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28.57% Book of Realms (Part 1) / Chapter 10: The Lab

Chapter 10: The Lab

---------------- Inside the Lab ------------------

location: Isla Rocha Afiada

Zian gets up fast terrified from wat he just saw.

Zian- "What the hell is that thing it was like a humaniod dinosaur covered all in spores that gotta be what happend when the infectious spore killed the test subjects its a good thing that room is locked off bet i bet theres something i need in there".

-He heads over to look at a image of the labs room layout-

Zian- "I think I gotta head through the Test Chamber to get to the tech room and hopefully i can get through Hall A and reach the Document Room".

When Zian walks over to the Test Chambers door its stuck but with a few forceful pulls the door flies open. When he gets into the room its full of dead bodies covered in spores and vines covering the walls, multiple test chambers broken and glass shattered on the ground. As he walks foward he kicks a gun from a dead body without noticing.

*He picks up the Glock 17 and checks if the chambers clear*

Zian- "Ill keep this in case i run into those spores or one of those human dunosaurs".

He walks over to the only operational computer to see if he can get any information and he comes across a video cam.

Zian- "Whats this".

* Video plays *

* A docter starts talking in panic *

Unkown Docter- "I dont know if anybody will see this but once Dr. Cortland left the Lab our experimental spores grew out of control killing many of our scientist and turning them into what we call Dg-11"*Door Flies open*"oooooh....

no.... what ever you do stay away from this place".

* video ends *

Zian- "So those human dinosaur things are called Dg-11".

< Zian searches the desk that the computer is on for information >

*Zian opens up a drawer and finds the document on Dg*


Name: Dg-10

Species: Dinosaur Sub-Species


About: The Dg-10 was a project that tried to combine dinosaur dna with human dna to try and create a sub species that had the strength of a dinosaur and the brains of a human but grew out of control by an odd spore that mutated into an alien like plant. Scientist reported that the Dg-10 began growing these toxic spores and becoming highly agressive. The Dg-10 was then renamed Dg-11 as all original forms where no longer present/seen.

Threat Level: Highly agressive

Countajous/Symptoms: Yes once the Dg-11 bites an un infected person or animal the skin forms tiny spores near the bite mark the spores begin to expand and there bodies dna setup splits as the saliva from the Dg-11 enters the body the Dg-11 dna then fits back into the missing pieces causing the person to develop dinosaur like features. Many subjects that were infected claimed to be in a lucid dream about a being trapped inside a room that never ends right before there transformation into the Dg-11.


Zian- "I got lucky with all this still being here there so much valuable information in this room alone by itself".

Zian grabs a bookbag laying right next to him and puts a bunch of information into the bag. He leaves the Test Chamber Room(T.C.R) through the only door he can leading him into the Tech Room. As he steps into the room rats flee from him heading straight for infectious spore as they run toward the unkown danger the vines stab right into the rats killing them.

Zian- "Holy shit these things are crazy it killed those rats like it was a fly landing in a venus fly trap".

The vines still stabbed inside the rats start to glow and shoots a liquid out of the holes on the vines. The bodies start spazzing out and the vines retreat from the bodies as giant spores grow onto the bodies. The spores then start releasing out a unbreathable gas into the room.

*Zian starts coughing*

Zian- "Shit i forgot the mask in the room i was just in"!

He turns around to go in the room he was just in but the door is locked.

Zian- "What the hell how i didnt lock the door"

He looks to his right and sees a vent running over to it as he coughes nearly his lungs out he rips off the vent frame giving an opening to leave the room. He clumbs into the vent crawling his way to hallways B once he reaches it he kicks off the frame and climbs out of the vents. As he stands at the entrence of the hallway a Dg-11 walks out from the corner and notices Zian down the hallway and starts running towards him.

Zian- "Shit i shouldve never entered this fucking building".

As it gets closer to Zian it leaps toward him and he quickly grabs his gun and kills it but not before it sinks its teeth on his fore arm.

Zian- "Fuck i think it got me.....Fuck does that mean im gonna turn into one of those things....fuck,fuck,fuck.....Fuck me shit".

Grabbing onto his arm he heads down the dark hall as he trips on a rock he cant see. Struggling to get up as the sharp pain in his arm hurts more. He gets up and keeps walking down the hall and reaches the big doors of the Document room. When entering the room he flies foward as 2 suicider spores sitting on the door explode he hits his head off a bookshelf and gets knocked out leaving burns on his skin.

--------------------- Lucid Dream ---------------------

*Zian wakes up laying in water*

Zian- "Where the hell am i its so dark and damp in here".

As Zian walks aimlessly he runs into a invisible wall.

Zian- "What the hell theres nothing here so whats stopping me"

Looking down at his feet he realizes he hanging by chains.

Zian- "How i was just walking how am i hanging now.

Blood runs up his arm from the bite mark his arm c vering in spores and scales as the blood continues to travel up his body. His eyes widen as his body starts taking a new shape. As his body becomes heavier the chains break and he starts falling when he hits the ground he wakes up from the dream.

--------------------- Document Room -----------------------

When he wakes up hes sweating sickely his body hot like he has a fever. He gets up from the bookshelf and looks back at the door.

Zian- "Fuck that hurt i wasnt expecting those things to be there".

Turning back around he starts exploring the room as much as much as he can. Most of the room roof is collapsed in and covered in tons of moss with most of it coming from the roof. Theres a lone desk in the middle of the room its the only thing not covered in moss and plants.

Zian- "Come on there gots to be something important in here".

<He finds a packet stapled together>

Zian- "Please be something in this packet"


Pg. 1

The lost one

As searching through the island for Kevin we came across a old temple that showed people worshiping an unkown man with a mask. The man with the mask was pointing toward an island thats reality constantly changed. It said that the island became invisible to hide its power from another unkown man trying to relive the past. One day this man would disappear and never be found. As we continued the search for Kevin we sent 2 men into Cave Isle but we havent heard from them since.

We recovered a Book the cover leather and it had a big question mark on the cover signed with a big K on the cover. We have reason to believe he had somehow reached this island as he claims alot of things that the temple did with his 4 entries. We scheduled a funeral since this was the only clue we had onto his disappearence. But just as we were trying to put the pieces together a giant wormhole opened into the sky so we had more things to worry about. A few days later we heard that the missing workers from the cave found his body and said it seemed he fell from a somewhere high but there was no area he couldve fell from.

They called in for an immediate evace but when the pilot reached the extraction point there bodies where found lifeless with Kevins body. The trail went cold once the pilot disappeared too.

---------------------- Ripped Page -------------------------

Zian- "What the hell this was my only damn lead theres a ripped page just a book with a K on it how my dad fell from a high place so i know how died but not the the real cause".

sir_papashorts sir_papashorts

He finds and learns about the mysterious of this lab including Igsean rock his Fathers death and the humaniod Dinosaurs

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