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75.9% The destined encounter / Chapter 167: Chapter 99: The Aftermath - Part 1

Chapter 167: Chapter 99: The Aftermath - Part 1


Hello everyone, I'm advancing my upload today instead of Saturday for I will be very busy for the following days so yeah.

Let me just share some trivia in the Philippines Tagalog or Filipino as what they say is our national language. Most of the people here use that but we have a lot of dialects like each provinces have their own so it's like living in a country that has different languages all together. My father is from Southern Leyte so the dialect they are using there is Cebuano dialect so whenever my father and his siblings talk in Cebuano I can't understand a single thing and when you jump from one island to another they have a different dialect so yeah but the amazing thing about these provinces the people living there knows how to communicate in Tagalog and English so communication when you travel from one place to another is like never really an issue, well that's about it hehehe.

Anyways here's the new update 😉 Happy Reading 😊!


Adrian watch as Nash walk away. He wanted to run after him but he knew what will be the consequences of his actions. Unlike Zeejay his parents are not one to stand still if he ever will decide to make a stand and marry Nash. They made it clear to him that if he ever chooses the Omega they will make sure he will regret it. They also going to make sure that Nash will suffer most which what he fears most of all. They even threatened Nash's life that if things comes to worst they might hire someone to hurt Nash. He can't even say those things to his friends, all they knew is the basic things of the problem. Adrian closed eyes accepted the marriage proposal knowing that it might hurt Nash. He agreed to have the engagement in return that it will only be an intimate one which will only be attended by close relatives and tried to keep the engagement as silent as he can but the moment the party start he knew that his parents doesn't plan to keep their end of the bargain. So Adrian made sure that no news will come out and reach Nash. People might say he's selfish when he made his decision to get married and keep Nash by his side at the same time without the Omega knowing about his marriage. Everything is all set, Adrian already bought a house to the country side where he and him reside for a couple of months. It is the perfect place to hide Nash and to hide the truth from him. That place is far from the city which means that the news doesn't reach them so much. The plan is already set, the only thing that he needs is to convince Nash to move to that place which he thinks will be easy since he already knew the people there. Things should have been perfect but he wasn't expecting the turn of the events, he was even surprised to see the big change in Nash's appearance that made him question himself just how long was it the last time he saw him for him to change that much. Adrian looked at his mother's hand that still holding his arm.

"If you follow him we will make sure to make his life miserable." His mother warned.

."But you will make my life miserable in return." Adrian said then he looked away. "Don't worry I won't back out from the deal. After this engagement let me talk to him, our deal is I'll marry him but I'll keep Nash by my side." Adrian reminded his mother with their deal.

"Yes I do remember that but you're still not married to Jeffrey yet. Our deal is you will marry him first before you go see that fucking bitch." Adrian's mother whispered.

"He already knew, which is not part of the plan. If I don't go talk to him I will completely going to lose him. If I lose him this deal is off. I don't care if you kill me. If I don't have him then this is all for nothing." Adrian whispered back.

"If you back off I will have him killed." His mother warned.

"I'll kill myself even before you do that." Adrian pulled his arm from his mother and went to Jeffrey's side where he officially confirmed the engagement. Right after the announcement he went to the exit gate but not even his friends are there. He tried calling them but no one was answering. He has the hunch that they are not answering because all of them were caught so he tried calling Nash number but the Omega already blocked his number. Adrian throw his phone causing it to break in different parts.

"That Omega, is he your lover?" Adrian looked behind him and there he sees the Omega he just met who will be his future wife. He must admit that the Omega is very beautiful maybe if he doesn't have Nash he would have fallen for the Omega's beauty but Nash have his heart so Adrian is not really interested in his fiance.

"You seem to love him, how lucky. You know what no one has ever love me before. Not even one." The Omega gave him a playful smile. "Even the man that I have been loving for so many years can't even give me that love. He's even the one who pushed me to this marriage so I know how you feel." Adrian didn't answer he just try to walk pass him.

"I don't mind if you will have a relationship outside this marriage. I also comes in second so I don't mind as long as you will marry me." The Omega said.

Adrian stop and turn to look at him. "Don't you want to be the only one? Cause if I have a choice I will only make him my only one."

