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8.33% Incest Stories(MILF) / Chapter 15: stranded 2

Chapter 15: stranded 2

The following day, they woke up to a warm sunny day. As the family washed up, ate breakfast and went through their usual morning routine, things were still awkward between Liam and Beatrice. A full night's sleep did not help them cope with the fact that they had sex, and they kept on blushing and looking away every time they ran into each other.

With the sun high in the sky, Beatrice was giving her younger sister another yoga lesson. Their father was sitting in the shade a few feet away, trying to build a primitive fishing trap, and Liam announced he was going to explore the island and look for some fruit trees they might have missed. In truth, he just didn't want to be near his sister, especially while she was doing yoga.

Amelia and Beatrice kept going, switching between several different poses, until Bea decided to go for a swim in the ocean and left her sister to keep practicing.

"How is this?" Amelia asked her sister twenty minutes later when she came out of the water. She showed her a pose she was practicing, and her sister did not seem impressed.

"Better" Bea told her younger sister, "but still not enough" she added. "Here," she said and grabbed her sister's leg, pulling it further up "you need try and stretch it even more" she said while she helped her bring her leg higher. "Keep practicing and you'll get it" she added and gave her sister a playful smack on the bum which made her jump up and giggle. "I'm gonna go wash up in the waterfall" she said and vanished behind the trees, leaving her sister to keep practicing.

Amelia kept practicing, switching between poses and trying to do what her sister taught her. She kept trying to do it correctly but didn't quite manage to get it right.

"Hey dad" Amelia called out to her father as she kept trying a specific pose, but every time lost her balance.

"Yeah sweetie?" her father said back, looking up from his project.

"Can you come help me for a sec?" she asked.

"Yeah, I guess" he said and dragged himself up, walking over to his daughter. "What do you need help with?" he asked as he stood next to his daughter.

"There are a few yoga poses I'm trying to do and just can't get them right" Amelia told her father as she stood in one of the easier poses.

"I'm not sure what I can do to help" Henry said back and watched his daughter as she stretched her hands above her head.

"I just need someone for support and to help stretch me in some of the poses" Amelia told her father as she brought her hands down.

"Alright," Henry said with a cautious tone "just tell me what to do" he added. He wasn't sure how appropriate it was, but it seemed harmless.

"Great" Amelia said as she gave her father a big smile, "just stand behind me and watch, I'll tell you when I need your help" Amelia told her father and he walked behind her. For her first exercise with her father's help, Amelia decided to start with a simpler pose she was having trouble with. She stood up straight, raised her leg up to the side of her while trying to keep it straight and then tried to grab her toes. She tried it a few times on her own, but each time lost her balance and fell.

Henry stood behind his daughter as she practiced. His gaze was drawn to her luscious tan ass, but each time he made himself quickly look away, trying to concentrate on her exercise.

"Dad, I need you to hold me for support" Amelia told her father frustrated.

Okay, what do you mean by hold you?" Henry asked as he once again looked away from his daughter's fine rump.

"Just grab my waist" she told her father and waited until she felt his strong palms on her skin.

"Like this?" Henry asked his daughter as he held her from behind.

"Exactly" Amelia said and continued trying. With her father holding her, she easily lifted her leg up again and managed to grab her toes. She wobbled a little, but after regaining her balance she tried to straighten her leg completely. "Dad, I need you to help me straighten my leg" Amelia said after a few tries of her own.

Henry gave his daughter a few more seconds to make sure she was balanced, then moved to her leg. He placed a hand under her calf, another hand on her soft thigh, and slowly applied pressure until her leg was straight. He kept his hand on her for a few more seconds, and only then let go, leaving her standing in the pose perfectly.

Amelia stayed in that pose for another minute before bringing her leg down and clapping her hands with delight. "That was great" she said cheerfully and shook her hands and legs a bit for release. "Okay, next one" she said while facing her father and straightened her stance. She then bowed down and reached for her toes, folding her body in half. "Dad, now I want you to get behind me and push back, pressing me against my legs from above" Amelia told her father.

"Are you sure honey?" Henry asked his daughter as her butt hovered next to him. He thought he understood what his daughter was asking but it would put them in an awkward position.

"Yeah dad, don't worry about it" Amelia said, eager to complete another exercise.

Henry took his place behind his daughter and looked down at her. He pressed his legs to the back of hers, and placed his hands on her bare back, gently pressing down.

"Dad, that's too far up" Amelia told her father as he started "put your hands just below my neck" Amelia said as she struggled to maintain the position.

"Yeah, okay" Henry told his daughter and pushed his hands lower. There was no way to do so without also bending his back, and as he did so, he had to tighten his body against his daughter, resulting in him pressing his limp cock into her ass.

"Yeah dad, that's great" Amelia managed to say as her father pushed her into position. Amelia was so concentrated on the stretch, she barely felt her father's cock touching her. They stayed like that for almost a minute before Henry let go and they both came up for air. They were both red from the exercise and panting.

"That was really good" Amelia said happily "next one…."

"No more," her father interrupted her "that was enough for me" he said panting from the strain. He also felt he was getting quite aroused in the last one and wanted to stop it there.

"Just one more then" Amelia told her father and gave him a pleading look. "Please?" she added, putting on her cutest smile and her father could not refuse and agreed to one more. "This last one requires a lot of flexibility and I'm not quite there, so I need your help stretching me" Amelia told her father and took a seat on the warm sand. She folded her knees in and hugged them as her father looked down at her. She suddenly realized how embarrassing this pose was going to be, but after her father barely agreed to one more, she didn't want to push his help and decided to go ahead with it. "Dad, just get down on your knees in front of me" Amelia told her father and watched as he did.

Henry looked at his daughter as she sat on the sand with her legs folded in, her beautiful boobs hidden behind them. Amelia gave him a shy look as he shifted on his knees in front of her. She waited for him to stay still before grabbing her ankles with both hands. She gave her father another shy look, blushing slightly, and started spreading her legs.

Henry looked amazed as his daughter started spreading her legs slowly, her breasts and vulva visible again as she kept spreading her legs wider apart. Henry suddenly understood which pose this was, as he had seen her practice it with her sister earlier that day. He also recalled how her sister helped her with this particular exercise and suddenly found himself thinking back to Liam and Beatrice, and what they were doing yesterday.

"Dad, can you help stretch me now?" Amelia asked as she rolled onto her back. She held her ankles tightly and opened her legs as far as she could. She was slightly embarrassed by the fact that she was flashing her bare pussy to her dad.

Henry was lost for words as his youngest daughter asked for his help while in this deeply exposing position. He glanced at her pretty face, followed by her firm tits, and down to her enticing vagina. Her current position slightly parted her labia and revealed her perfect pink pussy. He could feel his cock starting to twitch, and before his daughter noticed it, he placed his hands on her knees and began pushing them further apart.

"Slower daddy" Amelia said with groan, feeling her muscles stretching beyond their comfort zone as her dad slowly applied pressure. "Stop for sec!" she told her dad, grimacing as her thighs began to burn. As Amelia held the stretch, her gaze wandered down to her father's semi erect penis. It seemed to be getting a little hard, but Amelia didn't dwell on it and asked her father to keep going.

Henry slid his hands down to his daughter's delicate thighs as she asked him to keep stretching her legs. It was getting uncomfortable to keep pushing and Henry had to readjust his stance as he continued. He straightened up, towering over her, and moved his hands just above her knees, trying to stretch her into splits. As Henry did so, there was no way for him to prevent it, and his hardening cock ended up touching his daughter's pussy.

Amelia felt something touching her exposed intimate zone as her father stretched her legs to the edge of her ability. She raised her head and was surprised to see her father's almost fully erect cock resting on her vulva. As strange as it was to have her own father's penis touching her down there, after over a month without sex, it was enough to get her wet. She kept looking at her father's erection, admiring the size of his manhood as he kept stretching her legs.

Only after a few seconds, Henry realized his daughter was no longer paying attention to the exercise. He was about to scold when he followed her gave down. Only then did he notice that not only was his cock hard, but it was laying flat across her pussy. Henry immediately let go of his daughter's legs and stayed still as they found themselves in this clearly inappropriate position for a father and daughter to be in.

Amelia recovered from the stretch and placed her feet flat on the sand with her knees folded. Her father was still on his knees between her legs, and with his hard cock now touching her naval, he slowly started moving backwards.

