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85.71% Mistaken Land: A Gamers life in an another world. / Chapter 30: 30. Realization and forgiveness.

Chapter 30: 30. Realization and forgiveness.

6 P.M.

Alec, Mei and Kiriyo were in The Rain town now.

"The chief of town is, G-green pops...? What?" Mei said.

"Can I..." Kiriyo was speaking but stopped.

"here..." Mei said and handed quest to Kiriyo.


"Green pops. Yes." Kiriyo said.

"I'll ask where his house might be." Alec said and went to a nearby kid.

"Hey, kid, do you-" Alec was speaking that the kid ran away from him.

"huh?" Alec said.

While this, Kiriyo was trying to speak to Mei to hand the quest paper back, but couldn't bring himself to do it, so, he just tapped on Mei's shoulder with quest paper and handed it to her without their eyes meeting each other.

"The kid didn't respond. Let's ask that man." Alec said.

"Okay." Mei replied.

They went to the man and asked, "Hey old man, do you know where green pops lives? We are adventurers."

"That big house, you see." The man pointed out and continued working.

"Good thing he didn't run." Alec said, and they went to the house.


"Coming." The man said and opened the door.

"Are you green pops?" Alec asked.

"Yes I am. You are?" The man said.

He was from Orcs race, a purple colored Orc.

"Oh!?!you are an orc. We are adventurers sir." Alec said.

"Ahahahaah! Come inside. I'm from Spoin Orc race. My name might sounds ironic to you, ahahaha." The orc said while laughing and walking to a room.

"Here take a seat." The orc said.

"Sure.." Alec said, and they sat.

"Honey, bring them some food to eat." Green pops called out to his wife.

"Coming!" a woman's voice came.

"It's my first time seeing an actual intelligent Orc." Alec said.

"Oh, well, before No-discrimination rule by King, our kind was hunted a lot. There are some adventurers from our race but that's all we have. And it's been 200 years since hunting was ended by rule, But still, we are quite rare speieces." Green pops said, and his wife brought snacks for them to eat.

"I see. Nice to meet you both." Alec said.

"Nice to meet you all too. What your names might be?" Green pops asked.

"Aw, nice to meet you all as well. Here have something to eat." The Orc woman said and forwarded the snacks.

They all took Snacks reluctantly and took a bite. They were delicious.

"This is delicious! and My name is Alec."


"Kiriyo, sir."

"Ahh, I see. Nice names. Ahahaha, well I hope you can take them all out. We will be counting on you." Green pops said.

"Sure sir. But I met a kid outside he ran from me, actually." Alec said.

"Oh, you can't blame them actually, Many people have gone missing, and most of them are kids. This troll race, I like to believe hunts other and feeds on other races. Unlike us peaceful troll race." Green pops said.

"I see." Alec replied.

"Where might the trolls be?" Mei asked.

"You have to go in left of my house, and you will see their camps." Green pops said.

"Thanks for your hospitality, Sir. We will go for the quest now." They said and went out to fly.

"Don't mention it." Green pops said.

Alec waved his hand and flew in air to find the trolls camp.

"What a good bunch of kids." Green Pops's wife said.

"Ahaha yea. I hope they can finish them." Green pops said.

"What a nice guy." Alec said.


After awhile of flight they saw it.

"Smoke is coming out of the building. It Looks like a camp." Kiriyo said pointing out to some ruins, it looked like a town used to be here in the past. Everything was in ruins, houses were broken, nature had taken over many places, and a large building, like a bungalow of a town's chief. Around 100 meters away from ruins was a river.

"Look there's a river as well. So most likely the trolls are down." Kiriyo said.

"Looks like an abandoned town." Alec said.

"Yea." Mei said.

"Let's go then." Alec said, and they landed.

"Let's hunt them. Spread out." Mei said.

"Staying closer would be...better..?" Kiriyo said.

"Let's go." Mei said and started walking.

She pulled out her dagger while walking.

A voice of troll came.

But, Mei kept walking.

"Mei!" Alec whispered and pulled her back.

"Grrr." The troll looked around to see if something was there. They were around 8 feet (2.44 m) of height and large body. The troll was also carrying a spear.

The troll turned around and started walking back.

"My bad." She said.

"Let's go other way." Alec said, and they took other way.

"What's the plan though?" Kiriyo asked.

"We look around and see how many of them are there and then attack." Alec said.

"I see." Kiriyo replied, and they kept walking.

