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17.39% The Dwarven System / Chapter 4: Reborn as a... Dwarf?

Chapter 4: Reborn as a... Dwarf?

*Chatter chatter*

"Huh? Am I not dead? Did they manage to bring me back to life? That would explain why my body is aching right now... But why can I see nothing, did I lose my eyesight from the collision? Damn, this day keeps getting worse by the second. How am I supposed to explain this to mum...?" Despaired Sam silently.

Although he was overjoyed that he could have another chance to live his ordinary life and right his wrongs and mend relations with society and his mother, he was equally, if not more so, frightened and anxious as his reason for why he got into a traffic collision could dictate his future as he could either be placed in a psychology ward or he could live a normal life. Of course, this all depended on his reasons and how good of a liar he was, although he despised the thought of lying to his mother directly just to protect his future and image.

For now, he would just keep his eyes closed and hope that his eyes decide to work and that the doctors didn't notice his eyes open and won't notice him being awake.

Or so he thought until a harsh winter breeze pricked at Sam's spine like hypothermic acupunctures piercing his fragile skin and pressing against his nerves.

"What the hell?! What type of hospital leaves their windows open during winter-- Wait a minute, winter? It was summer last time I checked... Was I in a coma? Where am I?" He thought aloud, not caring if there were doctors or nurses near him.

He looked with his eyes wide open, trying to see anything, rubbing his eyes to try and fix his apparently disabled eyesight. Yet, at the corner of his eye, he saw a ray of dust floating through the glimmer of light passing through a barred window.

Relieved that his eyes worked fine, he then went into a frenzied panic, attempting to piece together his situation.

"Okay, alright, so I'm in an excruciatingly dark room with a window which looks way too similar to a prison window, with the steel bars and everything, but I was hit by a truck, I didn't rob a bank or anything! Is it illegal to jump in front of trucks? Well, I guess no one has survived to find out before..."

He tried to piece together everything that has happened so far but to no avail.

"Come on... Think... What have I done to be in this situation... I can't think of anything! If only I had one of those systems in those novels I love so much where they give a detailed synopsis of everything which has happened in my life..." He desperately pleaded in his mind for a system to randomly appear but he knew life wasn't like that, or else he wouldn't have thrown himself in front of a truck.


Your detailed summary of current life: You were born in the world of Kondruin, in the galaxy "MR0-SYN" (As named by the Humans on Earth, Milky Way), where you were raised in a noble household. Being close friends to the current king, your household would've inherited the throne if the king had no offspring. Due to this, multiple other noble households despised the family to the point where they colluded behind the king's back to destroy the household. They kidnapped your parents and sold them to a slave dealer and framed you for their disappearance. The king heard this and, out of grief, immediately sentenced you to life in prison. The previous owner of this body died of starvation from the neglect of the prison guards. Your body has been revitalised before your reincarnation."

"Well then, that explains everyth-- Wait... What was that?! Did I actually get a system or did I hit my head too hard on that truck?" Exclaimed Sam.

Frightened yet intrigued by the voice he heard before, his curiosity grew more and more.

"What are you? Are you actually a system or did I lose 98% of my brain cells from the collision?"


Affirmative, I am The Reincarnation System. I was sent to you by God through his recent addition of The Reincarnation Act. Originally, it was only for living beings to reincarnate as a different species whilst not retaining their past memories. Only a few reincarnate as their original species or remember their past, making them anomalies. His most recent addition made it so every living being who has lived a short life and has been hit by a truck under certain circumstances will be reincarnated with something they wanted in their previous life. In your case, you wanted a system and so you have attained The Reincarnation System for your new adventure. Since you have kept your past memories, you have been acknowledged as an anomaly and thus I will also act as a log to document your behaviour and attitudes and send them to God's secretaries so they can analyse the data and attempt to fix this issue for future reincarnations."

