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65.71% Book of Realms (Part 1) / Chapter 23: Clock of Reality

Chapter 23: Clock of Reality

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-------- Permain Period --------

As a new day starts the 4 meet up in the cafeteria and talk over lunch. They get to know each other quickly as they wana get a move on. When they get finished eating they get up and leave the ship to see a group of people setting up defenses and building around the perimeter including walls made from material in the ship. As they leave the group are wished a good luck by everyone as they set on there journey to get supplies as the desperatly need. And when they reach the treeline they look to each other nod there heads and head into the thick jungles.

---------------- Few Days Later -----------------

< Mckenzie hacking away at the thick ferns with a machete as the rest follow behind her >

*The group confused when they find a old wooden shed in the woods*

Emma- "How long ago was this built its practically in ruins".

Mckenzie- "I font know but first of all i guess we werent the first ones on this planet".

Oliver walks over to the ruins and sees a old stone tablet with writing engraved on it with a golden clock covered in glass. The text says ᛘᛅᚢ᛫ᚬᚾᛚᚢ᛫ᚦᛅ᛫ᛋᛏᚱᚬᚾᛅᛋᛏ᛫ᚴᚬᚾᛏᚱᚬᛚ᛫ᛏᛁᛘᛅ ( May only the strongest control time ).

Oliver- "Hey do any of you know any kinds of ancient languages".

Mckenzie- "What do u mean ancient languages".

Oliver- "What i just said ancient languages like you know the Myans or Vikings like them".

Andrew- " Will you guys stop arguing we got better shit to do".

Andrew smacks it out of the Olivers hands and it smashes into pieces.

Mckenzie- "What the fuck was that about you had no reason to do that".

A blue light flies out of the remains right above the 4. The blue light forms into 4 strings connecting to there heads. The blue light flies into there heads at an extremely fast speeds and they collapse to the ground. They all wake up in the same spots next to the old shack but something in the air feels off.

Mckenzie- "What the hell happened Andrew what the fuck did u do that for wait where the hell is Andrew"?

Oliver- "Now that u mention it where is he"?

Emma- "Hey look the tablets fixed.....guys come look at this"!

They all step over to look at the clock on the tablet when a blue flash goes over the glass. Emma drops the tablet and they back away from it. The tablet flies start up and the blue flash turns into a rift sucking them in.

------------- Inside the Wild Side -------------

There forced out of the rift and fall flat on there face. When they look up a giant bug that looks like a dragon fly goes right past them and the winds knock them back down.

Mckenzie- "What the hell was that thing"?

Oliver- "looked like a giant dragon fly".

Another dragon fly flies near them its covered in spikes going down its back and full of bright color. The dragon fly launches toward Emma but gets smoked with 2 shots full of lead by Olivers 12 guage shotgun.

Emma- *few* ....."thanks Oliver".

Oliver- "Dont thank me that thing couldve picked you up and we wouldve never seen you again".

Mckenzie- "Im getting real tired of these items but theres this weird clock here".

She picks up the clock and she messes with the levers on the clock while moving them they here cracking noises.


They look up in the sky and they see where the cracks are. The sky collapses and are sucked up into the sky with endless amount of animals also falling with them. They are right back at the shack when they look up again animals are falling out of the sky.

- Mckenzie looks at her arm and the clock is lodged into her arm she jumps back in fear and confusion -

Mckenzie- "What the hell what happened to me"!!

sir_papashorts sir_papashorts

the group come across and old abandoned shack in the woods as they are stuck in the wild side they come across the Clock of Reality it activates releasing ancient species into a forgotten and empty world

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