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System Played System Played original

System Played

Author: Unknown_NPC

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: "Transfer"

A young man had a tedious life. All he did was just repeated basic mundane things every day. This young fellow didn't like the world as much as the other teenagers did and he sees the people around him as buffons and insignificant. His name is Rogue Merlin "what a normal and boring world" he mumbled and sighs. He has always been into online games and virtuals world on his computer.

Another boring day quickly winds up. Today is the weekend and he is using his laptop searching about a new MMORPG (Mass Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) to play. As he does his thing on his personal computer, a message suddenly popped up on the screen."Tsssss..shits" he was irritated by the pop-up because of the newly opened tab which the notification had shown and blocks his screen from what he is doing, so he tried to close the pop-up window tab as usual. This time when he was closing the tab, he got irritated because it won't close no matter how many times he clicked on the close button. After his wasteful tries, the pop up suddenly changed its content, from just a simple advertisement to a message that says;

[NEFHLEIM is looking for new adventurer and a new champion!!!]

Rogue was a bit shocked "an MMORPG game" he thought and collected his patience again because the thing that he wanted to find has found him instead. He was now calm and clicked the next button. A new message came.

[If you want to be part of the Glory of Adventurers in NIFELHEIM please check the terms and conditions below.]

Just like any other MMORPG games, there are terms and conditions, but as a game expert, he directly scrolled down the long agreement without reading it and directly checked the box below the description that states of agreeing to the latter description of the terms and conditions.

[CONGRATUATIONS new adventurer!!]

Then a loud beeping sound suddenly filled Rogue's ear. Pain followed the ear-shattering sound and his sense of hearing seems like it has been heightened. "Aghhhhh!" he shouted as he felt the pain on his head, it was a lot worse than a migraine. He felt like his brain is being ripped off his head.

[Initiating TRANSFER, physical and mental analysis COMPLETE]

Name: Rogue

Race: Human

Status: Normal

Reward: Game's Roulette x1

[Transfer processing]

Rogue could hear a voice while having so much pain in his head, but he could not worry about it as he was more concerned about his condition right now. He slumps unto the floor from where he was sitting.

[Transfer processing complete]

And that's the last thing Rogue heard before he lost his consciousness from the extreme pain.


"Hey! hey! Wake up mister" he said while poking the guy's cheeks, but all he could get was no response at all. He dragged the person to the nearest shed of a big tree inside the forest where had also found himself and sat down beside the sleeping guy.

The sun was already up high and active, but inside this forest, the person could not feel the scorching sun above "I'm hungry" he mumbled to himself while pouting and having the expression of a kid wanting food from his parents. While still waiting for the guy to wake up, he stared at the sky thinking of what happened to him and to the unconscious guy beside him "that was painful" he grumbled while massaging his temples. His face was puzzled about what really happened to them, his dark brown eyes staring at the sky trying to think of some answer while hugging his feet. His curled hair suites his small face and his lips were pouting while thinking. He looks like in his early teenage years.

After a while, he got bored while sitting so he tried to look at the man's face lying beside him. He slowly closes the distance of his face to the person's face on the ground and started to observe this person. He noticed that this guy looks good, he has very dark eyebrows, but despite being a man, this person unexpectedly has long and curved eyelashes that compliment his hair and face.

While staring at the man's face below him, his face flushed when the guy's eyes started to open, as he saw the deep black eyes of this person comparable to the abyss.

He suddenly made a distance away from the guy on the ground and stood up quickly putting his hand on his pockets while trying to act as if he is looking at something in the sky while feeling very awkward. Rogue is waking up, opening his eyes and saw a silhouette above him. He could not clearly see what it is but it takes the shape of a person. He rubs his eyes while positioning to sit.

As he opened his eyes again, the light is blinding, but as his vision adjusted, he saw trees, a lot of trees 'forest' was the first thing that came into his mind.

While watching the guy waking up and adjusting his eyes, "are you okay now?" the young man asked the person on the ground, but he did not get any response. The guy just sat there doing nothing while looking at the surrounding. "Where am I?" the person questioned him back looking at him with no expression could be seen on his face.

Even though he also doesn't know where they are and what happened, this guy was rather calm while asking. Even when he woke up for couple of hours before he found the guy, he was very confused and scared of what happened during those time.

He tried to impose a confident manner toward the guy and cleared his throat "I also don't know, I also woke up somewhere in this forest after having some intense migraine and while I was walking trying to figure things out, I found you lying on the ground on the same state as I was before I woke up" he answered the guy's question.

