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Multiverse Theory Dragon Ball Multiverse Theory Dragon Ball original

Multiverse Theory Dragon Ball

Author: JessicaSesti

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

There are many, many universes.

One of them is the one we all know, and perhaps the heart of all of them, the heart of all creation. Cracks in-between universes created new realities, but they all seemed to lead and go back to the universe we normal humans know, we are the weakest, yet we have the power to create a new life and new worlds with our minds, we are the template for the multi-universe.

Did God created us with that purpose to ever expand the multiverse? Or was this just a happy accident.

Well, let me tell you about my story.

Nearly a year ago, I decided to go on an adventure and live in the wild, tired of humanity and their shit, leaving my former life behind to seek new experiences— a year of traveling, exploring, fighting, and surviving alone, in the wilderness.

Life was good while it lasted, one day a fire started around the forest I settled in, I tried to escape, but I just couldn't, when the time comes, there is nothing you can do about it.

**********************************************************************************************************{Please select your race}

'What?..' It was like someone had awakened me; after dying, I felt nothing; I was nothing, and yet, here I was hearing stuff, I was alive again somehow, in front of me there was a menu like the ones in any VR game.

{----Earthlings---- are the inhabitants of planet Earth. The term is used inclusively to refer to all of the intelligent races native to the planet, including humans, anthropomorphic, and monsters. Earthlings are typically among the weakest races in the Dragon Ball universe, with the average human's power level reading only in the single or double digits. Throughout the series, only a few Earthlings show a reasonable aptitude in martial arts on the galactic scale.




----Saiyans---- are a race of extraterrestrials in the Dragon Ball universe the Saiyans are a naturally aggressive warrior race who were supposedly striving to be the strongest in the universe, while the Nearly all of the Saiyans were obliterated by Frieza, you could be one of the few to escape.


High Power Level: Saiyan start ahead of the game in terms of battle power; they are born to fight and stand above others.

*Zenkai: If a Saiyan survives a near-death experience through extreme injury to the body, then when the body recuperates, the Saiyan grows much stronger than they were previously, their body adapting to compensate for the damage dealt. This ability is known as a zenkai and increases the Saiyan's power level by an inconsistent multiplier. The duration of recovery does not seem to hinder this ability as Saiyans have healed through natural, technological, and mystical means and still gained substantial increases in strength. Saiyans also appear able to recover from injuries at a faster rate than humans and possess a greater deal of durability to damage.

*Hardened Skin: Saiyans have thick skin capable of shielding them from attack and punches, making a pretty useful skin armor.

*Ozaru form: It multiplies the user power x10.

*Transformations: Saiyans can transform to increase their power level but to do so they need to have a good amount of S cells, the higher the transformation the higher the S cell count needed.


----Namekians----, also commonly known as Nameks, are a race from Namek, Namekians are able to make their own set of Dragon Balls. They are humanoid with plant and slug-like characteristics, including green skin and antennae, they are asexual and need very little to survive.


*Enhanced Hearing: Namekian's sense of hearing is far greater than that of Humans, being able to hear conversations up to two miles away with clarity.

*Hardened Skin: Namekians have thick skin capable of shielding them from extreme drops in temperature, and other things in the environment.

*Regeneration: Namekians are an extremely resilient race, capable of surviving nearly any damage to their anatomy and able to regrow it instantly, provided at least that their brains are intact and they retain enough ki.

*Body Flexibility and Stretching: A Namekians body and limbs are also extremely flexible. They can elongate their arms and legs at will.


Androids: are robotic/cyborg humans, most of which were created by the evil scientist Dr. Gero. Most of the androids are said to have unlimited energy and eternal life. Due to their inorganic nature, they also have no detectable aura, so they cannot be directly tracked using Scouters or Ki Sense. The only one that can be sensed via Ki Sense is Gero's ultimate creation, Cell.


