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* They landed on the port that was under construction. A young and quick witted red headed girl named Ygritte continuously asked him questions about the lands in the south of the wall and he answered her questions in a patient manner. He might not treat other lords of the North very kindly but he wanted to treat his people well. Especially the wildlings as he could clearly see that they were afraid of living in new lands in such small numbers.

* Once they landed, he gives Della, the sister-in-law of Mance Rayder and the leader of the Free Folk he had brought with him a large swath of land to live in along with 500 cows and buffaloes that he recently brought from Essos. He had also created some temporary houses for them to live in and told them that he would send people to teach them how to make houses for them. During their time together, he and Ygritte had become sort of friends and she decided to come with him instead of living with the other Free folk and he decided to let her as he had become fond of the girl as well.

* Harry thinks about the wilding he had recently brought in his land and decides that if he started creating glass just yet, then it would bring a lot of people's eyes upon his lands and wonders if it's worth the efforts. But then he realized that his actions so far would have already brought attention to him so creating glass won't be so bad and decided to finally do it.

His had already created a small port as well a large enough standing army so he was not worried about attack or transport difficulties.

* Harry brought some of the blacksmiths with him to the mountains where the giants were living and had the fearful men take measurements of the giants. He knew that if there was ever a war in the future, which was likely to happen given the recent history of Westeros, he would have some of the giants fight for him as well. And it would be a waste for them to die. So he planned to gift them armor which they could wear in battles. Ygritte was angry when she heard this and argues that he just wanted to use these people before he explained what a large risk he was taking by bringing these people down in his lands.

* Harry looked in amusement as Ygritte frowned while looking at the words in the books. It had been some time since the Maester started teaching her how to read and write. No friend of his was going to be illiterate.

She was still not very good at it but he forced her to sit and learn how to read and write and despite her clear disgust for such things, she decided to follow his orders once he explained the benefits of being a literate person. As she gave him a glare, he chuckled at her and then left her to her own devices.

* Ned Stark and his family were not so shocked when the giant hawk landed beside him and gave him the letter. It was now a common occurrence to see the giant hawk carrying letters from Lord Bolton and even though he was curious about how the young lord tamed such a majestic bird, he never asked. He read the letter and frowned upon reading that Lord Bolton would be arriving in Winterfell soon enough for a business proposition. He guessed that Robb and Lord Bolton could make their acquaintances as Robb would one day rule the North as it's Warden and Lord Paramount. Plus, both of them were of similar age so they should get along well.

* Robb was annoyed that he and the rest of his siblings were being rounded once again to welcome one of most important and powerful bannermen of their father. Lord Domeric Bolton, even though the boy was only a year older than him. But all such thoughts went out of his mind as Lord Domeric entered the Castle gates on top of a Direwolf, followed by three other direwolves one of which was being mounted by a young red haired girl of the same age. Then there were the two sworn shields who wore an impressive black armor with the Weirwood tree as the banner of the new Bolton Lord. And then he was shocked as he noticed that one of the sworn shield was not a man but a woman. He wondered how The Bolton Lord had gotten his hands on Direwolves and wondered if it was when he went on the expedition North of the wall.

After all, the story about Lord Bolton going to the North of the Wall and coming back with Giants and mammoths was rather famous in the North.

* Harry showed a large piece of glass to Lord Stark who merely gaped at how clean it was considering that the glass created by Myr had a milky texture to it and had many bubbles in them. He then told Lord Stark that he would sell Glass to him and other Northern houses at a cheaper price if they were interested in buying. Ned knew that Starks were not very rich. But they were not poor by any means either and by the end of the deal, he had ordered enough glass to make another glass house in Winterfell.

* Harry watched in amusement as the guards of Lord Stark fought against his sworn shields. Some time ago, Robb had challenged him to a duel and he had refused stating that he didn't knew how to use a sword (which was the truth). Robb asked him how he'll protect himself and the Direwolf standing beside him let out a growl, freezing Robb and making him smirk. He also bragged about his Sworn Shields being the finest warriors in all of the North. Robb didn't believe him and now the Stark guards were being thoroughly trounced by both his sworn shields. It was a rather amusing sight for him. Less amusing for the Stark children.