Henry slowly moved back, sliding the tip of his hard dick along his daughter's pubic mound as he tried pulling it away. As much as it sickened him, Henry could not deny how good brushing his cock along his daughter's vulva felt. When the tip of Henry's cock reached Amelia's slit, a shiver ran down his spine. All he needed to do was move back another quarter inch and get up for this twisted workout to be over, but he didn't. When the tip of his erect cock touched the lips of his daughter's vagina, she let out a cute little moan and Henry lost control. He could feel her cunt teasing his cock, begging for it, and before he could realize what he was doing, he found himself pressing the head of his cock to her opening. He could feel his daughter was wet, she wanted this, and without thinking about it, he found himself pushing his shaft inside, penetrating his daughter's warm tight snatch.

A whimpering moan left Amelia's lips as her father breached her intimate hole. The first thing she felt was complete shock, shortly followed by incredible pleasure. She could not believe this was happening, and as she looked down she saw her father's cock violating her.

With his dick buried deep inside his youngest daughter, Henry regained just a bit of his wits back. He looked up at his daughter's face, and after seeing no shred of resistance on it, he slid his hands down her smooth thighs, and started thrusting, pushing his cock in and out of her perfect twat.

Amelia let out a deep moan as her father began fucking her. She closed her eyes and relaxed as she offered her prized jewel to her father. Electrifying pleasure took hold of her as he began rhythmically shoving his cock into her. She could feel a wave of warmth hugging her with each thrust of her father's hips, his hard shaft sliding along her pussy, stretching and rubbing it in endless delight.

"Oh my god dad!" Amelia moaned at the intense sexual pleasure. She moved her hands to her sides and propped herself up on her elbows, lifting her torso. She looked over at her father, his gaze focused on her pussy as he kept hammering it with his big hard cock, defiling his daughter as their bodies united with unworldly pleasure.

Amelia and Henry lost themselves in the incestuous act as they ascended into a new world of pleasure. Amelia stayed on her back on the warm sand, eagerly accepting her father's manhood inside her with each thrust as he so willingly entered her. They moaned genuinely as their depraved act continued, Amelia's womanhood stretched by her father's rod while constricting around it.

They kept it up for a few minutes, moaning and groaning on the warm sand as their naked bodies merged in the unholiest of ways. Suddenly, they heard movement coming from the bushes.

The sound shook Henry and Amelia from the sexual trance they were in and they both stopped to listen. Henry's penis was still inside his daughter when the ruffling sound became distinctive footsteps, and a few seconds later, Beatrice's figure emerged from between the trees near the shelter, only thirty feet from them.

Alarm took hold of them both the second they spotted Beatrice. Henry pulled his throbbing member as fast as he could out of his daughter's pussy. He rolled over to the side, laid down on his stomach with his erection pressed into the warm sand and closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep. Next to him, Amelia grabbed her legs and tried to stretch them as wide as she could, doing the pose her father was helping her with before things went crazy.

"Hey, not bad" Bea said to her sister as she walked over "You've almost got it" she added and got down on her knees between her sister's legs. She grabbed her thighs and gently stretched a little more, not knowing that a few minutes ago her father was in the same place.

After a few minutes, with Bea laying on her stomach sunbathing, Henry felt it was safe to get up. His cock was still hard and throbbing as he got up without facing his daughters. He walked to the ocean and hid from view behind a large boulder. Once there, he eagerly closed his hand around his hard penis and began stroking his pulsing erection. He was sickened by what Amelia and he just did but couldn't stop thinking about it while he masturbated wildly. It didn't take long for him to cum, and he let out a deep groan of pleasure as he shot a huge load onto the wet sand at his feet.

As opposed to Liam and Beatrice's awkwardness after doing what they did, Henry and Amelia acted like nothing happened. They kept talking and looking at each other the same, and the night after it happened, they had no problem sleeping next to each other in the shelter.

Although she acted like nothing happened between her and her dad, something did happen to Amelia. After being reminded what a big hard cock inside her felt, she started getting horny much more often. She would see her brother working out, her father walking around or simply think of what they did, and she would get aroused. She would then walk off alone and masturbate until she would get the release her body craved for.

Three days after Amelia and her father did the unthinkable, she was laying on the sand next to Liam who was napping. Her father and sister went to get a drink and some more grapes and she just sat there soaking up the sun. The awkwardness between Liam and Bea was slowly getting better, and he was enjoying an afternoon nap as the tropical sun kissed his body.

Amelia was laying on her back next to her brother and looking up at the cloudless sky as her mind wandered. Liam was laying on his side and facing away from her as he slept. They kept laying there lazily for a few minutes when Liam, still sleeping, rolled over to his back.

Amelia's gaze shifted to her brother's cock, now in plain view and she looked at it admiringly. Even when soft it was an impressing cock, and she felt herself getting aroused while looking at it rest flat on Liam's lower stomach. Amelia thought back to her father's penis inside her while she kept looking at her brother's, and without thinking about what she was doing, she held her hand out and gently grasped her brother's manhood. Realizing what she did, she quickly looked up at her brother's face to make sure he was still sleeping. She tightened her grip around it, enjoying the feel of her brother's meat in her hand, then started to carefully stroke him, wanting to see its full length.

Amelia could feel Liam's cock getting hard in her hand as she jerked his shaft. She was getting wetter as her brother was getting harder, and within a few minutes she was holding his hard eight-inch snake and looking at it with awe. It was bigger than her dad's by almost an inch and she remembered how deep his penis felt inside her. She could only imagine how deep her brother's cock would. Amelia snuck a hand down to her pussy and started playing with it while she continued stroking her brother's full length. She gave her clit a few rubs, then slipped a finger inside her wet twat and let out a small moan while continuing to stroke her brother's erection to her enjoyment.

Liam felt a very nice sensation as he woke up from his nap. He was still sleepy at first and didn't know what it was, just that it felt good. He relaxed as the delightful feeling washed over him. He was not asleep anymore but not quite awake. When he opened his eyes, he finally understood what the feeling was. His sister was jerking his hard cock while apparently pleasuring herself too. She was so concentrated on his cock she didn't even notice he woke up. Liam stayed quiet and let his sister continue, enjoying her soft hand stroking all along shaft and clenched his teeth as the pleasure grew. Without noticing it, Amelia started going a little faster and it felt incredible. Liam listened to the gentle moans escaping his sister's lips and felt his release approaching.

While it wasn't her initial intention, after jerking her brother off for several minutes, she wanted to make him cum. She was a little worried that he might wake up, but the desire to watch him ejaculate was stronger. She could feel his shaft pulsing in her hand and she knew it wouldn't be long before he would squirt. She stopped for a second to spit into her hand, then returned it to his dick, focusing on stimulating the head with her slippery hand. Amelia stopped touching herself and concentrated on making her brother cum. His body was still motionless and relaxed, and she was sure he was asleep as she stroked him a little faster. She kept jerking him for another minute until he finally came.

Liam fought to keep quiet as the first wave of pleasure hit him and he started ejaculating. He watched his cock as it started squirting his sperm onto his lower stomach, his sister's soft hand urging it on and bringing more waves of pleasure to his body. Liam managed to keep quiet as Amelia jerked his cock throughout his orgasm, but as the last waves rushed through his body, the pleasure was too great, and Liam involuntarily let out a deep grunt.

Amelia quickly turned her head as she heard her brother let out a grunt and turned red when she noticed he was awake. Her hand was still around her brother's penis and he was looking straight at her with an incomprehensible expression on his face. "Sorry" Amelia mumbled blushing. She let go of her brother's penis and quickly stood up, walking away towards the ocean.

Amelia barely talked to Liam for the rest of the day. She was too embarrassed by what she did and didn't know what to say to him. After it got dark, when they went to sleep in the shelter, to Amelia's surprise, Liam took the place next to her. On the other side of him was Bea, and their father was next to her on the opposite side of the shelter.

A short while after Amelia fell asleep she awoke to the sensation of her brother's hand caressing her waist. He was spooning her, her head resting on his left arm, and he was running his hand along her side. A pleasurable shiver ran along her spine as he traced his hand along her soft skin. He traced it up along her side, then slid his hand over her and reached for her breasts, grabbing one.

Amelia kept quiet as her brother gently fondled her tit, clearly knowing what he was doing. He played with her tits for a few minutes, squeezing them and playing with her hardening nipples, getting Amelia extremely turned on. After he was done playing with her boobs, Liam guided his hand down along Amelia's body. He slid it along her stomach, over her short bush and onto her warm pussy. She was breathing heavily as her brother placed his warm hand on her intimate region. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she surrendered her womanhood to her brother's hand. He started by brushing his thumb along her slit, getting her wetter and wetter, then used the tip of his middle and index fingers to brush along her inner labia, causing her to let out a moan.

