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2.85% Book of Realms (Part 1) / Chapter 1: Ancient Prophecy
Book of Realms (Part 1) Book of Realms (Part 1) original

Book of Realms (Part 1)

Author: sir_papashorts

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Ancient Prophecy

--------- Universe 1304 --------

Location: Outskirts of the City of lewell in the State of Georgia- United States

---------- Ancient Tablet ----------

His power fades away using his last bit of energy to form a base lost too the snow.

His stomach bleeding all over the floor as he walks on the snowy ground he falls into bleeding all over ths snow. A man stands shadow casts over his body dragging him away too a old temple.

Losing mass amounts of blood this man throws him into a bed, healing his wounds and hooks him up too some anesthesia.

-- 2 months later --

The man jolts up out of the bed lile he just had an extrememly bad nightmare. He says confused "Where am i" getting up off the bed looking down at these massive scars "What happened too me".

Walking out of the room hunched over grabbing onto his stomach he feels a cold

breeze coming from a big open door.

He closes the door saying "Its like negative 60 out there why the hell is this door open" a man stands behind him scaring the life out of him when he turned around "Woah you cant be creeping up behind me like that who are you".

The man pounts down the hall too his left saying "Go" in a rough tone. So he goes dowm the hall he pointed too and comes across a stone tablet on the wall and when he went to turn around and ask the man was gone.

-- Tablet --

Us people of the Han Tribe this tablet want and need tok warn you of your possible future.

We lived on the original 4 islands and viewed ancient relics way before are time that mustve been created during The First Keepers.

Us Hann Tribe people went through many changes we originally resided on a planet named earth B by the great keepers we were forced off our own world to universe 1304 the keepers told us our old home was to unstable and was unfit too hold the constant growth of the humans race. You the future of humanity must find a way off tgis planet when u get the chance the time will come.

*Unkown man wakes up in a giant bed with red sheets*

Kevin- "Well that was one hell of a dream".

*Kevin walks into the bathroom*

Kevin- "Huh theres a note taped to the mirror must be from my wife".

----------- Note --------------------

Crystal- Good morning baby as im guessing when read this your just waking up. Im off on a business trip till March 3rd i took Zian with me dont forget its your first day of opening the park so dont be late love you honey call me when u can ;p.


Kevin- "Well thank you babe for the reminder".

He does his daily activities like getting a shower, exercises, eating etc. Its the grand opening of his perfect pitch a extinct park called Mesozoic Universe or MU for short. After fighting multiple investors for 3 islands he won and bought all the 3 of them in 2011. He heads down to the garage and leaves in a exotic car getting on a freeway to the city.

-30 minutes later-

Kevin stepd onto a stage in the center of Lewell and speaks to thousands of people in front of him and millions on national tv.

Kevin- "Today not only am i opening the first extinct animal park with the partnership of biosegment today i reveal a complete version of the ancient prophecy from the han tribe".

*He turns around and cuts the rippen behind him and people start cheering and clapping Kevin steps off stage and heads to his car while interviewers yell at him with questions*

Kevin pulls up too the big biosegment Hq entering the garage he is greeted by security guards asking to check his ID card they let him through and he parks his car on the far side of the garage. The car turns off and he gets out his car walking to the elevator clicking the button to the top floor behind him as elevator music is playing above his head. When reaching the top he pushes open two giant wooden doors.

-Biosegment conference room-

Kevin walks through the door and sits down with 5 other managers.

Ryan- "Quite the show you caused down there Kevin but we ran into a few hicups along the way of construction on the 3 islands which is why we called you here".

Kevin- "Ok what hiccups"?

Molly- "Well statistically most of the enclosures arent finished and without the proper security its a hazard but we dont wana delay the opening of the islands".

Ryan- "Correct so we opened up one of the islands isla descuidado too be exact".

Kevin- "And why did you choose that one?"

Ryan- "Well thats the safest we recommend unless you wana delay the opening after tgat big party u caused down there".

Kevin- "Its too late to delay i guess ill have to deal with it".

Molly- "Ok ill let the others know that its staying open we have a helicopter waiting for you Kevin".

Kevin- "Thank you Molly".

Molly- "My pleasure".

-He enters the helicopter and the pilot starts tge engine a few seconds later it takes off to tge islands-

-Background of islands-

During earths early years an underwater volcano erupted the water caused the lava to spread around and cool in the same areas the islands reside. Years later many powerful keepers including Ignito and Rampy used the islands to experiment but there experiments grew out of control and they were forced out of the universe leaving there ruins on the islands. Thousands of years later a small military group from the U.S bought the 3 islands for a costs of 3,000,000$ this purchase was named nuclear purchase because during WW2 the islands were used too make nuclear warheads but when WW2 ended the goverment abondened the islands and nature took over. A hundred years later a rich investor named Kevin bought the 3 islands from the military for about 2 million and began construction on the islands in 2012.

3 islands

-isla descuidado

-isla tormentoso

-isla rocha afiada

-unkown island (information closed too public)

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