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82.85% Book of Realms (Part 1) / Chapter 29: Rock from the past

Chapter 29: Rock from the past

--- Unkown ---

Location: The Void

Mckenzie- "So what exactly is this place its just a dark empty void its more like a space junkyard than it is a place does the guy just expect me to just sit here and rot there gotta be a way out of this place".

As she walks around the area she comes across something a old arch way barely standing but its something.

Mckenzie- "I wonder what this thing used to be".

She explores the ruined area seeing two ghostly figures talking to each other in front of her is a glitch.


Glitch- Is a broken pieces of time letting a person near it see an action of the past.


Remedy- "Please we have nothing to give youve taken everything from us you taken half my people and my beautiful planet and turned it to dust what else could you want".

Rampy- "You dare speak to my with such mouth your lucky i dont just kill you right now but your too pathetic for me to even kill you Queen Remedy. We filled your planet with rare materials and royal foods we gave your people magic and fancy tech and you cant even pay your share of living in my galaxy".

Remedy- "Put me and none of my people asked for this we wanted no part of your scandle not one bit of it so why force us into it...Tell me why NOW"!!

*She yells at the top of her lungs, crying*

Rampy- "Because youd still be the primal people you where look at you now living in castles made of only the finest of materials Igsean rock to be exact. I can take everything away either you come up with the coins or your planet burns to ashes and is disposed of your choice".

*As she sobs*

Remedy- "Ill try and come up with the money just leave us alone youve done enough we dont need your help anymore".

-- Glitch ends --

She looks over as she sees half of a skeleton as giant boulders lay on top of it.

Mckenzie- "So Remedy mustve never been able to pay Rampy back its odd because Rampy doesnt come off as an individual whos like that unless he has some sort of alter ego type of thing".

As she continues to check the ruins out she ends up seeing a massive crator in the ground as she looks up the missing piece has a giant old palace on top of it.

Mckenzie- "Well theres where the palace went on top of a fucking floating island there isnt going to be any easy way to get up their is there".

She climbs down into the crator standing right underneath the floating island with a small rod pushed into the ground.

Mckenzie- "It looks like this thing comes out of the ground maybe connecting to the island it also looks like its missing some sort of levers though because it doesnt look like u can pull it just out".

Where the the rod sits theres two stone pathways leading in opposite directions.

Mckenzie- "Maybe one of these will lead me to the levers".

She follows the path to tge right of the rod makinging her travel through bits of ruined village.

Mckenzie- "It sucks what happened to these people this place mustve been beautiful and full of life i wouldve loved to see this place before it was ruined".

At the sametime ignitos in the realm of time tinkering with things to get ready for the first phase of his plan.

-- Realm of Time --

Ignito- "Glad i got her out of the way i got bigger problems that boy from Universe 1304 entered Sabre Cover".

*Leaves through a rift*

-- The Void --

Mckenzie reaches the end of one of the paths and at the end of it is a bronze statue holding onto a big lever.

Mckenzie- "I wasnt expecting it to be that big how strong where these people seriously".

She goes up to the statue trying to pull the lever out with her hands but it doesnt even budge so she heads around the side of the statue.

Mckenzie- "Ok so it looks like the rings and its hand are the locks thats a weird but neat way to lock something".

She activates her powers and use her sand to create a key to match the locks on the rings.

Mckenzie- "This should work".

The key is used to unlock the lever and when it does it slides out of the hands through tubing system that shoots it into a place over by the rod.

Mckenzie- "Well i guess they werent that strong then thet just developed a device thar easily travels it hopefully the next one is like that".

When she reaches the end of the other path way it blocked off by piles of brokem rock.

Mckenzie- "Well i guess the front door isnt an option maybe theres another way in yup like the window i can use this latter even if its partiely broken".

She aims the later at an angle so that when she gets to the broken off part she can jump off of it and use her powers to boost her up.

Mckenzie- "Hopefully this works".

Her feet leave the latter as she jumps she points her arms down boosting her up just enough to barely grip onto the window sill.

Mckenzie- "That was close".

She pulls herself inside of the building its a giant like temple room with another statue in the middle but this one has the lever going straight through a planet.

Mckenzie- "This one looks like its gonna be tough how am i gonna get this one moved maybe it has something too do with that crystal".

On the front of the planet is a blue crystal holding the two sides together.

Mckenzie- "If i does have to do with that crystal its not gonna budge without some special tool or machine those computer might have details on such machine if they even still work".

*She heads over to one of the cumputers*

Mckenzie- "No damn it, its dead can i power it up somehow".

She checks the desk for something and comes across a battery chip.

Mckenzie- "Nice all i need to do is use a small bit of my powers to bring the chip some life and put it in".

She puts the chip into the computer powering it up.

*She celebrates*

Mckenzie- "Yes it worked"!!

She looks through the files of the computer and comes across a mythical device called the magnifier which is a device that uses compressed light to burn through crystal locks.

Mckenzie- "So all i need to do is find this device great....and i doubt its in this building".

sir_papashorts sir_papashorts

Mckenzie stuck on a giant broken planet she comes across a cave holding a secret area which teaches her how to harness the power of the void she doesnt yet know tge consequences though

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