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Chapter 5: Chapter 5: S1-E4: At the House of Wolves - Part 3

Chapter 4: At the House of Wolves Part 3

Nearly another week had passed since Geralt had his private conversation with Eddard Stark, sharing the full truth about how he ended up in Westeros and about Ciri. The Witcher had split his time between reading what he could at the Library Tower yet also taking part at the sparring ring more often. More often he'd train the recruits on the basics of sword fighting or spar with one of the more experienced men who wanted to test himself. So far, no one had been able to get so much as a light blow against him. Theon had even asked for a rematch which he politely refused despite the Iron Islander's bluster. Yet today was special since it was time to meet with Jon Snow and follow up on his promise to do some training with young man.

It was another clear and sunny day in Winterfell as Geralt walked outside into the yard. Today the soldiers weren't training since recently Eddard had asked for them to go out to patrol the roads of the North along with spread a message to look for a silver haired woman with a scar across her face. Geralt hadn't expected such action from the Northern lord, yet it was a good gesture of faith in the end. Putting those thoughts aside, his attention focused on Jon who was busy practicing against a one of the training dummies. For a moment Geralt stood back to watch Jon, the young man having good foot work with the way he moved and attacked. He favored a strong two hand style yet knew when to swing with one hand. If anything the almost fought like a Witcher, just lacking the spins and twisting moves that Geralt often used.

"Not too bad…yet real foes don't just stand still and take hits." Geralt spoke up, getting Jon's attention.

The Stark bastard chuckled, brushing his black curly hair back as he'd turn to face the Witcher. "True enough. Still, never hurts to test the basics right?" Jon countered back.

Geralt shrugged as he'd move over to the nearby weapon rack, picking out a fitting practice sword for himself. "That's what I've been doing every sparring day so far." The Witcher calmly stated as he'd face Jon again who paced towards the sparring ring.

"Really now? You're telling me your holding back against everyone you've fought here?" Jon questioned, chuckling in disbelieve at the claim.

Geralt kept that calm look, yet a small smirk did hint his lips. "Considering the people and creatures I've fought…yes. If I was serious they'd have more than cracked bones and bruises." Shifting his stance, he'd grasp his sword with both hands as he stared right at Jon with his piercing yellow eyes. "So are we going to chat or begin?"

Jon paused as he thought over the Witcher's answer before taking his own fighting stand which nearly mirrored Geralt's. "Then don't hold back against me." The Stark said, tone dead serious and gaze having an intense focus.

For a moment neither moved and if anything their inaction had the few onlookers mutter in confusion. In the end Geralt lunged in, swinging downward with his blade while Jon stepped, his sword up to block it. Blades clashed yet the two moved as they back stepped then circled about only to move in for another attack. The two continued to move and strike about, never overextending themselves or going too far on the defensive. Geralt had to admit Jon knew how to avoid a parry, going for controlled attacks and avoiding a straight on attack. It showed that he had been studying the Witcher closely after the last few days of sparring. If anything it was impressive how prepared Jon was for this fight.

Yet at one point both rushed each other, both blades locking in a clash as the two struggled against each other. Geralt was stronger than most men yet Jon had changed his footing to brace himself, remembering how the Witcher overpowered others during such sword locks. In the end both of them backed off, pausing for a moment to catch their breath.

"Impressive. Seems like you already learned a lot from just watching me." Geralt remarked as his stance relaxed now.

Jon nodded, panting a bit since Geralt's strength and speed had pushed the young man quite hard to match up. "Did notice how nothing else was working with the others. They all tried a deep approach yet never thought to adapt." Jon explained as he'd get some water from a waterskin nearby. "Was hoping to just get a hit in, yet at best I'm just keeping you from beating me down."

"A good start if any." Geralt remarked back with a nod before moving up to get a drink of water as well.

"After all, I need to be at my best if I plan to serve at the Night's Watch." Jon added, making Geralt give a surprised look to the young man.

"Join the Night's Watch, why would you do that?" The Witcher questioned. "From what I know the Watch isn't what it used to be ever since they gave the choice for criminals to join their ranks just to escape jail or execution."

Jon gaze a side glance away, nodding a bit. "I've heard of that…try to think it's not as bad as it sounds. Just rumors and such. Uncle Benjen has visited a few times, told me about the honor and duty with taking the oath and wearing the Black." Yet for the Witcher, he felt the young man was trying to excuse that little detail.

