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* Rickard Karstark received a message from the Maester and went in a rage upon reading it. When his heir asked about the source of his anger, he told him about the crops and weapons that the Boltons were selling to the rest of the Northern houses at a cheaper price. Every other house in North except his own received a fair deal from the Boltons.

He was angry that he didn't receive a similar deal and that if he and his men wanted to buy from the Boltons, then they'll have to pay double the amount. Once his anger abated a little bit, he realized that his words during that feast must have angered Lord Domeric Bolton who held onto a grudge and refused to sell him things at a cheaper price. He wondered if he should apologize to Lord Bolton but the decided against it. He was far too old and prideful to apologize to the little shit. Even if it meant cheaper weapons and food for his people.

* Harry noticed that the main weirwood tree which had a face generated a larger amount of magic than the other weirwood trees and wondered if he would able to carve a similar face in the other weirwood trees. He tried and failed. So he started to wonder if there were actually some 'Children of the forest' left on the other side of the wall. If yes, then he needed to call one of them to carve some faces in the other Weirwood trees so that they'll become the vassal of the old gods and start generating more magic. He went to his Maester and asked for all the books about Old gods and the Children of the forest be brought to him asap.

* Ned Stark was having dinner with his family when a giant hawk entered the great hall and landed in the middle of the table. Everyone froze in shock and the guards took out their swords in order to deal with the hawk when he saw something and froze. The Hawk was standing calmly in the middle of the table and had a letter attached to it's talon. He slowly took the letter from it's leg and froze upon reading it. The letter was from Domeric Bolton telling him about his expedition to the North of the wall. He had no idea why the boy would go there. And with 500 men at that. But regardless, the boy had already left for the North and by now it was too late to tell him to stop. Not that he could do it even if he wanted. He was not a tyrant and his bannermen were allowed to do as they liked and go wherever they want without asking for his permission. Though he did wondered what Lord Bolton wanted to do North of the Wall.

* Jeor Mormont, The Lord Commander of the Night's Watch watched the new group that Castle Black was now hosting. Lord Bolton had supplied the wall with 200 swords made of steel that was even better than the castle forged steel. Not to mention a large amount of food that would easily last the whole Night's watch for a whole year along with furs and some horses and a thousand gold dragons. He would admit that they had not received such generous giftss from anyone in decades. The only thing that Lord Bolton wanted in return was to borrow some rangers for his expedition North of the Wall. What this expedition was for, Lord Bolton didn't say. He just hoped that the boy knew what he was doing and wouldn't die in the true North.

* Varamyr Sixskins watched the large group trudging through the snow on their horses from inside the body of his direwolf. These men were not crows. But they were clearly from the South of the wall. He had been keeping an eye on them for the last two days and had decided to attack them at night with his werewolves in order to scare them off. He would not allow some Southron cunt to walk in the true North like they owned the place. As the sun set down, he stacked their camp and just when his direwolves were about to attack the guards, he noticed a man who looked like he was of some importance walk out of the camp. He followed the man and was about to attack him when the man turned to him threw a red spell at him and everything went black.

* The large pit fighter woman turned sworn shield looked at the three direwolves the size of a small horse that her lord had captured and wondered how they would transport these direwolves south of the wall and if her lord really came to the true north in order to capture such animals. The brothers from the Night's watch were looking worriedly at the direwolves but she and the male sworn shield along with the other guards easily stopped the black brothers from watching as her lord performed his magic on the direwolves to make them more complacent to his wishes.

* Harry used extensive legilimency to take out the old tongue from the mind of the Thenn that they had captured. Learning old tongue was hard work but if he was going to do what he planned to do then it was necessary that he learns the old tongue. He had already found a group of mammoths and giants across the mountain and if he wanted to communicate with them, then he must understand the old tongue which was why he was doing this right now.

The giants only spoke in the old tongue after all.

* Mance Rayder was talking with the giants about the white walkers in order to unite them to his cause and go south of the wall. He had already united thirteen different tribes and was now talking with the giants in order to ask them to join his cause. If they did then it would be a huge boost to the morale of his people as each giant could easily take on a dozen of well equipped men easily. What he could have never expected was the arrival of a young southron lord who was surprisingly fluent in the old tongue.

* Harry was a bit surprised that there was another party in the Giant's camp that was trying to recruit the giants to their own cause for one reason or another. He didn't really cared. The Giants were coming with him. They just didn't knew it yet. He talked with the giants. But he was still too young and they didn't believe that he could do anything. In order to show them his power, he apparated in the shoulder of the leader of the giants and casted a dozen stunners within a second. The leader of the giants was knocked unconscious and fell down to the ground as a result.