In the dim lights from the torches on walls they walked without knowing what was to awaiting them.

They saw some rooms. Voices of trolls were coming from them.

But they kept walking in a sneaky way so they wouldn't be noticed.

They are sneaking around rooms, but then! Suddenly a troll came out of room and saw them.

They were standing in middle of the corridor.

Before their eyes could meet, Alec thought, "Mei don't have enough time to pull out blood magic and my dark magic spell collection is small. They will make others aware. Light magic will also aware them."

Their eyes met.

"I have to do something. Dark spear!" He thought and tried to attack a troll but, just when their eyes had met, Kiriyo vanished in air and assassinated the troll from behind, without making a noise.

"Amazing..." Alec said

Mei just stood silent looking at them.

"I'm sorry." Kiriyo said to the dead corpse of the Troll.

Kiriyo joined Alec and Mei.

"It was amazing." Alec said.


"How did you do it?" Alec asked.

"Just eye illusion, I'm travelling and Mist element added with dark element makes black smoke type of reaction. It gives an illusion of being invisible, like a smoke effect. And I just move fast while the illusion takes place." Kiriyo said.

"I see." Alec said.

"Though, turning one's self into Air or other elements type of spells exists, but i think only a few have ever gotten their way around them." Kiriyo said and they again started walking around.

"Assuming there are 4 trolls in each room, so far 24 confirmed." Alec said.


"And that's the end, of this building." Alec said a pointing out the open broken wall. Which was a dead end.

"Maybe there are others hiding around." Kiriyo said.

"Hey Kiriyo, how strong are Trolls?" Alec asked.

"I have only gotten around to fight them once. Not so strong, if these are of the same kind." He said.

"I see." Alec said.

Mei glanced at Kiriyo and looked around.

"I don't have any big one hit spell, do you guys have?" Alec asked.

"I have one, but I'm not in right health to do it. Yesterday, I was operated, They managed to separate Alfonzo's blood and the broken crystal inside me." Kiriyo said.

"I see. You're unstable right now that means." Alec said.

"Yes." Kiriyo said.

"Hmmn, I don't know why I can't think of many spells. If I see them I know them.." Alec said.

"Weren't you sea-" Kiriyo was speaking that Mei put her hand on his mouth.

"What happen?" Alec asked.

"They are here." Mei whispered and signed Kiriyo, with her eyes, not to say anything.

They hide behind the broken wall.

"Are you sure they were coming?" Alec asked.

"I heard them." Mei said.

"Cant see much from here. Let me check." Alec said and walked into the hall way in a sneaky way again.

"Don't say anything about his past to him. His condition is more unstable than you." Mei whispered to Kiriyo.

"Okay... I'm sorry." Kiriyo said.

As Alec was sneaking, he noticed that dead body was gone and blood stains were still on floor. "They are aware of intruders" he said and started walking back.

And just then a Troll jumped in front of Alec.

"What the..." Alec said and prepared himself for fight.

And then, a ton of other trolls broke the ceiling and surrounded Alec.

"Grrrr" All the trolls were having different-different weapons in their hands and ready to fight with Alec.

Kiriyo and Mei heard the big sound and went running in.

"Alec!" Mei said and ran inside, and she saw Alec being surrounded by tons of trolls.

"What the.." Mei said and brought out her dagger and blood pouches.

She tore them apart with dagger and licked the dagger for the blood.

The trolls turned around and noticed Mei and Kiriyo.

"Blood blade." She enchanted and turned the blood into a long sword, while her other hand was wielding the dagger and charged against Trolls.

"Amazing..." Kiriyo said.

"HAAAA!!" She said and ran towards the trolls.

"GRRRRRRRYYYYYYYY" The trolls shouted and some ran towards Mei and Kiriyo while others tried attacking Alec.

"Blade of light!" Alec enchanted while dodging their attacks.

"Haaa!" Alec said and attacked the trolls. Going on head to head with them.

While Mei, slayed through them one by one.

"Catastrophe." Kiriyo enchanted and summoned a big purple/ black circle which worked like a cyclone of darkness and dragged them in middle.

"Di-" Kiriyo was saying but he stopped. The spell broke, and he fell onto his knees with his hand on his heart.

He was seeing all the people he was made to kill. In his mind, all the trolls turned into the dead bodies of people he had killed.

"No.." He muttered.

Mei didn't look at Kiriyo, But Alec saw.

