. She felt absolutely offended.

"That was rude, Namjoon." Hoseok's forehead creased as he gave Namjoon a reprimanding look.

"I am simply stating the fact. She must know where she stands." Namjoon replied dryly.

"Well, I'm going to tell you a fact you must know," Jisoo uttered in irritation.

"Wait why don't we talk about this calmly?" Jin suggested feeling uncomfortable with the tense atmosphere.

"You, Kim Namjoon are a jerk!" She stated, making the students around them gasp "You might be the smartest person in school but your attitude sucks, it rots like hell! Having a headache isn't an excuse to compare a person to a dog or treat them like one!"

Jisoo's cheeks puffed after letting out her anger. Her statement had silence, not just the three but the other students as well. She was already earning sharp glares from their fangirls.

'Great!' She shouldn't have lost her patience. Now she's going to have this guy's crazy fans bullying her around.

 Namjoon's eyebrow rose, then a smirk tugged on his lips as he gave her an amused look.

"Dogs bark when they don't know the person." He uttered.

"W-what?" She gave the guy a look of disbelief.

'Smart and refined your ass!' This guy is nothing like what Hyeri described to her!

"Namjoon, I think you should stop," Jin said in a grim tone. He was probably getting irritated by his friend's attitude too.

"I'm saying you don't know me well enough to say that my attitude rots, and we are not that close for me to treat you better, either."

Oh, how she would like to punch that smirk off his face.

"You are impossible…" She uttered clenching her fist.

"I will take that as a compliment. I am impossible to reach by the likes of you after all." He said crossing his arms with a proud look on his face, and with that, she stormed off away from the crowd muttering curses that would for sure make Saeron cry if she heard her.


Jisoo felt her blood level rise at the sight in front of her. Could her day get any worse?

'What the fuck are these two doing, flirting in front of my locker?'

She normally doesn't mind seeing guys peck on their girls 'passionately' but today was different. She was still pissed off about her fight with Namjoon earlier. She also only had 10 minutes left until her next class and it's on the other building.

She coughed hoping the two people attacking each other's faces would hear and move. Unfortunately, they didn't.

 She cleared her throat, trying to talk as calmly as possible.

"Excuse me."

The two finally stopped to her relief. The girl gave her a questioning look which for some reason irked her. Because why would you wonder why someone would stop you from making out when you're in a public place?

The blonde boy who was busy peppering the girl's neck with kisses turned towards Jisoo, and hell did it surprise her.

It was the sweet Kim Taehyung, the school's saxophone idol.

'Oh, he's sweet alright! Just the different kind of sweet most people would think of. It seems like some of the beloved students of Demian University is hiding a different persona.'

"Yes?" A friendly smile tugged on his lips as he faced her. "Do you need anything from me?" He asked as he placed his arm around his girl's neck.

"Yes." She uttered dryly "If you could just move so I could get some things in my locker and you could continue your hormonal activity."

The two chuckled at her statement, making her raise a brow. 'What's so funny?'

"You're quite amusing." He uttered. Jisoo fought the urge to roll her eyes at him.

"So? Are you moving or not?" She asked crossing her arms.

"Hey, sweetie…" Taehyung whispered to the girl beside her. "What do you say we continue what we're doing later?"

"Aww…" The girl pouted, biting her lower lip "but I don't want to leave yet."

Jisoo almost gagged at them. The cringe she was feeling was too much for her to handle. 

"Sorry, it's almost time for my next class too and I don't want to be late."

"Fine, but we'll meet after class, okay?"

"Sure will." Taehyung gave the girl one last aggressive kiss on the lips before she left.

She was still standing with her arms crossed tapping her feet impatiently on the floor and stopping when he finally faced her. Their eyes met and she could see the glint of mischievousness in them.

Hyeri shouldn't have used the word sweet on the guy when she described him. She should have used the word 'Playboy' or 'Cassanova' or something with the same meaning.

