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20% Book of Realms (Part 1) / Chapter 7: Operation- Pinch( Part ll )

Chapter 7: Operation- Pinch( Part ll )

-------- inside the inbetween-----------

A man greets Zian when he steps inside the inbetween "Why hello Zian my name is Ignito we have a small amount of time we can take but its important". Zian confused on were he is his first reaction is to ask the man where he is " you my child are in the inbetween youll understand these other realities when your older he replies theres more than 1 "yes boy now were running outta time let me get straight to the point". Ignito proceeds to hand the boy a key and says " never use these keys(Parellel keys)unless you have to " what will i use these for" he replies there is so much you will come to learn especially since yours is falling apart.

-------------- Universe 1304 ------------

Zian hears a ring in his ear and when he wakes up in a bed hes blinded by the light and groans his mother runs to his side. Zian says what happened she says "you passed out as soon as we stepped inside the building" Zian is about to tell his mom abo these keys but when he goes to grab them there gone. Zian looks shocked but doesnt say anything to his mother hes getting ready to say something but the intercoms come on ---intercom-----> Everyone we are ready to proceed with Operation- Pinch please proceed to the closest boarding area-----intercom ends------ . Crystal says "lets go we got a rocket to catch id never think id ever say that but here we are". When the 2 left the infirmary people we running all over the place to reach the limited time to reach the rockets realizing the timer the 2 begin to run in the same direction the others were while running Zian is lost behind the crowds of people and looses sight of his mother and barely manages to board the rocket as soon as he steps in the doors close up behind him Crystal runs to Zian and her face changes from worried to a happy expression.

----------- A few minutes after -----------

The thrusters of the rockets start up and the 3 rockets take off into the atmosphere. While the rocket is flying up inside the rocket that Crystal and Zian are in a rift opens up and Rampy steps out of the rift. Hes wearing a mask ( Mask of Symbols ) covered with curuption symbols and 2 giant horns when walking torwards the lady and the boy his footsteps are loud and heavy the crowd of people behind Zian and Cystal are thrown to the wall forcefully by Rampies force. Rampy uses his hand and picks up Zian by his shirt and throws him into the rift right before Zian is consumed by the rift he sees his mom turn to dust from the glare of Rampy mask. Rampy proceeds torward the rift and steps inside the rift.

----------------- Unkown Location ------------------

Zian wakes up inside and testing tube filled with a blue liquid with a bunch of wires connected to Zian through his mouth and stabbed in his skin. Zian notices the man with the mask in the room Zian smacks onto the glass of the tube and the man with the mask turns around and takes off his mask. Zian scared and frightened by his face it was colder than ice and his eyes whiter than snow Rampy gives Zian a evil grin and pushes the button to his right. The blue liquid is sucked in the through the tubes and sent through his body. Zians vision is pulsing and blury his eyes then close and he passes out again.

When Zian wakes up the liquid in the tube is gone and something about him feels different. The man with the mask is gone to and the door for the glass tube is open Zian then gets up and explores the room. Zian stumbles apon a room with only a mirror when he looks into it the veins on his body are are popping out of his skin something inside his body is rearranging itself and Zian collapses to the floor in pain and he grabs his chest. Zian screams in pain and becomes dizzy as his body keeps rearranging itself, he notices his skin changing into scales as his veins make an electric bolt shape all across his body but just before anything else happens Zian remembers the key(P.K)he was given and he reachs for it and points it at his chest it then shoots a beam into his chest and the curuption seemed to disappear. Zian stands up and tries to use the key again and it opens up a rift Zian suprised he steps back and looked at the key. Zian steps inside of the rift and leaves the room he was in.

sir_papashorts sir_papashorts

either Zian is rifted out of the rocket back onto the dying planet which then leaves him to surviving on his own or zian rocket makes it through the wormhole and there teleported to a different planet

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