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* Harry sat down with the female warg who had decided to follow him and continued teaching her occlumency and strengthen her mind. With the help of his techniques, she was now able to warg into multiple sparrows at once and see through all of their eyes and scout on their enemy without any problem.

* His aunt forced him to learn sword fighting now that he had 'grown up'. But he was neither interested in swordplay nor was he any good at it. That was why he had two sworn shields and three direwolves with him. After some try outs, he realized that he was only ever going to be good enough to fight off bandits for a short while. So he went back to focusing more on magic and administration along with some invention every now and then.

* Harry received a letter from the Citadel. The letter was regarding the new library that he was building and how they were displeased with him allowing smallfolk entry to such a building and how he was freely sharing his knowledge with others unlike the Citadel which hoarded it's wealth of knowledge like a dragon. Of course, the words were not as impolite or direct but the meaning was clear. Still, he didn't like the Citadel and didn't care about the maester's opinions too much. Especially now that he had a large standing army in the realm. Still, that was no reason for him to become complacent as there could always be a ruler that were crazy like the mad king and might demand his head for no apparent reason. With that thought, he realized that he should probably check up on the rulers of the lands and decided to do so.

* Harry didn't like King's Landing. It stank, was filled with poor and starved people as well as the greedy and corrupted. He had come to check up on his shops in the city as well as the royal party. He went to the book shop, weapons shop that sold cheaper weapons created in Dreadfort, glass shop which sold glass and finally Icecream shop which was near Red Keep and sold different ice deserts for the rich people. He had to carve a few of runes for this particular shop so that the ice won't melt quickly upon being transported here.

* Finally, he went to gaze at the royal family and he was highly disappointed. The king that he saw in the Rebellion was no where to be seen. It his place was a fat drunk who was surrounded by 5 giggling whores while Jon Arryn handled his empire for him. The Queen was a bitch with the mentality that the world belonged to her and was a bit too close to her brother, why was that. Legilimency showed that she had an incestuous relationship with her brother. Oh well, her husband was a whoremonger so who was he to judge. But then he was shocked to find that all three children of the royal family were Jamie's children. Well… he didn't even want to tough that particular cluster fuck with a 10 foot pole.

He just hoped that this truth won't be found out or rivers of blood will flow. Not that he cared too much. Then he moved on to the children. Joffrey was a monster through and through. Marcella was a sweet and innocent girl with an inquisitive and curious mind. Tommen was a naive child whose primary focus was on cats and learning about other animals. Man, what a fucked up family. He was disappointed to find that the only one in the royal family who had a good head on the shoulder was the princess. The rest were all fucked up. And if the crown prince didn't die before becoming then king then Westeros will be facing a few hard years in the coming future.

* Once he had seen the royal family, he started searching the city for things that might help him. After some searching and a lot of point me spells, he managed to find a few dragon skulls while had took some samples from, a Valyrian sword called Lamentation buried in the ruins of the Dragon Pit, 2 dragon eggs that had turned to stone and a shocking fact that the crown was in 3 millions debt already. 1 million from Tywin Lannister and 2 million from the Iron Bank. Wtf. Upon further investigation, he found that the Master of Coins was stealing from the King's coffers. Wow, the man was not only cunning but also had balls of steel. After some thinking, he used legilimency on the man and stole 1 million gold dragons of his 2.3 million. The rest were either very hard to get to or out of reach. After stealing from Petyr Baelish, he left King's Landing. He wanted to kill the man but knew that the more destabilized the kingdom becomes, the more powerful he himself will become in the ensuing chaos. So he kept Petyr alive for now.

* With the new wealth that he had received, he accelerated the construction of his port and the roads. Thankfully, he had routed out any and every spy that was sent to spy on him so he was not worried about his new wealth being found out. Even Lord Stark didn't knew how much he earned and he only send a quarter of the taxes to the man. But even a quarter of his taxes were enough to rival those of House Manderly (the former wealthiest house in the North). Perhaps the northerners believed that no one could be richer than the House Manderly and thus had not suspected his true wealth?

* It took 3 months of travel before the Blacksmith from Volantis arrived. He would have gone there himself but there was little to no ambient magic in the air so far down south so he didn't want to take the risk. Once the Blacksmith arrived, he had the smith reforge the Valyrian sword (Lamentation) into a new Valyrian sword for himself. Not that he knew how to use a sword but it was more about status. So far, only two houses in the North had a Valyrian sword. Ice and Longclaw. Now there were three. After some thinking, he named the sword 'Hope'. Hope for a better and prosperous future for him and his people.