The guy stood up and fixed himself in a quiet calm manner. He straightened up and look at the small guy near him "what's your name?" the guy asked, but before he could even answer, he was dumbstruck thinking that he was the one asking first then how could I be the one being interrogated now. The man looks still at the teen and waiting for the answers "ahh… my name?" the young man looks awkward while regaining himself from where he had lost his attention. The guy stood there not making any movement and still waited for an answer. "I am Ark" he finally answered and bowed as a sign of courtesy, but the guy was still looking at him waiting for something. Ark rolled his eyes, he understood why the guy was still waiting " Ark Solomon". "Rogue Merlin" the guy immediately replied without even looking at the young man.

[Welcome to NEFHLEIM adventurers! as a starting point, please choose a race from below]

A sudden interface came into their view as they heard the voice. the interface was like in a game displaying the player status and inventory window which is empty to the both of them. The interface suddenly changes and showed a series of information in front of them.

"Woah, this really looks like an MMORPG game" Ark was amused by this as he was also a gamer, the reason as to why he is also there with the man.

"Race check," Rogue said as if he was giving a command to the system looks like he was very familiar with it already. Rogue was thinking that he really did get transferred to this world and now having this gaming system interface. Having thought of that he had a pretty boring life back on earth anyway so he might as well try to make it fun for him here, that's why after realizing what happened, he quickly regained his calm. As gaming nerd, he had thought of a lot of ways to use this gaming system that he got and planned to make this game, play on his own game instead. Being a person who sees everything as a game, his gaming instinct to win is the best.

Ark looked at Rogue with amazement. He thought that this guy beside him is unbelievable for being this calm even though what happened is not normal people like him yet this person seems like he quite understood everything that happened.

Just as the command was given by Rogue, they heard the system's voice.

[Analyzing topographical environment.... ]

A 'beep' sound was heard.

[Nuriah Forest]

[Race affected, processing for a possible race on the area]

Then the system showed the result.

[RACE: Elf]

[Akin to magic themselves, beings that are semi-divine and of human stature and traits are being friendly with nature and animals]

'Beep', then another information was displayed.

[RACE: Demi Human]

[A partly human with half of a chosen species]

Rogue while looking at the screen, had a thought that as the system was scanning the surroundings, it affected the race that they could choose. He was now seriously thinking of which one to choose between the two, but a thought came into his mind. Rogue tried to close the interface while being in the middle of the race change option. The system then closed. "Race change check" rogue then commanded and as he said this the interface opened up again.

[Race change x1]

The system showed.

'As I suspected' he thought while confirming that his guess. The race change is like a reward point where you can change your race by having it and it's the player's choice of when to use this point just like having status points in games. He is now thinking that elves are common her on this environment so he could not miss the chance to became one even if he won't have race change today. He could just find a place where elves could be found and start a race change if he wanted because the most chance thing that he could not miss right now is the possibility that by going to other places, he might get a chance to choose from a powerful race somewhere that he didn't know yet, so he decided not to choose right now and keep the race change point.

While Rogue was gathering his insights about the game, the young man beside him was very amused to the Demi race. Ark thought that this race is going to be cool thinking of being half-animal. Then in his mind, the thought of changing into it without even minding what was Rogue thinking.

Ark clicked the interface as he picked the race "Demi-Human", excitement could be seen on his face.

[Race: Demi has been chosen, initiating race change]

[Scanning for possible genes for cross-race change]

'beep' then new information is showing on Ark's interface

[Choose from species to cross-change]

[Horned Rabbit]

[Water Deer]

[Flame Falcon.....]

A series of species came after another. They were magical animals inside this forest. There are a lot of choices coming out and still going on until some interesting choices were mentioned by the system.



[Forest Fae]

[Ancient Treant]

[Three-eyed wolf]

[Forest Dragon]

[Silver Blooded Horse]

The last seven species were shown on the interface and these are the most interesting choice for Ark as he had thought after seeing these choices. Some of the seven species that he is interested in are strong, some are mysterious and some are magical. Ark tried to touch the Forest Dragon name as this is the most appealing choice for him. Then a description was shown under its name was shown.

[Forest Dragon;

Forest Dragons are one of the ancient creatures in Nuriah Forest with green mossy scales. It said that forest dragons are able to control a forest itself. They are considered as the protector of the Nuriah Forest.]

Ark was astounded by this information. He was right that the forest dragon is indeed strong. After checking the description of the others, he was most intrigued by the Three-eyed Wolf, Forest Dragon, and the Silver Blooded Horse. The other four are also interesting but these three hold the most advantage among them so he has to choose from these three choices that he wants.

