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54.28% Book of Realms (Part 1) / Chapter 19: Contacted

Chapter 19: Contacted

-- Unkown --

Location: Unkown

After he killed Rylin he hurries over too the Overseer but its too late and by the time he reaches him hes already dead.

Frustration covered his face yelling up to the sky he said "Damn it i kinda liked this guy why is it everytime i get close to someone they die".

The realm begins too collapse into darkness and the ground breaks and crumbles like wet sand. He looks over quickly shutting the old mans eyes then running as it falls behind him.

A piece of ground break in front of him using his new legs he jumps up high right before falling into the dark abyss. But the height quickly changes as he falls into the dark abyss quickly scrambiling to grab one of the keys it gets stuck on his pants while taking out luvkily his finger catches the trigger creates a rift below him teleporting him out of the fallen realm.

-- Void --

He falls out of the rift landing onto a orange rocky surface. He stands up dusting off his pants after looking up his faced transformed into awe.

Zian- "Woah...where am i".

Amazed from all the torn planets and giant astroids the size of galaxies going around a massive white ball "What is this place".

Being mesmerized by the white ball he finds himself inside a torn down town.

Zian- "What happened here(*Picks up toy*)what ever did happen i feel sorry for these people".

After walking for awhile inside the torn down city he eventually comes across a bronze statue of a man that was holding something.

Zian- "Quite a beautiful statue it had to he important and was probally good for tourism for the people that lived on this planet".

As an astroid moves out of the sunlight the shadow blocking the light reveals the shadow of the giant floating island directing his attention to it.

He says talking too himself "How does an island of that size even stay in the air". He looks back down too a path just left of the statue and follows it.

He stops as the path seemingly ends in front of him starting with a giant crator in the ground scattered with all kinds of rocks and in the center a metal platform with two levers.

Zian- "That probally is my way up".

He slides down the hill slipping on some loose rubble falling down and hitting his head on a rock creating a open wound on his head.

When he regains consciousness his head is throbbing he goes too touch the wound with a finger and he feels somethibg wet there.

Zian- "Is that i bleeding"?!?!

He brings his hand down looking at his hand covered in blood and he starts to get scared his vision starts too become blurry and he blacks out.

-- 20 minutes later --

Zian wakes up in a bed quickly reaching up to his head to feel the wound but its gone.

Zian- "Am i dead what happened"?

He looks around an hes in some room with all kinds of fancy tech and test chambers he remembers this place from a few months ago.

-- Flashback --

Zian wakes back up inside the tube laying on the ground with all the liquid gone he gets up slowly as his legs shake from being asleep, He rubs his head slowly getting rid of the headache.

Zian- "Ughhh what happened".

He looks up and the masked man is gone, looking around for him he doesnt see him so his feet leave the tube.

- end of flashback -

He quickly snaps out of it and jumps off the bed hurting himself in the process holding onto his stomach quickly filling with pain he says "Maybe that wasnt such a great idea".

He leaves the room quickly coming to a hallway with stairs on both sides leading down with a big glass door at the front.

Right before he walks down the stairs he says "Where am i"?

He leaves through the front door and standing near the edge of the floating is a lady with big white bird like wings, she wearing a long white dress with a snake like tail dragging on the floor and her body covered in rough scales and golden rings coming from out the skin in random places.

Standing behind her is Zian confused on who hes looking at unknowingly he yells too the lady cuffing his hands over his mouth "HEY where am i"!!!

She turns around looking back at Zian she smiles walking up to him introducing herself as Krizmis. Zian tries to introduce himself but is inturupted with "I know who you are and i can give you exactly what you desire" he looks at her suprised saying "And what is that"?! she then simply raises her hand forming a mask in her hand saying "You want him dont you".

His hands clench saying too her "You can do that" she shifts her eyes away from his serious stare and says "Not only can i but ill give you the power too kill him but youll need too do something for we have a deal" she puts out her hand confidently expecting him to shake it.

His eyes glance down at her hand he squints his eyes and says "Its a deal what is it u need me too do" as he shakes her hand.

Krizmis- "I need you too go too these exact locations and convert them into worshipping me because i have a role i have too fulfill and i need your help".

Zian- "Why"?

Krizmis- "Dont question it do you want to be able to act on revenge or not".

He raises his hands up too relax her.

Zian- "Ok chill i was just asking wheres the first location".

She hands him a drawled out map giving him different cordinants of the different civilization she points to one and says "Thats the first one i want you to start with the rest i dont care for what order its done in".

She walks away saying "You might want hurry before your chance slips" he replies "So you just gonna send me on my marry way without any guidance on how to" she turns around giving him a dirty look "O ya i almost forgot thanks heres the symbol and book youll give this too every one of those groups and dont expect every group too cooperate if tgey dont use that symbol on there leader" she disappears after the door closes behind her.

He looks down at the map and opens up a rift stepping right into an open field he looks down at the map and says "No no no no this cant be" as he keeps flipping the paper "Theres nothing here".

sir_papashorts sir_papashorts

Zian gets contacted by a unkown Lady promising too give him his deepest desires if he helps her with what she needed

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