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11.42% Book of Realms (Part 1) / Chapter 4: The 4th Day

Chapter 4: The 4th Day

--------------- Universe 1304 ----------------

Location: Unkown

Entry Number 4- I have no clue what day it is but time seems to move slower than i remember. All i know is its the day after that giant hole ripped open things are just flying up into that thing buildings, planes and boats yet i didnt get sucked up.

Im still stuck on this island i havent found a way off this place. Its currently the 4th day for me but i have no clue what day it is over on tge other side. My arm is killing me quite literally.

-He closes the book putting it inside his bag-

He stands up off the grass and theres a giant empty black hole in the ground. Curious he goes over and touches it sticking his hand in it watching it disappear and reappear.

Kevin- "Thats an interesting find ive never seen anything like it".

- He goes to write it down but tgey ground starts to shake -

Kevin- "what was that an earthquake".

A hole opens up near Kevin and a man comes up from behind him.

Unkown man- "Your time is over Kevin".

Kevin- "Wait no why i didnt do anything".

Unkown man- "Youve done plenty you couldnt not mess with the things you tried to become a god well thats not how this works".

- He shoots something into kevin making him fall into a cave -

The cave he falls into is connected to all 4 islands and end at only 1 enterence which is Cave Isle on Isla Descuidado.

-Kevin recovering from the fall groans-

Kevin- "That hurt alot".

He looks up but there was no way he couldve fell as theres no opening.

As he lays on the cold hard ground tge marks activates again. He goes into shock and starts gasping for air grabs. He starts spazzing out his veins pop out of his skin as his eyes turn blood shot red. His body cant take anymore he drowns in his own blood.

The body becoming pale and lifeless as mark absorbs his soul leaving his body making him into a entity called the Phantom Rift ehich is a visable purple gas made up of markings and consumed souls.

The phantom rift places its soul into the book because it was tge last thing he touched.

--------- A few hours later -----------

A few Bioseg employees who were on a search mission come across his body.

Unkown worker 1- "Woah come here and look at this it looks like choked on his own blood".

Unkown worker 2- "Ya it does i wonder what happened".

- They report his body and confirm he was found dead -

The two grab his body and carry him out of the cave with the book he was writing left there. When they reach the surface they look at each other with worry as the people who where supposed to there arent here.

Unkown worker 1- "Maybe there late give it a few minutes".

Unkown worker 2- "No i dont think so".

- He points to the sky -

Unkown worker 1- "What the fuck happened".

Unkown worker 2- "We got bigger problems much bigger".

He taps on his shoulder to look down and they see a giant hybrid staring them down. The main genom is Spinosaurus mixed with other species.

Unkown worker 1- "Run"!!

They run too there jeep that they brang here and just barely miss the impact from the Spinosaurus-Hybrid

-As there driving they let out a sigh of relief-

Unkown worker 1- "that was close the whole park must be off grid theres bodies laying everywhere this gotta be a nightmare".

-They reach the main building-

Operator- "Were ready for an extraction where are you".

Unkown worker 1- "Where at the main building on Isla Descuidado".

Operator- "alright where sending a helicopter its on its way".

Unkown worker 2- "We just gotta hold tight now and wait for the helicopter".

---------- 2 hours later ---------

The helicopter reaches the island landing on top of the main building. Turning off the engine the pilot gets out

Pilot- "What the fuck what happened here there all tore apart guts hanging out thats bloody brutal what ever got tgem didnt want tge already dead body odd"!

He grabs the body sticking it in the back. The pilot then fires up the engine of the helicopter and takes off. As the helicopter escapes the island it flies through thick clouds and the helicopter starts too shake and when the clouds are gone there own a whole differemt planet covered in stone.

Pilot- "What the hell i must be dreaming".

------- Error ------

He looses control of the helicopter desperatly grabbing onto the stick as goes in circles it collides into a mountain and explodes.

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