"If I can be his only one I would have done it a long time ago unfortunately I can't be his only one. He's married with kids and me I'm just his bed warmer." Jeffrey said "But like you I'm only doing this because I have no choice so might as well ride along with it. I don't mind if you and I have sex, no strings attached, we might as well test the waters I mean we will be married soon and sooner or later they will ask for a baby from us." The Omega suggested.

"I don't have plan on sleeping with you. If you want to have other people's baby I don't mind, I will raise it as my own and will even put my name to that baby but I'll never have your baby. If you'll excuse me there's still things I need to do." Adrian said.

"An Omega without an owner is like an Omega in heat, how can you be sure that you will only alpha in his life." Jeffrey taunt.

"I marked him, I'm the only alpha for him and no one else." Adrian can see the surprise in the Omega's eyes.

No words came out of Jeffrey's mouth after he heard it. It was the first time he heard an Alpha voluntarily marked his Omega. Most of the Alphas wouldn't mark one even though they are already married but for his fiance to mark his Omega lover Jeffrey felt so envious. He looked up to the sky and saw not a single stars in the sky. The sky is pitch black same color that reflects just how empty his life is. He doesn't even know the purpose of his life anymore. The man that he loves is married with kids is also the same man who is his brother in papers and the same man who wanted him to marry that Adrian. When he saw the Alpha earlier he thought that it was not bad marrying such fine and handsome man but after he saw how he looks at that Omega it is clear to him that the Alpha loves that Omega. It was the same look as what Victor used to give Axel back then but Victors eyes burns with lust, obsession and possessiveness the desire to completely manipulate Axel which is contrary to the gaze that Adrian gave that Omega. His eyes is full of pain, sorry and regret, he can feel the love that Adrian have for the Omega. Jeffrey sigh and looked down to his feet, he's wearing a very expensive signature leather shoes. He smile to himself a very sad smile as he start walking back to the party. "Even though you're dead he still looking for your body. Maybe if I'm the one who disappear he wouldn't even look for my traces." Jeffrey shake his head as he walk back.


(How are you Ai?) Dexter asked.

"I'm on my way I drop off Nash to my father's house along with Drake, we need to change route someone was following us so I have to shake them off." Aiden informed, it was really a good thing that he listened to Axel's advice. He doesn't know who exactly those people are but one thing he's sure they are no good news.

(They are already here. How long will you be able to come here?) Dexter asked.

"Probably about 20 minutes. I'm already parking my car" Aiden explained.

(Be careful then. We are just waiting for Axel to come.) Dexter informed.

"Thank you brother." Aiden got off from his car

Axel hop off the bus the hospital was just a walking distance from the bus off station. He's trying to keep his cool but doesn't let his guard down so when he felt that someone was following him he quickly run and hide himself in the alley. There he waited the man who's following him. He waited for the right moment to strike and when that moment came he hit him hard. 'Aw aw fuck aw!"

"J-Jules?" Axel asked. "Ow fuck I'm sorry sweety." Axel gave him the handkerchief to wipe the blood from his nose.

"I think you broke my nose sweety." Jules said.

"I'm sorry sweety, why are you even following me? You could have just called me." Axel asked.

"I have been calling you since you got off the bus but you run so I run after you. You sound so sad over the phone so I thought so surprising you." Axel forgot the earphones on his ears which probably the reason why he didn't heard his husband. He hit his head hard for acting so nervously.

"Hey don't blame yourself, here they got ruined a little but I think they still look pretty." Jules who's still holding his nose with handkerchief and the other hand there's a bouquet of flowers that he only just now noticed.

"They are beautiful." Axel said. Axel jump and hug his husband, he wrap his legs around Jules waist.

"That's the reaction that I want to see. Are you that happy?" Jules asked. Axel didn't say anything he just nod in response.

"Why do you always do this to me?" Axel asked, he's already snipping. It is so not him yet he can't help but cry.

"I promised to make you happy. I'm always right here with you so don't worry. I'll come running to you when you're sad." Jules assured as he slowly caress and pat Axel's back like a baby while he carries him. When they both got to the hospital, they both went to the doctor to clean Jules wound on his nose. When they opened Lee's room everyone is there looking at them. "What?" Axel asked.

"I thought we are the only one that they are waiting." Aiden said.