The Infinite Energy Model: the kind with no drawbacks and an unlimited power supply such as #8, #16, #17, and #18. This type was said to be more difficult to control, Dr. Gero, explains that in order for their infinite energy reactors to function, he had to disable the behavioral limiters wired into their firmware. They are immune to being directly detected via Ki Sense or Scouters due to lacking a ki-signature. Despite having no drawbacks and infinite energy and stamina, these androids can still be parred on or even be outclassed by non-android opponents in strength and power, if they do not train that is

The Energy Absorption Model: the kind which requires a constant intake of energy, usually stolen from victims, to keep their power reservoir from draining, which would cause the android to malfunction, such as #19 and #20. The more energy they absorb from their victims, the stronger they get. Curiously, his model, like the other Android models (exempting Bio-Androids), is immune to being directly detected by Ki Sense or Scouters due to lacking a ki-signature. However, they can be detected indirectly due to the depleting ki-signature of the victim. These androids can be possibly vulnerable if they let their guard down.

The Bio Android Model: The third kind whose energy exists and circulates as a form of organic ki similar to that of naturally born beings, Bio-Androids (such as Cell and the Cell Juniors). These androids can be tracked by ki sense; the organic ki is derived from the cells of powerful Saiyans, Namekians and mutant members of Frieza's race, if you choose this option, you will be an exact copy of Cell.


*Enhanced Hearing: Having Namekians cells, your sense of hearing is far greater than that of Humans, being able to hear conversations up to two miles away with clarity. (BIO ANDRIOD MODEL)

*Hardened Skin: Having both Namekian and Saiyan cells, you have thick skin capable of shielding you from extreme drops in temperature and other things in the environment. (BIO ANDRIOD MODEL)

*Regeneration: Namekians are an extremely resilient race, capable of surviving nearly any damage to their anatomy and able to regrow it instantly, provided at least that their brains are intact and they retain enough ki, in your case provided a part of you is still there you will be able to regenerate. (BIO ANDRIOD MODEL)

*Body Flexibility and Stretching: Having Namekian cells, your body and limbs are also extremely flexible. They can elongate their arms and legs at will. (BIO ANDRIOD MODEL)

Bio suit: You will be able to grow clothing on your body referred to as Bio Suits, thus, even when it seems as though are unclothed you will be wearing Bio Suits, these natural clothes can be removed at will or replaced with newly grown clothing, like Cell's exoskeleton is entirely for defense purposes, protecting his body, you will also have a normal skeleton, making your body extremely resilient to damage. (BIO ANDRIOD MODEL)

*Eternal youth: Regardless of the model you select this perk is available

*Infinite energy: Only the infinite energy model

Please select your race}

I was confused as to what was happening, what was that voice and why did I hear it, but I felt I needed to take the chance, the option, this might be the new adventure I was looking for.

{Allow me to clarify, Arthur Welson forty-five years old, retired from the military, war traumatized you, and with obvious PTSD you decided to live by yourself in the forest, by some natural causes the forest caught on fire, the injuries you sustained during the war made it impossible for you to escape the dire situation you were in and died.

You were selected to explore the multiverse, starting from Dragon Ball, God randomly picked you and gave you this gift, you can reject it of course, but that would be a stupid idea.

Resurrecting comes with a few perks, new body, new start, and no PTSD, and more}

'No, PTSD? you can do that?' I asked with genius curiosity.

{Affirmative, so please select your race}

'Let's be Cell, if I can get all the perks in one race, I think I don't mind looking like a bug, is not like looks will save me in dragon ball,' I selected the race as I started to feel my body changing.

{Perfect, you will be spawned at the beginning of Dragon Ball, as a final gift you will have a system with a search function of anything you might think of and a power level scouter that has no limit in numbers, enjoy!}


The first thing I noticed was the grass under me, then the hard and slightly cold wind blowing, the smell of flowers in the air, and the sound of animals moving around.

It took me a few seconds to realize I was lying on the ground, something I had not been expecting at all. this was real.

I bolted up in surprise. Apparently, I found myself in a big and beautiful forest, I could detail so much by just looking at it.

{Congratulations, you have been reborn as Cell!}

'Oh right I choose the bio android option,' I thought as I started to look something with a reflective surface, walking around I found a river.

My reflection was as ugly as I would expect, I was in my first form tail moving on my back and insectoid look on my face.

{First things first, you need to increase your power level to evolve, God took the liberty of erasing such pathetic limitations in your design, once you evolve your form will be locked in that state, meaning your base power will be that one!

