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* He sent her and her entrouge of Dothraki people as well as Ser Barrinstan Selmy to the the mountains but not before he gave new magically enhanced armor to the Knight as well as Dark Sister. A blade that belonged to the Targeryens that will now be used to protect another Targeryen.

Ser Barristen Selmy and Daenerys were grateful and thanked him for his kindness.

* Harry got the news that Winterfell was recaptured and Theon along with his men were captured by his men. Bran and Rickon were safe unlike what he had heard from other his spymaster and the two boys who were killed and burnt were someone else.

He was still a little miffed that Theon would kill little innocent boys in order to prove himself to his fellow Ironborns. They were late in saving Ser Rodrick Cassel which truthfully he didn't really cared about as he didn't knew that man all that well.

* Harry wondered how the army was doing and Portkeyed to his camp in the Westerlands and found that the Stark forces had gone back to Riverlands for Hoster Tully's funeral and in order to meet Sansa Stark and Arya Stark.

He went to Riverrun and talked with his Legion commanders as well as his two sworn shields and found out that Robb Stark was now suing for peace with the Lannisters and using Jamie as the bargaining chip. And he decided that it was finally time to let out some revelations though before that, he'll have to deal with a person who might still be able to find out Daenerys' identity and location.

* Harry went to King's Landing and killed Varys the Spider.

* Harry went back to Dreadfort and then apparated to the place where Dany was living with her Dragons and told her that he was taking her to meet her nephew. She told one of her Dothraki female friend to take care of the dragons and then took his hand and he activated the portkey, leaving them at a distance from Riverrun from where they travelled to Rivverun on horses that he had prepared beforehand.

* Robb was surprised to find that his most powerful and loyal bannerman Lord Domeric Bolton had finally returned. He realized that he was in a great debt to the man because of not only rescuing his sisters but also for finding out about the Ironborn attack and nipping the invasion in it's bud.

He was a bit surprised that Lord Bolton came back from his 'important task' with a woman but who was he to judge. He told the men to lower the drawbridge and give entry to Lord Bolton in Riverrun.

* As soon as he entered the castle, he told the Starks to gather along with Jon Snow and that he had a very important news to give them. And that the Tully's were not welcome.

But Robb insisted that his Uncle Edmure Tully and his granduncle Blackfish be present as well. So he allowed them to come as well. As they all came into the Lord solar, he gave them a book and told them to read a particular page.

They did and found out that Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targeryen were married. He told them that loved each other. That Lyanna didn't wanted to marry Robert Baratheon who had a reputation of being a drunk and a whoremonger even at that time and ran away with Rhaegar.

Though he doubted that she could have guessed that her older brother be so stupid as to go to a mad king and ask for justice. Robb warned him against saying such things about his family and he simply shrugged, not wanting to start a useless argument.

He then told Catelyn that her husband was not disloyal to her. That he never slept with any other woman. That Jon was Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targeryen's legitimate son and Ned Stark took him as his bastard in order to hide him from Robert who condoned the murder of the Targeryen children in his rage.

After everyone took in this bit of information, Robb asked who the woman beside him was. He turned to Daenerys and gestured her to introduce herself to them. And she did. The look on their faces was priceless.

* Robb sat in his chair with his wife Talisa and wondered when things had become so complicated. His half brother was not his brother but cousin and the crown price for the iron throne.

And now his most loyal and powerful bannerman was working with a Targeryen as well. A woman whose family burned down his grandfather and uncle. He had no idea what he should do at this point.

A war with his most powerful bannerman would surely be a huge blow to the North. And to be frank, he was not sure if he'll even win such a war.

Especially now that the Freys no longer supported him and the Boltons were in charge of Moat Cailin and Winterfell. If possible, he wanted to kill Lord Bolton and the Targeryen woman in their sleep but that was dishonorable as they had not taken a step against his house. He was filled with confusion and had no idea about what he should do.

* Harry was reading a book and drinking lemon juice when Daenerys arrived in the room with a florish. He asked her how her talk with her nephew went and she said that he was very shy and uncertain about everything. He simply nodded and allowed her to elaborate but she didn't. Instead, she came up to him and took the book from his hands and sat on his lap.