Liam stopped touching her pussy and slowly pulled his arm from under her. Amelia was sure she blew it and he was about to stop. She was so aroused she wanted him to keep going. Instead of stopping, Liam pulled his left arm back until her head was resting on his wrist, then, to Amelia's surprise, he covered her mouth with his palm.

"This is just so you don't wake anyone up" Liam whispered in her ear as he continued rubbing her pussy "I wanted to repay you for earlier" he added and gently pressed his thumb onto her engorged clit, making her moan into her palm. Liam teased her clit with the tip of his thumb a little, then slid his hand lower and slithered his middle finger into his sister's wet snatch.

Amelia closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation as her brother began fingering her. He started with just his middle finger, shoving it in and out of her wet cunt. She could feel her brother's cock was now completely hard, pressed against her ass and it turned her on even more. She tried to keep quiet as her younger brother added another finger into her gushing hole. He began pumping her pussy with his middle and index fingers, bringing her new levels of pleasure as he repeatedly pushed his fingers as deep inside her muff as he could. Amelia whimpered into his hand as he did this, and once he started rubbing her clit with his thumb while keeping his fingers buried inside of her, she exploded.

Amelia clenched her teeth as hard as she could and closed her eyes as the orgasm started. She could feel her brother pressing tighter into her body as it began to tremble with pleasure. She brought a hand down between her legs and placed it over her brother's hand to stop him from stimulating her clit while her thighs shuddered with sexual ecstasy. She froze as the euphoric waves slowly faded and she was left hot and sweaty in her brother's arms. Once her orgasm completely faded, she moved his hand from her mouth and let him pull it back.

The following morning Liam woke up first, and as the rest of his family started opening their eyes around him, he raced to the ocean for a quick swim. His cock was so hard it was throbbing, and his hands were covered in the smell of his sister's sexual juices. He quickly took care of both things and returned just as his father and sisters were getting on their feet.

"Little early for swim no?" Bea asked in a sleepy voice and looked at her wet brother as he joined them, his cock not completely soft yet.

"What are you talking about?" Liam said as he ran both hands through his wet mane "that was so refreshing. You should try it" he added.

"No thanks, too early for me" Bea said ending the discussion and they all made their usual morning trip to the waterfall.

When they came back, they added more wood to the fire and had a humble breakfast of grapes and a coconut. After breakfast, they all worked on fixing up the shelter. It had not rained for a few days so there was no real damage, but they didn't want to test it during a storm and took an hour to tighten the beams, add a fresh layer to the roof and deepen the water trenches they had around it. Afterwards, they went for a swim in the ocean and relaxed on the golden beach.

Later that day, Amelia walked out of the ocean after another swim and joined her family. Beatrice was doing some mild yoga, Liam was in the middle of doing sit ups, and Henry was yet again trying to make a bunch of sticks, stones and leaves into a fishing trap.

"I think we're running low on grapes," Amelia said when she reached them "I'm going to go get some." she announced "Liam, you want to join me?" she asked nonchalantly.

Liam paused from his exercise and looked up at his sister. "Sure, just let me finish here" he said and continued until he finished his set. He got to his feet and joined his sister as they started walking to the northern part of the island where the grapes grew.

"You wanna tell me what last night was about?" Amelia asked her brother with an angry tone as soon as she was sure her father and sister could not hear them.

"Hey, you started it" Liam said casually and shrugged.

"Started it?" Amelia asked back.

"Yeah, or did you forget about how you woke me up from my afternoon nap?" Liam said in a childish tone.

"But dad and Bea were right next to us. They could've heard" Amelia continued, her voice calmer.

"I made sure they were asleep, and I helped make sure you stayed quiet. But you're the one who started this, so maybe I should ask you, what was yesterday on the beach about?" Liam retorted with an obnoxious smile.

"Shut up" Amelia said and let out a little laugh at how her brother turned the tables on her.

"No, seriously," Liam continued "I take a nap on the beach and wake up to my sister jerking me off, what the fuck?"

"Yeah, sorry about that" Amelia said and blushed.

"Care to explain?" Liam pushed.

"I don't know," Amelia started saying nervously "we've been here for almost a month and I guess I lost it a little. You turned around in your sleep, and when I saw your…cock, it got me a little…excited. Before I knew it, I was jerking you off. I'm sorry."

"I get it" Liam said empathically, "and it's not like I didn't enjoy it" he added.

"Really, you enjoyed it?" Amelia said, almost sounding disgusted.

"What I meant to say was," Liam started saying nervously "that it felt good. If that wasn't obvious from the, um, ending. Also, you didn't look like you were having such a bad time yourself last night" Liam said back. With all this talk he was beginning to get a hard on.

"Yeah, I guess you're right" Amelia said in a defeated tone. "I have to admit you were surprisingly good at it. Where did you learn to…please a girl like that?" Amelia asked her brother shyly.

"That was nothing," Liam said in a confident tone "you should see what I can do with my tongue" he added arrogantly.

"Oh my god, you are so gross" Amelia said but couldn't help laughing at her brother's words. Despite what she said, the thought of her brother's tongue between her legs popped into her mind, and she couldn't deny that it was getting her aroused, especially when she saw he was getting hard next to her.

By the time they arrived at the first vine, Liam was completely hard, his erect member leading the way. Amelia kept stealing glances at it, still amazed by how big her brother's penis was. Liam and Amelia started carefully picking ripe clusters of grapes and placing them on a large tropical leaf they picked up on the way.

"Sorry" Liam said embarrassed after turning around without paying attention and poking his sister's stomach with his hard penis.

"Maybe you want to take care of that?" Amelia said, gesturing towards his erection.

"Maybe. You wanna give me a hand?" Liam said mostly joking.

"Seriously?" Amelia asked, not sure if her brother was joking or not. In return Liam just looked at her and shrugged. "Okay fine" Amelia said after a pause.

"Really?" Liam said surprised. He didn't really mean it, but he was too horny to turn down a handjob, even if it was from his sister.

"Yes," Amelia said "I guess I owe you a proper one after what I did yesterday. Now lay down." Amelia ordered her brother and watched as he laid down on the ground. "Not so close to the grapes" she told her brother, and after he moved a few feet to the side, she sat down next to him.

Amelia looked at her brother's face, then turned to his cock and grabbed it, making him moan. She ran her hand along his cock a few times, stroking his entire length, then released her hold. She spit into her hand, then wrapped it around his shaft again and continued stroking it.

"Oh wow" Liam said and started breathing heavily as his sister slid her hand up and down his penis. She started out slow, gliding her hand from the base all the way up. She would twist her hand around the head each time, making her brother moan, before sliding it back down. After a couple strokes, Amelia brought her other hand to his balls and started playing with them while she began stroking him faster.

"You have a really nice cock" Amelia told her brother as she jerked him off, "I never knew it was so big" she added as Liam let out shallow breaths.

"Thanks" Liam mumbled and let out a little moan as Amelia started going even faster, jerking his erect manhood quickly while mostly focusing on the head. He looked at his undeniably hot naked sister, her lovely breasts jiggling as she jerked him off with growing pleasure. her nimble hand tightened its grip around his shaft and Liam looked up from her vulva, sensing his orgasm approaching. "Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum" Liam announced as his body tensed. A few seconds later Liam exploded in his sister's hands with a loud groan.

Amelia tilted her brother's cock forward and stroked him while he began to ejaculate, making him moan and groan. He closed his eyes in pleasure as he squirted his sperm on the ground between his legs. Amelia continued to stroke him through his orgasm, milking every bit of cum and watching it shoot and drip from her brother's cock until there was nothing left, and she let go of his penis.

"That felt so good" Liam said as his drained cock began going limp. He could see his sister was flustered and hoped she might ask him to return the favor, but she didn't, she just rose to her feet and looked at his receding manhood.

"I'm glad, just don't get used to it" Amelia told her younger brother. She was really aroused but tried not show it. She had already gone too far with her brother, and she didn't even want to think about what happened with her father. "Now get up," she told Liam who was sitting on the ground "we need more grapes".

Beatrice continued doing yoga for a few more minutes after her brother and sister left to get grapes, then decided to stop and take a seat next to her father. "How's it coming along?" she asked her father as she looked at his current attempt.

