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73.68% Princess and The Guards / Chapter 14: Not All Plans Work

Chapter 14: Not All Plans Work

Bella ran ahead of the others and Prompto did his best to stay at her side. It wasn't far to Leo's house and when they made it there Bella was out of breath. "There was an attack where I live Leo. All the princess, princes and guards are gone. Send people to see if they can find them maybe in hiding."

"Right away. Go to the city and stay there to be safe Bella, " Leo steps out of the way and they walk in and head to the city. Leo gathers some people and Cameron takes them to an inn.

"You guys are safe here, " Cameron opened the door and they got their rooms. It was the same set up as before. "So what happened at the pub for royals?"

"It was attacked that's all I know. Go away and help look for them. You are of no service to me here, " Bella waves him off and he leaves right away. "You can go do something too. I will be fine."

"No Bella I am right at your side for the whole time. No pushing me away " Prompto sits on his bed and looks at her.

"Prompto I don't want you in here. I am a future Queen and I do not need to be seen crying, " Bella laid down and Prompto left her alone. That's exactly what she wanted because she wasn't going to cry. She was going to the other kingdom. Bella realized what the tyrant wanted, a wife, a queen. He also wanted her land but that would never happen. She hasn't been killed because he planned on marrying her and she hoped she was right.

Bella snuck out while Prompto was in the other room. She told the innkeeper to stay quiet about seeing her and made her escape to save her royals.

Bella was gone an hour before Prompto and the others noticed. That's why she gave him the power. It would come back to him so he could give it to who ever would take the throne incase she didn't make it. Prompto ran out and found Cameron.

"You listen to me carefully. If anyone asks you why the Princess or us haven't been seen we are in mourning, " Prompto grabs his shirt to pull him closer. "I want you to understand that if you don't follow my orders you will be thrown in a dungeon for however long I want you there. You say a word and it could be the Princess's life."

"I understand Sir. I won't tell a soul just bring her home," Cameron stepped back and Prompto nodded.

"I didn't plan any different, " Prompto and the others snuck out the city so it wasn't very obvious that they had left. It was time to go after Bella. By now it was almost two hours since she was gone. They assumed she was maybe walking at a fast pace so they ran and ran.

It took forever to get to the border of the kingdoms on foot. Bella had never been so close to the edge because it was too dangerous for her. The tyrant king Adenoid Riddle, was ruthless. He wouldn't care if she was on her land or his, if Bella went close enough, her life was his. Here she was only an hour walk left to the border. She knew the guys noticed she was gone by an hour and by two they would have been moving. Bella did her best.

She just kept moving and moving and didn't stop for a second, not even to rest. Bella needed to get across the border but she didn't think she wouldn't make it. Just as she thought she had, she heard Prompto yell her name.

"Bella!" Prompto was yelling. The others thought he should be quiet and they sneak up on her

She was hiding now. It was to save their lives but they didn't understand that. She was Princess Bella and the highest there was and most powerful. Right now she was their charge who had ran off into something dangerous and unpredictable but it was their lives she was saving. No one has ever seen her power at full use or what happens when she balls it up.

It was too dangerous to move. They surely would notice the movement unless she could somehow keep the ground from making a sound as she crept by. Maybe Prompto figured out the true reason to giving him some of her power.

They kept getting closer and they would find her if she didn't move. Prompto would surely lock her up for this move. Bella was so much trouble to him but he never complained, not once. It was a horrible way to repay that kindness but maybe he could hold her powers for the next heir. He felt strong already so it wouldn't seem like a terrible idea.

"Bella, I can sense you are here. I am not mad just please come out. We can work through a plan together," Prompto was pleading with her because he was so worried. He was so desperate to find her but she felt as though it was a different type of desperation. She had left a note in her brother's world that said her death had nothing to do with Prompto.

Letting Prompto or any of them in on this was their death sentence but she didn't know if she could do it on her own. She had decided to step out. "Fine you got me..."

"Bella you are okay!" Prompto hugged her and was relieved. He had never been so worried or desperate to find someone. Even the time Notics wondered off the castle grounds.

"I am okay. Why have such little faith in me Prompto?" Bella stayed in the hug. She enjoyed his hug and smiled. "I am sorry for worrying you."

"I have lots of faith in you but if you didn't make it I would never forgive myself. It is okay that I was worried," Prompto let her go and sat down. He was exhausted after running most the way there. It was time to plan anyways. They could rest for a few days and create a solid plan before they attack.

"You would be able to forgive yourself after a few years. I don't want you guys in the castle though. My power is deadly sometimes and I don't know how well I can control who it would hit with that force, " Bella sat down next to Prompto. She rested her head against his shoulder and sighed.

"My power is force fields. I can put us in one so you can't hurt us. We will be in that castle with you," Prompto was blushing slightly from her head being on his shoulder.

"Prompto her power isn't like others. No one knows if you could block it with the force fields to be honest," Gladio joined the conversation and sat across from Prompto and Bella. Ignis began moving some logs so it was more comfortable to sit. The forest was dense there and they would definitely here someone coming.

"I think it would actually. I gave you some of my power so if it doesn't stop it, you would be safe. You can come in," Bella realized that her power didn't kill her because it knew that she held the power. If Prompto also holds the power he shouldn't be killed either.

"I guess you are right. Two will be easier to sneak in than five as well. Let's come up with a solid plan now," Gladio smiled at Prompto and Bella. He hoped that once everything was over, they would be happy together, even if the rest would be jealous.

knicol knicol

Sorry for not posting recently. I've been very busy and I was having a small writers block

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