"Didn't know Ned had another brother." Geralt remarked, Jon nodding in response.

"Benjen often kept to himself. I don't know why he decided to serve with the Watch. Maybe just a sense to duty or personal choice." Jon shrugged and sighed. "Besides I feel I have no other choice. Winterfell is my home yet…there is much for me here."

"Right…I forget…" Being a bastard still carried the same rules and sigma here just like in his world. Still Jon was lucky to have a good family and half-brothers. If anything Robb and Jon had a natural affinity that even the truest of siblings lacked. "I get your reasons. Still, you're fine giving up the freedom to…well…start a family of your own?"

Jon gave a small shrug yet a shy look hinted in his eyes. "I…ehh…never really thought about that." He muttered, shifting a bit. "Just been having other things on my mind."

Geralt gave a questioning look and crossed his arms. "Really? The dashing son of the noble Lord Eddard never notice a maiden or two wooing for his attention?" The Witcher jested.

"A bastard." Jon grumbled, as if that was excuse.

"Bastard or not, I know plenty of women who fawn for a young man like you. Trust me, a life of celibacy isn't worth it. You should at least know the comfort of a loving woman at least." Geralt's bluntness had Jon blush lightly.

"Just been focused on other matters." Jon remarked as he'd put his practice sword away. "Yet what about you? You don't exactly look like the man who'd settle down with any normal woman."

Geralt was silent when the young man question, making Jon give an odd look after a moment. The Witcher realized he hadn't thought about Yen since leaving her back at the tower so many weeks ago. Maybe he was used to the fact that she could handle anything by herself, being one of the world's more powerful sorceress's. Yet he felt that uncertainty about what was happening back in his world…if it was suffering a second Conjunction or the White Frost, whatever it was, was destroying it. For all he knew she was no doubt trying to find him, all the while cursing at his rashness. That thought alone brought a small hint of a smile to his lips.

Jon spoke up again, snapping Geralt out of his thoughts. "Ah sorry…I realize that is a personal question to ask."

Geralt shook his head. "It's fine. Been asked worse questions." He'd pause for a moment before continuing. "Still I don't feel like discussing about my companions. Something for another day."

"Umm…anyway don't you plan to go to the Wall? Talk to the Lord Commander and try to organize some search for Ciri." Jon asked, changing back to the original topic.

For a moment Geralt thought, thinking over his talk with Ned and all the stories the people of the keep said about the harsh land beyond the wall. "Maybe...been debating considering the trip that far North would be a nearly a week's worth. Rather not be running all across the continent and getting nothing done." He answered back. "Your father said King Robert could help me, get me the aid I need to search the North. King's Landing maybe where I end up."

"Seems like you'll have to make a choice in the end." Jon remarked, making Geralt nod in agreement.

"At the least, I'll decide by the end of the King's visit." Geralt explained. "For now all I can do is study as much as I can about the Wall and beyond it. First rule of a Witcher is to always be prepared and if nothing works out with the Watch or the King…may just have to go out alone."

"You know that is suicidal." Jon warned, much like his father had with how he spoke.

"Heh…you have no idea how many times people have said that to me." Geralt remarked with a small chuckle as he'd pace around the sparring ring. "Again, just my last option."

Jon seemed troubled with the matter yet didn't argue any more with the Witcher. "Anyway I should return to more chores and other duties." He muttered as he'd glance towards the Great Keep. "Again, thank you for the spar and talking with me. You've given me a lot to think about."

The two firmly shook hands before Jon hurried off for the keep, leaving Geralt alone for now. He'd move for the Guest House yet paused when he saw someone by the shooting range, the young Bran who had been watching the whole fight.

"Spying are you?" Geralt jested as the boy stepped out of hiding, giving a small shrug and small smile back. He hadn't had a chance to talk to Brann one on one, often only chatting with him during the few dinners he had shared with the family. The boy seemed happy and active like his older brother, yet every time he encountered the child, his medallion just slightly hummed. Even after a few weeks of study and talking with the Stark family, he found no real clues on why.

