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(두) Two

Ara ran inside the house, kicking off her shoes while Mrs. Choi yelled at her. She sheepishly stood in the doorway before rushing up to her room. Ara came out of the bathroom in pajamas with dried hair. She looked in the mirror. She was a taller girl standing at 5'5. She was averagely built, long wavy coal black hair. She wore rounded black glasses, but her skin was average. She had slightly crooked teeth, but not overly noticeable.

Ara sighed softly as she gave herself one more look before walking over to her bed. She sat at her desk and looked through her things. She pulled out her journal, examining it. "It didn't get wet, thank goodness" she had a soft smile as she flipped open the book's cover and wrote her contact information. She looked out her window in front of her desk. She clearly could see a back way of arches. She sat looking out the window sketching it quickly. Her sister, Eunji, ran up behind her. Eunji's hair was a mess as she held a broken doll. A small sigh escaped Ara as she closed her journal and put it into her bag. She took the doll and opened her desk drawer. She pulled out some string and tweezers. She re strung the doll's joints and handed it back to Eunji, "Jiji be more careful". Eunji smiled widely and then ran off jumping and going onto her bed to play with her newly fixed doll.

A voice yelled from downstairs, belonging to the mother of the two girls.

"Ara, Eunji go to bed!"

The girls both looked at each other and then ran to their beds, getting under the covers before both yelling back


      Loud noises rang throughout the house as Mrs. Choi rushed her daughters awake. Ara sat up easier then her sister, Eunji, who whined. Ara got changed into her uniform and checked through her bag before running downstairs. She grabbed her lunch card off the stand and slid her shoes on. She waved goodbye and slightly tripped as she ran off. She followed behind some other students who were walking in a group. As she walked a girl was running to catch up with the group when she saw Ara. The girl approached,

"Hi! I'm Min Haeun"

Ara turned to look over the girl. Haeun was tall, standing at 5'6 with long black straight hair down to her lower back. She had deep brown eyes with a natural double fold. She smiled with perfect teeth. Ara was caught off guard by this clearly pretty girl's overtly niceness.

"I'm Choi Ara"

Haeun walked next to Ara, talking to her about what Ara's old school had been like. Ara wasn't an overly social person, and usually didn't talk to too many people but she continued to talk to Haeun anyways. By the time that they arrived at the school Ara had learned a lot about Haeun, and Haeun had learned the basics about Ara. They found they were both in the same grade and class.

    The girls were walking when a guy pulled up to the school on a scooter and parked it. Some girls looked at him and smiled. A younger girl with curly brown hair and braces walked up to him sheepishly, holding a lunchbox in her hands. She offered it to the male who stood at 5'9, he had dark black slightly wavy hair, he wore it in a middle part with slight bangs and otherwise pretty short hair. Haeun pointed him out as Park Changmin, a guy in the same grade as them.

      Changmin rejected the girl who went back to her friends looking at the ground. He grabbed his bag off his bike as Ara rushed Haeun to hurry to homeroom. The girls looked around at seats. Haeun said goodbye to Ara as she was pulled off to a seat with a shorter girl. Ara looked around and saw the last two empty seats. She shrugged and sat in one, to which she was instantly called to by Haeun "Big mistake" she said. She went to get up and the teacher told her to sit down. Ara nervously mouthed to Haeun "What? Why?" to which Haeun replied "You chose a seat next to, just you'll see in a minute"

     Ara nervously took out her books and put her head down ever so slightly. Then in walked Park Changmin. Who sat next to Ara. As soon as Ara saw a figure in the seat next to her she looked over slightly before realizing it was the guy who harshly rejected the girl this morning. She looked over to Haeun "Really?" she mouthed. Haeun nodded sheepishly and then the teacher coughed to break the silence, "Welcome back to school students, please welcome our new student Choi Ara". The teacher was a male standing at 5'11 with brownish black hair. He was in his mid 20's early 30's. He motioned for Ara to stand up. She did and bowed slightly "Hello, I'm Choi Ara."

Silence, then some murmurs, then the teacher spoke "You can sit now". Ara nodded slightly and sat down. She looked over to see Changmin with his head half laying on the desk. She shrugged and pulled out her math book. "Turn to page 13, and try practice problem 3" Ara did the problem looking it over and then setting her pencil down.

During the break Ara took out her journal and continued to refine the sketch she was working on last night, a hand reached over and grabbed it.

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