Your current power level is: 222.000.000

To reach your next evolution you need a total power level of: 520.000.000

You are one year before Goku arrives on earth, meaning at this point you are in the top ten most powerful beings in the Galaxy.}

'Can I look human, like ever again? in case I need to go to the city anytime?' I asked the voice inside my head.

{With the systems help negative, but you have Namekian cells in you, meaning you can learn magic, and with magic using illusions or shapeshifting is not out of the picture, but considering this world has an anthropomorphic society and a dog for president, the chances of them shaming you by your looks are low.}

'Didn't think about it that way,' I answered.

{Perfect, now the last gift you will be given is the ability to hide your ki! while this skill is common, it will help you to avoid unnecessary drama, like bringing Babidi to earth before you are ready}

'All clear then, I'll keep that in mind,' I said as I felt power running through my being, I never felt this, nothing in my past life comes even remotely close.

{Another tip of information, the body you have is an exact copy of Cell, meaning you have the Data needed to use your power accordingly, it also means the more you evolve the smarter you will become if you need anything, please you ask, the system is all-knowing, and the information if for you to use}

With little to no effort, I was flying above the forest using the limiter to bring my power down to around the hundreds, I should train was the first thing that came to my head, but a greater part of me wanted to explore and see what the world had in hand for me, I wanted to see this world, the world I watched as a child growing up in a world of deception and treachery.

Dinosaurs could be seen around the place as I flew around, I wasn't going any fast I just wanted to admire the scenery, this was real, and even though this brought a feeling of nostalgia to my soul I knew I had to get stronger, this world had fewer conflicts internally speaking, the world was united under one banner, and the only problems were terrorist like the Red Ribbon Army and outside problems like Majin Buu, Frieza, Beerus.

"Well, time to train," I said stopping my tour around the world for a moment, "Hey system, can you locate the dragon balls?"

{It is within my power to do so, allow me to help you, the first dragon ball is five hundred miles north, please go ahead}

"Perfect," I said as I descended to the ground to run to the place, the new information I had in my head told me I could run faster than I could fly limiting my power to such low power level, the dragon ball would provide me with the training equipment I needed, a time chamber, and some books about magic, magic seemed to be very powerful is someone like Babidy was able to subdue Majin Buu, so learning that was a must to avoid something like that happening to me.

I started running, as I saw the waypoint arrow that had appeared out of nothing point me to where I had to go, the miles where reducing extremely fast 500-400-350-275-150, it didn't take me long before arriving at my destination and getting the ball.

"One down, six to go," I said holding the ball on my hands.

{Next destination, 9897 miles west!}


It took me around two hours to get all the Dragon balls, including the one Gohan had, which I blatantly stole from his house, I was going to give it back, maybe.

"Rise eternal dragon, and grant the wish of that who summons you!" I shouted making all the theatrics and everything.

The sky started to turn black like a storm was coming, and the dragon ball started to shine, as the weather was changing and a bright light came out of the balls forming a big dragon, with a stern look, "Why have you summoned me? Tell me your wish now."

Straight to the point, I like this oversized lizard, "I want my own time chamber that I can access whenever I want, wherever I want one like the Kamisama has on his lookout, but I want to be able to control the gravity in it."

The dragon stared at me for a second and his eyes shone in a bright red light, "Your wish has been granted," and just like that the dragon had disappeared, as the ball started to levitate into the air to scatter around the world.

I jumped high and got the four stars ball to give it back to the old man, as I saw the rest of the balls scattering around the world.

{You have obtained a personal time chamber with a gravity control, to enter the time chamber, just ask me, the option has been added to the system for the user's commodity.}

"I will as soon as I give this ball back," I said holding the four-star dragon ball on my hand.

{Understood, setting waypoint to Gohan's house....

Your destination is 7621 miles away, estimated time for arrival in fifteen minutes}

"Alright," I started to follow the waypoint again, happy that I got my wish granted, with that in one or two days I would be able to achieve my perfect form, while I wasn't as driven as the original Cell to achieve said form, my body was screaming to be perfect like I was part of a puzzle that needed to be solved, my body yearned to be complete, and so did I now, but I would not kill innocents in my quest for perfection, but I would finish it no matter what.

My calculations were based off the power-ups Vegeta, Trunks, Goku, and Gohan got on the time chamber, if I got anything remotely close to that, my perfection was assured.

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