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60% Story of a Dimension Traveling Wizard / Chapter 3: Joining a Guild

Chapter 3: Joining a Guild

I never expected that I would transmigrate in a fictional world. I knew that no ROB(random omnipotent being) or god was involved in my case because It was an accident due to a resurrection spell going wrong.

What made me glad was the fact that I was not in a world like Naruto or god-forbid a cultivation world, Fairy tail was somewhere I could work with. I could only vaguely remember the plot of the story then, so I had to find some type of magic that would help me regain my memories.

I realized that before I had my complete memories of the plot I could not interfere with many things, I feared that changing something could lead to disaster unless I knew what I was changing for what reason. What I knew for sure was that Erza was an important character and now I had more reason to distance myself from her.

setting aside such goals, for the time being, I was broken out of my thoughts by Erza shaking me. "Are you okay?!" she asked with a worried tone.

I looked at her and paused for a second thinking about how I should reply to her. "Erza, It is not your fault that grandpa Rob died. He saved you because you were worth it, don't blame yourself and live on. He will never truly die as long as you remember him in your heart.", I rubbed her head "okay?".

she looked relieved and nodded with tears in her eyes, I did not want another crying episode since we were in really bad shapes and the night was approaching. At least she was not missing an eye and that was a plus.

As for Jellal and the tower, I vaguely knew that it was important to the story so I decided to leave them be for now. I only knew that Fairy tail was a fictional world and some general information about the world itself and some characters and a bit about the plot.

I knew that Zeref and Acnologia were the main threats but I didn't know how they were beaten and feared that by changing something I could make them win so...

"let's go, Erza."

We soon found a road and decided to walk in the left direction until we reached some sort of human settlements. After an hour of walking, we found a village and asking a random villager about where we were told us that we were in Fiore X776 near the Akane resort.

Erza insisted we don't rest and get to Fairy Tail as soon as possible but I disagreed. "You want to go there looking like that?!", She blushed and looked away.

Finding a villager who needed help in exchange to feed us and give us clothes was not as hard as I thought. The people were much nicer than I expected. After eating decent food, we rested the night at that villager's house and I let Erza rest while I worked as hard as I could helping around.

She insisted to help me and thus I reluctantly agreed to let her help an old lady wash clothes. As for me I mainly helped moving stuff around.

At the end of the next day, we looked much better, A kind villager had given us his children's spare clothes out of pity. "my kids are older now, the clothes are too small for them and since no one wears them, it's best if you have it." Even though I felt a bit conflicted, I took them because of Erza.

We set off to Fairy tail and after a long journey, we were standing in front of the guild's hall. "This is it, huh." Erza nodded and went inside and I followed her. I decided to move with the flow and besides, I wanted to know If I could do magic.

It was dusk again and when we entered the hall, Everyone inside grew quite. Erza didn't seem to know what she should be doing because she just stared at everyone. I looked around and spotted Grey and Cana and some other characters. Ignoring them, I approached the short old man that I knew must have been Makarov, Erza followed me.

He looked at us and asked kindly, "What can I do for you?". I was the one who answered, "A man named Rob said we should come here to tell you something."

Makarov grew serious "Rob, you say, follow me.", We entered his office and he mentioned to me to continue "Rob has passed away and he said we should join this guild before he did."

Makarov frowned and I could sense he was feeling sad, "Can you give me the details young man?" I told him as much as I knew and whenever I felt my information was lacking Erza made an input, I made sure to leave everything related to Jellal and the Tower out of it as much as possible.

He sighed and I could see he felt guilty and wanted to mourn his friend, so I stayed silent and Erza catching on, did the same.

After a minute, he looked at us and I realized this gaze was different. It felt like he was looking at something within my chest and probing it with a form of energy. Something within me lashed out and the energy instantly disappeared from my body.

Makarov looked surprised nevertheless he tried to smile and kindly said: "Welcome to Fairy Tail". That's how I joined a magic Guild and began my journey as a Wizard.

