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40% Story of a Dimension Traveling Wizard / Chapter 2: Fairy Tail?

Chapter 2: Fairy Tail?

Days passed, Time seemed to flow without waiting for anyone. With each passing day, my fury grew and since I had nowhere to vent it, I forcefully calmed it down. Some say hope is stronger than fear, what they say is true. I felt afraid of everything but the hope of freedom kept the fear at bay.

Nothing happened, I worked at days and rested at nights. due to being silent and working without a fuss I didn't get tortured. My body was accustomed to this treatment likely because of being a slave for years.

It was a new day and I was being escorted to my cell again only this time the guard took another route than the one which he used to take, I grew cautious.

We reached a new cell, this one filled with other children and one adult, I didn't pay them much attention instead I looked at the guard with a puzzled expression.

"This is your new cell." the guard said emotionlessly, I couldn't see his face but he probably had a poker face saying that. 'A true monster in human form, heartless and unfeeling whilst causing so much suffering'

I entered silently and looked at the slaves in the new cell. 2 little girls and 4 boys with an old man. I didn't pay them any more attention, l sat further away from them and closed my eyes.

One of the things I had noticed while being here was that people with ridiculous hair colors were actually real, I had silverish-grey hair color and green eyes myself. Good thing that I only could vaguely remember how I used to look like.

One of the boys, With blue hair and a strange mark on his face, approached me. "Hey, my name is Jellal. What's your name?!"

Over time, my heart had grown cold. I stopped caring about others after the second day. My cold face had caused other slaves to avoid me. seeing someone approach me like this kinda surprised me.

"Don't have one," I replied simply. I didn't remember my name and this body's previous owner's memories I did not have.

the boy now called Jellal seemed to not like my answer. His shoulders slumped and a frowned marred his face for a moment. He suddenly made a 180 turn and smiled brilliantly, he turned toward the others and said: "Then we will give you a name like how we gave Erza, right guys?"

I had a sense of deja vu Like I knew these people and this scene seemed familiar but I couldn't exactly tell why. As if waiting for a queue, all of them approached me and surrounded me including the old man.

A scarlet haired girl, A block-shaped boy?! WTF, another boy with dirty dark blonde hair, A dark brown-haired boy who seemed older than the others alongside Jellal and a light brown-haired little girl.

they introduced themselves as Erza, Wally, Sho, Simon, and Milliana. The old man took a close look at me and said "Hello there, I am Rob. you can call me grandpa Rob If you want to."

I nodded, feeling a little overwhelmed, I had not talked with a human being for almost 2 weeks and suddenly here I am surrounded by others.

"Hi, I guess?!" Jellal suddenly said, "How about grey?!"

I sighed and looked at him with a look that could have only meant 'Seriously?!'. what's was wrong with that guy and his naming sense.

he shrugged off my look and continued "then how about silver?!". Well I could have worked with that name but I just decided to stop this, so I said: "I want to be free, to go and see the world. I think I like the name Sora, it means sky."

Everyone turned silent, feeling a little off place, I looked at them and their mouthes's were agape. "Wow, that's so cool. Can I be called sora too?!" Sho said looking excited. he was interrupted by Simon who said with a serious tone "stop fooling around sho, It's disrespectful. We will call you sora from now on, welcome."

"Sora it is, then, let's be friends." Jellal said and extended his hand towards me and I took it in a firm handshake, feeling a lot better than before. Erza interrupted the moment saying "But, he doesn't have a last name right?! we should make one up for him."

'so cute' I thought inwardly but didn't show anything on my face. "that's right, so, let's continue, how about Sora Silver?!" 'Why is Jellal so into this naming thing with colors?'

I felt a bit frustrated with this new friend of mine but I didn't want to outright reject him, He seemed to like his naming sense a lot...

So I replied, "How about Silver plus something?! like Silvermoon?". It didn't rhyme well so I started thinking about possible combinations. Rob interrupted my internal thoughts saying "You want to be free, to see the world. how much do you want that? how deep does this desire go?!"

I replied without hesitation, "It comes from the deepest part of my heart. I want everyone here to be free of this hell and go have adventures in the world outside, that is where we belong."

He smiled at my words and I got what he meant but Jellal beat me in saying it, "Sora Silverheart, That's a cool name right?! yours truly is an expert."

I couldn't control myself and facepalmed although with a smile on my face. In the edge of my vision, I could see from Jellal's expression that he was doing this to break me out of my depression, He succeeded. I made my very first friends since dying and I thought that maybe living was perhaps still worth it.

Weeks went by but I felt much better than before, The saying is true 'with your friends by your side you can shoulder many things you couldn't before'.