"Wanted to see you fight Jon. Was much more interesting than all the past fights since Jon didn't get beaten." The young Stark commented. "Do you think he could beat you? I mean Robb and dad are good from what I know…yet Jon seems to be getting better the Robb."

"Haven't see your other brother fight yet but…I think give Jon a few more years and he may just." The Witcher answered back. "If anything he would have been a fitting Witcher. Has the right traits and skills to be one."

"Really!" Bran remarked in an excited manner, making Geralt nod back. "So I was thinking could you train me? I'm still only using wooden swords and dad has me learning the bow…yet I always have trouble pulling the string back and mess up with my aim. Maybe you know a trick you could share?"

"Heh…admittedly bows was someone a Witcher didn't learn. Yet I started using a crossbow for a good while." Geralt answered back as he'd glance down the archery range. "Give me a moment."

Bran nodded as Geralt hurried to the Guest House, going through his packed gear to pick out his Feline School crossbow. The weapon was finely crafted, made hardened wood along with being reinforced with monster bone and hair. While it was a small crossbow, he had shot down plenty of harpies and gryphons with the compact weapon. Gathering up his bolts, he'd return to Brann who gave a curious look at the crossbow.

"I remember seeing that one your back when you first arrived. I didn't know you could afford a crossbow." The young Stark remarked.

"Custom made and of Witcher design. Not a big as a normal crossbow, but useful for drawing out in the middle of a fight, plus easy to reload…well for me at least." Geralt explained, as he let Brann examine the unloaded weapon. Considering his young age, he could two hand the weapon easy like a normal sized crossbow.

"Could you show me how it works?" Brann asked with a hopeful look.

"Alright, just follow my directions carefully." Geralt answered back with a small nod.

The Witcher would spend a good while showing the boy how the crossbow worked, from how to load it and properly holding it. He'd take a few shots both one hand and with both, using his honed skill and senses to land perfect shots. When it was Brann's turn, Geralt had the boy take his time aiming down the weapon and how to hold his breath to get a steady shot. He'd hit the targets at the least and after a few more shots started getting closer to the center.

"Much easier than a bow." Bran remarked as he handed Geralt back the crossbow along with the bolts.

"Crossbow makes it easier to aim without having to worry about bow draw and the like. Issue is it's slowly then a bow and can lack its range in certain situations. Plus more costly to make and fix." Geralt explained to Bran. "Still it seems suitable for you."

Bran nodded in agreement. "Still could you show me how to use a sword like you? I mean…not sparring like the others, just more of pointers on what to do." He then asked a bit nervously.

"Huh…haven't trained anyone as young like you since Ciri." Geralt muttered, thinking for a moment while Bran gave a small pleading look. "Fine, but I expect full effort on your part."

Bran nodded quickly, happy with the answer. "Promise." He answered back, making Geralt him a small smile. "Anyway I guess I should get back to studying before mother complains." The boy gave a small wave before hurrying off to the Great Keep.

Geralt started having second thoughts on the agreement, wondering if Catlyn approve of him training the boy. Yet he guessed he'd deal with that later as he'd head back to the Guest House and continue his researching.

The days went by as Geralt would start sparring against Jon, Robb and Theon. Robb proved to be just as good as Jon, matching up to his half-brother's skill. Theon improved as well yet his overconfidence and hotheadedness held him back. Yet he pressed them every time and even showed them how to fight as a group as he even had them fight 3 on 1 against him. Their fight had drawn a large crowd as Geralt put on a bigger show of his acrobatic sword fighting skill. He'd duck, leap, roll and slide to avoid their attacks. The surprised looks showed how people doubted someone like him could move in such a way, yet that is what gave him an edge.

By the time their latest fight ended, all three were gasping for breath while Geralt seemed only winded. At the least they had avoided being bruised by the blunt training sword, having taken a good effort to dodge and block properly.

"Gods Geralt…" Robb muttered as he'd stand up straight after catching his breath. "Can't deny that you've shown us a new meaning to sword fighting, yet I doubt we'll met anyone that can move like you."

The Witcher smirked as he'd put his training sword away and get the waterskin and wooden mugs for them all. "Then that means when you fight anyone else you should best them then." He remarked.

"A good point there." Theon laughed as he'd drank a long drink from his mug.

"Maybe father should duel you next?" Jon jested, making everyone look to the looming wall walkway where Ned and Catelyn stood by, having watched the fight.