His wierwood wand also burned down but thankfully he had already prepared more before he came. His use of magic and apparition shocked everyone present and he was surprised when the giants bowed their heads to him for defeating their keader so easily. They didn't treat him as their king but it was a near thing. But one thing was now sure, the gaints were coming with him.

* Tormund watched with some trepidation as Mance Rayder talked with the witch boy who took down the king of the giants within a second. He watched as Mance explained the necessity of them hiding behind the wall when the true winter came and about the white walkers and surprisingly, the boy believed in Mance's words even though his own guards laughed at Mance's words. He was surprised by how loyal those men were to the boy but he supposed that such would be the case if the boy could use such foul magic.

By the end of their 'talk', the boy declared that he would accept any free folk who would be willing to bend the knee to him. That was a predicament as freefolk didn't bend their knee but the boy countered by saying that he would not have people in his land that he could not trust and control. And despite being one of the Freefolk, Tormund couldn't deny the boy's words as some of the freefolk were truly savage and uncontrollable and would kill innocents without any reservation. In the end, the boy gave the ultimatum that any freefolk that wanted to bend their knee could come to hardhome and he would come and take them in 12 moon's worth of time.

* 63 giants and 29 mammoths. That was the new addition to his group. And with the addition of two wargs that he found during his travels, he decided that it was finally time to go back home. But before that, he needed to do one more thing. So he told his men to make camp at the top of the hill along with the giants and went in search of the Children of the Forest.

* Brynden Rivers or the Three Eyed Raven as he was now called looked at the boy in front of him and let out a sigh. The boy was the main reason why everything that he saw in the green dreams became so distorted and blurry. For some reason, he could not see the boy even with his unique gifts and because of that he was not able to guess what the future might entail. And now the boy was here in front of him, requesting the Children to come to his home and carve faces in the new Weirwood trees he had grown in his home.

The request was so odd that he didn't even knew what to think about it. In the end, three of the Children Volunteered to come with him but before the boy could leave, he made one last request to send Brandon Stark his way when the time comes. The boy accepted it and then disappeared from the underground cave along with the three Children with a crack.

* After leaving the Children to their task of carving faces in the new weirwood trees, he went back North of the Wall to his camp and told them to start going back south to the Wall.

* Jeor Mormort had not expected the Bolton host to come back so soon considering how deep they went in the Wildling territory. Nor did he expect them to come back with giants. He had not believed that giants still existed until this day and the boy had gone deep in the true north and brought them out with him. Truly, it seemed like the old gods were playing jokes with him. After discussing with his maester and other advisers, he finally decided to let them enter back in the North. After all, if the giants truly came all the way here with the boy lord then it meant that he could control them to some extent. And it was not like he was letting in some Wild Savages. Or so he told himself.

* Ned read the missive he had received from the Wall and let out a sigh. Lord Domeric Bolton had finally come back from the expedition in the North and had brought back giants and mammoths with him. These were things that he had only read about in history books and not in real life. The news was so surreal that he didn't even know what he should do about it. Should he tell the giants to go back to the North. Will they even listen. Was there even a point to all this. And if yes, then was it true that the old gods really supported Domeric Bolton. In the end, he decided to do as he had done up till this point and allowed the young Lord to do as he wished.

* Harry gave a large piece of unused land in the mountains to the Giants and the Mammoths. It was the perfect habitat for them. A safe place in which they could repopulate safely without the fear of being killed by other men. As for the children of the forest, they were singing some kind of song and performing some kind of ceremony as they carved the face on the Weirwood trees. The whole thing took a long time and he was sure that it would take a few moons worth of time before they'll be able to carve the faces in all the trees. Oh well, it was not like he minded. If anything, the look in his aunt's face was priceless when he introduced the Children of the Forest to her.

* Harry looked at the small host waiting in the Hardhome and smiled. It had been 12 moons worth of time since he last promised to take the freefolk with him. His aunt had not liked the decision but she had accepted it. He knew that taking wildlings in the North would not endear him to the other lords so he had his ships take a wide birth and hide from the eyes of other Northern lords and the Night's Watch in order to hide his plans from them.

* He found that 11 different groups ranging from a dozen men to about a hundred men were waiting for him him in the Hardhome. He talked with each of the leader and made his terms clear to them. People argued against his terms but after some explanation, they finally accepted his terms. But some of them lied and planned on betraying him as soon as they landed so he told them to fuck off. By the end, only 8 groups left to the south with him.

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