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??? : what did you just said?

Priest : he got the intelligence and wisdom that beyond the normal baby.

Said the priest to someone.

??? : is he one of 'them'?

Priest : not likely but there is one thing that seems to be very suspicious.

??? : what is it.

Priest : he doesn't have soul.

??? : !!!

??? : I see. Keep watch over him, I want you to report all of his suspicious movement.

Priest : as your desire.


After Arthur reach 3 years old. He is now known as bookworm because all he did was reading at his room. His parents even brought a ton of book for him in his second years birthday. Arthur find it weird to give a book to the baby but he not sure if it is weird in this place or not.

His mother once in a while teach him the content in the book. Which help him a lot in language theory. He is now learning the history and continental of this place.

It turns out that this place is not on earth or any planet that recorded in the archive. The planet is called 'arzel' and this place has 2 moon, the red ond and the white one.

He also try to learn magic but he only senses the mana and can not pour it into spell that he chant. When he did the chant he feels like some part in his body being pull out by the word that he chant but not enough to make it work.

Priests come to his mansion once in a while with an excuse of the will of the god guide them to here to check me. But he still conceal himself pretty well, except the point that he always read book all day long.

He can not update the information online so he had to collect the information at the local and must start to make the duplicate of himself as soon as possible to increase the network.


After he reach 5 years old, Arthur start to make the preparation for his project to create his robotic self in order to colloect information. But all he can do is now wait for him to grown enough to forge his robot.

His parents always support him but only if he grow enough to the point that he will not hurt himself when he do it. So all he do now is do some body strengthening like some ligh exercises because he read all his book already.

His stat change a bit.


name : Arthur

stat :

vitality : 8

strength : 7

agility : 9

intelligent : immeasurable

wisdom : immeasurable

skill :

parallel thinking lv. Max : ability to calculate more than one thing simultaneously

blessed memory lv. Max : ability to remember everything in a blink of the eyes.

authority lv. 2 : ability to control your body at will

fast learner lv. Max : ability to learn and understand at the fast rate

soulless lv. Max : being that doesn't have soul can not receive effect from soul-type skill

mana sense lv. 2 : ability to sense and control mana

mana concealment lv. 1 : ability to conceal the mana inside the body

magic chant lv. 1 : ability to chant spell


He also be able to control his body more easily to the point that skill authority level up once. He also be able to use some chant like illuminate but still can not chant the elemental-based spell.

Today he also heard some news that he will be a big brother soon. He dan't care it but it would halt his effort if he has to babysitting the baby so he have to find the counter measure for her real soon.

He also need to make regenerative serum, strengthening body serum and transfusion tissue serum to strengthen his body. But it will be a long term project because of the meterial to make it doesn't exist in this world.


When he reach 7 years old, his father teach him about magic which he already know when he read all the book. But at least he can train the chanting openly now. He had a little sister name Ella, she has crimson hair and eye which is different from him that has dark blue color instead.

His sister always cry every time she has been far from him and now it halt his body training. At least he still can train his chanting to increase mana efficiency.

His sister likely treat his as her toy, she always climb over, hanging, pulling hair and do everything to annoy him. But he can not hurt her as her big brother so he push the babysitting job to his parent as much as possible.

He had been train all those years so his [mana sense] reach lv. 3 and [magic chant] also reach lv. 3 too. This is the progress that he predict.

His authority does not increase but he still sense some improvement. His body is like an over growth boy who seems to grow too much for 7 aged kid.

He used to have lesson but he is too smart for the tutor to teach anything so he only have magic lesson at the backyard of the mansion every two days.

His tutor seen him as monster because of his learning speed and memorising the thing he teach. And Arthur now trying to use a dozen of illuminated at the same time. His mana control is insanely good to the point where he can suppress even his tutor. But he never do it in front of anyone because he has to keep his low-key.

Every night he will meditate and exhaust his mana to increase his mana capacity. And train at the day to improve his chanting spell. His new project is research the new spell or try to make spell chant less which he almost get the grasp of it.


When Arthur reach 14 years old he now prepare to enter the magic academy that he has to enter when he got 15. He train magic every time he can and he now be able to cast some chant less spell.

The chant less spell is like the normal chanting spell but only require more control of the mana flow in order for it to work. So it is very easy for him to cast chant less spell once he mastered the chanting one.

His sister reach the age that make her look adorable but she always stay with him all the time so only a few people can enjoy her cuteness.

Aethur soon will reach the age of 15 and will enter the magic academy.

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