"Things happened anyways we are here now." Axel explained.

"What happened to his face?" Chester asked.

"Ow don't worry about me this is nothing..."

"I accidentally hit him and by things happened this is what I'm talking about. Anyways everyone is here right?" Axel asked.

"Pretty much, everyone who has the idea of what's going on is here. I let the others go home, Nick is already at home and probably dealing with Zeejay now and Drake and Nash are both staying in my father's house he said he wanted to cool down his head before going home and also to comfort Nash before going home tomorrow." Aiden said. "So what is it Axel, you don't sound so good earlier so I'm assuming that you have discovered something." Aiden get straight to the point.

"Adrian's fiance's brother is the son of the man who's running and funding our trainings when I was still an assassin." Axel dropped the information which made everyone silent.

"Victor doesn't have much interest in his father's work so I'm not sure who's running the whole thing now that Vladimir is dead. I would suspect his mother more than Victor." Axel said.

"But there's still a chance that he's now the head of this big organization." Jules suggested.

"We can't take that possibility so we need to investigate the man." Dexter said.

"How are we be able to do that?" Chester asked.

"My wife won't do an undercover work in that bastard's house!" Jules suddenly shout after Chester asked.

"Just calm down dude you're scaring your cousin's wife." Lee said.

"I'm sorry but Axel won't be near that fuckers again." Jules insisted.

"Don't worry we won't be putting Axel there, I promised Axel that I will hide him to those people who's looking for him." Aiden said.

"We can't have someone who's related to us as this will make them suspicious. Now that they have something to do with Adrian now it will be hard to conceal our identities." Aiden said.

"We will think of someone..." Dexter said but he was cut off by unexpected person.

"I can do it." Everyone looked to the direction where the voice came.

"Maica? What are you doing here?" Dexter asked.

"I just want to bring you guys some dinner but you are too serious and busy to notice me. I didn't mean to hear it but it seems you are looking for someone to do a job. I can do it." Maica said. "I have been living under Dexter and Lee's roof, I saw how they both help Omega's and I saw how Aiden and Terrence those Omegas through the firm. If I can be of any help I would be very much happy." Maica said.

"Let us think this through first before you make a hasty decisions." Aiden massage the temple of his head.

"I'm untraceable, I was cut off to our family register and I have gone through a divorce basically me and Dexter had stopped being friends for a very long time as what people knew. Most of our colleagues think we are not in good terms. I'm your safest bet." Maica is trying to justify things.

"Jamaica, don't do this." There's a hint of begging in Dexter's voice.

"I want to be useful Dext, after my marriage fell apart I can no longer find meaning in my life. I'm very happy that you have taken me under your care but I want to be helpful to others just like how you guys are risking your life to help other."

"Let's talk about it sometime." Dexter said.

"Yeah we need to think this through Maica." Lee agreed.

"They both are right. It won't be easy and it will be very dangerous for you." Axel said.

"She has a point, she's one we can trust with." Aiden said.

"She doesn't know how to defend herself if things would go wrong." Dexter argued.

"Which will add to her the reason why she's a perfect candidate. The more innocent she is the more they won't be able to get suspicious of her." Axel agreed.

"What do you mean?" Lee asked.

"I know these people, they are expert in analyzing the people in front of them. It's like the are stripping you from head to toe. Why do you think I told you not to go straight to the hospital? Why did you think I stayed quiet and not told you that I knew who these people are? Cause I know the moment you heard and know they will catch a glimpse if your emotion will suddenly change. Specially Jeff." Axel said.

"What do you know about this Jeff?" Aiden asked.

"Out of all the kids brought in the facilities only three of us survive and we are the first assassins they were able to cultivate successfully." Axel explained.

"You mean the one who didn't join you and the other one?"

"Yes you're right Aiden, he's that person. Jeff was in love with Victor."

"Wait what?! Aren't they siblings?" Chester asked.

"Not by blood, Jeffrey and Victor has physical relationship he's like his mistress but since his father wanted to keep Victor tied up to the organization even after me and Nelson successfully break free from the organization he decided to legally adopt him. Jeff love Victor enough to accept it." Axel said everything he knows.

"I think the marriage is Victor's idea." Dexter said which got others attention.