The northern lord laughed at the remark and his wife seeming a bit amused as well. "It be an interesting fight for sure, yet I feel I lack practice to handle someone like the Witcher." Ned remarked back. However, before he could say anything more Rodrik would approach Ned and quickly mutter something to him. The Northern lord's expression hardened to a more serious expression before he spoke to his wife, then glanced over towards his sons, mainly Bran who had been watching among the crowd. In then end she seemed to reluctantly agree before Eddard spoke up.

"Everyone…we have a troubling matter that has some to my attention. A Night's Watch ranger has been caught for desertion. This is a matter a must deal with personally and immediately." Staring at his sons, he'd give a small nod. "I want all of your to get your cloaks and horses ready. This is a matter you should all witness." The way Ned spoke was the first stoic show of command Geralt had seen. None of his sons objected as they quickly went about to get ready. Yet as Geralt moved to leave Ned spoke up again. "Not so fast friend. I feel you should come with us."

"How come? I already have a feeling of what is going to happen." Geralt questioned back.

"It's more of what the Ranger has to say. The guards who arrested him mentioned him babbling of…the corpses of the dead haunting the woods and a shade of some kind." Ned remarked back, yet Geralt had a seriousness about him. "Besides the Ranger has been beyond the Wall. He could have some news of recent events…details that can help you."

At that point Geralt nodded, understanding Ned's meaning. "I'll be ready in a few minutes." With that he was already heading for his room, gathering all his swords and other gear before returning to the courtyard. By then Ned and his sons were already on their horses, while one of the stable hands brought one out for the Witcher. Mounting up, Ned looked over the group before leading the way.

They ride through the grassy hills that surrounded Winterfell, passing through a short patch of woods until they arrived at a rocky hilly were a small group of mounted guards and a man in dark leathers stood waiting. If anything the stones set around reminded Geralt of a ritual site.

The Winterfell party arrived at the group and dismounted, Ned taking the lead while his sons hanged back, standing by the edge of the rough stone circle that crowned the hilltop. Eddard nodded for Geralt to follow him while two guards pulled the young man forward, who didn't resist, only muttering in a low voice. He was slim and dirtied, having traveled far for a long while by the looks of 'd stop before a flat stone which an arched piece of wood set by execution block. The Northern lord was silent as the Night's Watchman looked at him then at Geralt who he recoiled at for a moment when seeing the pale hair and yellow eyes.

"N-No…not them…you're not them." The man muttered to Geralt, glancing away to avoid the Witcher's calm cat like eyes.

Ned remained silent, a sign for Geralt to question the man. "You're name is Will right, a Ranger of the Night's Watch? You were scouting beyond the Wall yes?" The Witcher asked in a calm manner.

The ranger just nodded, still tense from Geralt's appearance. "Yes. Was with two others…a friend and a new member. Weeks ago we had odd reports…a strange storm happening and sightings in the woods. We thought wildlings…" Yet he'd shudder.

"What did you find?" Geralt questioned.

"Bodies. Wildlings. Men, woman and children. They were…cut up in a circle…some ritual. There was a girl…impaled to a tree" He'd bite back a sob. "I called my Brothers to see it while they sent me out to scout the area...I heard screams and…and…" By now he was shaking, breathing deeply as he seemed in a panic.

Geralt knew at this rate he'd lose focus, start struggling or being hysterical. His right hand flex and twist as he'd discretely make the Axii Sign, as possible to avoid Sign being used as a soothing color showed in Will's eyes as he'd give a relaxed sigh. Ned seemed to notice this, giving a curious short look at Geralt who continued to speak.

"What happened next?"

Will took a moment before speaking, his voice more clear now. "I heard the others scream and saw the horses run off. Then I heard a noise and the girl…she was there…dried blood and eyes dead." He'd pause before shaking his head "No eyes icy blue. She moved and looked at me…I ran." Again he'd be silent. "Found Gared. He was a good friend and Ranger. Then something big…came up behind him. Cut his head off."

"What killed him?" Geralt pressed.

"Skin was pale and wrinkled…face gaunt like a corpse…eyes the same piercing blue. It was a White Walker." He'd look to Geralt and then Ned. "I know I should have gone back to the Wall. Warned my Brothers. I couldn't…was too scared…too much of a coward." He'd shake his head. "Yet I know what I saw!"