* Ned Stark looked at the letter he had gotten from Lord Umber. Cat asked him what it was about and he told her that it was about Lord Bolton. Cat asked him if the small folk from Lord Umber's land were going to Lord Bolton's lands and he said yes. His other bannermen were pissed that their small folks were leaving for greener pastures and he couldn't blame them. But he couldn't blame the smallfolk either for choosing to live a better life in a more prosperous place. Nor could he fault Lord Bolton for spending his wealth either on construction projects either. In the end he decided that a visit to the Dreadfort was in order.

* It has been forever since a Stark visited the Dreadfort. He was probably the first one to do so in decades if not centuries. He went to Dreadfort along with his son Robb and Jon along with a dozen of his most loyal men. It took them a week before they saw the first construction project in the Bolton lands and he was flabbergasted by the amount of people working on building the road. There must have been about a thousand people working on building this road alone. And the road was unlike any other road he had ever seen before. He had heard rumors about this kind of road that were similar to the ones built in the old Valyria. But now that the construction work was going in front of him, he was clearly able to see that the road was not made up of a single rock but a molten black material that became solid once it cooled down as people moved huge stone roller on top of the molten black material to make it plain.

* They then moved ahead and he was flabbergasted by how smooth it was to travel on such a road. Especially for carts and horse carriages. He was also surprised by the amount of roads as he reached closer to the Dreadfort. Not to mention how prosperous the whole area was. Everywhere he could see large tracts of land that were being used to farm as men dug small canals from the nearby streams for water to reach the farms easily. He was really surprised by how much wealth Lord Bolton was using to enhance the lives of his people and realized that he truly couldn't blame the smallfolk for wanting to live in the Bolton lands.

* It seemed like the lord of Dreadfort that truly put a lot of his wealth on building the roads. Three days later, they reached the Dreadfort and everyone in his party was flabbergasted by the fact that the Dreadfort was surrounded by Weirwood trees. He had to admit that he had never seen something so beautiful. Then he saw a small child carving something on a Weirwood tree and was then shocked once again to find that it was not a child but one of the Children of the Forest. As if the small creature sensed his gaze, it look up at him and then went back to carving on the Weirwood tree along with singing, not caring about their presence in the least. Ned took a deep breath and then told his similarly flabbergasted people to move on ahead.

* The Dreadfort was large. Large than he had thought it would be. And the reason was all the town being built around the Castle. He could see many weird buildings on the other side of the Dreadfort and guessed that they must be the Paper mill and the Glass factory that everyone kept talking about. As his party moved forward, they were received by the regent of the Dreadfort, Lady Barbrey Dustin. Upon asking, he found out that Lord Bolton had gone to Braavos for some business and would be returning within a few days. He wondered what business Lord Bolton was doing as they moved forward and he saw that a second wall was being built around the city. Then he saw something that shocked him once again. A group was giant and mammoths were working alongside the other men in building the wall. He had received news about the giants as well but never thought that he would actually see them working at Dreadfort. He wondered what else he didn't knew about his own bannerman as they moved forward.

* The town was clean and organized. The roads were large enough for four carriages to easily pass one another and the new buildings looked to be in pristine condition. Plus, there was no smell of shit and piss in the new town unlike the other cities that he had visited in his life. He looked at his sons and saw that they were trying not to stare at the Direwolf that was walking alongside Lady Barbrey Dustin as well as the small pups that were following the Direwolf. He wondered how many Direwolves the Boltons had.

* During his time in Dreadfort, Ned realized how truly prosperous the Bolton lands were and how poor Winterfell, his own home seemed to be in comparison. During that time, the other lords also came to Dreadfort at which point Lady Dustin was forced to hold a tourney in their honor. He had asked the woman if she was really allowed to spend so much wealth and if the Boltons would be able to pay for the tourney and she had just smiled at him in a manner that clearly indicated that she knew something that he didn't. He and his family also saw the Valyrian steel blade that was hung in the Great hall for all to see. He had been surprised to learn that the Boltons had gained a Valyrian sword and he no idea how that happened. Perhaps he'll ask Lord Bolton when he arrives.

* Harry returns home after three days. He had told his people that he was going to Braavos but in truth, he had gone to Dragonstone in search for any dragon eggs that he might be able to find. And he did found 3 dragon eggs which was a huge surprise. By now, he had 5 dragon eggs made of stone. Each one was a beautiful gem in it's own right and selling one of them would be enough to buy him a small army.

* He had gotten a message from Dreadfort but was busy making a wand for himself with ironwood and dragon bone dust. After experimenting with many woods and magical things, he had finally found this combination that allowed him to make a wand that was three times more stronger than a wand made of weirwood and his blood.

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