"Not very well as you can see" Henry said as he tried to tie a few sticks with a long leaf.

"You want to take a break and come with me to the waterfall?" Bea asked her father who looked very much in need of a break.

"Yes, alright" Henry said and gently put his project aside. They rose to their feet and after placing some wood in the fire, headed towards the waterfall. On their way there they made light conversation, talking about nothing in specific until they arrived. Once there, they both walked into the cool water and crouched down for a drink. Henry stayed in the shallow water and watched as Bea plunged herself under the cascading waterfall, washing her naked body. His mind wandered with thoughts of home as he watched his beautiful daughter bathing in the waterfall. He watched as the clear waters showered her, gliding down her wet dark hair as she brushed her hands through it, flowing over her firm round breasts and flat stomach, over her dark bush and down her long tan legs.

"Oh wow, that was refreshing" Bea said as she stepped out from under the waterfall and walked towards her father, wiping the water away from her eyes. After rubbing the last of the water away from her eyes, Bea opened them and immediately noticed that her father's penis was hard.

Henry blushed a little as he noticed his oldest daughter looking at his erection. It was not the first time she saw him hard since arriving on the island, but every time it happened he felt embarrassed, knowing he should not get an erection from seeing his daughters naked.

"Did I tell you how much you look like your mother when she was young?" Henry said truthfully, trying to offer an excuse as to why he was getting hard from looking at her.

"Really?" Beatrice said, raising her gaze to meet her father's eyes "because I feel I'm getting old" she said slightly depressed.

"Old?" Henry said not believing his ears "you've got many more years until you can call yourself old." Henry added while looking at her gorgeous body. "Look at you, look at these…" Henry continued and grabbed his daughter's left boob, briefly squeezing her firm round orb.

"Dad?" Beatrice called out shocked and took a step away from her father, covering her breasts with her hands. "I can't believe you just did that" Beatrice said to her father and looked at him amused. She was definitely surprised by what he did, but she was not angry.

"Sorry," Henry said to his daughter "I just wanted to show you that you have a hot young body. Stop all this nonsense about getting old" Henry said and gave his daughter a smile. After being naked together for so long and sleeping next to each other nude every night, Henry really did not think grabbing his oldest daughter's breast was a big deal, especially after what he did with his younger daughter.

"You really think I have a hot young body?" Beatrice said and lowered her hands, taking a step forward towards her father.

"Of course sweetheart" Henry said as he looked up and down her body. When he looked back up at her face there was a skeptical expression on it. "You don't believe me, fine, you want me to show you?" Henry asked and looked at his daughter who nodded cautiously. "Let's start with these" Henry said as he once again grabbed his daughter's breasts and gently squeezed them, this time she did not shy away. "They're so round and firm, they definitely don't feel like an old woman's breasts" Henry said as he fondled his daughter's tits.

Beatrice twitched with mild awkwardness as her father squeezed her boobs. She was feeling a little better about herself and without wanting to admit it, her father caressing her breasts felt nice.

Henry looked at his daughter who still didn't seem convinced. "Shall I continue?" he asked and Bea nodded once more. He moved behind her and put his hands on her shoulders, looking down at her backside. "How about this?" Henry said and slid a hand down his daughter's smooth back. He placed it over her bare tushy and squeezed it tightly. "I've never seen a grandma with an ass like this" Henry said and savored his daughter's laugh as he said it. He let go of his daughter's firm behind and moved back around to face her. "Do you believe me now?" he asked with a cheerful smile.

"No" Bea said with a smile and let out a cute little laugh. She could see her father's cock was still hard, and she was secretly enjoying him feeling her up.

"No?" Henry asked with a naughty grin. He placed the knuckle of his index finger at the top of her thigh and traced his finger down her smooth thigh until he reached her knee. Henry then placed the fingertips of his right hand on his daughter's knee and slowly ran them up her thigh all the way to her groin, caressing her beautiful leg. Henry placed his palm on her upper thigh and pulled it down her leg. "How about your legs?" Henry said crouched down in the water "they are so sexy" Henry said flatteringly as he ran his hand once more along her smooth thigh. His was leveled with her vulva at that point and could not resist looking at it. He gave it a quick glance then let go of her legs and stood back up on his feet, facing his daughter and looking her in the eyes.

Henry and Beatrice looked each other in the eyes while breathing heavily. They stood in silence in the cool pool of the waterfall, the water reaching up to their ankles. Beatrice's body was burning after her father touched her all over, her nipples hard like two small pebbles, and Henry's cock remained rock hard, lightly twitching with the tip only an inch or two away from his daughter's dripping pussy.

"What other parts of me are sexy, dad?" Beatrice asked, barely louder than a whisper, and looked at her father's face as her breathing trembled.

Henry placed his right hand on his daughter's waist and looked at her face as his body burned with desire. He kept watching her face as he slowly slid his palm along her lower stomach. He placed it over her dark bush and upon seeing no signs of resistance on his daughter's face, he slowly traced his thumb down until it met the soft skin of her clitoral hood.

Beatrice let out a little moan as her father began to rub her clit with his thumb. She knew she should stop him, knew this was wrong, but her body just didn't listen. Her father looked straight at her face, an incoherent expression on it, and moved his finger down, tracing his thumb up and down her slit.

Henry kept watching his daughter as he touched her most intimate spot. She didn't resist, didn't pull away, just stood there, breathing heavily, and let her father molest her. Henry kept touching his daughter in her special place, with his cock rock hard and his body aching with sexual desire. He knew how wrong this was, but also remembered all too well, that this was a line they had both crossed before. As he kept touching his daughter in this inappropriate way, his body was drawn to hers, and without knowing if it was his doing or his daughter's, Henry found the tip of his cock touching Bea's vulva.

Beatrice's eyes went wide at the sudden sensation and she looked down to see her father's impressive manhood touching her vagina. She looked back up, and into her father's eye. They both had a mixture of lust and reluctance in their eyes as their privates touched, but after a short pause, their lust took over. Bea shifted her stand, her body on fire, and aligned her entrance with her father's manhood. She kept her eyes locked onto her father's and watched his expression as his body moved on its own. With her father's eyes looking straight into hers, Beatrice gave her father a small nod. He nodded back to her understanding, then penetrated her, violating her forbidden hole with his long hard shaft.

A moan escaped their lips as Henry slowly breached his daughter's womanhood. He bit his lip as her tight tunnel hugged his cock and listened to her whimper as he stretched her young pussy and filled it with his big dick. They paused and looked at each other as father buried his shaft deep within daughter's folds, then looked down as Henry unsheathed his tool from his daughter's tight vagina. With their bodies burning in incestuous passion, Henry and Beatrice began their taboo dance. Henry slowly pushed his cock deep into his daughter's warm haven and immediately pulled it back out, making them moan with pleasure as their bodies trembled. He grabbed his daughter's hips and tilted her back a little as he began plunging his cock into her pussy with hunger.

Henry pushed his cock in and out of his daughter's wet snatch a few times, then pulled out and looked at her. They were both standing up facing each other and it was not a comfortable position to have sex in. Henry thought about turning his daughter around and taking her from behind, but he wanted to see her, wanted to look at her face as he entered her, defiling her beautiful pink flower.

Beatrice was the first to act as her body ached with lust. She grabbed her father's hand and pulled him over to a large flat rock in the water next to where they were standing. She laid back on it, the smooth surface cool against her back and spread her legs wide. She gave her father a pleading look, looking down at his erect member. It was already slippery with her juices, and she let out a loud moan as her father pushed his dick all the way into her slick cunt.

Henry rested his hands on his daughter's hips, placing his thumbs on her smooth upper thighs, and looked down into her eyes while driving his shaft into her pussy. He let out a deep moan, overwhelmed by the pleasure of his daughter's tight muff, and slid his right hand to her pubic mound, using his thumb to gently rub her clit as he made love to her. Henry looked down at her pink pussy, watching the way it hugged his shaft each time he pulled it out, and how it accepted it willingly with each thrust of his hips. He looked back up at his daughter's face and studied her expression as she continuously let out soft moans.

As her father continued to plow her twat, Beatrice's couldn't help but think of her brother. She had sex with him a few days ago only a few steps from where her father was fucking her now. She couldn't believe what their time on the island brought her to doing. She gazed up at her father, her entire body alive with pleasure, and continued to let out sexual sounds, returning each her father's thrusts into her with a sincere moan or groan.

