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The start of the hunter exam

When Nero walked out of the elevator room he looked around the place he was in. From what he could see there were around twenty three people in this place. As Nero was looking around he heard a voice talking to him from the side

[Bins] "Hallow there mister would you please take your number budge"

Nero squatted down a looked at Mr. Bins and said "what sort of creature are you"

[Bins] "Excuse me???"

[Nero] "I mean you, are you a human or a magical beast? I mean you look like a jelly bean"

[Bins] "Oh dot wary about that just call me bins, oh and you should take your budge"

[Nero] "Yah sure tanks" and he took the badge from bins.

Bins just kept on smiling and even after Nero's direct and disrespectful question. After he gave him the badge number 24 he walked away.

Nero looked around and at all the applicant there,

[Nero] {It seems that I have arrived here before them, none of the main characters didn't come yet}

As Nero was thinking to himself another voice came out to call him from behind him.

[Tonpa] "Hay their body it is quite the rare sight to see a rooky this early you must be strong"

Nero looked back only to see a fat short man probably in his early -forties or late thirties. He was wearing a blue and gray chains stile GI clothing. He walked over to Nero and put out his hand forward to shake Nero's hand.

[Tonpa] "My name is Tonpa you could say I am a veteran of the hunter exam this is my thirty-sixth time," he said playfully

[Nero] "And?"

[Tonpa] "And what?"

[Nero] "Why are you talking to me?" he said with a little glare

When Nero did that a bit of his conquerors Haki leaked out stopping Tonpa dead in his track. Unable to move or even replay his whole body froze up suddenly. Nero's long years living in the forest amongst wild and dangers beast had him ooze around this filing of being in front wild predator whenever he glared at someone. Whenever he did that his conquerors Haki would mix with this feeling and aura making anyone looking at his way quiver in fear.

This response he got from Nero surprised Tonpa for a while. When he first sow Nero talking so casually with Mr. Bins he thought he was noting mort than another naïve rooky to get some pleasure out of tormenting him. But when their eyes met he was stopped in his tracks. He could not move much less even speak a word. It felt like he was being stared at buy a wild beast. That was ready to pounce at him at a moment notice. The slit yellow eyes of Nero made Tonpa almost crap his pants.


Author (funny usually he is the one who makes others crap themselves ;) ha-ha (pop jokes)


[Nero] "If you don't have anything to say to me then I am leaving" Nero said ad walked past Tonpa

[Nero] {I thought he was going to offer me some drinks at list}

[Alfa] {You scared him so much he couldn't move sir}

[Nero] {Am I that scary?}

[Alfa] {To an average person you are no different than a wild beast sir}

[Nero] {That is cool!!]

[Alfa] {It would also mean you can't socials with normal people sir}

[Nero] {Ow!}

[Alfa] {OW!! In deed sir}

Nero did not know this spatial trait about himself, but it was not completely an unwelcomed one. And from his perspective he found this man unpleasant to talk to. Only when Nero was quite a few feet away from Tonpa did Tonpa started to regain control of his body. He dropped down to his knees and was gasping for air.

[Tonpa] {What the hell was with that guy? He is really scary, it felt as if I was staring at the eyes of a ferocious beast]

Tonpa was thanking his luck that he was spared and did not even look back the way Nero was going and started walking way in the other direction.

Nero on the other hand walked up to the wall and claimed on to the legs of one of the big tubes on the wall of the bunker. He decided to take a nap till the start of the first phase since there was nothing better to do anyway. From his memories, Gon and his gang of friends were the last to appear in the hunter exam for this year. Including him, at the moment there were 24 people here. Which means that there is still a lots of time left till the come.

The time flew by fast and the place started to full up. Nero wasn't paying much attention to the income of new applicants. He was laydown and taking a small nap until the start of the hunter exam. He already knew who to watch out for. And that was none other the one and only infamous clown HISOKA.

When Hisoka arrived at the sight his tag number was the same as the show 44. He looked around the place assessing this year's applicants. When his eyes landed on where Nero was. He started to smile. When Hisoka sow him, he could tell that Nero could use NEN. And from just that Hisoka could tell he was strong. Strong enough to give him some needed pleasure.

While Hisoka was inspecting Nero as if landing his eyes on a juicy meal. Nero felt a shiver run down his spine and looked at where those peering eyes were coming from. What he saw was the same person he was just thinking about smiling at him.

[Nero] {I really hate clowns!!!} He thought to himself

This psychopath clown was the last person Nero wanted to meat. The reason binge the persistent nature of this man. He will stop at nothing to get {his nut on}, all be dammed consciences and all. This kind of people where the ones Nero did not know how to deal with. Nero did not want to start anything with hisoka so he decided to ignore the clown for now.

The next person from the main cast was the best boy killua of the zoldick family. He was on his skateboard skating down the bunker like the fun loving little [ASSASSIN] he is. And slowly but surely the place started to full up with people, and after all most 35 hours of waiting for the final group of people come out of the door. They were Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio. When got into the door Nero looked at the direction of Gon was at.

After a long time of waiting inside the bunker. All of the applicant heard weird ringing sound coming from the other side of one of the walls. They all looked the direction the sound was coming from and sow the walls rising up. Behind the wall was a tall lean man wearing a purple suit and a twirling mustache. He was holding a wired alarm thing that was making the strange sound. He preside the top the alarm thing stopping it and then said.

[Satotz] "Sorry for the delay, and thank you for waiting. The entry period for the hunter exam is officially closed, so with no farther ado the hunter exam will now begin" in a formal manor

When the people there including Nero heard what the man said all of them got excited. And they were ready for some action.

[Satotz] "One final word of caution if you find yourself short on luck or skill, keep in mind the there is a great possibility that you may die. If you are willing to accept the risks you are free to follow me but for the rest of you may kindly exit trough that elevator behind you"

When he said that some of the people little tensed up. But all of them held to their resolve and not even one of the bugged from their spot.

[Satotz] "Very well then, all of you here will now to participate in phase one of the hunter examination"


[Alfa] {Analyzing situation ...…. Conclusion the work of an enemy NEN ability}


Author here to say thank you for reading my work and sticking to I t even with my poor grammatical and spelling skills. With every chapter I post like to think I am improving but you guys are the only judge of that.

Sorry for Bing positing this two days, power was out and there was no interment.

What do you guys think of the story so far? Do you have any criticism on Nero's character?

My main goal of the story is not strictly to create an over pored OC, but more I am more include to the adventure aspect of all those fictional world. When I was writhing Nero's character I wrote him with some aspect of my two most loved characters [Jotoro Kugo and Monkey d Lufy] with hard stoic punk like aspect on the outside and fun loving adventure boy on the inside.

Tell me if you like my way of thinking or hate it you are free to your opinions. Either way it is good to know.

And by the way what next world would you like between {one piece and soul land (combat continent)} because I had plot line for both of the worked out in my mind.

Thank you for reading as all ways

All the best to you guys and all your families and friends

Sty safe.

bilu619 bilu619

Thank you

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