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* They reached Harrenhall within a days worth of time and he mounted another rescue operation for her. Thankfully, Arya Stark was acting as a servant and thus easier to rescue. She recognized him for who he was and came with him.

After that, he summoned his hawk and sent a letter to Robb Stark with the message that both his sisters were now free. That night however, he receives a call from his aunt who then gives the mirror to his spy master who told him that Denaerys Targeryen had somehow hatched three dragons and had also lost her husband.

He is surprised by this news as he knew that it would be hard for his army to defeat fully grown dragons unless he invented guns and he didn't want to invent guns at the moment. Not that he knew exactly how to design a gun but still, the point remained. So if there were going to be dragons, then he needed to either control them or kill them.

* He told his female Sworn Shield and the warg as well as the three direwolves to take Arya and Sansa to Winterfell. When they asked him where he was going, he told them that he had some important business to attend.

* He then portkeyed back to Dreadfort and took a Weirwood bonsai plant with him as well as a bottomless bag filled with food and water and then took a deep breath before Porkeying to Pentos.

* This was going to be a dangerous journey for him as he was going to travel in lands with little to no magic with a small bonsai tree as his magic source and he also had to find Daenerys Stormborn in this vast land.

* It took him a good amount of time to find Daenerys Stormborn and when he found her, he was flabbergasted by the state he found her in. By this point, she was the leader of a small group of 30 something people which was mostly made up of women, old people and children.

Plus, they were hungry, dehydrated and desperate. But she had dragons. Real baby dragons the size of small cats. So he guessed that was something. For now, the small group was waiting for something or someone.

He waited for night to fall before he captured one of the women in their group who told him that Daenerys had sent out three of her blood riders to find shelter, food and water for them.

* He now understood their motivation and went back out of their sight and started scrying on them with his glass candle. He found the first Blood rider returning in a haggard condition and captured the man before taking the information out of his mind.

Turns out that the man came across a dead city. Since this information won't help Daenerys, he obliviated the man and let him go. Then the next horse arrived. But the rider was already dead so he guessed that this man won't be brining any good news to Daenerys at least.

The third Blood Rider however brought news, food and water from Qarth. He read the Dothraki savage's mind and quickly understood the plan of the 13 in Qarth.

They most likely wanted the Dragons and nothing else. So he killed the man and buried him along with the horse. Then he watched as Daenerys her group wasted away in the heat without any food and dehydration. When 10 more people died within her group and everyone else was giving up, he arrived in front of her and gave her an offer.

* "You were hard to find Daenerys." He said as he appeared in front of her. "Who're you?" she asked weakly. He explained that he was a wizard and that he was here to kill her and her dragons. She became defensive and Jorah came forward to protect her but he simply zapped the man and knocked him unconscious.

Upon watching Jorah being put down so easily, the rest of the group and Daenerys became frightened of him.

In the end, he gave Daenerys an ultimatum. That either she serves him and live. Or he'll kill her, her dragons and then her people. He feels sad upon saying such a thing as she was a kind hearted woman who had a very hard life and just watched many of her own people die.

In the end, Daenerys accepts his offer begrudgingly and he took out food and water from his bottomless pouch and gave her the supplies which she quickly shared among her people as well and her dragons. He noticed how she herself didn't drink water or ate anything until she was sure that her people and dragons were fed and watered properly and realized that she would make an excellent wife. Someone who not only understood the people but loved them as well.

* In the end, he took out a rope and used all of his remaining magical power to create a portkey that was capable of brining back 20 people to Dreadfort. They then used the Portkey and came back to Dreadfort. There, he gave the necessary commands to hide Daenerys, her people and her dragons from others for the time being before he succumbed to magical exhaustion and lost his consciousness.

* He woke up the next day to a worried Ygritte who immediately hugged him upon waking up. Then his aunt arrived and wanted to ask for explanation but the his spymaster arrived and told him that the Greyjoy attack on both Deepwood Motte and Mote Cailin were repelled though Asha Greyjoy managed to injure one of the Captions of the Legion and escape back to the sea.

But the bad news was that Theon somehow managed to take Winterfell with the few men he had. Harry was surprised upon hearing this but then the surprise quickly turned into amusement at Thron's foolishness. The squid truly didn't knew what was good for him.

If word of this got out that Winterfell was lost then Robb Stark and his army would lose a huge amount of Morale. So he send another of his Legion to Winterfell with the order to capture Theon Greyjoy.