Geralt was silent, looking between Ned and the Ranger. "Did you see a white haired woman with a scar across one eye?" He'd suddenly ask, drawing a confused look from Will.

"N-No…didn't see such a woman…even among the bodies." The Ranger muttered before looking to Ned. "I know what I did was wrong. I accept that I deserted…I broke the oath and accept the price of it."

At this point Ned nodded and then glanced at Geralt, making the Witcher move away as one of the men moved up with a large fur covered sheathed blade. The size was massive, being a great sword at least. What interested Geralt was how his medallion vibrated lightly with the weapon close, making him watch intently. Ned grasped the large hilt and drew the blade out, the blade metal being a smoky dark unlike any metal the Witcher had seen. The massive blade was perfectly sharp yet showed no signs sharpening by whetstone.

Ned hefted the blade with ease despite the size, either of hint of his strength to betraying a lightness to the great sword. Soon he'd begin to speak, a long oath about the man's crime and punishment, all while having a somber yet steadfast look. "Do you have any last words Will?" Ned calmly asked.

"Tell my family. Don't lie…let them know of my mistake." He'd bow his head although the guards already pressed him to the block. "Yet believe what I saw my Lord. They exist…"

Ned was silent, hesitant for a long moment in thought. Geralt glanced back to the watching sons, Jon whispering to Bran who stared intently. In the end though, Ned tightened the grip of his sword before with a grunt, he'd lift the blade up and then down, decapitating the Ranger cleanly with one powerful swing. Eddard gave a deep sigh as he watched the head drop down and blood flow from the severed neck. He'd get a block to wipe the blood off his blade before the guard with the sheath stepped forward to let the blade be slid back in.

"And so much duty is complete." Ned muttered before turning to his sons. "Let this be a moment you all remember. Follow the oaths you make, just ones that you decide."

The Stark sons nodded, Bran hesitant in his before Ned moved back for his horse. Everyone followed, whispering to each other as they'd mount up. Geralt pulled himself onto his horse yet moved beside Eddard to speak privately.

"He wasn't lying." He simply stated.

"Do you believe so?" Ned said in a low voice.

"May have been fearful, yet it wasn't what he said, just the memory. Axii Sign helped ease the truth." He explained to Ned.

"One of your tricks? I did see the gesture you made."

"Helped calm him. Be more focused. Point is everything he said was what he saw." Geralt remarked.

"There has to be a logical reason Geralt. The man babbled about a myth."

"Where I come from, myths often are true to a degree. Besides he mentioned a storm a few weeks ago…close to the same time I arrived." Geralt argued back.

Ned gripped his reins and looked away from Geralt. "I won't rush into any decision on the matter." The lord guided his horse along, leaving Geralt behind before the Witcher rode out as well. Jon and Robb gave questioning looks as they rod close by yet said nothing as the group headed back for Winterfell.

The group would return home by the main road to return back to Winterfell. Everyone was silent the whole right, Ned keeping a stern look during the whole time, ignoring Geralt when he rode up close and seemed ready to talk. Yet Ned slow down as he'd see something ahead, making the Witcher focus his gaze ahead to see what it was.

"Dead elk." He simply stated, using his sharp vision to confirm.

The group came to a stop and dismounted, yet Geralt was the first to move close to the dead beast. It was easy for him to tell that the elf had been killed at least half was week, considering the decay. "Broken horn…split belly…hide seems to have been bitten and torn into." He muttered, a usual habit he when investigating. His sharp gaze scanned the road, noting the hoof prints of the elf but then saw very law paw prints. "Wolf…biggest one I've ever seen. Size of the elk even." By this point the others were looking at the elk, along with overhearing Geralt's mutterings curiously. The Witcher continued to pace around the area, sharp eyes finding every detail.

"Wolf chase it here, then surprised it. Bite right into the under belly and knocked it over. Started to disembowel yet dropped guard as elk thrashed about. One set of antlers struck, possibly at the face or neck region." He'd pace towards the side of the road, nearing a slope by a creek and bridge that crossed over it. Quickly he saw the wolf itself, a massive creature as he suspected. Yet what really got his attention was the small canine forms huddling at the wolf, suckling at its underbelly and giving low whimpers. The bigger wolf was decaying as well, face already having maggots eating away at it.