Henry slid both hands up his daughter's lithe body and placed them on her delectable tits. He began caressing them, squeezing her beautiful lumps and pinching her hard nipples to her growing moans as he kept plunging his rigid manhood into her. After playing with his girl's boobs for a while, Henry let go and slid his hands back down. He put his hands under her knees and proceeded to fold her legs up. He then moved his right hand back to her swollen clit and quickened his thrusts inside her constricting snatch.

"Oh my god dad" Beatrice moaned as her father plowed her pussy with growing force. His finger was gently rubbing circles around her clit and she groaned in sexual delight as the pleasure heightened. She laid there motionless, seemingly helpless against the extreme pleasure her father was inflicting upon her and let out high pitched moans as her father relentlessly pound his cock into her. "Oh my god Yes!" she screamed out in pleasure and hugged her knees, pulling them into her as her father continued breeding her with obscene perversion until she reached her climax.

"Yes, yes, YES!" Beatrice screamed in ecstasy as she came. She closed her eyes and pressed her back against the cold stone as her body flared with sexual pleasure. Her father started quickly rubbing her clit with his fingertips and kept plunging his cock into her pussy as it started convulsing. "…god" Beatrice whimpered between heavy breaths and curled her toes as the euphoric sensations of the orgasm surged through her body. She groaned as the waves of sexual bliss shot from her core to every nerve in her body, and was left laying there panting when it faded, her father's cock still inside her.

Henry pulled his hard cock out of his daughter's drenched pussy and took a step back. He closed his hand around it and started stroking it while looking at her. His shaft was coated with her fluids and his hand easily slid up and down it. He looked shamelessly at her freshly fucked pussy and her beautiful naked body as it recovered from the orgasm. "Oh fuck" Henry moaned as he began stroking himself faster. He kept his gaze locked onto his daughter and masturbated to the sight of her for a minute until he exploded.

Henry let out a loud groan as he came after fucking his daughter. He stroked his dick as his body shivered with pleasure and continued groaning as he began to ejaculate, squirting strings of cum into the clear water he was standing in. His daughter watched him amazed and slid a hand between her legs, gently caressing her clit as she watched the sight no daughter should ever see of her own father ejaculating. Henry kept jerking his cock to the erotic image of his daughter touching herself and let go of his penis only when it started going limp.

Henry and Beatrice looked at each other in silence. They studied one another shocked for a few seconds, breathing heavily, until Beatrice slowly rose to her feet.

"Are you alright?" Henry asked his daughter as she looked at him. Never in his life did Henry think he would find himself having sex with one of his daughter's, not to mention both.

"Yeah, I'm fine dad" Beatrice said and walked under the waterfall. She washed herself again, as though she was trying to wash away the dirty and perverse act her father and she just committed. After standing for a full minute under the waterfall, she stepped away.

"Can we talk about what just happened?" Henry asked, afraid things between them will be like they were between her and her brother after he saw them.

"Dad," Beatrice started saying and looked like she was about to cry, "we've been on this fucking island for a month with no sign of rescue. We were both in need of some…human contact, so let's just leave it at that." Bea said with a depressed look in her eyes.

"Okay" Henry said, then wrapped his arms around his daughter and pulled her into him, hugging her tightly as she broke down crying in his arms.

It was a cry of release and desperation and a cry of relief and shock. She cried because what she and her father just did and worried she would never do that with a man ever again. Her father held her in his arms as she sobbed wildly and gave her a warm smile when she finally stopped and pulled away from him.

"Dad, do you think we will ever get rescued?" Beatrice asked her father as they walked back to camp.

"Yes honey, I really think we will" Henry said honestly.

"When?" Bea asked.

"I don't know" Henry said truthfully. "Could be a week, could be a month, could be a year. But I do think they will find us" he said and put his arm around his girl.

When they arrived back at camp, Amelia and Liam were already there and had a mischievous smile on their faces.

"What is it?" Henry asked them after noticing they looked excited.

"I think we found something" Liam said with a smile and leaned down. He grabbed from the stack of grapes a green apple sized fruit with a prickly peal. "I think it's breadfruit" Liam said and handed his father to examine.

"You're right" Henry said after looking at the fruit and was filled with excitement. After a month of only eating coconuts, grapes and fish, this was big news. Henry pealed it and looked at the soft interior. He smelled it, then brought it to his mouth and took a small bite. "It's good" Henry said and took a larger bite before passing it around.

"We found a whole tree full" Amelia said after devouring two small bites of it. It tasted a little like a potato only slightly sweet, and it was one of the most delicious things she had ever tasted.

Liam and Amelia guided their father and sister to where the tree was, and after picking a nice amount, they returned to the camp where they hungrily ate it around the fire.

Beatrice and Henry seemed to completely ignore what they did earlier that day, and when they all took their place under the shelter to sleep, they laid down next to each other like nothing happened.

The following day they all woke up with high spirits due to the new item on their menu. They spend the day as usual, swimming in the ocean, sunbathing, doing yoga, and fishing. They had an especially nice supper that day of two large fish Henry caught and some breadfruit they roasted a little over the fire. When they finished eating, their bellies were fuller than they could remember them being since they arrived on the island. Shortly after eating, they gradually took their place in the shelter.

Liam was laying in the shelter awake when a cool evening sea breeze started blowing. He was laying next to Amelia, with Bea on the other side of her, and their father next to Bea. It was getting a little chilly and Liam moved closer to Amelia who was laying on her side with her back to him. As he touched his sister's back, Liam could instantly feel her warmth. He wasn't sure if she was asleep, but still being cold, he rolled over to his side and brought his hand over her. He rested his palm on her stomach and pressed his body into hers, spooning her for warmth. Amelia stirred as he pressed his body into hers and turned her head around to look at him.

"Sorry" Liam whispered as quietly as he could "I'm cold" he said and watched as she turned back around. "Good night" he whispered into her ear and closed his eyes. With his eyes closed and his body pressed against his sister's warm skin, Liam's mind started to wander. His pelvis was pressed against his sister's ass and Liam started thinking about the handjob she had given him the previous day. It automatically got him thinking back to a few nights ago when he masturbated her, and naturally, to what happened between him and Beatrice the previous week.

Amelia could feel her brother starting to get hard and started squirming around when his erection poked her in the back. Liam noticed and got embarrassed. He tried to shift his erect penis as it pressed between his stomach and her lower back, but no position was comfortable enough and Amelia continued shifting uncomfortably.

Liam kept moving around trying to find a suitable position. He moved his body down along his sister's, his erect cock sliding between her cheeks, then slipping between her thighs. Liam could suddenly comfortably press his body into Amelia's, his cock sticking out from between her legs and her warm thighs hugging it from both sides. He eased into this new position and marveled at the warmth radiating from her pussy as Amelia shifted slightly to adjust and made his shaft press into her labia.

They laid still for a few seconds, trying to get used to this sexually tense position. Amelia was getting really turned on by the fact she had a big hard cock nestled between her legs, and without able to resist, she started gently rocking her hips, rubbing her pussy along her brother's rod.

Liam bit his lips at the pleasure of his sister grinding her pussy onto his cock. He closed his eyes at the warm friction of her vulva caressing his shaft, then snapped back to reality and placed his hand on her hip to stop her. With Bea and his father only inches away, they could not do this. He knew that if they kept going he wouldn't be able to help himself.

Amelia knew her brother was right when he stopped her. She got so hot when she felt his dick between her legs, that she started grinding into him almost instinctively. Once she started, it felt so good she lost herself in it. Her pussy was wet and tingling with desire, and the fact that her brother's manhood was still lodged between her legs was making things worse. Amelia slid a hand in between her legs and felt her brother's dick sticking out. It felt weird to have a penis like that, not to mention that it was her brother's, but it didn't stop her pussy from wanting it. She grabbed his cock in her hand and could feel his body tense up against her. She squeezed the head tightly, feeling how hard it was, then moved around a little until she managed to press the head of her brother's dick against the top of her gushing cunt.

She felt her brother's heavy breathing as he stayed still behind her, and she slowly began rubbing his cock along her slit. Amelia was so turned on, she ignored her brother as he placed his hand on her side and signaled her to stop. She knew this was wrong, just as she knew it was wrong when she jerked him off, when they masturbated in front of each other, or when she let her father enter her. She knew it was wrong, but she didn't care. She just wanted the satisfaction that only a man could give her, and it just so happened that her brother and father were the only men around.