"Kiriyo!" Alec shouted.

The trolls started walking towards Kiriyo.

As Mei was dealing with trolls she looked at Kiriyo.

She immediately felt into conflict with herself.

"What should I do.. Should I save him...? Or should I.." She questioned herself while fighting.

The troll was about to behead Kiriyo.

Mei started running towards Troll.

She slashed the troll down.

She was breathing heavily.

"Why did I save him..." She questioned herself.

The blood splashed on Kiriyo, and he came back to senses.

"I'm sorry.." He said.

"Isn't the time to be sorry." Alec said as he was fighting with trolls.

"I Have enough blood for blood fang now." Mei said.

"It's alright... thank you, Mei." Kiriyo said, and enchanted, "Demonic Magic: Hells gate." And a big purple magic circle emerged on ground and following it was a big reddish purple hand which pierced through the Trolls.

As the spell ended, every troll standing was down, but Kiriyo was breathing heavily.

"Thanks, Kiriyo." Alec said.

"Thank her.." He said while breathing.


"Did it took a lot of mana?" Alec asked.

"My mana pool has shrunken by a lot now. I think it took half. Demonic arts take quite a lot I think." He said.

"I see."

While they were talking Mei was concerned about her actions, what she did wasn't her being in control.

"Why did I save a killer..." She muttered to herself.

it was completely dark now.

The trolls were dead, and the mission was successful. The fire which was burning in troll's camp had stopped as well.

"We will need to camp." Alec said.

"Yeah." Kiriyo replied.

"Let's go to river for camp." Alec said and started walking.

Mei followed Alec and Kiriyo also started walking.

But, Kiriyo suddenly stopped for a second and looked back. A golden blue magic was fading into air.

Kiriyo rubbed his eyes and it was gone.

"Was that an illusion...?" He questioned himself, and looked around at Alec and saw Mei walking, and he ran to catch up to them.

But while walking he looked back again and there was nothing.

As they walked hey reached the river.

"Let's catch fish!" Alec said.

"I can catch fish if you can make fire." Kiriyo said.

"Oh sure." Alec said and went to collect firewood. Mei followed Alec for the firewood.

Kiriyo was alone catching fishes.

"He's strong." Alec said.

"Mhm.." Mei replied.

"Something bothering you?" Alec asked.

"I saved him. I didn't know what to do and next moment I was saving him.. Saving a killer who killed my..." Mei said in sorrow.

"I see. Maybe it means you have already forgive-

"I haven't.." Mei said.

"Don't worry, Mei. You need rest. We will sort out something once Seji is back." Alec said.

"We can't bother him always... he already have so many problems." Mei said.

"True but, he can help to find a solution right." Alec said while picking up firewood.

"Hmmn. I'll think something." Mei said and started picking up firewood.

"Whatever you think, don't make a decision which will cause regret." Alec said.

"I'll try." Mei replied.

"Let's go back then." Alec said, and they started walking back.

They reached the camp place and Kiriyo had already caught some fishes.

"Oh, you guys are back." He said.

"Yes, and here's firewood." Alec said and kept the firewood. Mei followed him.

"Let's start cooking then." Alec said and lit some firewood.

They started cooking the fishes and eating them.

After a while, they were done and slept near fire.

Alec was in a sound sleep. While Mei was just staring at Kiriyo's back, but eventually fell asleep.

*into her dreams*

In a field of flowers, A child is walking with her father and mother, holding their hands.

The child was Mei, and it were her parents.

Mei's mother started coughing, *cough cough cough*

The scene changed to her bedroom,

"Mommy, you will be well right?" 6 year old Mei asked while hugging her mother.

"She will be alright." Myst, her father said standing next to Mei.

"I tried my best, Mei.. Now it's time for farewell..Goodbye, My little princess." Her mother said hugging Mei.

"Mommy, noo!!" Little Mei shouted and turned around, to see her father lying on floor, with blood flowing out of him.

Blood was all around her.

"Goodbye, Mei.." He muttered.

And just then Mei's dream broke.

"No!" She said in shock while walking up.

Her eyes had tears.

She looked around and noticed they are still in forest. The fire was still burning a little, it has been only an hour or so since they went to sleep.

Mei looked at Kiriyo, she got enraged.

Picking up her dagger she stood up. Her dagger had again became to original size.

"I'll kill you.." she muttered and stood up.

She pointed dagger at him and was about to stab him in throat, her hands were shaking but she was close to stabbing, but then she noticed something.