The group followed, amazed looks at the massive creature while Geralt moved to the wolf pups who scampered around yet didn't try to escape him. Even for ones so younger they were much larger than normal wolf pups.

"It's a freak." Theon suddenly remarked, making Geralt and Ned glance back with an annoyed look, silencing the young man.

"It's a dire wolf." Eddard muttered as he'd reach to grab the snapped antler, yanking it out with a sickening sound before tossing it aside. "A rare beast."

"Had such creatures back home, yet they were hunted to extinction or at least roamed into the deeper north." Geralt remarked.

Robb nodded. "Aye…there are no dire wolves south of the Wall. Makes you wonder how this one got here."

"Well there is five here now." Jon remarked as he'd move to pick up one of the pups, the gray furred creature whining cutely before Jon looked to Bran. "Want to hold it?"

Bran nodded as he'd take the pup, wrapping it up in his cloak to warm it and cuddle the soft fur. "Where will they go? Their mother is dead." The young Stark asked softly.

Geralt could see the Northern men glance aside, hinting at what they were thinking. In the end Ned spoke up quickly. "They won't last without their mother. It be best to give them a quick death."

"Right then!" Theon was quick to react, getting his dagger out and grabbing for Bran's pup, who whined out in fear. Yet Geralt was quick to intervine, a strong arm shoving Theon back. "Cut out it out." He growled, making the Iron Islander pale slightly. "Thought I taught you some self-control after all these weeks."

"He's right Theon, put the bloody knife away." Robb remarked in agreement, making Theon look about with a torn look.

"Please father!' Bran pleaded as Ned moved past them for the road, making him pause to look at his son, a mournful look showing in his eyes.

"Lord Stark." Jon spoke up, making everyone look to him. "There are five pups, one for each of your children. The dire wolf is your house sigil. We were meant to have them."

Geralt didn't expect such a formal remark from Jon, since privately he spoke of Ned as just his father. Perhaps the formality was meant to calm and reason with the troubled lord. "He makes a good point Lord Eddard." The Witcher remarked. "Their young enough to be trained and should grow up quickly. Give a month or so they'll be big as a hound, easier to manage."

Everyone looked at Ned, he thought for a moment before speaking. "You'll train them yourselves. Fed them yourselves. And if they die you'll bury them yourself." The last few words had a sternness to them yet Geralt understood the man was putting the gravity of this responsibility to his family.

Everyone nodded as Ned marched back for the road, while Jon began collecting the pups, handing them off to Robb and Theon to be carried back. Yet Bran paused, looking at Jon before speaking up.

"What about you?" He asked.

"I'm not a true Stark…just go on now." The bastard muttered, shooing Bran who'd follow Robb to the road.

Geralt took a moment to walk up to Jon and speak privately with him. "A good thing you've done." He assured the young man, placing a firm hand on his shoulder. "Your family will care and raise them well. They'll be good protectors for your siblings."

Jon just nodded, remaining silently as he'd slip by the Witcher, yet stop as he heard some low whines at the nearby tree. The young man crouched to find a white furred pup, the smallest one of the group as he'd pick it up to examine it.

"Looks like the runt of the litter." Geralt remarked. "Seems you'll have your own wolf in the end."

"Guess fate works in strange ways." Jon chuckled, mood softening as he'd hold the pup closely. He'd give a thankful nod to the Witcher before going to rejoin his family, leaving Geralt to himself.

"Fate…not sure if I should curse it or thank it." He'd mutter before his sharp ears heard the crack of a twig in the woods. By reaction his hand reached for his steel sword, yet paused in drawing it as he saw the source of the noise. It was another dire wolf, full grown and white furred, a bigger then the slain female wolf. The wolf was far enough to not be seen by the others as Geralt stared it down. He noticed how its face was scarred, a claw mark across one side and eye, no doubt from a bear by the looks of it. For a long while he stared at the wolf, wondering if it attack to reclaim its pups or not. Yet it look away after a long moment and slip away into the woods. Geralt relaxed his grip on his blade, watching the white furred beast disappear among the trees.

"Old white wolf…." He muttered before Robb yelled out from the road.