I opened up my heart and felt at ease. Erza was shy but determined, Jellal was charismatic and smart, Simon was calm and serious, Sho and milliana were too young so they were childish, wally was funny and cool in a certain way, and Robb was grandfatherly.

All of them were kind and after spending so much time with them I felt like they were family. I acted cold outside and always helped with any one of our little group whenever I could.

Many nights I didn't eat to give my portion of the food to sho who was always crying about being hungry.

Jellal was planning something but when I offered him my help, he said "It's okay, you don't have to worry. We will all soon be free." I didn't get what he meant back then but I knew something was going on so I kept an eye out even though I trusted him with my life.

One day I was staring ahead blankly and thinking about life and death and the meaning behind it when Erza sat beside me and asked: "What are you thinking about?"

I looked at her and said, "just some stories I heard when I was younger." She grew excited and said, "Tell me, were those stories good?"

I looked at her with a smile, "Yeah, want to hear one?" I offered politely. She nodded and I decided to tell her the story of Beauty and the Beast.

"You see, once upon a time there was a girl named..."

As I was telling the story, everyone gathered around me to listen since there was nothing better to do. the more of the story I told the more everyone paid attention and near the end of the story even some people from other cells were silent trying to listen.

when it was over, everyone had this expression of amazement on their face. from then on, It kinda became my thing, telling stories for an hour before everyone slept. helping them forget their problems and suffering by telling them my stories, brought a smile to my face. Erza was the one who took a great interest in romance stories for some reason so most of the stories I told them were about romance.

that's how the days went by...

One day, Jellal gathered us together and with a very excited tone said "I have found a way to freedom. tonight we escape."

I was shocked that he was working on such a project and he didn't tell me. feeling a little angry I said, "Why did you not tell me you were working on something like this?!" He gave me a sheepish smile and replied, "I kinda didn't want to give you false hope." I grew silent hearing his reason.

The night we gathered in front of the cell and he took out a key then opened the gate of the cell with it. "Okay, let's go. Just follow me. they have a ship bringing supplies, we must steal it and get out of the island. GO!"

We followed him and ran while stopping to hide whenever we spotted a guard, I didn't know how he had gathered so much information and enough confidence to attempt this. I was impressed.

Unfortunately, we had walked into a trap. we were surrounded on all sides, guards and big magical dogs looking at us mockingly. I noticed Jellal's expression was that of a boy without hope, of dreams crushed.

I was helpless to do anything and I hated that feeling, I hated watching my friends suffer and being too weak to help them. I wanted to get stronger and crush everyone who hurt those I loved.

I put my hand on Jellal's shoulder and gave him a smile, perhaps a very miserable looking one. He seemed to realize my intention and looked away with a determined face. As I wanted to take the blame Jellal beat me to it like that time.

"I was the one who planned this, let them go.", The man who seemed to be in charge ignored him. He looked at Erza who seemed to be very afraid of him. "I want her, Take the rest to their cell."

I couldn't allow it and neither could any of the others because we knew that when they took someone It always ended in a very ugly way and Erza was too innocent for that kinda thing to happen to her.

No matter what we did, we couldn't stop them and they separated Erza from us. She looked at me with a smile filled with despair, I couldn't let it happen. "hey, you are the guy in charge right?! I know something you might like."

that seemed to stop them for a moment, the man turned towards me. "Say it, If its something good I might give you some food."

"yeah, listen carefully. FUC* you and ..." I cursed him to my heart's content, venting a great deal of my accumulated hatred.

Everyone was dead silent, No one dared to utter a word. The man had an ugly expression he dropped Erza and faced me. "I see, you sure are a brave one. I will break you like all the others. I will enjoy it personally."

Even my friends were strangely looking at me. perhaps I had overdone it a bit. 'Shit'

I passed out due to a guard hitting me in the head.

Next, I came to be, I was tied up to a red pillar of sorts. "I knew I had heard about you, A Dark wizard named brain experimented on a type of resurrection spell and tried reviving a mouse by exchanging your life for it. unfortunately, the spell went awry and the mouse died and you survived. Let's see if you can survive this."

A giant blue crystal was but into a device of some sort and the pillar started shining. "There is a great ritual in an ancient book, It talks about becoming one with magic. I found that book buried in a ruin in my youth. The name of the book was the origin of the one magic. When I showed it to Brain, he told me it was fake because the book said the one magic had 3 sources and Brain theorized that One magic can only have one source to be one magic."

He looked at the device with a longing gaze. "I wanted to resurrect lord zeref and learn the one magic from him as a reward. I know that the one magic is something not even Zeref might know but I unlike Hades of Grimoire heart want to truly revive zeref."

