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46.66% Chronicles of Soul Gifts / Chapter 14: Big Bunny

Chapter 14: Big Bunny

"So for one potion, I need 3.5 grams of Noble Chamomile flower, 2 grams of Rasayan Musli root, 10 grams of Aurelius Ginseng and 1 half of a level 1 Horned Moon Rabbit's horn."

Zeno had already instructed Profile to copy the recipe onto the Hidden Codex. He was planning to recreate the potion if possible, but it has to be done in utmost secrecy. He was planning to scan the whole forest in his vision until everything in the recipe is obtained.

'Scanner Vision'

Hundreds of datasheets of every plant species in the immediate vicinity surrounding him appeared. He had only focused on the plant species and animal species( if hidden) in the range of 3 metres around him. Luckily there were no beasts hidden in the vicinity aiming for his neck. Even though he had only expanded his vision to 3 metres around him, his energy points had drained by about 48 points.

Using 'View' on one or two targets doesn't cost a single energy point. However, if he expands his target to a whole area, then there is a sufficient consumption from his side.

'Profile, is there any of the ingredients present here?'

Looking at the hundreds and hundreds of datasheets floating up, he was getting so dizzy that he left the searching job to Profile.

[13 Noble chamomile flowers are present in the sudden vicinity whereas 1 Rasayan Musli root is present under the user's feet. Aurelius Ginseng isn't present here.]

Hearing the response from Profile, Zeno looks below his feet to notice that he was standing above a bushy crop. He doesn't waste his time and starts to dig the ground around the bush. After digging around for some time, he was able to take out the roots that look like thin potato strips crisscrossed, with no damage to it at all. Then he goes on to collect the 13 chamomile flowers from the places pointed out by Profile.

[User is advised to head back since large beasts are said to roam around this time.]

"You can't get anything without taking some risks. We will go after catching one more rabbit."

Saying so, Zeno starts to make a makeshift spear from branches that have fallen from the trees. Unlike others he doesn't have to waste his World Energy on conjuring some weapon if he can make it with his hands. Sharp stones from the ground made his work easier than expected. It wasn't exactly perfect workmanship, but it would suffice.

Once again, he goes around the forest outskirts trying to look for more rabbits. He sees various beasts on the way, which he could have tried to capture. But since he had decided it to be a rabbit hunt, he shall focus on only rabbits today.

Soon he comes across a litter of Horned Moon Rabbits. Most of them could be seen digging here and there in the ground and some of them humping on its neighbour. Rabbits are natural diggers, hence they always try to dig burrows to make their homes. Sometimes they also make pathways from one burrow to another burrow through the earth to escape predators.

Zeno decides to target one of the medium sized rabbits simply running around, closer to him. Since he was a bit far, none of the rabbits hadn't noticed his presence. He gets only one chance before all of them try to escape. He readies his makeshift wood spear and holds it above his head parallel to the ground. He wasn't an expert thrower or something, but he knew some basics from his previous world.

Just when he notices the target preparing to jump, he aims for the spot where its belly would be and throws.



The rabbit having hit cries out aloud scaring its cousins from their digging and thumping.

Those damn humans. Can't let a rabbit chill under the moonlight, thought the fellow rabbits.

Noticing an attack upon their neighbour, they all scoot from the place within a moment's notice leaving their brother behind. It seems they were afraid that some powerful hunter had made them his target. The impaled rabbit dies after a few minutes, leaving behind its body.

"Not much camaraderie in the litter, I presume."

Zeno doesn't feel any guilt or remorse for having killed a living being. This wasn't his first kill either in the lifetime including his previous life. He knows this is necessary for his survival here. He can't afford to be a wimp nor was he one.

He goes on to collect the body coming out from his hiding place. What he doesn't notice is that the jungle had gone quite silent after the death cry from the rabbit. However he was vigilant as he was planning to vacate the site faster after collecting the loot lest the smell of blood on ground attracts unwanted attention.