Kiriyo's eyes had tears as well. He was having a nightmare too.

"Why does he have tears...?" She questioned herself and went away from them.

She went far from their sight and sat near the river's edge.

"He was crying too... have he suffered too...?" She questioned her reflection in water.

And a tear fell from her eye into the water.

"I miss them.. father...mother... why you had to leave?" She asked herself while crying.

"Stop crying. You are a strong girl, little princess, it was all due to Fate." A women's voice came from Mei's back.

"Dnt't repeat my mistakes." Myst's voice came.

Mei turned around and saw her father and mother Who faded into thin air.

"Father, mother!" Mei said as the figures faded.

She got chills down her spine.

"Were that them or my imagination.." She said to herself and turned around to look in water.

"Don't make mistakes which father made..." Mei said to herself and looked in sky, thinking why Myst had to die...

Meanwhile, this, Kiriyo was having a terrifying experience.

He was seeing nightmares of the people he had killed.

"Leave me alone!" He said and woke up He saw Mei wasn't in her place.

"Where's Mei.." He said and stood up to look around. Strolling the forest he saw her sitting near river bank.

"I should probably apologize to her.." He said and walked towards Mei.

Mei hadn't noticed anything she was just looking at the sky.

"Hey, Mei." He said.

"Huh?! Oh, you..." Mei said.

"Can I sit?" Kiriyo asked.


Kiriyo sat near Mei, with a difference of an arm's length.

"I wanted to apologize.." He said.

Mei didn't reply.

"I know I did wrong. But I beg your forgiveness." He said.

Mei again didn't reply.

"It's my fault that your father was killed." Kiriyo said.

"Fault..." Mei mutters and remembers that Kiriyo was sold, by her father.

"Don't repeat my mistakes." She heard the sentence again in her head and remembered how Kiriyo was forcefully sold. She saw that it wasn't his fault...

"If I had died, your father would be beside yo-

"I see it now... I'm sorry. I remember now. I didn't forget this, but I didn't wanted to see it...I'm sorry. You suffered because of my father..." Mei said.

"It's not true, your father was forced to give me. Or else whole town might have suffered." Kiriyo said.

"Fate... if he had made right decision to take help from Royal Army, instead of giving you up, it would have been better, but that way he would have gotten arrested as well... that would've been better..." Mei said.

"But still..."

"it's not your fault..." Mei said and started crying.

"It's father's fault... he's the one who sold you off. I know I'm realizing this now, but please.. forgive me.." Mei said in sorrow while crying.

Kiriyo felt her apology, "It's alright. Don't cry. Forgive as well please."

"I remember, when I was a kid, I used to look up to him.. But what changed him.." Kiriyo asked.

"I'm not sure, but, mother was sick. She had gotten an unknown illness. Nobody had the cure for her illness. I think that's when father's attitude changed. He got into business with some shady people and got a medicine. He wouldn't tell where he got the medicine from.." Mei said.

"I see.."

"But, mother insisted on telling her, and he told her. I wasn't told anything, but I saw them fighting and mother being upset on father. The medicine was permanent, she had to eat one daily, but I think mother insisted father to stop this shady work, she was aware that, underworld could get you into a lot of trouble. And the medicine stopped. I remember, mother lived for another 2 years, until one day she got sick heavily again and this time, father didn't found any medicine I think, and she passed away.." Mei told the story.

"I'm sorry.." Kiriyo said.

"Then I'm not sure when father started to work in underworld again... I wish I knew what it was, so I could stop him.." Mei said.

"No one knew actually. The working class had to pay high taxes for Myst to invest in underworld, that's when I stopped looking up to him. And as the story goes, they wanted a demon girl, but I couldn't see my sister taken away and I begged them to take me. Myst was standing their, I don't know if he was himself or not, but he allowed it... and I was bought by Delbrus." Kiriyo said.

"What he did with you.." Mei asked.

"He did experiments, by putting different species blood into me. Different blood would just turn into steam when mixed with my blood, but after his experiments he managed to get me his blood. I gained a bit of power to time stop, but it would take full mana I had and also, it gave me a deadly disease. I was going to die in a few months because of that sickness. The blood was killing me. He also put the crystal into me. Yesterday's operation separated most of his blood, and the crystal from my body." Kiriyo said.

"I see.." Mei replied.

