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45.71% Book of Realms (Part 1) / Chapter 16: Tree of life

Chapter 16: Tree of life

-- Universe 1304 --

Location: Eternal Forest

The unkown man and zian stand across from the other. They stare at each other down not one of the making a single move standing on two floating rocks as planets are destroyed in the background.

Zian- "This is it your stuck in here theres no escape just me and you".

Unkown man- "You really think you can stop me *He laughs* you cant possibly stop me so why even try im a god your merely a hybrid Zian".

*Zian speaks full of anger*

Zian- "Even so do you really think im going to let you just destroy everything i know ive been through to much my normal life is no longer an image because of you ive been through the worst you killed my father and my mother why"?

Unkown man- "Whats your point i should stop please you gotta be kidding me and i killed your mom and father because it was crucial for my plan".

-Zian clenches his fists-

Zian- "What do you mean crucial for your own plan fuck your plan you ruined my life along with everybody elses lives and your just going to burn along".

Unkown man- "See now you get it your starting to understand what i must do".

*Zian yells*

Zian- "What do you even get out of your plan besides hurting others"

Unkown man- "Why does it matter you'll be dead soon but i guess since you need to know ill get the pleasure of watching my brothers world burn as he sits there watching it all crumble right before i kill him".

*Zian suprised after what he heard*

Zian- "What why would you want that".

Standing across from Zian the Unkown mans face changes to a more serious face his eyes glow red and orange.

Unkown man- "You don't need to worry about it".

He kicks off the rock with emence force launching at Zian and jolting up out of his dream.

Zian- "What the where am i".

Creature- "Your in the eternal forest you ok".

Zian- "Ya....Ya im fine just a bad dream".

Creature- "Ok well we got to get a move on".

-They leave the camp-

As they walk through the forest Zian makes coversation during there long walk.

Zian- "So what is this place".

Creature- "This place is what us Imps like to call the eternal forests its a sacred place of this Earth and its been here since the Han tribe appeared on the planet".

Zian- "Interesting so whats the big tree were heading toward for".

Creature- "Well that is a bit more tricking its the tree of life and from what we know its what gives us out life on this planet its the main life source it also produces a rare fruit which why your here right".

Zian- "Ya how'd you know i dont remember telling you that".

Creature- "I just know".

-- 30 minutes later --

They reach the enterance of the tree looking up as its brightly lit up with all kinds of colors with a few guards standing at the front.

Creature- "We welcome you to the great tree of life".

Zian- "It definetly is great were like ants compared to it".

Creature- "Correct this tree is thousands of years old".

They head inside going up the spiral stair case built into the tree as its full of Imps.

Zian- "This feels off being in this form".

Creature- "Well you could always change back but you'd attract attention of all the other Imps with your human form ".

Zian- "Ya im not really trying to do that i just want to get this fruit and do what i got to do with it".

They get to the middle of the tree where the shopping center during there climb up the tree this section sparks with life and color filled with not only Imps but other species buying goods and leaving through rifts. This part of the tree is very popular not only to the natives but other realms.

Creature- "This is the market place its always full of life great place to make friends but your probally hungry so heres some coins" *Puts bag of coins in Zians hands* "Go buy yourself a meal".

Zian goes over to the foodstand and orderes a food called golden horn cake from the cashier.

*He hands the cashier the bag and grabs the cake*

Cashier- "Have a good day sir".

Zian- "You too miss".

Creature- "Great choice thats the finest cake in all the galaxies very popular too".

*Zian eats the cake*

Zian- "Fuck that has a strong taste".

Creature- "Ya its a required taste but in my opinion its the best dessert ive ever eaten but shall we continue follow and ill take you up too the garden".

-- Top of the tree --

The group of Imps take Zian up to the garden.

Creature- "This is were we part ways".

Zian- "Sadly but i do appriecate the help alot".

Creature- "Ya no problem its the least i could do for you Keeper of Forms".

"A female Imp walks by him"

Creature- "Ahh excuse me miss could you show this man to the sacred fruit".

Miss- "Why yes Chief Zaro

Zian- "You know this entire time we been talking i never once asked for your name but yet again thank you Chief Zaro for your help and i hope we cross paths again some time"

Chief Zaro- "Dont worry about it the pleasure is mine thank you for finally fulfilling my family tradition goal".

*They shake hands and part ways*

Miss- "Follow me sir ill show you to the sacred fruits".

Zian follows her onto a giant tree branch with a pathway marked with paint.

*He looks down*

Zian- "That is one hell of a drop".

The ladies eyes turn bright red and orange and she turns around.

Miss- "Hello Zian we meet again sucks its gonna end this way".

Zian- "Im sorry do i know you".

Miss- "You dont remember me *Tsk Tsk* "Im the guy from earlier the mysterious man".

*Zian face shows more anger*

Zian- "You...."!!

*His hands quench*

The lady leaps onto Zian squirming all over the place attacking him with scratches and bites.

Zian- " bitch".

*On top of him she talk shit to him*

Miss- "Im sorry Zian but this is how it ends for you".

But he uses his feet kicking her off the branch but her hands grip onto his shoe.

Zian- "Im sorry but this is how it ends for you".

Zian kicks her hand off his shoe and she falls into the trees far below.

Zian- "Ok that was too close i need to be more aware i didnt know he could take control of peoples minds".

He walks down to the end of the branch where a small platform built onto the tree and sits and right above it are the golden fruits.

Zian- "Those things are quite pretty i almost dont wana eat it but i need to".

He reaches up to grab the fruit pulling one of and taking a big bite of it but when he does he starts to become translucent

Zian- "What the hell is going on".

sir_papashorts sir_papashorts

As the creatured bring him up to the tree of life the master if the creatures teaches him how exactly to be able to control his powers

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