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Ball 1

Seeing the mansion coming into view, I notice there are other carriages behind us. Those that came before of us, continued their way down the road after dropping the guests.

I decided against casting [Look M]. It could lead to unforeseen troubles. The mask is good enough for the job. The only distinguishing thing about me are the pointy ears. Which is not uncommon.

Grayfia only changed her hair and eyes colour, blonde and gold respectively. No one will be able to see through her disguise due to her ultimate-class power.

Wato stops the carriage when our door is parallel to the mansion's opened gate, guarded by two low-class devils.

He drops down from his seat and opens our door. He announces "We've arrived, lord and lady."

I, being the somewhat gentleman, exit first and offer my hand to my pseudo-wife.

Grayfia, or should I say, lady Atari, takes my hand. And gracefully steps out of the carriage.

I then offer her my right arm. She reciprocates by locking her arm to mine.

She looks at Wato, and says "Thank you."

I nod to him.

Wato bows and takes his leave. Gets on his carriage and drives away.

"You are doing good so far." She praises, smilingly.

I put my left hand on hers, that's clinging to my arm "We're just getting started, my dear wife." I smirk as I see her smile turn upside down from being called that.

We walk past the opened gate, on the paved pathway that leads to the mansion. Each step she takes, her mammaries tremble.

She quietly says "I would appreciate it if you do not call me that when we are alone."

"Can't you let a man dream?" I nudge her left tit with my right arm.

Her response is a painful pinch to my arm.

I grunt lowly "Guh. I regret nothing."

There are guards scattered throughout the open garden. all of them at the level of average low-class. The stronger ones, the middle-class, are guarding the restricted areas and the host.

A couple has just arrived behind us. Exiting the carriage.


We reached the entrance to the mansion. Two attendants wearing black shirts, orange vests and black slacks waiting by the doors. The left side of their vests have the letter N inside a circle.

Naberius and Nebiros share the same crest. Clans and their branch families do that, if they share the same initial letter.

One of them greets "Welcome, honourable guests. May we see the invitations and identifications." and both of them bow.

Grayfia hands them the two envelopes without a word. Like a true aristocrat.

The attendants validate the two documents quickly that it only last a couple of seconds.

Once the validation is done, the documents crumble into light particles.

"Thank you very much and have a wonderful evening, honourable guests." Again, they bow.

'What the. Is it to avoid recognition? Meh, that doesn't matter' I chose to ignore the bizarre outcome of the docs.

The door opens and we head inside.


The interior design is that of 17th century. However; there is no 'classical' touch to it. It is just....gaudy.

When we entered, another attendant appeared to guide us to the ballroom.

Now, we are walking through the long hallway of the mansion. The foul design contaminating our eyes.

There is another couple ahead of us, walking slowly. Unlike us, who are wearing 'modern' garments, they are dressed in a way that would've suited the idea of the interior design. Unfortunately for them, it makes the scene quite ludicrous due to the ugly surroundings.

We lowered our pace so as to not overtake the lady and gent. It would be rude otherwise.

Since it'll take time to reach the room, thanks to the slowpokes. I decided to lay my eyes on the wondrous scene that is, my wife's hooters.

'Up, down, up, down, up, down.'

Hypnotized, I didn't notice that she is about to pinch.


"ngeh~" I let out a suppressed sound to avoid attention.

Her attack backfired when she heard what I produced.

She instantaneously pulled out a hand fan from her cleavage using her right hand. And unfolded it, covering her face.

Her left hand, that's holding my arm, turned into a clutch. Her nails almost digging into my flesh.

I can see her shoulders quivering.

'It hurts, but seeing her like this is worth it.' A simper can be seen under my mask.

And she kept her face hidden behind the fan until the ballroom entrance was close, depositing her hand fan into her sacred valley.


We reached a wide arched entrance to the ballroom.

The room is very spacious. The ceilings are high up. Both the walls and ceilings are decorated extravagantly.

Guests are already socializing and some dancing.

We arrived not too late, nor too early. Just on time.

Most of them are wearing 'old' attire. 17th, 18th and 19th century fashion. Some, like us, are wearing relatively modern suits and dresses.

At the far sides of the room, are long catering tables. Behind the tables are attendants serving the foodies.

The dancers are going at it on the dance floor, located at the center of the room.

The gossipers are standing at the sides of the dance floor. Talking about politics and the latest scandals.


When we entered through the arched entrance, some eyes landed on Grayfia.

'Can't blame them. She's very alluring. Especially her you know what.'

I glance at her "I did promise you a dance, didn't I?"

Her lips curve, smiling "I was sure that you would have raided the food once we entered. It has been a couple of days since we last ate, after all."

"Oh, I can hold out much longer than mere couple of days. Also, I would rather have fun with you." I leer behind the mask.

Easily discerning my expression behind the mask, her eyes turn cold while her smile remains "If you try anything 'funny', I will put a hole in your foot. I am wearing my favourite heels."

'Empty threats. You wouldn't jeopardize the mission by causing a commotion.'

"Why, I would never. I swore to wash away the sin I've committed by having us dance the night away." I stand in front of her and bow, offering her my hand in invitation for dancing.

"Fufu. You fool, you are attracting attention." My antics did garner a few looks and laughs. Including hers.

She took my hand, accepting my invite "Very well, let us dance."

Putting her in a good mood, I escorted her to the dance floor.


Still don't know how to manage this arc, wish me luck.


I've never been to a fancy ball, nor a party.

So, I only know that they dance, eat and talk smack...right?


Thank you for the stones, Eternal, BRhue, Samerr, Akutzu and Crockta~


Hope you enjoyed reading~

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