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Phase one (part 1)


The first phase of the hunter exam was a marathon run. Mr. Satotz told the all of the applicants to follow him. They would not know when or where they will arrive. It was a gruesome way to weeding out the weak from the strong. To challenge them both mentally and physically.

It didn't take long for the some applicants to start dropping out. After two hours or of continues running some people couldn't go any farther. I on the other hand was maintaining a steady speed to stay in the middle of the puck. I didn't want to stand out just yet. Though I am pretty sure one person had his eyes on me already.

It couldn't be helped so I just ignored it for the moment. I looked back to see how many people were behind me. There were still a lot of people in the race. Gon and his pals were behind me talking to each other. Leorio was starting to feel the burden of the race and regretting his chose for cloths. I mean who the hell wears a suit to take the hunter exam like this was some sort of a business trip. I know this was in the show to make him stand out, but this was just nothing but a bad sense of attires chose in my eyes.

On the other and killua was on his skateboard casually maintaining his pace with the others. Leorio saw this and started yapping at the boy for using his skateboard. Which prompted Gon interjected between them explaining to Leorio that the examiner never said that this was a test of endurance. He only told them to follow him and whatever method they use to do so were up to themselves.

[Alfa] {He is quite the perceptive boy sir}

[Nero] {Indeed he is}

Killua was intrigued by seeing a boy the same age as him taking the hunter exam. He asked him Gon's name and age which Gon replied to with a happy look. The boys seemed to hit it of very well. Kilua got off his skateboard and started to run biased Gon.

After four hours of continuous running, more than 30 people dropped out of the race. We have been running for approximately 60km now. And I don't want to say it but the way Mr. Satotz is running bothering me. I mean, how the hell dose the joint of this man fiction?

After another two hours or so passed we reached a staircase leading upwards. Mr. Satotz increased his speed to push the applicant even further. He wanted the test the mettle of this new wannabe hunters. He was running up the stairs as if he was running on flat ground. And because of the increase in speed even more people started to drop out.

But amidst all these people who were trying their dammed hardest to keep up with Mr. Satotz. Two boys were having the time of their life having a friendly race with each other. Gon and killua were running side by side up the stair with extreme ease. They were having a race to see who will get to the finish line first.

After what seemed like an eternity for most of the applicants started to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Both metaphorically and literally. Finally seeing the end of this hellish tunnel they were rejuvenated. Some of the applicants who were on their last leg and of course Mr. Leorio was amongst them And might I add he was running top less.

Gone a killua were the first to run out of the tunnel. They both landed at the end of the line at the same time. They were followed by the front row runes like Hanzo, Hisoka, and some others no names. After reaching the end of the tunnel. Mr. Satotz let the applicant cache up with each other which gave the ones who were there some time to rest and regain their energy back.

The place we reached was a vast swampland forest covered by a dense layer of fog. Back then when I was traveling from forest to forest I heard some rumors about this place. It's has a very strange ecosystem. Ever since then I was waiting for the hunter exam to visit this place. I figured two birds in one stone right.

So far I had been into three different wild habitats. All of them had deferent ecosystems. The death fore's I was in for the past three years for example. Almost all the fauna there relayed on either speed or stealth. To hunt or to survive. The one before that was called the shade trees forest. Its name was derived from the nature of the trees that grew there.

These trees had long and wide leaves and they grow up to 1000 meters high preventing the sunlight from reaching down. Inside the forest, whether it was night or day it was indistinguishable. The fauna there grew adapted to relay and depend more on their ears than their eyes.

After ten minutes or so of waiting around the tunnel the exit of the tunnel started to close and Mr. Satotz started speaking. [Satotz] "This place is called the Milzy wetlands also known as {the swindlers swamp} we must travel through here to reach the second phase"

[Satostz] "This place is the home for a vast variety of truly bizarre animals, many of which are crafty and voracious creatures who deceive and feast on human prey. So please do tread with extrema caution. If you are deceived you will die!!"

After hearing Mr. Satotz word most of the applicants became worried about their wellbeing. It is Understandably, I guess. Running the first part of the test was exhorting both mentally and physically but there was no danger to their lives. This time around though their lives will be on the line so it was understandable to feel nerves.

[Satotz] "These wetland creatures are not to be underestimated for they will use every trick in the book to deceive their prey. If you are deceived or lose sight of me when we start you will surely die. So pay very close attention to your selves and surroundings when we start running"

As Mr. Satotz was explaining what they should do to the applicant a sudden scream came from the back of the line.

"Don't trust him!!!" said a man with some torn clothes.

The man said that he was the real examiner and that miter Satotz was an imposter. He dragging in a man faced ape. And Might I add it looked like Mr. Satotz. The man said that mister Satotz was a man-faced ape from the wetlands and he wanted to deceive them. He said the Satotz wanted to lead them into a trap. To kill them all and eat them.

His bold clams of the man and the nature and mannerisms of Mr. Satotz, lead to some of the applicants to question his authenticity. And they started arguing amongst each other. The asked the man calming to be the real examined for his hunter license. But he claimed that it was stoledn by Mr. Satotz. And as he the man was barking along like a rabid dog he was suddenly cut off. Three sharp projectiles swooshed near my face and stabbed deep in to the yapping man. If I did not move my head out of the way instinctively one of those card would have struck me.

[Nero] {The bastard did that on Perouse}

[Alfa] {That one was clearly meant for you sir}

When I looked at the person responsible he was smiling with his eyes closed while shuffling a deck of cards in his hands. The man the claimed to be the real examiner was skewered by Hisoka's cards. He laid dead flat on the ground. Mr. Satotz, on the other hand, had caught the card sent his way.

[Hisoka] "Oh I see I see, I guess that steels that argument"

Hisoka "so you are the real one!!" He looked at Mr. Satotz and said

Some of the ones who got deceived gasped at the sudden change of event leorio and Hanzo amongst them.

[Hisoka] "The examiners are hunters each is handpicked by the exam comity for the job without pay. Anyone who holds the title we are vying for could have deflected that and pretty easily might I add"

When he said that last part he sneaked a glance at me.

[Nero] {He is starting to get on my nerves}

[Alfa] {He is purposely provoking you sir if you fall for it he wins}

[Satotz] "Oh I shall tack that as a compliment, but know this if you attack me again for any other reason I will have no choice but to inform the comity to disqualify you. Is that clear?"

[Hisoka] "Clear as rain"


Author Nots: hi guys it is me again Mr. Bad English himself. How is life I hope you are doing well in the quarantine? I hope all of you and your families are safe.

In the coming days or so my posting rate may slow down because I am fasting, but ether way I will still be posting to the best of my ability's.

And as all ways thank you for reading my armature work, I hope you like this chapter.

Comment and tell me what you think as all way. Writhing this fan fiction has been a great help to detract me from this though time s, and I hop reading it dose the same for you to.

All in all thank you guys

And all the best to you, your families and friends.

bilu619 bilu619

all the love guys thank you for reding

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