"Things are getting a little complicated, the company we are trying to bring down that tied up to the Omega trafficking is the Oasis Cargo Lines International which has nothing to do with the firerise airlines or any business that the witchburn is running." Lee said. "How come you don't know about this Axel when you basically worked for them?" Lee asked.

"We don't know anything about them personally. The only thing we knew is there names and faces that's all aside from all the connections that they have. I found out 3 years ago that the Oasis Cargo Lines is owned by them using a different name. Not to mention all their connections in and out of the different Government sectors. I have been trying to gather up information from where I'm working right now and base from the money that the company is wiring to them we can conclude that it is a hush money and more. Hey by the way how does it seem that you know a lot about this Firerise company thing?" Axel asked.

"If you're involved in the entertainment industry you get to know a lot of business men even those who are low-key. My father always tells us brothers to make sure to remember each and everyone of them cause they might turn out a fried or a foe in the future. I have met Vladimir Witchburn back then when they asked our Father's help in promoting his cruise ship business like 20 years ago. They didn't use Firerise name in launching the Cruise line my father suggested it cause Firerise already has a name that people's trust but Mr. Witchburn insisted that they wanted it to be in no connection to Firerise at all. So my father did what he can." Lee tells the story on how he met the man.

"I remember that, your company hosted a reality event which invited couples, family and individuals in the cruise and that cruise line is AeGaeus." Dexter said.

"The AG Cruise." Axel whispered.

"It is one of the biggest Cruise line, they own a logistic forwarder, they own Airlines and the own a Port." Aiden whispered.

"I see now, they are using these as a cover up to their illegal business. if you have access both to sea and air with the proper people to put in the job then smuggling things and trafficking people will be possible." Jules whispered. "They made sure that those three are not connected to each other. How brilliant."

"Remember the only route they are using is the sea and not the air." Aiden point out.

"They are making the airline and the port as their clean business. A business that is far from their dirty work." Lee said.

"But we couldn't fully say that they are not using it as their route too." Dexter added.

"It serves as their front Honey. I don't think they will use it in their monkey business." Lee said.

"It's too early to conclude things." Aiden said. "I didn't know it's this big." Aiden said. Axel and Jules both looked at each other they both knew that it was not just the human trafficking but they are also involved in drug business. Neither any of them knew not even Chester and the only people here knows about it are him, his husband and Terrence. The drug and prostitution syndicate which is being run by Raven's father is what Terrence main after and the Witchburn is what Axel and Jules are both after. Initially the plan is to expose the trafficking that will put Raven and his father to jail and will force the head to expose himself but since now they are finally getting the connection of it all and the possibility of the clear involvement of the Witchburns Axel knows that he can't miss this chance what they need are evidence that will solidify the involvement of the Witchburns to the trafficking, prostitution and drugs to Terrence target. "It is like hitting two birds with one stone" Axel whispered.



Terrence pulled Zeejay's suit "I told you, I told you! Fuck my dear wife must have been angry at me. Fuck!"

"Let me hit him just once Terrence." Lance asked.

"Hey my face isn't completely healed from the sun burnt and now you wanted to punch me?" Zeejay said sarcastically.

"I don't even know where my wife is." Terrence.whispered.

"Terrence is Chester still wearing all those earrings you gave him?" Lance asked.

"It's called constellation earings you moron! It's an art." Terrence shouted.

"Ok, ok, so answer my question is, is he wearing it?" Lance asked once again.

"Y-yeah why?" Terrence asked.

"Think you dimwit! This is what happens when your wife is involved you forget to think. You told me before that those earrings have tracking device." Lance pointed out.

"Yeah I forgot." Terrence put out his phone and start tracing where the signal is.

"There's a high chance that where Chester is, is also where are wives are." Lance said.

"What about Adrian?" Drake asked.

"There's nothing really we can do, Nash was able to find out about it in the most painful way." Lance said.

"The damage Adrian had caused Nash is far too deep it will be hard let us just give the Omega some space." Terrence agreed.

"I think it will be much better if they don't end up together." Everyone looked at Zeejay. "He doesn't have the guts to leave all these behind." Zeejay continued.