* Harry watched Ygritte compete in archery against Theon Greyjoy as he, Jon and Robb sat and talked with each other. During their conversation, he saw Ned coming toward them who then froze upon seeing him together with his bastard child. At that moment, he brushed against Ned's mind and felt the small amount of fear and trepidation along with a memory of a girl asking Ned to promise her something. He wondered if that girl was Jon's mother but why would Ned fear him talking with the bastard so much if that was the case. He didn't think too much about it at the moment and let it go though he did remained curious about Jon Snow's parentage from that day onward.

* Harry returned home after making a deal with Lord Stark. The news about this deal had probably already reached the rest of the Northern houses and would reach the rest of Westeros soon enough. Then they would know that he is selling glass and the business proposals would then start to come.

* Harry finally managed to create cement. He was happy with this discovery as he would finally managed to create proper modern day roads and houses that were not made up of stone. Ygritte asked him what he was so happy about but quickly lost interest as he explained the usefulness of cement to her.

* Harry's men send out missives to different villages in order to ask for men to work in creating roads for him. They paid 2 silver stags for each day of work. This was a good amount of wealth and many people who were unemployed, not earning a lot or were down in their luck decided to go and join in the work of building the roads that the men were talking about.

* Harry's aunt warned him that he was using too much of his wealth on creating these so called 'Concrete roads' but he simply shook his head and told her that he was investing on the infrastructure. Something that always pays in the long run. While he was working on the roads, he also decided to build a railway network from Dreadfort to the new port that was being built at the mouth of the Weeping Water River. For now, horses carriages could navigate these railway lines until he builds steam engine or something else but until then, horse carriages on railway lines will be used to shorten the amount of time that is required to travel between the Port and Dreadfort.

* Harry was planting more weirwood trees magically when Ygritte came down and sat beside him. She asks him why he planted weirwood trees and he considered lying to her like he did with everyone else but she was a friend and he couldn't bring himself to lie to her so he told her the truth. That he was a wizard and the more weirwood trees he plants, the more ambient magic is released in the air and the stronger he became as a result.

Despite being illiterate, he knew that Yiggrite was loyal to him and wouldn't betray him by telling this to anyone else.

* Cersei told Robert about the Bolton boy lord who had learned how to create glass. She told Robert to pressure the boy until he gave up the secrets of glass making. Unfortunately, Robert declined and she threw a temper tantrum before leaving with her brother back to her own chambers while Robert merely looked tired and called for more wine and some whores.

* Harry looked at the roads being built by hundreds of men and women. Thankfully, this whole project had been delegated to a man who knew what he was doing. It always surprised him how many gems he was able to find within the Slaves in the Free Cities. It was such a pity that there was such a lack of magic and he was not able to stay in those cities for too long. But by now, he had used portkeys to travel back and forth from those cities a few times and he brought more and more talented and educated slaves with him each time.

* Aunt Barbery saw a Dothraki Blood rider and scrunched up her nose in disgust and asked her nephew why he had brought back such a man from across the narrow sea. Harry explained to her that he wanted to create an archer cavalry unit and needed the help from someone who was already versed in that art.

* Domeric looked at the wall that was being built around the port that was slowly turning into a port town. Business had picked up because of the weapons, armors, grain, books and glass that he sold in the town. Plus, there was also the fact that Winterfell was closer to Dreadfort than it was to White Harbor and the road that he had under construction helped merchant travel with far more ease. He knew that the Manderlys would probably be pissed because of the new competition but he frankly didn't care. Plus, Dreadfort was also closer to the Karhold and the Last Hearth, seats of Karstars and Umbers.

* Harry did a check up on his standing army. So far he had 1,000 swordsmen, 1000 spearmen, 500 heavy infantry, 1000 archers, 250 cavalry, 250 archer cavalry, 500 free folk and 20 giants who would fight for him in his time of need. And last but not the least, he had capable of raising 5,000 levy from his lands that he won't use until absolutely necessary.

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