While collecting the body into a sack, he had brought, he didn't notice two bright pink lights lighting up from within the dark forest. The colour of the lights were bordering in the range between pink and blood red. Coming into the moonlight, it is revealed to be the eyes of a humongous beast having a size greater than 2 metres.

Massive chubby legs thumping on the grounds paired with two large teeths jutting out of its mouth from above continously chattering, its presence was made aware to Zeno who had just finished gathering the loot.

From the looks of it, he knew that the beast was angry at him for some reason. It seems the rabbit's papa or mama had come for revenge. He doesn't even try to waste his time to view the beast's stats. Only one thought remained on his mind at that moment.


[Now would be a perfect time to test user's stamina and endurance. RUN!!!!!]

Zeno had already started running even before hearing Profile's sarcastic advice. Since there was a considerable distance of more than 100 metres between them, he was planning to outrun it if possible.

What he hadn't expected however was that the Big Papa Rabbit has activated its skill- Quick Rush to latch onto his trail.

Puny human, how dare you hunt my kin!!? Big Bunny shall have its vengeance,

Thinking that thought to oneself, it invokes a bright light, the intensity that of the shining Moon emerges from its horn which is transmitted to its limbs providing it with strength and agility. With each step it took, the earth trembled and the branches quaked. Each of its step gained it a distance of more than 5 metres closer to its target. Zeno had now become the target and Big Bunny, the predator.

Noticing the bunny closing upon him, Zeno changes his direction while running only to narrowly miss the huge paw from the beast bunny which just crashed carrying its whole momentum, into a large tree toppling it over. It seems to have knocked its head on the tree trunk making it senseless for a few moments.

"I should never ever EVER have thought that going into a jungle was ok. Who was I kidding? Are these rabbits on steroids or what? If they all grow up to that size, what the hell would other species like elephants would grow up to? How is it that all humans are not dead in this world?" Zeno talks to himself out aloud while running to relieve some of his stress.

Even though Zeno manages to gain a couple of distances between them during this time, it is still not enough to outrun it. There is still some considerable distance towards the village he had to cover. He doesn't look backwards and moves forward with all the strength he could muster.

Vengeance shall be MINEEEE..., the rabbit beast regains its killer instincts after coming to senses.

The Papa Rabbit after shaking its head vigorously chases after Zeno only to notice another beast having a similar size to it blocking its path. Since it was under the shade of the large trees in the surrounding, only the general outline of it was visible. One thing the Big Bunny is sure of is that it is no fellow bunny.

How dare you block the path of the Big Bunny!!! Bunny shall have its revenge.

That thought was the last thought the beast bunny had before a paw much larger than its, smashed into its head knocking it out cold.


The beast hiding in the shade makes an expression similar to a smirk after making sure that the rabbit was knocked out senseless. Looking at the path through which Zeno had escaped for one last time, the hidden beast goes back into the wood from which it had come from.

"It isn't following me anymore, is it?"

Zeno asks Profile to clarify.

[It seems that is the case. User is once again reminded to follow Profile's warning next time.]

"Yeah, yeah.."

Zeno manages to reach the village gate without much difficulty other than looking like a savage that had stayed in a cave for too long. His clothes were all torn and he had gained himself some bruises on his soft skin. His hair was mangled here and there with no order. Fortunately he had grabbed his sack before running and didn't lose it on the way.

The guards at the village, noticing his getup, checked his sack only to find a dead rabbit and some plants. Since, it wasn't any material that could pose danger to the village, they allowed him entry after warning him not to bite more than he could chew next time. They understood that the kid must have tried something daring, otherwise, he wouldn't be in this state.

Zeno nods his head to express he has understood. Then he storms from there on foot as soon as possible to reach his home. He hadn't informed Adam of the fact that he would go hunting tonight with his newfound buddies. He was expecting to hear an earful from his brother for taking such a risk. Hopefully, it would be better than getting eaten by a bad bunny.

Zero_Dragnaire Zero_Dragnaire

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