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20% Life with my Mystery Guy / Chapter 2: Mister Creep

Chapter 2: Mister Creep

"WHO ARE YOU? " I said with a bit too much force.

"Why do you have my best friends phone? Did you do something to her? What did you do? I'm warning you, you better not touch a single hair on her or else ..." I start shooting question after question and my anger and fear starts to rise. What if he actually did something to Anna? Should I hang up and call the police?

While i'm panicking my ass out here, imagining the worst scenarios I hear a chuckle.

"Pfff....hahahhaa" a full blast laughter comes from the other end of the phone.

"What's so funny?" I ask clearly annoyed ready to say some more.

"What do you think?" he says apparently amused at my question.

"What I think? I think I'm gonna call the police you creep!" I say full of confidence. That's gonna shut him up for sure.

" Go ahead." He says, his voice calm but I swear I could hear some mocking in it.

" I can't wait to see how you embarrass yourself for calling a random number and calling them a creep....pfff".

"What random number? I say annoyed at his confidence. "This is my best friends number you CREEP." I retort back clearly emphasising the 'creep' word.

"No it's not. You got it wrong" . He says back.

"What...." I say with half a mouth and pull the paper that Anna gave me from my bag and compare it with the number on my phone. And just like he said, I dialed the wrong number. Apparently in my heist to call Anna I pressed one number wrong and dialed without checking if it was the right number or not.

"Oh..." I say , my eyes wide and my face started to turn red from embarrassment.

"Oh what?" I hear him say from the other end clearly amused at my own stupidity.

I clear my throat a few times to embarrassed to say anything. "You are right".....a say barely audible.

"What did you say?. I couldn't quite hear you properly." He says stifling a laughter.

'Arghhhh...this guy. Cleary he heard me, he's just making fun of me.' I think to myself, my anger rising in me because of my predicament, which is clearly my fault.

Sigh....I sigh louder and muster all my courage and say in one breath. "You are right. I did dialed the wrong number. I'm sorry for calling you a creep."

I feel proud of myself. That's how a mature person should be. You should admit to your own wrongdoings and say sorry when necessary. ' Ha...take that you creep'. I think to myself and gave myself a hand on the back and a thumbs up as a support.

"You're proud of yourself aren't you? " He says just like the jerk he is and than starts laughing pouring cold water on my self-esteem.

"What..." my eyes big not believing what I heard. "Don't you know how to accept an apology ? JERK" I scream the last word out loud and end the call triumphantly.

With the corner of my eye I caught a few people giving me an odd look at my outburst. I give them a sly grin and quickly hope in the car and drive home annoyed and angry and embarrassed .

"Can you believe the nerve on that guy!!?" I start talking to myself as I park my car, aligned and then enter my apartment closing the door a little too hard.

I take a deep breath to calm myself and then take my shoes off and put my bag on the couch. I quickly run inside the bedroom , change my clothes into something more comfortable, pick my bucket of salty caramel ice cream from my freezer and plop my butt on the couch ready to watch my favorite 'Criminal minds' ready to forget the whole ordeal with that jerk. Well ...the deep and sexy voice of a jerk.

After a few hours of doing nothing and stuffing my face with ice cream I order some pizza to fill my stomach with something more suitable. Then go to the bathroom to take a shower, change in my pj's , pink with hello kitty, and dive straight in the bed and under the covers to catch on some sleep. I remembered Anna and that I forgot to call her. I take a mental note to call her tomorrow, hopefully this time I won't mess up again. of course I remember the embarrassment from earlier but I quickly put it out of my mind and go for my beauty sleep.

Just before I drifted to Lala land I heard a 'ping' coming from my phone on the bedside table. 'Who's texting me at this hour?' I ask myself making a mental note to put it on silent from now on.

I take my phone and open the text and read it.

"Apology accepted"

'Whaaa....seriously????? '

"Who is this ?" I sent a text back typing and pressing a little to hard on the screen.

"The 'jerk' or 'creep' you accidentally called today" he replies back.

And then sends a 'smug' emoji.

"What's wrong with you? Do you know what time it is?" I write at full speed but right before I press the send button I stop and delete everything.

"Hello Mister Creep? " I send back followed by a little devil laughing.

I wait for a few minutes but I got no reply. I put my phone away and duck under the blanket ready to sleep. Right before my head hits the pillow my phone starts ringing.

Ring ring ring.....

I take my phone and look to see who's calling. sure enough it's the creep/jerk.

I look a little longer at my phone and hesitate a little on the answer button, then press it and answered.


"So..if i'm Mister Creep than what should I call you?" I hear that deep and sexy voice from the other end.


My mouth hangs a little not knowing what to say.

"Are you giving me the silent treatment or are you on your period?" He says on the other end amused at his own words.

"Do you have a screw loose?" I ask back not believing what I just heard.

"How can you say something like that? Didn't your mother teach you how to talk properly? I fire at him questions getting angry by the second.

"Okay okay....I give up". He says chuckling "Sorry for being an ass. I just wanted to make you talk."

"Hmmpp.....good that you know!" I said still angry at his shameless remark. "So? why did you call? What do you want to talk about?" I ask not wanting to prolong this nonsense any further.

"I just wanted to hear your voice again. It's not every day you get scolded by a stranger on the phone." He says laughing at the end.

My face turns red remembering my own stupidity from earlier today.

"I already said sorry!" I said in a higher pitch voice than usual , my face still red.

He starts laughing. Surely he knows i'm embarrassed.

"It's alright" he replies still laughing softly.

'Arrghhh...that laugh is pleasing to the ear' I think to myself.

"Anything else? I ask quickly to mask my embarrassment. "It's late and I have work tomorrow."

" No. That's all." He says.

After a short pause : " Can I call you again ?" He asks a little hesitant.

"O..okay'" I say my ears burning. ' Why did I agreee??' I ask myselg panicking a little.

Well...whatever. I'll just put the police on speed dial just in case he's a serial killer. Clearly I watch too much criminal minds.

"Well...good night" I say much softly than before.

"Good night." I hear him say than disconnect the call.

I put the phone back in its place but then take it again and save the number as 'Mister Creep'. Then I put it back on the bedside table and go back to sleep, in a much better mood than before.

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