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After a good night's sleep. Ace woke up from his king-sized bed in the palace after he was persuaded to spend the night there. Once he left the bed he stretched his body and yawned like a hippo.

A chirping sound filled the room after Ace woke up, when he looked at the window he saw Genie in his bluebird form fighting with another brown bird. Ace was baffled at Genie fighting a bird seriously.

"Twinkle Twinkle mother fucker!" Genie shouted angrily "Nobody takes my bread in the morning! take this!!" Genie started poking the poor bird on his head with his beak.

"Bahahaha!!!" Ace couldn't hold it and started laughing historically. Genie noticed him and got distracted for a moment allowing the other bird to escape.

"Come back and fight like a real bird!!" Genie shouted and chirped crazily.

"It seems you're having fun, huh?" Ace said as he washed his face in the nearby sink with water after heating it with his fire.

"Humph, Define fun?" Genie mumbled as he turned into smoke and forming into his normal genie form again. He laid on the bed to relax.

The Magic carpet floated up from the ground and caresses Ace's back while he was washing his face as a form of "Good morning" act.

"So...when are we conquering the world?" Genie took out a tennis ball and started throwing on the wall as it bounces back to him.

Ace took a towel and cleaned his face "We won't." he said.

"Ah, c'mon, just make a wish." Genie floated near Ace "Just rub the lamp and say "Genie I want to conquer the world. easy-peasy."

"How about I wish for you to stop annoying me." Ace huffed and started changing his clothes.

"That too. we can be done with your three wishes altogether at the same time." Genie said as he returned to the bed to play with his ball.

"Don't you mean two wishes." Ace chuckled and spoke.

"I am pretty sure its three, remember that I took out those guys out of your body...That's one down." Genie corrected Ace. The magic carpet returned from the balcony after it got enough sun and shook its body at Genie "What do you mean it's not that way, I remember it clearly...He said-" As if realizing something, Genie froze in his place with his mouth open.

Ace laughed at his reaction "It seems you have remembered what happened yesterday." He finished his changing and wore his shoes and left the room.

"Ahhh!" Genie started having a flashback as he faded into white smoke and reappeared in yesterday's scene where he and Ace were talking.

In front of him was himself and Ace.

"Well, what are you doing?! Take it out!" Ace shouted.

"You got it, pal." Genie responded as he worked his magic.

Seeing this, Genie took out a note and started scribbling "When excited...Think before acting." he mumbled before fading in another white smoke and repeating in the room. He couldn't see Ace, only the magic carpet was there laying in the sun again.

"Ah, Ace! wait up, man!" Genie transformed into a cat and followed behind Ace "Meow Meow!" he hissed.


In the dinning Hall


Ace reached the dining hall and met the Sultan "Mr.Portgas, welcome to my humble breakfast." The Sultan greeted Ace by hugging him and gesturing for him to set down "Here, sit beside me." he said. He then noticed the blue cat following Ace 'Wasn't it a blue bird yesterday?' thought.

"Well, I am a man of a big appetite, so forgive me in advance." Ace said after taking his place near the Sultan.

"Ohoho! no need to say such a thing. My daughter will join us in a moment." He then snapped his fingers and dozens of servants ran in ith food and placed it across the large table. Ace was amazed at the variety of food, there were so many dishes he has never seen before. His natural instincts of the D family started acting up making him feel like he could devour a beast at any moment "Excuse me!" he said before attacking the food.

The sultan dropped his jaw at how fast Ace as eating "T-take it slow..." he said equity as he witnessed his food being stolen. He quickly reached for a plate of fishes near him but it was snatched by a blue bluer. Genie stole the plate and hissed at the Sultan.


Behind the Door of the Dinning Hall


"Why the hell is he still here?!" Jasmine was peeking behind the door at Ace and her father. She seems to not mind Ace's savage-like way of eating. After all, she has already witnessed that some time ago.

"I don't know, but I heard from other servants that he slept in the palace yesterday." Dalia was looking with amusement at her princess while she is leaning forward to peek at them "Go and greet them..." she suggested.

"And blow my cover away? no thanks!"

"You're going to tell him someday, might say it now and save yourself the troubles of hiding." Dalia shrugged her shoulders.

Jasmine sighed and shook her head "Not now..." she said " But anyway, send another servant and tell my father that I won't be joining him...uh...say...Maybe...Raja is sick!!" Dalia started at Jasmine for a little while before she smiled

"You know...the longer this goes on, the longer he will know you as Dalia the servant, and when you tell him you're the princess...he will still call you Dalia." She said before walking back to carry her orders leaving Jasmine looking at her distancing back with a blank face.

"..." Jasmine couldn't find an answer to that. She looked back at Ace inside and she frowned "Not... now..." she mumbled.

"Not what?" Jasmine jumped at the sudden cold voice behind her. She turned to see Jafar's stoic face in his Vizier attire "Jafar? what are you doing here?" she asked.

"I have business with Mr.Portgas and the Sultan..." he answers. "Are you going in or are you going to stay here, looking through a crack in the door?" Jafar narrowed his eyes suspiciously at the princess' current behavior.

"No...Raja is sick, I was going in but then I decided that my father doesn't need me beside him now." She said before taking her leave.

The red parrot on Jafar's shoulder clenched his claws on his shoulder "There is no on the Sultan." he said.

"I know..." Jafar said in a low voice and then he pushed the door open with his staff and entered the hall.


The Lost Fruits / Chapter 34 is out on Pat reon

Food Wars: The Golden Hands / Chapter 174 is out on Pat reon

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