Amelia could feel the hesitation but also the excitement in her brother's body. She rubbed his cock against her soaking twat a few times, making sure to keep quiet, then, without warning, she sank her brother's rock-hard cock into her burning womanhood.

It took every bit of self-control Liam had to keep quiet as his sister pushed his cock inside her snatch. She parted her labia with the head of his cock and Liam was overwhelmed by how wet her pussy was. With the tip of his shaft already inside his sister's cunt, Liam could not resist. He placed a firm hand on her waist and slowly penetrated her, pushing his cock inside her pussy as it constricted around his shaft, the intense pleasure making it hard for him to stay quiet.

Amelia brought a hand to her mouth to keep quiet and closed her eyes as Liam breached her. He pushed his cock deep inside her, and she moaned into her hand at the heavenly feeling of a dick filling her pussy. Amelia brought her free hand down to her pussy and began slowly rubbing it as her brother started pulling his cock out of her. He pulled his cock out as far as their position allowed, then, without needing her to ask, he began to gently thrust his dick in and out of her.

The chill was gone from Liam's body as he began to pummel his sister's box. His entire body was on fire as he shoved himself into her snug muff, the thought that he was defiling yet another of his sisters not disturbing him as much as it should. Liam gritted his teeth, also making sure to keep quiet, and brought a hand to his sister's breasts. Her nipples were rock hard, and Liam grabbed them without a second thought. He began to fondle her arousing lumps, playing with them and pinching her nipples as he continued to violate her warm pussy.

Amelia's arousal was growing even mores as her brother started caressing her tits while fucking her. His cock was going so deep that she had to tighten her palm over her mouth to keep from moaning. She slowly slid her hand through her patch of pubic hair, and over to her clit. Her brother's shaft rubbed along her hand as he continued to penetrate her, and Amelia began gently rubbing her clit, surrendering her body to the incestuous pleasure.

Brother and sister continued to fuck in the still silence of the shelter. Their pleasure was unworldly, and their bodies burned with heat as they continued to indulge in the taboo act of sibling love making. Their hearts were pounding like African drums, the steamy pleasure of their union with the excitement of their sister and father next to them, making it even better. Liam slowed down a little, pushing his long schlong into his sister's twat with slow strokes, delaying their impending crescendo by a few more seconds.

Liam fucked his sister until he felt he was on the verge of exploding. There was nothing he wanted more at that point then to continue plowing her divine pussy until he came inside her, but he knew what the consequences of that might be. He pulled his pulsing member out of her and rolled around, grabbing his throbbing shaft as he faced outside. He moved a little until he was at the edge of the shelter and began to stroke his cock, the feeling of his sister's amazing pussy still fresh in his mind as he looked out at the moon-soaked beach.

Amelia was so frustrated when her brother pulled his magnificent dick out of her at the final second. She was so close to finishing and suddenly felt empty without her brother's meat inside her. She rolled around to face her brother, not daring to move her hand away from her pussy and slipped a finger into her wet hole while she continued rubbing her engorged clit. She looked at her brother's figure in the dark, noting the rocking motion he made as he jerked off, and was careful not to caress her female folds too harshly. She watched her brother's body as it began to shudder, a stifled moan barely audible as he came, squirting his seed onto the dry sand.

With her brother shivering with orgasmic spasms next to her, Amelia finally felt her own orgasm being released. Her stomach and waist quivered at the pleasure, and although it was not the mind-blowing orgasm she would have liked, it was enough to quench her body's sexual thirst. She waited for her body to fully relax, then closed the small gap between her brother and her. She wrapped an arm around his sweaty figure, startling him, then pressed her glistening vulva into his firm bum and closed her eyes.

They woke up the following morning to an ominous gray sky. Bea woke up first with her father and brother shortly after her.

"The fire" Henry called out alarmed and quickly crawled over to the pile of ambers in the fire pit. He placed his hand over it, relieved it was still hot, and grabbed a few leaves and twigs from the pile nearby. Henry placed the kindling onto the ambers and began blowing on them gently.

Amelia was the last to wake up and lazily opened her eyes to look at her father as he worked on rekindling the fire. Bea and Liam were already up on their feet outside the shelter and watching their father as he got a small fire started.

"We're going to go get some fruit" Bea said, relieved their father managed to relight the fire and grabbed Liam by the hand.

"Okay" Amelia said with a yawn, stretched her hands to the sides and moved closer to her father. She kept laying on her back under the shelter and watched her father as he worked on getting the fire burning. He put some more kindling in and blew on them, making sure they caught before putting in larger sticks. Amelia found herself looking at her father's own stick. She woke up horny from last night's events and looked at her father's limp cock as it dangled while he rebuilt the fire. With her father still focused on the fire, Amelia stretched her leg and placed her toes on her father's penis.

"Amelia, what are you doing?" her father asked her slightly embarrassed.

"Nothing" she said innocently and gave her father a small grin. He looked at her, shaking his head, then placed some large wood into the nicely burning fire. Amelia stretched her other leg towards her father's cock and used it to play with the tip. He turned to look at her, his cock hardening to the intimate touch of her feet, then she clasped her dad's shaft between her feet and used them to stroke it.

Henry stared at his daughter speechless. He looked at her gorgeous naked body then at his cock, watching it go from semi erect to hard as his daughter gave him a footjob. Henry couldn't help letting out a moan and watched a devious smile form on her face. Amelia's ex-boyfriend used to love it when she did that, and it would always get him hard for her.

Amelia continued teasing her father's cock with her feet for another minute, making sure it was nice and hard, then stopped. She pulled her feet away from her father and noticed the disappointed look in his eyes as his hard cock begged for her to continue. She folded her legs, placing her feet flat on the ground and slightly spread her legs. She watched her father as his gaze was automatically drawn to her exposed vagina. When he looked up at her, Amelia gave her father a "busted" look and Henry turned red.

"Dad," Amelia started saying after she had her father right where she wanted him "we never got a chance to continue what we started after you helped me with my yoga" Amelia told her father with a sinister look.

"Oh, and do you want to?" Henry asked, trying to conceal his excitement. After having sex with both his daughter's, he stopped telling himself it was wrong, even though he knew it was. He decided to just give in to it, the consequences be damned.

"Only if you do too" Amelia said and moved her hand between her legs. She gently caressed her slit while looking her father in the eyes.

"Now? Here?" Henry asked excited and his daughter nodded seductively. The fire was already burning nicely, and they knew they had a good half an hour before Beatrice and Liam returned. Henry looked at his daughter's hot body lustfully and crawled under the shelter and towards her.

Amelia spread her legs wide and gave her father a kinky smile as she showed him her pink interior. He moved towards her on all four then got on his knees between her legs, the top of his head brushing the shelter's ceiling. Henry grabbed his daughter's thighs and pulled her towards him, the lust visible in her eyes as she looked at her father's seven-inch snake resting on her bush. Henry moved back a little, taking in the familiar image of his naked daughter, before grasping his cock and guiding it to her young cunt.

Amelia let out a gasp as her father pressed his manhood against her vulva and began rubbing it along her slit. She was already thoroughly wet down there and could feel the juices almost flowing out while her father stimulated her with his shaft. He gave her a few pleasurable touches, then guided his penis towards her entrance. Amelia's pussy was glistening as her father pressed the head of his dick into it. He looked at her face, watching her give him a reassuring nod, then moved his gaze back to their intimate parts. He pushed himself into her with a groan, sliding his hard cock into his daughter's slippery snatch, then looked up to see the pleasure on her face.

A light rain started falling as Henry made love to his youngest daughter. He held her legs up by her smooth thighs and looked into her eyes as he thrust himself into her pussy. Henry was going slow, taking his time to enjoy the exquisite sensation of his cock sliding in and out of his daughter's wet cunt.

"Oh my god dad" Amelia moaned, part due to the pleasure and part due to the surreal situation. The rain got heavier around them, a distinct tapping that turned into loud pattering on the shelter's roof, but Amelia and Henry barely noticed. They were too focused on their own actions, their moaning, groaning and the slapping of bodies as father and daughter continued their forbidden waltz.

Henry watched his daughter's mesmerizing breasts bounce around as he thrust himself into her. He moved his right hand and began caressing her beautiful tits, making her moan as he playfully pinched her hard-pink nipples.

"Yes daddy, yes, fuck me harder" Amelia begged her father who happily obliged. He grabbed her waist tightly and shifted in place before starting to fuck his daughter faster, mercilessly pounding his stiff prick into her depths and making her shriek in sexual delight while a heavy rain fell around them.