Sam was completely stumped. Never would he have thought that he would be reincarnated into a different world with a system, much like the protagonists of his favourite novels. However, due to his many fantasies at night about being in this situation, he quickly adjusted to the situation, although he was still in a daze about his summary from the system.

"Alright. I can delve deeper into my past later but, for now, I need to check my surroundings. Didn't the system claim that I was sentenced for life in prison? So I should be in a prison cell right now... Too bad that I can't see anything due to the poorly managed lighting of these cells. On that topic, am I in a dungeon? It sure feels like it!"


Do you wish to purchase *Night Vision* from the System Store?

Cost: 50 Power Stones

The system recognises that the user's power stone storage is currently: 0 Power Stones. Do you wish to purchase the item with interest?

Cost with interest: Free (+100 Power Stone interest)"

It seemed that the System bestowed upon Sam also used the currency he was most familiar with, Power Stones.

"Of course, I have one of these greedy systems which extort the protagonist at every given moment... I should've realised there was a catch somewhere, everything was too happy..." Sighed Sam.

Sam spent approximately three hours attempting to adjust to the dim lighting but to no avail. All he could see was the rays of light which shone through each cell's window and landed on a spot of stone. He finally gave up on the idea of saving himself from the extortions of the system and gave in. Surprisingly, this was occasionally interrupted by the harsh scoffs and sniggers from the system.

"Alright, I concede, I'll purchase *Night Vision*." He reluctantly exclaimed.


Previous offer has expired! Interest has increased to 250 Power Stones!

Do you still wish to purchase *Night Vision*?"

"God damn it! My attempt to spend fewer Power Stones has instead backfired! I just hope that Power Stones are easy to claim..."

Although depressed, he bought it with a strong resolve to use this to his benefit in the future in spite of this greedy and selfish system.


Skill *Night Vision* bought!

Activate? (Y/N)"

"Yes, of course! If I didn't want to equip it, I wouldn't have bought it, would I?" Shouted Sam, oblivious to his surroundings.

As soon as he loudly confirmed that he wanted to use the skill "Night Vision", a blinding light filled Sam's vision, completely blinding Sam. Luckily for Sam, his eyes adjusted to the blinding light and he could clearly see everything in perfect 20/20 vision.

When he looked at his surroundings, he looked around at his surroundings. He was stuck in a completely stone room with the only openings being the barred window behind him and the steel door in front of him. The door had many runes on them which he couldn't decipher. alongside a single rune at the top of the door.

After looking at his surroundings, he realised he was tiny compared to the room around him. Originally, he wondered if he was a child. However, his bronze beard said otherwise. He couldn't understand what he was and so he went to his trusty yet greedy system for information.

"System, what am I?" Pondered Sam, curious if he was just an old midget or another species.

"Ding! The system recognises your race to be a: Dwarf!

Race updated: Unknown -> Dwarf

Race Skills acquired: *Night Vision*, *Aging Disorder*, *Natural Craftsmith*

Statistics increased:

+10 Strength

- 5 Dexterity

+5 Charisma

System renamed to: "The Dwarven System"!"

The system laughed uncontrollably upon Sam hearing about the *Night Vision* skill and his facial change as his face contorted into that of unbridled rage or despair.

Although he appreciated the new skills and the increased statistics, Sam was furious. The system had tricked him into purchasing a skill he didn't even need to buy! This was practically highway robbery for all he cared.

Calming down from his rage, he thought about his current situation and how he should continue, but before he could do anything, he heard the clunking of steel hitting the hard stone floor as it got closer and closer to Sam's cell and the rune at the top of the door had glowed a bright blue.

Thomas_Carr Thomas_Carr

Thank you for reading the second chapter. Although this is only a hobby, I won't make a poorly made webnovel. I wrote an extra 500 words for this one because of my lack of chapters yesterday. I had a few things going on that day and just couldn't find the motivation or time to write on that day. Of course, this won't be a common occurrence and I'll try and write more the next day if it does happen like I have today. I appreciate you reading my novel and hope you like the future chapters.

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