"I was ordered to conduct massacres, killings and I did Without feeling a thing in my heart. One of them was to kill your father, because a rumor was going on that he will betray Delbrus. I don't know if your father wanted to destroy the underworld or what, but when I was spying onto him, Seji and Alec came. Seji's black mana is unknown type of mana, I reported it to Alfonzo, and he asked me to bring his samples, and later I also reported the purple light of Alec, which is ancient sealing spell. The rough guess was it was the Unknown warrior of the Holy-Demonic war. He wasn't sure that if Alec was a warrior or their descendant. But I was ordered to get their blood and I took from them." Kiriyo said.


"I was given manipulation item which I forcefully gave to a maid who later killed.." Kiriyo said.

"We both suffered.. I'm sorry." Mei said.

"I'm sorry as well.." Kiriyo said.

Mei thought, "I was about to kill him.. , but he just suffered more than me.. and I was going take him from his sister..."

"Shouldn't we sleep..?" Kiriyo asked.

"We should.." She said.

"Let's head back then?" He asked.

"You go I'll come." Mei said.

"Okay, I understand." Kiriyo said and went back.

Mei went into deep thinking, Missing her father and mother.

"I have 3 most important people now. Please god, Don't take them away from me... They are the last ones I want to lose..." Mei prayed while looking up and went back to camp to sleep. She was praying for Seji, Reina and Alec.

Meanwhile, in Galahaeim,

Its night time there as well.

Seji just finished off the story.

"That's it..." Seji said finishing off the story. He told Reina everything, her story and his too. And how they met and ended in this world, as well.

Seji's eyes were a little teary.

"It all feels familiar... the names, the things you said... what happened to our family after we got here?" Reina asked.

"I'm not sure." He said.

"I see.." She said in sorrow.

Reina felt the story, but she couldn't remember anything. But then, She suddenly felt a large heartbeat. And her head started aching.

"Arrgghh!" She screamed as she tried to use her old core of memories but lock prevented it.

"What's happening!?" Seji said and tried to touch Reina's head. But, he felt a little shock.

All the things which Seji told were rolling in her mind, but they were broken fragments. Not complete memories.

"What the.." Seji said and suddenly all the energy from Reina's head faded.

She was breathing heavily.

"Let's go to some doctor." Seji said.

"Seji... I'm not sure. I saw what you told. But, In just fragments..." Reina said in sorrow.

"How your head feels?" He asked.

"Nothing now. It got a lot of pain suddenly, but, it seems alright now." She said, her breath calmed down.

"Come let's go to doctor." Seji said.

"It's alright. Everything seems good now."

"I see. But still.."

"It's alright, let's eat something."

"If you say so. And We haven't eaten anything since morning. I told you we should eat but you said you want to finish both stories. And yet, I kept them brief." Seji said.

"I'm sorry, I forced you to be hungry with me..." Reina said.

"It's alright, ahahaha." Seji said.

"Mhm." Reina replied.

"Anyway, want to eat rice with curry today?" Seji asked.

"Sounds good." Reina replied.

"Okay, let's make them." Seji said and stood up.

Reina followed him and they started looking for rice.

"Oh here." Reina said.

"Oh, you remember how they look?" Seji asked.

"Jeez, they are just rice." Reina said.

"Duh, I though you didn't remember." Seji said.

"We boil them first right?" She asked.

"Oh, you remember that too." Seji replied.

"Hmmn, I just tend to know how they work." Reina said.

"I see..." Seji said and thought, " Are things returning to her?"

They started cooking Rice and curry and after a while they were done and starting eating.

"Tasty!!" Seji said.

"It is!" Reina replied.

"Yahh." Seji said and kept eating food.

"I have a question to ask." Reina said.

"Hmm?" Seji said.

"Were you a bit fat in that world?" Reina asked.

"Yeah, YOU're REMEMBERING STUFF!*cough-cough*"

"You alright?" Reina asked.

"Yes*cough* sorry. Ahaha. But do you remember me now?" He asked.

"I just saw a picture of yours." Reina said.

"Oh, I see." Seji replied.

"Let's sleep...?" She asked.

"Yea, go sleep inside." Seji said.

"No, I'm scared. Come with me." Reina said being embarrassed.

"Okay, but can't sleep beside you. I'll sleep on floor." Seji said.

"Why can't you..." Reina said.

"Once you regain your memories, you are going to be so embarrassed." Seji said.

"Is that all?" Reina asked.

"No, something else too.... I don't want to be murdered.." Seji muttered.