[Three-eyed Wolf;

Three-eyed Wolf is a rare kind of wolves, it is said that there is only one in a million chances that a Three-Eyed Wolf could be born. It has third eye on its forehead. Its third eye is believed to be able to see through time and reality itself]

[Forest Dragon;

Forest Dragons are one of the ancient creatures in Nuriah Forest with green mossy scales. It said that forest dragons are able to control forest and nature itself. They are considered as the protector of the Nuriah Forest.]

[Silver Blooded Horse;

Silver Blooded Horse has a silver skin that is even able to reflect lights and would have a magical feature during nights with bright moonlights. They are very rare and their silver blood holds a mysterious power that made them almost immortal. The blood's healing ability is highly potent that proves its sovereignty in time.]

Ark was thinking about choosing the Silver Blooded Horse because of its extreme healing ability and he would be like immortal but he had thought that if this kind of creature has such miraculous blood then they should be hunted by other races or creature for its blood, so his life by choosing this creature as his combination would be full of dangers. The Forest Dragon might be omnipotent in terms of power, but it just limits to this world. His last choice is the Three-Eyed Wolf, which he thought be the best because it could see through time and reality itself 'what a very cool ability' he thought while feeling very excited, so he chose the Three-Eyed Wolf as part of him. As he made his choice the system then followed

[Creature analysis starting]


[Creature analysis complete, initiating race change]

Then as the system finished, lights covered Ark's body. Ark was confused but thought that this must be part of the race change process, but then after he was fully covered by the lights, his head started to hurt just like before he was brought here. The pain that he was feeling right now was being focused on his forehead as if it was being forcefully opened up.

Rogue looked at the scene as he heard Ark suffering inside the light cocoon. He wondered what did Ark chose for his race change. After a while, the light around Ark's body started dissipating and he was amused as he saw a glowing symbol on Ark's forehead. The symbol is formed like an eye, but as he took his time looking at it he suddenly noticed that the leaves on the trees around that are being blown by the wind, started to slow down as it falls. Everything around them was like in slow motion. Followed by this phenomenon was Ark also started to levitate, his nails became claws, fur started to grow on his skin, it looks like he was transforming into a werewolf and the space around Ark wiggled as if it was being distorted. After a whole minute, the runic eye symbol suddenly closed becoming a small horizontal line in the middle of his forehead, his features also become a normal human again and the surrounding also came back to normal.

[Name: Ark]

[Race: Demi-Human; Three-Eyed Human ]

[Ability: Endowed with the third eye of a Three-Eyed Wolf;

Magical affinity to space and time: Exceptional]

[Skill: Metamorph;

Able to transform into a half three-eyed wolf as well as open the third eye]

[Effect: Control of space and time increases, Physical combat power increases]

"Too cool!!" Ark was flabbergasted and excited about what he got, especially his affinity to space and time magic. The skill metamorph also made him very grateful, his face flushed and showed how pleased he feels after getting his race changed. "I can do space and time magic," he said the man with a smiling face, feeling contented of his ability as a demi-human. The guy just looked at him with a plain expression. Ark was disappointed. "Anyways my skill is very unique and I won't tell you," he said trying to boast what he got to cover his disappointment. He had expected that this Rogue would get envious of him.

As Ark was hooked into trying his new race, Rogue noticed that there is one reward on the reward panel on his interface so he tried tapping it.

[Game's Roulette x1]

[Would you like to use the reward?]

[YES] or [NO]

Rogue is confused about why he has a reward. He taps the reward name and gets its description.

[Game's Roulette x1;

Roulette with a reward given after the spin]

Of course its a roulette, what would he expect?. He then taps YES to open the reward and a roulette appeared on his interface. The roulette's rewards shown are in question marks. It started spinning. Rogue was thinking if Ark also got a reward so he gazed into the delighted person in front of him "Ark, see if you got any reward at the side panel of your interface" he ordered Ark. "Nahhh," directly replied after taking a quick glance on his interface, as he was still busy admiring his changes.

'I'm the only one who got it huh' as he thought about it, the roulette was slowly stopping and ended up pointing one of the question marks.


[Reward: Ability]

[Rarity: Unkown]

[Name: Adaptation]

Rogue looked at the reward and tapping it on his screen to see its description, but after looking at the information, he was aghasted by the rewards explanation.

Unknown_NPC Unknown_NPC

This is my first time writing a story. I hope I could be better by doing this and inspired enough for the next chapter.

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