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20% Story of a Dimension Traveling Wizard / Chapter 1: A New chance
Story of a Dimension Traveling Wizard Story of a Dimension Traveling Wizard original

Story of a Dimension Traveling Wizard

Author: TheMystic

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: A New chance

I died, I don't remember the details but I somehow know that it was very painful. After death, I fell asleep, dreaming of nothingness for a very long time. Suddenly, there came a blinding light that engulfed everything, I felt like I was on a rollercoaster, It felt strange.

After a while I sensed something prying into my mind, trying to erase who I am, essentially turning me into a blank existence. I tried to fight it but I was powerless.

It erased my memories of my parents, of my childhood and on and on it went. As I felt despair grip my heart, something interrupted the process and before I could comprehend what It was, I went back to sleep.

A great part of my memories went missing but I retained my knowledge, the missing part was everything related to my personal life. I could remember what books I had read and how physics worked but I didn't remember my name.

It felt very strange, I was still me, I knew what I liked and disliked, I knew what I dreamed and accomplished but how I did it or why I disliked something I couldn't remember. I did not remember anyone from my personal life but I remembered fictional characters and some scientists. Overall It was very confusing.

I didn't have time to continue dwindling on things though because I felt like I was awakening from the second sleep.

I woke up, the first thing I noticed was the fact that everything was cold, so very cold. I looked at myself and realized that I was smaller than I was before death, I knew that I was somewhere around 20 years old before death. But now I was a boy, barely 12 years old. I looked at my surroundings and saw the interior of a locked cell in which I was inside.

I saw strange-looking shackles and restraints that resembled those worn by slaves in the medieval era on my hands and feet, they felt uncomfortable but bearable. I heard shouting nearby so I stayed silent and waited.

"Move your body, slave."

"If you fall one more time, I will shock you. pathetic slave!"

I knew the situation was bad, So I tried pretending to be asleep. Footsteps grew closer and closer...

Someone hit the bars of the cell and the sound made me unconsciously open my eyes. "Wake up, Its working time."

I slowly stood up, then I saw a man in a strange costume with strange marks on it, He opened the cell and pointed his staff at me."Go on, We don't have all day, do you want to get shocked?"

I nodded and slowly moved out of the cell, I felt very calm about everything because I was an adult in a kid's body and thus knew that panicking and crying won't solve stuff as much as I wanted to vent my growing frustrations.

'Am I In hell?!'

The man which I identified as 'a guard' took me to a big clearing. I saw many people dressed in rags with restraints similar to mine work on a construction site. The slavers were obviously using the slaves to build something.

I stayed silent and observed my surroundings calmly to gather information while working. The work was mostly menial labor since children couldn't really do anything complex and the hard parts were reserved for adults.

The guards were very cruel, and they used their staffs to shock anyone who did not work as they dictated. I had no knowledge of such tools and this raised an alarm in my head. at the end of the day, I was exhausted so I went inside my cell and reluctantly ate the disgusting food the guards gave me.

I had reached several conclusions based on my observations. I was in another world since I saw many magical things during the construction which could not be explained with the knowledge I possessed from the earth, this meant that I was not in hell.

The body I had occupied belonged to a slave who had recently been taken to be experimented on by a wizard, this could explain my transmigration, what that wizard did would remain a mystery for a long time. I learned this from a passing guard who talked about it while pointing at me.

The slavers were building a tower of sorts but I didn't have the chance to learn more. I was alone in my cell so I didn't have to worry about being murdered in sleep which meant I could at least sleep in peace.

The stress and terror of my situation which I had suppressed finally came back, I felt tears streaming down my face. I was sad and alone, I remembered nothing about who I was and where I belonged. I had gone through death, the ultimate tribulation and yet, I didn't get rewarded for it.

I expected to go somewhere good and live the rest of eternity in peace. I never imagined that those transmigration stories I had read about would come true in my case. The despair that day was soul-crushing.

I felt like killing myself but the realization that It would probably solve nothing and this time my memories would definitely get completely erased made me terrified. I wanted to live, to live peacefully, to be free.

I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist, A blazing fury slowly beginning to burn within me as I slowly fell asleep muttering...

"This will not be the ending for me, It will be a new chance.


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