After getting a silver Fairy tail mark on my shoulder, I went directly to the guild's library/Archives to study magic. Erza had unlocked her main magic in the Tower so she stayed behind with Makarov.

The guild supported erza by giving her a free room in Fairy hills and loaning her 50k Jewels, I was given 100k Jewels, Makarov said that we could repay the guild when we had money. This warmed my heart and greatly helped ease my worries.

From then on I knew Erza could take care of herself so I began distancing myself from her. I was afraid of many things and did not want to affect the story too much. I was afraid she would get hurt because everyone around me got hurt from the moment I stepped into this world, I was afraid that on my path to true freedom she would be implicated. I just wanted to protect her and the world in a sense, my existence was a burden to everyone.

Erza seemed to realize what I was doing and the next day she confronted me. "why?" she continued with a sad face "Is it because Rob died for me?". 'She still blames herself!' I thought and tried to look at her with an indifferent face which I failed since tears were beginning to form in my eyes. "Erza, I want you to be happy and I know staying close to me won't let you be happy, I remind you of the Tower and a dark past. you should move on, both of us should."

I really liked her like a little sister that I wished to protect but this had to happen. 'I will protect her if she ever needs me but right now I just want to be alone.', I made a mistake but that was the decision I thought was the most rational.

Erza started crying "That's unfair, you..." She just turned and walked away but I knew she was a very strong person and would recover and forget me one day, besides It was not like I would leave the guild or anything. It pained me to see her like this but I thought I was doing the right thing for her.

I rented a cheap apartment and bought some decent clothes for myself and after a day everything was going well. I had chosen to study several books about magic the first time I entered the library and I finally rented those books and began studying magic.

The first jobs that I did were mostly about helping around the people of Magnolia with easy tasks and I made small money from them but since I was doing 2 jobs a day the money accumulated and thus I was able to provide for myself.

I did not interact much with the guild members, preferring to stay distant. the books I had rented were mostly about magic itself rather than using it, I wanted to be completely ready and start doing magic with a good foundation.

One day, I was walking beside the river and spotted Erza sitting there. I couldn't control myself and approached her and when I got closer I heard crying. I felt perplexed, 'She should be happy, I am not there to remind her of her dark past and she has a new family to interact with and move on. why is she crying again?'

I felt someone approach and looked behind me and say Grey looking at us from a distance. the setting sun made the atmosphere very sad, Erza strangely had not noticed me standing near her.

"Why are you crying Erza?!" I asked puzzled. She hurriedly wiped away the tears and looked at me and said with a shaking tone "It's nothing, I was just... Em, you know...".

She looked so weak and fragile, I thought 'Okay, I think something wrong with my head. Why did I decide to distance myself from her?! Screw that. So what bad stuff happens to people around me, I will get so strong that no one can hurt them, EVER.'

I was acting like a kid, apparently being inside a 12-year-old body makes you do some strange stuff and think like a real idiot.. 'Is it because of hormones in children that don't exist in adults, Whatever.'

I hugged her as hard as I could which hurt my chest since she was wearing armor. "sorry, I am so sorry. I thought you would be happy if I was not around. I will never leave you okay?" I said with guilt.

She cried like the time when we had left the tower, in my arms holding me tightly, and I just caressed her head. When I looked back, Grey had vanished. thankfully I realized this early on, I couldn't even imagine what kind of suffering she would have gone through If I did not realize my foolishness so soon.

From then on me and Erza were inseparable for a long time. We were the only people who understood each other the best because we had gone through the same ordeal. She acted tough and appeared strong and intimidating but beneath the armor she wore, She was just as fragile and weak as everybody else...

TheMystic TheMystic

So what did you think about this chapter?

The reason I bothered writing the last part was to show everyone that the MC is human and he can make mistakes too...

The choice of the previous chapter won't affect the story for now so for those who are new go there and leave a comment, I got some great ideas already. Thank you.

The next chapter will be a very long one and I will try publishing it by tomorrow or the day after. (it will contain the entire story from now till canon in a summarized way so...)

Next chapter: Timeskip X784

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