"What the hell?" a surprised yell shot through the air and caught Henry and Amelia by surprise. They paused, looked over, and while in the middle of their hot incestuous act, they saw Beatrice and Liam standing next to the shelter. Bea and Liam were completely drenched and looking at their father and sister with disgust.

Henry quickly pulled his throbbing member out of his daughter. They both tried to cover themselves with their hands while Liam and Bea crawled into the shelter to get away from the pouring rain. "Dad, I can believe you're having sex with Amelia too" Beatrice said, shocked by the revelation she stumbled onto.

"Wait, what do you mean by 'too'?" Liam asked his sister shocked and Beatrice turned red and began mumbling. "Did you and dad also…?" Liam asked, the thought of his father fucking his sisters disturbing him even more because he had sex with them too.

"Yes," Beatrice admitted and turned red "but it was only after you and I did".

"Oh my god!" Amelia burst in after catching her breath "you two also had sex!" she said looking slightly disgusted at her brother and sister.

"Yeah, why do you care?" Bea said in bitchy voice towards her sister. She shifted her gaze until she met her sister's. "Oh god," she said with an appalled expression on her face "don't tell me you two also…" she said and they both nodded, taking the last cat out of the dirty bag. They all looked at each other shocked and disgusted.

"Okay, why don't we all cool down" Henry said in a soothing voice as things heated up. His erection was throbbing so hard he had to do something about it. "I'll be right back" he said and quickly made his way out to the rain. He stepped behind a nearby tree, the heavy rain hitting him, and commenced stroking his pulsing member until he came with a body shaking orgasm. He stroked his cock until it was drained completely then made his way back to the shelter.

Henry crawled back under the shelter while his kids huddled near the fire. They sat there in silence and looked at each other suspiciously. He moved closer to the fire, its warmth giving him comfort, then faced his children. "Okay, now that it's out there, let's talk about it." Henry said.

There was an awkward silence as they looked at each other embarrassed. Neither of them knew what to say and they just kept quiet, trying not to look at each other as the rain kept falling and a distant thunder rumbled.

"Fine, I'll start" Henry started nervously. "Girls, I'm not sure exactly how it happened, but I've had sex with both of you" he said.

"Oh god dad" Beatrice said, disgusted with her father's words even though she knew they were true.

"Beatrice, let me finish" Henry said as he gave his oldest daughter a look. "I know it's wrong and some would say disgusting" Henry said and moved his gaze between his daughters. "Not that I mean to say you're disgusting, you're both very beautiful and sexy women, and sex with you was…"

"Dad, please stop" Amelia told her dad as he began rambling nervously and making them all uncomfortable.

"What I meant to say was…" Henry continued while blushing "that it happened. We've been here for almost a month. We're frustrated, we're naked and we're all adults with needs. You're my little girls, my angels. I would never think of doing those things with you, but we did. I just don't want you to feel ashamed, at least not ashamed of one another because of it" Henry said nervously, he wasn't sure he got to them.

"I guess you are right dad" Amelia started saying and looked at him. "It's this place, this situation, the fact that we're all naked together all the time. We never talk about it, but what if we never get rescued?" Amelia said as tears formed in her eyes. "Are we just going to spend the rest of our lives here? Eating fish and coconuts…sleeping in this shelter…running around naked and screwing each other in the bushes?"

"We're not going to spend the rest of our lives here" Liam said assumingly and placed a hand on Amelia's shoulder.

"How the hell do you know?" Beatrice snapped at her brother angrily. "Stop being so fucking optimistic and look around." she yelled at him "We're in the middle of nowhere and we haven't seen a single sign of civilization in all the time we've been here. Wake up already!"

"Hey" Henry said gently and put a hand around his daughter. "You might be right, but I prefer to believe we will be found. It has only been a month." Henry said and looked each of his kids in the eyes. "Look at the weather now, think of the weather we've had. Any storm like that could delay the search by at least of few days. Your mother has all our resources to find us, do you really think she won't?" Henry said and noticed a light optimistic gleam in his daughters' eyes. "In the meantime, we're stuck here, and we need to make the best of it." Henry finished. He left much unsaid, but it was clear to all four of them what 'making the most of it meant'. His children nodded in approval.

For the rest of the day the rain continued to pour down around them. Thunder rumbled, and lighting flashed as all four sat in the shelter looking at the rain. They sat at the edge of the shelter, near the fire, ate the little fruit they had left and stayed close for warmth. They were mostly quiet, taking in what they discovered and the talk they had.

That night was the coldest night on the island yet. They put as much wood as they dared into the fire and pressed tightly into each other as they drifted off into a heavy slumber. The rain continued falling until the middle of the night, and when it finally stopped they were all fast asleep. They woke up the following day to a crisp morning with clear blue skies. Henry and Beatrice woke up first and looked at each other sleepily. A few minutes later Amelia woke up and they stepped out of the shelter, the warm morning sun feeling incredible on their cold bodies.

Liam woke up a few minutes later with morning wood. He waited for it to recede, but when after a few minutes it stayed hard, he crawled out from under the shelter. Beatrice and Amelia's gazes automatically moved to their brother's erection as he exited the shelter, his eight-inch penis poking up proudly. He stretched his muscular frame and let out a sleepy yawn as he felt his sister's eyes on his prick.

"Liam, you want to join me for a walk on the beach?" Amelia asked her brother as she eyed his impressive member.

"Eh, sure" Liam answered, not sure what his sister was up to. "Where to?" He asked, following her as she began walking away.

"Just until we're out of sight," Amelia said bluntly "then we can have some fun" she added and grabbed her brother's cock, giving it a little squeeze. She didn't bother talking quietly and both her father and sister clearly heard her.

"Can you believe her?" Beatrice said to her father, looking at her sister incredulous as she walked away "She's not even trying to be discrete about what they are about to do."

"Yeah well, I guess there is not much point in hiding it now" Henry told Bea as he too mused about his youngest daughter's shamelessness. He watched Amelia and Liam as they walked away, his daughter's luscious bottom swaying from side to side, and felt his penis getting hard at the thought of what they were about to do. When he turned to look at his other daughter, he caught her looking at his hardening shaft.

Beatrice could feel the wetness growing between her legs as she looked mesmerized at her father's growing erection. She couldn't help thinking about her brother and sister on their way to have sex and it only made her wetter.

"We can have some fun too if you want" Henry told his daughter cautiously, after noticing her gaze linger on his manhood.

"Seriously?" she asked her father and looked up at him, not sure if he was kidding or not.

"Why not?" her father answered with a shrug, "it wouldn't be our first time" Henry reminded her, and Beatrice blushed as her gaze went back to her father's cock. She took a step closer to him, then reached out and grabbed his almost hard shaft with her hand.

"Fine, but I'm on top" Beatrice said and felt her father's cock hardening completely as she began to stroke it. "Lay down" Bea told her father after giving his hard cock a few tugs. She let go of him, and they looked at each other before Henry sat down on the sand and laid back.

Henry looked up at his oldest daughter as he laid down on the sand waiting for her. His cock was in high solute and Bea leaned down and got on her knees next to him. He couldn't believe that just like that they were about to have sex again.

Bea gave her father's shaft another stroke then climbed on top of him. She lowered herself while facing her father, grabbed his penis and pressed it flat onto his stomach. She sat down on it, pressing her pussy on top and began moving back and forward while looking at her father's handsome face.

Henry moaned in pleasure as his daughter began to grind her pussy onto his hard cock with a devious grin. He watched her enticing vulva as she rubbed it along his dick, then moved his gaze up. He ran his eyes along her wild patch of pubic hair, her flat stomach, gorgeous breasts and elegant neck. He watched her full red lips as they opened slightly to moan, then up at her green eyes just as she opened them to look at him.

They gave each other a guilty smile, before Henry grabbed Bea's marvelous ass with both hands and squeezed it. Bea let out a surprised moan, twitching slightly, then widened her smile and began grinding her wet snatch even harder onto her father's cock, making him groan with delight.

Bea's arousal was growing as she continued teasing her father. She was so turned on, her pussy was dripping, lubricating her father's dick as her pussy slid along it with ease. She kept grinding her cunt to their growing moans until she couldn't take anymore. With her father's hands caressing her ass, Beatrice slowly raised her waist. She grabbed her father's dick, holding it up, and lowered herself until the tip was tickling the entrance to her vagina. She looked her father in the eyes, the sexual anticipation visible on them, then impaled her twat on her father's stake with a long moan.