He looked at me with a sinister shimmer in his eyes. "I originally wanted to kill you but then I remembered this place."

he gestured to the surroundings. "Brain told me not to attempt the ritual due to safety reasons but I want to do it. you should be glad because you will be my stepping stone to one magic if it works and if it doesn't then you will die in the most painful way you can imagine."

He turned the device on, my heart was beating madly in my chest due to my nervousness. "Good, let's see if it works. the ritual will take half an hour to complete. A massive surge of magic energy will soon flood your system and be locked within till your body transforms and becomes magic. you will either explode or become a living self-sustaining magic battery with enormous output ready to be absorbed by me to help me strengthen myself and comprehend the one magic."

A massive amount of energy suddenly flooded into my body, the last thing I saw was the man walking out of the room with a sneer on his face muttering "I wonder what Ultear wanted to do to the blue kid..."

I expected the process to be painful but it was not because barely two seconds into it, I entered a completely new space. I instinctually knew it was my mind space. there was blank white in every direction and I was floating.

The only thing other than the endless white around me was a vortex in front of me, It was enormous. I willed it and thus began approaching the vortex and when I was close enough I saw three gateways.

The left one was mostly azure with a tinge of gold in it, It felt sacred and an azure sword was above it.

The middle one was a mix of blue, red, purple and orange, It felt humane and pure and a trinity of spheres was above it.

The right one was mostly black plus a strange shade of green and blue, It felt like nothingness and an eye of sorts was above it.

After thinking for a while, I chose one and entered. Next thing I knew, I woke up, sounds of explosions and such overflooded my ears. 'Am inside a warzone this time?!'

Slowly standing up, I realized my bindings had been incinerated but strangely I was fine. ignoring that, I slowly walked out of the room and came across "Erza?!"

She had a sword in hand and was looking at me with a relieved expression on her face but judging from her red eyes she must have cried a lot. she immediately came near me and checked if I was fine, After that she explained... "After they got you, Jellal couldn't take it. He felt guilty and responsible so he went out to replace you but he was caught too. We fought back to get you both and it led to a rebellion of slaves..." she paused as if a very bad memory lied in that sentence "Now hurry, We must find Jellal and get out of here as soon as possible."

I nodded and another sense of Deja vu hit me this time I felt like a part of my memories which were missing were coming back but before they could the feeling vanished.

We searched the half-built tower and found Jellal in a chamber but who we found was not Jellal anymore. he had gone insane deciding to finish the tower and become a damn slaver and even daring to ask us to join him.

I tried to punch him in the face but my body was very weak due to the whatever ritual I had gone through and thus I couldn't do anything as he blew me and Erza away with his magic. I slowly started to lose consciousness when I hit my head somewhere but I heard him say in the last moment. "Take him and leave, but remember this Erza if you come back I will kil..."

my eyes opened, I heard the sound of sea waves and felt the sand of the beach below me. looking to my right I saw Erza sleeping on the sand in a similar position to mine.

It was near dusk, I slowly shook her and she woke up. Without any warning, she hugged me and started crying. I didn't know what to do so I just held her and let her cry her heart out.

It tore my heart apart seeing her so fragile and sad but I was not in a great mood either the betrayal of Jellal had left a scar on my heart, I felt angry at everything but mostly at myself for failing him and yet I had to be strong for Erza's sake.

after a while, she calmed down, I broke the hug and looked at her saying "don't worry, we will save them. let's find help and get it to the tower."

She shook her head frantically "No we can't." I asked, "why not?!"

"Because he said he will kill them if we go back or tell anyone." I started contemplating the possibilities, 'Simon and the others are not evil but Jellal has turned evil and whatever has turned him was without a doubt a powerful force. Jellal himself is not the problem here If we disturb whatever being that has changed Jellal so much in such a short time. It could spell disaster for Jellal and the others and might as well kill them. Am I really so useless?! cant I even save my friend. everyone around me gets hurt...'

I looked at Erza and the thought that I might one day be the reason she gets hurt made me think about distancing myself from her after she got a place to stay and a way to provide for herself.

"What now?!"

Erza replied with a mournful tone "before grandpa Rob sacrificed himself, he told me if we managed to flee, we should go to Fairy tail and tell their guild master that he sent us and deliver the news of his death."

The moment I heard the words Fairy Tail, A massive Deja vu hit me. I remembered this time and I realized where I was.

'I am in Fairy tail?'

TheMystic TheMystic

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look at Ain's class advancements and choose one path of the three and put in the comments. I will decide which direction the story will take depending on your comments. I think I will choose the Herrscher path but I want your opinions too.

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