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94.28% Book of Realms (Part 1) / Chapter 33: Palace of Tibek(Part ll)

Chapter 33: Palace of Tibek(Part ll)

-- Void --

Location: Palace of Tibek

She pushes open the doors of the palace as they slowly creek open. Inside much of the building is collapsed but a set of stairs leading up to the second floor.

She walks up to the second floor stepping into a room filled with rare metals and gold riches her face amazed as it glows in color with a ladder giving a way down.

Mckenzie- "Its amazing this is the only room untouched is there a reason or was it just luck".

She climbs down the ladder stepping on a floor full of gold coins she bends over grabbing a few coins turning them over to see a strange symbol of a sun.

Mckenzie- "Must be some currency unless it goes to something".

She notices and odd shaped lump in a large pile of coins she goes over to it sweeping it off uncovering a manhole cover.

Mckenzie- "This probally leads to the sewers for the city".

She pulls off the manhole cover stepping down the ladder her face touches wet moss hanging from the roof of the sewers.

Mckenzie- "Ugh thats nasty what is that".

*She whipes the wet residue off her face*

Touching the floor her feet slip trying to walk on the slimy floor. She crouches touching the slime picking up some of it.

Mckenzie- "What is this it feels like mucus maybe from some animal lets hope not".

She slowly stands up and walks down the sewers watching her step as she follows white paint on the floor. The light slowly fading in the distance. Her feet stop moving as she looks at the wall then down to the coin.

Mckenzie- "So it goes to something am i supposed to place it somewhere like what do i do with it".

On the wall is a big sun shaped symbol same as the coin. She walks up to the wall pulling out a loose stone brick revealing a slot.

Mckenzie- "This reminds me of those tiny candy machines at the mall when i was a little kid good days i miss them".

She puts the coin in and the wall infront of her moves back revealing a giant ritual site with giant stone colums surrounding the circle.

Mckenzie- "This is amazing so they were hiding something big down here dark magic i only know about it from history class i always thought it was fake and i guess Rampy mustve found out and gave them a chance to bail out for there crimes but they couldnt pay it back".

She walks around poking her head around to see what she can find. Without realizing it she walks right onto the ritual site and it burst alive with a red light shooting magic chains into the symbols on her arms stopping her walking foward".

She tries to pull her arms foward to break the chains but nothing happens.

Mckenzie- "I cant move what is this"!!!

Black rifts form around her feet to hold her in place.

Curupted rifts- Completely black rifts created by the void as a branch of the curuption used mainly by black magic users or rituals.

The curupted rifts below her feet spread around her creating a black bubble around her as Mckenzie struggles to move.

She stands inside the bubble screaming for help. Her skin grow a black like substance around where near her hands are.

Mckenzie- "What is that its growing...Oh no".

The black substances grows all over her body eventually covering her entire body and going up her nose and through her mouth nothing happens for a few minutes and she just stands there as it continues through her body.

Her head jerks straight up and her eyes poke out of the substance as she gasps for air.

sir_papashorts sir_papashorts

She finds a strange coin as she trues to find out what it goes to she finds the same symbol on the coin on a giant door with a slot right next to it

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