"What's matter Geralt?" The Stark questioned out.

Shaking his head, Geralt moved back to the road and for his horse. "Nothing. Thought I saw something in the woods" He answered back before moving his horse forward as the group continued back to Winterfell. Yet riding along he kept thinking about the wolf and that knowing gaze it had.

Later that evening, Geralt decided to see Ned to discuss what Will had shared with him. Everything that the Ranger had said troubled the Witcher along with Ned's initial denial. He knew something was going on with Ned since he never seen the man so troubled, so stern and serious. The guards would escort the Witcher to Eddard's study, the man reading over letters and logs before looking to the Witcher and the guards.

"Leave us please." He muttered to the men, who'd nod and leave the room, closing the door behind them.

"We need to talk about the Ranger Will." Geralt said, moving up to the heavy wooden desk while Ned read over a letter.

"If you are questioning why he had to be executed it's because it's the law. Has been seen the Night's Watch founding." Ned calmly stated back.

"I know the rules. The issue is you should have given us more time. Question him more, talk to the Watch or check the area he had been attacked." Geralt argued back.

At this point Ned looked at Geralt, silent for a long moment. "He has been traveling for weeks. If any clues could be found, they'd long been claimed by the frost and snow." Shifting up from his seat, he'd stand up now. "And the Watch would only disprove the man's claim, say it was a desperate excuse about how Wildlings ambushed and killed them."

"He didn't lie. Simple as that." Geralt remarked back.

"That's you word though Geralt, one that you relied on your…tricks to get." Ned muttered back. "Yet what do you expect me to say? Claim that the White Walkers are real and somehow connected to your missing Ciri?" He'd shake his head. "I'll admit I've seen signs of change coming. The Night's Watch is too thin to watch the whole wall. Patrols beyond it are non-existence. Wildlings are slipping in by the dozens as if running from something." He'd pause, one hand clenched as he'd tap on his desk lightly. "Yet for all we know there could be warring with the tribes up north, some cult or radical group using a myth to spread fear. The Walkers are a myth, a tale of thousands of years long past.

Geralt was silent, admitted Ned's argument made sense from a point of view. "Then let me go to the Wall. Let me question the men there, examine the Wall or even scout just beyond it. I'll get the truth and proof."

"You'll waste your time. Robert will be here within a few weeks, too long for you to get to Castle Black and back." Ned answered back. "You won't have enough talk to speak with the King and if anything I need you here during his visit."

"Why, what has changed?" Geralt questioned.

Ned sighed, sliding a letter to Geralt. "The Hand of the Kind is dead. Raven just came in…dated a month so back." The Witcher read it over as Eddard continued to speak. "Jon Arryn was a second father to me. When the Mad King demanded me and Robert to be surrendered to him, Arryn defended us and was one of the first to rebel. The man was honorable, wise and decent…yet now he has died under mysterious circumstances."

"Like you were saying back in the Godswood." Geralt muttered, making Ned nod.

"The elk and wolf at the road shows you investigating skill. What would take a trained hunter minutes, you deduced it all in seconds." Ned remarked. "I need you're wit and skill. There is something at the heart of the kingdom, a real threat that doesn't hide beyond myths and stories."

The Witcher grumbled a bit, hating how Ned pressured the matter. "This isn't my land and Robert isn't my King."

Eddard shook his head, glancing down at his desk in thought. "Then what is your price?"

Geralt blinked in confusion. "What?"

"How much gold then? What resources can I trade you? As you've told me a Witcher takes contracts, so let me give you one." Ned explained.

"No." Geralt stated, making it Eddard's turn to look confused. "I get your reasons my lord. You've made a good case back in the Godswoods and now. Yet the last time I got involved in such matters I ended up blamed as an assassin, good people died and a mass invasion happened in the end." Pausing, he'd look right at Eddard sternly. "You need to wait, take your time on this matter. If you rush to conclusions you will only cause trouble for your House…and put your life, even your family's on the line." With that he'd turn to leave, Ned having that troubled look as the door slammed shut.

Notice: So ends this three parter. Next week Robert and company arrive and things will truly pick up. Going to be tricky balancing so many characters yet I promise they will be engaging moments. Hopefully I can keep up the weekly releases. Besides that please share your thoughts and reviews!

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