Boy, if Jungkook really is a shy person then it really is a miracle that they're friends. This guy doesn't act shy at all. 

 She sighed in relief when he finally moved away from her locker. Although he just moved to his so she could still feel his gaze on her.

She opened her locker door, taking the books she needed and shoving them in her bag.

"What's your name?" Taehyung asked, a mirthful smile curved on his lips as he opened his own locker to collect his books.

"It's none of your business…" Jisoo uttered in irritation finally closing her locker door. She found the guy's locker door closed too, and he was leaning on it as he stared at her.

"What a very original answer." He jested.

Honestly, she shouldn't be angry at the guy since it was Namjoon who was rude to her, Taehyung was just… well… he just made a mistake of making out with his girlfriend in front of her locker instead of his.

"You're in a bad mood aren't you?" he asked.

"Yes, I am," Jisoo answered before turning her back on him to leave.

 "What year are you in?" Taehyung asked suddenly blocking her path.

 He grinned impishly telling her he won't give up asking if he didn't answer.

Jisoo sighed "I'm a Junior."

She tried to move to the side so she could walk past him but he blocked her again.

"You're my hoobae then." He chuckled "You got guts acting all impolite to your senior."

Taehyung moved forward making her step back until her back touched the lockers. His hands went above her shoulders trapping her as he placed his palms against the metal.

"Let me go will you?" She said vexingly "I'm running late."

"So am I." He laughed in amusement.

'Fuck! Then scram! Whose fault is it that we're running late anyway?!' she thought.

"What do you want?!" She asked glaring at him.

'What's with the popular boys in this school trying to pick a fight with me?! Do they have nothing more important to do?'

"You." He said in a whisper.

Jisoo froze, her cheeks turning red as their eyes met. Taehyung licked his lower lip hungrily before flashing a mischievous smirk on his lips.

There was something about the guy that drew her to him and it made the ends of her hair stood thinking it was impossible. 

Sure he was handsome but she never felt attracted to him when she first saw him at the canteen before.

"Be my girlfriend." He uttered.

The words were supposed to catch her off guard but instead, it made Jisoo's blood boil rising all the way up to her head.

'Why this two-timing piece of—"

"You're crazy!" She spat at him in disbelief "You already have one!"

Taehyung laughed "That girl was so easy. Can you believe I made her said yes just this morning?" he said, "And we only just met today too."


"But hey, there's no law against having multiple girlfriends, right?" he mused "So I'll have you."

Jisoo's fist clenched in anger, she was already giving him a deathly glare but he didn't seem to care.

'Does he think girls are grocery items? Buy one take one, that kind of deal?'

"Don't worry, since you're so hard to get I'll hang out with you the most. You'll be my favorite." He winked.

'Oh, now I'm a rare item.'

"Move before I punch your face." She said coldly.

'How I wish I could incinerate him!' She thought 'You're so lucky I'm not allowed to hurt people!'

"Don't touch me!" She scowled when he tried to caress her face.

"Calm down, sweetie…" he whispered softly in her ears "You'll love me, I promise."

Taehyung moved closer, his eyes locked on her lips. It was very obvious what his goal was but Jisoo stood still, his minty breath fanning her face, their lips only inches apart before she kicked him down there.

Jisoo took the opportunity to run when Taehyung dropped on the floor grabbing his aching manhood as a pained yelp escaped from his lips.

It took minutes before he finally calmed down, he was lucky no one was around to see the embarrassing state he had been in or the news would scatter like wildfire all over the school.

He looked around but Jisoo was already long gone, he grabbed his hair laughing in amusement at the sudden turn of events. He wasn't in a hurry to get his revenge; they're bound to meet anyway. Their lockers are next to each other.

Taehyung took his backpack from the floor slinging it on his shoulder. He was already on his way to his next class when a sudden headache hit his head. He winced, forehead creasing in pain.

'What the heck is wrong with me?!' 

MeixAlia MeixAlia

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