Henry closed his eyes and moaned as his daughter began riding his cock. He never would have thought his little angel's slick muff would feel so good wrapped around his cock. He opened his eyes to the image of her round tits bouncing up and down, then watched as his prick disappeared repeatedly into her fuck hole.

Beatrice kept slowly riding her father's cock and moaning. She loved the way his impressive member was stretching her intimate hole and leaned back, placing her hands on her father's legs for support. With her father balls deep inside her cunt, Bea stopped. She took a few deep breaths while looking into her father's eyes, then started riding him faster.

"Oh yes baby!" Henry moaned as his daughter began hammering her pussy onto his cock. He looked at her hot body taking his cock in so willingly, then moved his hands to her waist and grabbed it tightly. He let her continue for a few more seconds, then stared helping her.

"Oh my god dad!" Bea groaned with sexual bliss as her father took over. He was holding her by the waist and pushing her down onto him hard, slamming her tight twat and impaling it repeatedly on his hard cock while they called out in pleasure.

Henry shoved his daughter's cunt onto his dick for another minute or two until a familiar feeling creeping along his body. "Oh fuck, get off, I'm gonna cum" Henry called out alarmed and let go of his daughter. Beatrice quickly pulled off her father's cock and got on her knees between his legs. She grabbed his cock tightly and started jerking him off.

"Oh fuck" Henry moaned as within seconds he started to cum in his daughter's hand. He looked up at her, his body shivering with pleasure and moaned like crazy as load after loud of spunk shot out of his cock and onto his stomach. Beatrice continued to masturbate him, running her hand along his slick cock while it squirted, making him shudder with pleasure until he was completely drained.


Liam followed his older sister along the warm beach until they were far enough from camp. He couldn't believe how nonchalantly Amelia was treating this. They found a nice spot under a tree, and made their way towards it, his cock not receding even a little on their way.

Amelia turned towards her brother and grabbed his hand. She gave him a smile and pulled him over to the shade. "Oh god, I'm so horny right now" she told her brother with a wicked smile and let go of his hand.

"Eh, yeah, me too" Liam answered somewhat hesitantly.

"Yeah, I can see that" Amelia said, eyeing her brother's hard penis. She grabbed it, gave it a little squeeze, then sat down on the warm sand with her brother quickly following. Amelia looked at him, then spread her legs apart. She licked her fingertips and moved them down between her legs, rubbing her vulva and moaning quietly.

Liam's cock was throbbing as he watched his sister touching herself. He looked at her intimate folds as she caressed them, moving her finger from her bush, over her clit and along her slit before moving back up. He closed his left hand around his eight-inch cock and slowly stroked it while watching his older sister.

Amelia let out a small moan as she pleasured her dripping cunt. She looked at her brother's cock as he jerked it, then slowly moved her hand away and leaned back, perching herself on her elbows. She held herself up as she looked at her brother playing with himself to the sight of her. She gave him a naughty smile, then spread her legs wider, exposing her perfect pink pussy to him.

"Come on little brother, I'm nice and wet for you" Amelia said in a playful tone that almost caused Liam to blow his load. He couldn't believe she was talking to him like that, and it only made him harder as he looked at her pink flower hungrily.

Amelia gave her little brother an enticing smile and watched him as he pounced her. He moved over, climbing on top of her, and propped himself up on his hands as he aligned his naked body over hers. He kept quiet as his penis brushed along her stomach, his face flushed as he gave her a nervous look. He looked down at her perky breasts, her nipples rock hard, then moved his gaze down her body and looked at her pussy as he tried to align his cock with it.

Amelia gasped as her brother's dick touched her vulva. He tried pushing it inside her but slipped and ended up brushing it along her slit. Amelia quickly grabbed her brother's stiff rod and guided it to her coveted entrance. She inserted the tip into her as she held her breath, then let go and let out a loud moan as Liam pushed his entire length into her pussy.

A deep moan escaped their lips as Liam slithered his snake into his sister's cavern. She was nice and wet just like she promised, and Liam soaked up the feeling as he slid into her. He stretched her snug cunt as he pushed his shaft in, and once he was all the way inside of her, he focused his gaze on her eyes.

"Oh, your cock feels so good" Amelia said with a grunt, looking up at her brother, then let out a moan as Liam pulled his dick out to the tip. "Oh god" Amelia moaned as he thrust his full length into her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and started groaning as he began to fuck her slick twat.

They moaned and groaned as they fucked on the warm sand. Now that everything was out in the open and there was no issue of getting caught, they went at it passionately. The disgusting thought that they were brother and sister still went through their heads, but they pushed it back, making way to sexual attraction they developed towards each other on the island.

"Yes! fuck me hard!" Amelia ordered her brother after a minute or two of getting used to each other's bodies. She squealed with delight as he complied, shoving his cock harder into her pussy while moaning in pleasure. "Oh yes little brother!" Amelia continued in between moans "Do you like fucking your big sister's pussy?"

"Yes!" Liam answered as he kept going. He was freakishly turned on by his sister's dirty talk. "I never thought my sister would have such a hot little pussy" Liam surprised himself by saying as he continued to pound his dick into it with incestuous delight.

"Oh yeah!" Amelia squealed in a high tone as her brother strengthened his thrusts into her "And I never knew my little brother had such a big cock" she said, and a smile formed on his face. "Keep going, fuck your big sister's hot little pussy with that big cock of yours" she said and started wailing as Liam hammered her pussy as hard as he could for a few seconds then slowed back down before he lost control. "Oh fuck!" Amelia called out and a second later he could feel her pussy beginning to convulse.

Liam pulled his hard cock out of his sister and began rubbing her pussy as she came. Her thighs shivered, and her eyes closed as a series of uncontrollable moans and groans left her mouth. Her body briefly twitched before she opened her eyes and looked up at her brother while breathing heavily.

"Oh fuck" was all Amelia said after opening her eyes and looking at her brother. She eyed his hard cock briefly then rolled to her stomach before getting on her hands and knees, her ass towards her brother. "Come on" Amelia said, wiggling her firm bottom provocatively "I'm not done with you" she added and let out a surprised squeal when Liam grabbed her ass.

Liam squeezed his sister's juicy butt before moving closer. He grabbed his cock, guiding it to her opening and inserted the tip in. He then moved his hands to grab her waist and proceeded to push his shaft deep into her twat.

"Oh, fuck yes!" Amelia moaned as her brother shoved his cock into her from behind. "God, I can't believe how deep your cock feels" she groaned as her brother's pelvis pressed against her ass. "Oh yes!" she called you as her brother began to thrust in and out of her. "Fuck me harder little brother" Amelia continued "push your big cock into your sister's pussy and make her cum" she said, the words getting Liam even more aroused.

Liam and Amelia moaned and groaned as he fucked her from behind. She liked being fucked hard and Liam was not complaining. He kept on thrusting his entire shaft hard and fast into her heavenly snatch, a distinct slapping sound echoing off their merging bodies each time they collided.

"I'm getting close" Liam announced after a few minutes of intensely fucking his sister from behind.

"Don't stop, I'm almost there" Amelia begged her brother and let out another moan. Liam tried to prolong his climax as best he could, but after a few more seconds he couldn't hold it anymore.

"I'm gonna cum" Liam yelled and quickly pulled out of his sister. He grabbed his cock and began stroking it just as he exploded with a powerful orgasm. "Oh god" he groaned as he started to cum. He aimed his cock and grunted like a wild animal as he ejaculated onto his sister's ass, shooting load after load onto her firm tushy and lower back, his body shaking with the pleasure of fucking his sister.

Amelia rubbed her engorged clit as her brother plastered her ass with his cum. She would have much rather had cum on his dick, but she had to settle on finishing the job herself as she rubbed her clit feverishly. She could hear Liam's grunts behind her and kept fingering her twat as she managed to bring herself to another orgasm. She groaned as the pleasure rushed through her, shaking her body, and fell onto her stomach when it was over.


Liam and Amelia returned to camp and could see from a distance their father and sister resting on the sand next to each other. Henry and Bea did not notice them until they were right next to them. Beatrice was resting her head on her father's chest, and he had his hand on her upper thigh, caressing it tenderly in a very unfatherly way. When they finally noticed Liam and Amelia were back, they quickly jumped up slightly embarrassed, it was very clear what they finished doing.

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