* Daenerys was worried. The person who called himself a wizard brought them here but she had not seen him since then. Neither had she seen Jorah, her sworn knight.

It was only her and her children in a large but closed off room and all of her food, water and day to day necessities were brought to her by a Lady named Barbrey Dustin. She tried to remember about House Dustin but couldn't remember anything as she was not very knowledgeble about the various houses of Westeros.

Any attempt to fish for information was rebuffed as well. She had a feeling that things would remain this way and that she would remain a prisoner, only to be used when her children grow up but on the fourth day, the door opened and instead of Lady Barbrey Dustin, the Wizard walked in.

* Unlike how she thought he would react, he instead apologized to her. Saying how he was not very proud with him actions of forcing a recently widowed woman to serve him.

But that the world they live in is harsh and he had to make harsh decisions for the survival and prosperity of his house. She was surprised by his change in behaviour before she became angry with him and started cursing him but he took her anger with surprising grace.

In the end, he took her hands that there is still one more thing that he wants to tell her and that she should steel her heart for this bit of news. She accepted this and then he told her that Jorah was a spy sent by the Spider. Someone who sent news about her to the 7 kingdoms on a daily basis.

Jorah spied on her for the promise of an official pardon from the king. Her heart shattered upon hearing this and she started crying as she simply stood beside her in silent support before pulling her in a hug.

* Harry dyed Daenerys' hair red and turned the color of her eyes into faint green color so her identity would remain hidden. She didn't like it but accepted because she knew how dangerous her identity was. He also told her about his concubine, a wilding woman from the North that he fell in love with.

Daenerys didn't comment on that. She was then allowed to meet with her Dothraki people and made sure that they were alright. He commented that he needed more horse riders in his army and that the three remaining Dothraki Bloodriders would take instructor positions for his men who needed training. While he also started giving the Dothraki people lessons on speaking the common tongue.

Daeanerys then talked with Jorah and once Jorah admitted to being a spy, she told him to get out of his sight and never return.

* Harry brought Daenerys to the Lord's Solar. She was filled with trepidation about why he summoned her here but was surprised when she saw a large board did a map of Westeros lying in the center of the room.

He motioned her to come and when she stood beside him, he told her about the past and recent happenings in the 7 kingdoms. He also gave her a history lesson and explained how her grandfather burnt down Lord Stark and Rickard Stark which ignited the Rebellion of the Usurpur.

He then told her that Lyanna most likely ran away with Rhaegar instead of being kidnapped by him. He also told her about Jon Snow's true identity of him being her legitimate nephew. She was ecstatic to hear that she still had family left.

Then he told her that she won't be able to meet Jon Snow at the moment but that she had another relative alive that she might meet. And then he took her hand and apparated before Castle Black where they were both welcomed warmly by Lord Commander Jeor Mormont who treated him with a lot of respect because of how many things he donated to the Night's Watch.

He told the Lord Commander that he and his friend wanted to meet Maester Aemon before he took her to the Maester where she had a tearful reunion with her great granduncle.

* After the reunion, she was more willing to cooperate with him even though he could read her mind and knew that she didn't want to serve him and was simply waiting for her dragons to grow before she would be able to fly away and escape his clutches.

That all changed when he asked her if it was true that she was not able to bear any more children. When she nodded her head, he gifted her with four more dragon eggs and told her that she can haave children this way if she wanted.

She then cried and hugged him on her own for the first time. She would have usually not showed this much emotion but he had cast a compulsion charm on her that forced her to show more of her emotions to him so that she would be more vulnerable to his actions.

* Daenerys was feeding Drogon and his brothers a piece of meat when she was once again summoned to the Lord's Solar.

When she went to his office, he told her that he wanted her to meet someone. Then he introduced Ser Barristen Selmy to her and told her that the knight wanted to serve her. Barristen was surprised to see her in disguise but kneeled in front of her regardless.

She looked at him in confusion and he gave her a nod and she accepted Ser Barristen's pledge of loyalty. Then he told her that he's sending her to live with a woman named Della in the mountains where they have a small community that hunt game and sell the meat to Dreadfort.

He told her that he's sending her there because her dragons were growing larger day by day and they can't afford to have her location be known to others as that would spell disaster for both her and his people

She accepted his decision but then asked if he didn't want to keep her close so that he could keep an eye on her and told her that he has given her 3 months of time to grieve for her husband Drogo after which he'll decided what to do with her.

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