"Huh?" Reina said.

"Let's go, sleep." Seji said.

"Oh, okay." Reina said, and they went to the room.

"Hmmn, it's not so cold. Don't need blanket. I'll just lay here." Seji said and laid with a wall.

"Are you sure?" Reina asked.

"Yeah I am." Seji said and thought, "I wouldn't mind sleeping beside you, but if you don't forget these memories and regain. You will probably kill me, not literally but, still."

Reina laid on bed facing towards Seji.

While, Seji had his back laid on wall and slept immediately.

She thought, "I wonder why he won't sleep beside me... do I smell...?" And sniffed herself.

"I don't then what it is..." She thought and kept laying looking at Seji. And she slept as well.

But, then again after a while she woke up and looked at Seji. She felt weird that he didn't have any blanket. So, she stood up with a blanket and went to give on him.

She gently laid the blanket on him and sat in front of him, noticing him and his facial features.

"He's cute... and my...boyfriend...right." She said to herself and went inside the blanket she gave on him and laid on him.

"Just for a while...this warmth..." She said and hugged him. She kissed his lips gently. She just wanted to hold onto him. So, she did. She kept holding onto him until finally fell asleep.

Next morning.

Reina woke up before Seji and noticed she slept on him.

"Wha!?!" She said and stood up! But while standing up she hit Seji which woke Seji up.

"Tch. Uhuhhh." He said while rubbing eyes.

Reina jumped to her bed.

"What happened. Morning already?" Seji said and opened his eyes.

"Y-y-y-yes. I mean good morning?!" Reina said.

"Why are you so shocked about. Something happened?" He asked.

"No, nothing..." Reina said.

"You sure?" Seji asked.

"Yeah. I am. Anyway, have your magic returned!?" Reina asked as she tried to change topic.

"Oh, I'm not sure. Let me see." Seji said and looked at his hand.

"Fire." He enchanted, but a little flame came and faded right away.

"Doesn't look so." He said.

"Awe." Reina said.

"You can use magic though. I taught you how to use right." Seji said.

"Yes, I can, now. At least wind one I can." She replied.

"Oh, we don't know your major element yet either. Well we will find out once we head back." Seji said.

"Yahh. You go take bath first, I'll prepare breakfast." Reina said.

"Are you sure." Seji asked.

"Yeah." Reina replied.

"Okay then. Be right back." Seji said.

"Oka!" Reina said and went to kitchen while Seji stood up and got his cloths out and went to bathroom.

After a while Seji got out and Reina had prepared the breakfast.

"Woah! Looks delicious." Seji said while walking to the sofa.

"Try it. I'm not sure." Reina said and brought food.

Seji said, and they started eating. It was surprisingly delicious.

"This is delicious!" Seji said.

"Thank you!" Reina said.

"Aw, thank you!! For making this." Seji said, and they ate food.

After a while they were done.

"You go take bath. I'll handle the dishes." Seji said.

"Awe thank you." She said and went to take bath.

Seji went to clean dishes.

Meanwhile, Mei, woke up.

"Good morning.." She said while rubbing her eyes and noticed Alec and Kiriyo weren't there.

"Did they left me..?" Mei said and stood up. She looked around, and they were standing near river washing their arms and faces. They had just woken up.

"Oh, you guys are here." Mei said.

"Yea. Good morning." Alec said.

"Good morning Mei." Kiriyo said.

"Morning. Let's head to Green pops ?" Mei asked.

"Let's go." Alec said.

"Oh sure." Kiriyo said, and they flew to Green pop's house.

Their cloths were still stained with blood.

After awhile, they reached his house.

"Knock knock"

Alec knocked on door.

"Coming." Green pops's voice came from inside, and he came to open the door.

He opened the door.

"Oh, it's you adventurers." He said.

"Yes, we are here for the pay, sir. The job is done." Alec said.

"Would you like to come inside?" He asked.

"No, actually we are going to head back immediately." Alec said.

"Oh, then here, you go. 1000 Rugen as promised." Green pops said while handing the money pouch to Alec.

"Thanks Sir." Alec said.

"Thank you!" Green pops said.

"See you!" Alec said, and they flew back.

"Not bad amount for a B class." Mei said.

"Maybe, because they wanted to get rid of them as soon they could." Alec said.

"Certainly." Mei replied.

"Could be that." Kiriyo said, and they flew back to guild house.

to be continued..

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