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Akame Ga Kill! (3)

"What the heck is Dying Will Package?"

Yuuto opened his inventory and took it out.

A suitcase came out and on top of it there was a ring. On top of the suitcase was a spot where you can insert the ring into.

He picked up the ring and wear it on his right hand.

(Search up "Mist Flame") White purple flame came out of the ring.

"That scared me a little, but what is this flame?" Yuuto asked himself.

He tried to put his left hand over the flame but seem like nothing happen, it wasn't hot like normal flame.

He tried to insert it to the suitcase.


The suitcase opened to reveal two black half finger gloves.

"That it? A cool black leather glove?" said as he put pick up the glove and inspect it

Yuuto put the glove on and somehow it goes under his ring.

Suddenly the glove turned into a metal glove and there were small holes over his knuckle where string can come out

"I admit that this is pretty cool. I guess that old man knew about my past"

Yuuto try to pick up the pen that he put on the desk from far away.

The string look like it came out of knuckle and snatch the pen. He pulled the string back while it carried the pen.

Somehow he was already proficient at using string. Maybe it have something to do with his past

This time Yuuto tried it with his Mist Flame. 10 strings came out that was covered in Mist Flame, 1 from each of his finger.

He looked into the mirror in his room and saw that his string were invisible and only he can see it.

"It can make my string invisible that's cool. This ability would of been really useful in my last life, well not like I needed it" Yuuto said as he retract his Flame and the glove turn back into leather and the string disappear.

"I been in this room for so long maybe I should go outside and take a walk"


Yuuto was now walking around the streets with his new jacket that he just bought few minutes ago.

He is now wearing a blue jacket with a hood and black t-shirt under his jacket with a black chico pant. (Check the novel cover)

He accidentally bump into someone holding a box. She had yellow hair and blue eye, while her dress tell that she was rich.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention" Yuuto said

"It's fine, it was my fault that I didn't see you were in front of me." She said with a bright smile.

Yuuto thought he saw her face going dark but it was replaced with a smile. 'Must be my imagination' he thought while clearing his head

"Can you help me carry these box?" She asked

"Yea, sure"

Yuuto picked up the box and start carrying it while following her.

They stop at a fancy looking cart with guard surrounding it.

"Miss, are you ok? I'm sorry I didn't know where you were" one of the guard came to us and said to the girl

"I'm fine, thank you for worrying about me. This person over here helped me" the girl told her guard with a smile that seemed fake to Yuuto

The guard went over to thanks Yuuto but Yuuto said that he barely did anything.

"Alright, I should leave now" Yuuto said as he turn his back toward them.

"Wait! Can you be my bodyguard for today?" The girl said with an excited face

Yuuto was about to decline but suddenly the guard went next to him and start whispering into his ear.

"Please accept our miss request, it seem like she taken a liking to you. I know it may sound selfish but we promise to pay you" the guard whisper to Yuuto

Yuuto thought about it and accept it because he had nothing to do today and he getting pay to do this so might as well.

"*sigh* Alright but just for today" Yuuto told the girl

"Yay! I haven't introduce myself yet have I? I'm Aria! Nice to meet you" the girl/Aria offer a handshake to Yuuto

"I'm Yuuto, nice to meet you" he said as he accepted her handshake.

He had no idea that being her bodyguard will change his life forever


End of the chapter, so if you don't know what the dying will Flame stuff is about, it in the anime "Katekyo Hitman Reborn!"

Just to be clear, the MC doesn't know about the plot

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