He gave he an inquisitive look and she looked a little hesitant at first before she leaned forward and kissed him. But she was hesitant and he skimmed her thought and realized that she was forcing herself to do something that she did with Khal Drogo in order to love him as well.

And she was failing because there was still a shadow of Khal Drogo left in her heart. So he instead put a finger on her lips and told her to talk to him about her feelings. She was hesitant but he insisted gently and she finally accepted and talked with him about everything.

It was therapeutic for her and he knew that she felt much better after talking. But by now, he was feeling aroused so he pulled her in his lap and started kissing her passionately, after a moment of hesitation, she returned the kisses and it devolved from there into a carnal pleasure as they both removed their clothes before he put her down on the bed, spread her leg wipe open and speared her with his cock. It was a pleasurable night.

* The next day, Daenerys was sleeping peacefully in her bed when he checked on the Glass Candles and saw something that made him raise an eyebrow in amusement. A hundred or so many ships were sailing past Gulltown and moving toward the North.

From their sails, he could see that they were pirates and sellsails and quickly realized that they must have been paid by the Magesters in Myr to attack him and destroy his glass factory. He guessed that there must have been 8,000-12,000 men in those ships.

This much man power was enough to destroy any other house in North. But his house was not just any other house.

He then woke Dany up and after waking her up, he brought his sworn shields and other captions to his room and explained the situation to them. After a long discussion, it was decided that they would leave Robb's host and go back to Dreadfort in order to protect Wintertown and Domeric Port.

* Domeric then went to meet Robb Stark and his queen. He told Robb that the city of Myr had paid pirates and sellsails gold to attack his cities. He asked Robb to take back his host in case the attack. It would take some time for his forces to reach back to his city but if they hurried then they might be able to reach in time. After thinking about it for a while, Robb decided to let him go but leave behind the gaints, mammoths as well as one of the warg and his heavy cavalry and horse archers. Harry accepted this decision and left with his host by afternoon.

* As soon as his men went out of sight of the Riverrun, he took his two sworn shields as well as Dany, gave the command to his forces to continue marching and the portkeyed back to Dreadfort where people were still blissfully unaware of the danger coming toward them.

Of course, since the pirates and sellswords have only just crossed Gulltown, it will still take them a week or two to reach his lands.

He met his aunt and told her to raise the levy, call the giants and bring in the Free Folk as well. It was time to crush some fools.

* After sending out 11 legions in war, his home only had 2,400 soldiers left. The 2,000 policemen were there as well. Not to mention that the levy as well as 30 giants, 4,000 free folk who were capable and willing to fight for him and 5000 levy.

In the end, he realized that he and his men would win this battle easily. After all, his port city was so well defended that even the 2,400 soldiers would easily be able to hold their own against the enemy forces. But he didn't just want to win the battle. He wanted it to be a massacre.

* When the pirates and sellsails arrived in the port, they were surprised to find that there were no ships or boats in view and that the portcullis leading to the City was closed. They knew that they had lost the element of surprise but still believed that most of the Bolton men had gone south in order to fight in the war so they attacked.

The siege was brutal for the attackers as for every Bolton men that they killed, a dozen of their own died in return. In the end, the men lost their morale and tried to escape but found that their ships were surrounded by other ships that had crept up on them from behind and had seized the ships. In the end, the fight was easy and even Harry was surprised by how easily they won.

In total only about 400 of theirs died while the attackers died from 5000-6000. The rest were captured and put into mines and a hundred were sent to the wall. He also sent a message to Robb Stark telling him that the battle was won. He was also glad that he and his men got about 100 new ships for free.

* Harry took the time to talk with Theon who disgusted him because of the death of the two children whom he then burned and claimed to be Bran and Rickon.

He just shook his head and took the man to Dany and asked if her Dragon eggs were ready to be hatched. She nodded with a confused expression and he told her how Theon killed two innocent boys and Ser Rodrick for disrespecting him. In the end, Daenerys accepted to use Theon as sacrifice but the brought four more Ironborns as sacrifices. 5 sacrifices for 5 dragon eggs.

Daenerys argued against this action before he told her about the crimes of each of those men and about their mentality to take from the weak. In the end, Daenerys agreed and went to the pyre with the five eggs and the five Ironborns who were tied to the poles.

When the fire died down, Drogon, Vyserion and Rhaegar swooped down and greeted their 5 new younger brothers.

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