"But we don't know what's really happening to him. We don't entirely know his whole situation is." Drake said he's hoping that his friends would still give their friend some benefits of the doubt. "Nash is mark, you all know that, it will be hard for Nash to live without him now that Adrian has already marked him."

"Drake how long is Aiden been gone away and far from me?" Lance asked.

"5 years." Drake answered.

"And how long is it for Chester not to mention those years when he kept on running away from Terrence." Drake didn't answered back.

"If I hadn't witnessed it with my own eyes I would still probably think of Omegas the same way — weak and fragile." Terrence begin. "But my kitten proven to me that he wanted it he can live without me even though I already marked him and that's what scares me the most the feeling that what if he wakes up and realize he no longer wants to stay with me. I'm glad that I have my sons with me it means he won't be able to leave that easily without thinking about our children."

"I agree with Terrence, we alpha put those mark to serve as their leash but in reality if they would wanted to they could brake free from that. Sometimes I'm thankful that I have a song with him cause leaving me wouldn't be easy for him." Lance said.

"Yeah they are all right, Theo is marked and yet he manage. It may sound selfish to say that sometimes our kids is also an assurance that our love once wouldn't be able to leave us." Everyone looked at the newly arrived.

"Taekyun." Lance greeted. "Where's Theo?"

"He's in the car, I just checked on you guys and I somehow over heard your conversation" Taekyun explained.

"You shouldn't be leaving your wife too often for business meetings overseas." Terrence reprimanded him.

"Sorry, the business is already out in the red so I will be able to take it a little easy." Taekyun scratch his head.

"I know that I have been too busy lately but this is all for their future as well." Taekyun reason out.

"It's not bad to think about the future of your family and give them only what's the best but don't forget that not all the things they need can be bought by money, not all the happiness they want can be brought by power and fame that comes from your wealth. You know it better than any of us here." Lance reminded.

"We all are product of that mindset Taekyun where are parents thought that's what we need the most. So you know specially you and Lee where most of the time both of your parents are almost not by your side. Don't do the same thing Tae." Terrence agreed as he said.

"About our ferocious Lions how are we going to deal with them?" Zeejay asked.

"Lions?" Drake asked.

"Yeah! Can't think any better term to describe them. They are cunning, dangerous, full of pride ferocious and most of all beautiful!" Zeejay said.

The boys think as they tried to absorb what Zeejay just said. "Yeah definitely they are." Terrence agreed.

"Hey my Theo is sweet he's not ferocious at all." Taekyun defensively said.

"Hhhmmm yeah you're right but still he's prideful, sometimes cunning and beautiful." Lance said which got Taekyun thinking.

"Yeah I guess you're right." Taekyun agreed in the end.

"About them, I think we better prepare ourselves to sleep on the couch." Terrence suggested.

"It's good thing if only they will decide to let me sleep on the couch. Aiden probably will throw me out of our own house." Lance gets the shiver thinking about what might happen.

"Yeah me too, not even Lee can do anything about it. My wife can be heartless sometimes." Zeejay cower as he thinks of the possibilities.

"You're all thinking about getting throw out of the room or house me I'm thinking the opposite. My Drake might not stay in the house for the mean time and I'm sure with his character he wouldn't even going to tell me where he is. I'll probably going to find out in any of you or if I'm lucky one of your wives will tell me where he is." Drake said in a sad tone.

"We're really screwed aren't we?" Lance asked.

"Only you guys are screwed don't count me in. I told my wife about this so I'm good." Taekyun said and all eyes are on him.

"What?! You told him?" All the boys said in unison.

"What? Why? What's wrong with that?" Taekyun asked.

"Theo must have told them about this." Terrence whispered.

"How many of these lions knows about this?" Terrence asked.

"Dexter knows it too, there's no way he would keep it to my wife." Lance said.

"Hey, my wife and Dexter both did the right thing Don't blame them." Taekyun's eyes is giving them warnings. All of them gulp at the sight.

"Ye-yes of course." They all said at the same time.

"Hey you are all my Adrian's friends right?" They all looked at the beautiful Omega they have just seen. "I'm Jeffrey Witchburn. I have never known that Adrian have so many handsome friends."

At that moment they all have the same thing in mind and that is the Omega is trying to flirt with all of them.

"Specially the famous Lance Montero." Jeffrey said in a seductive voice.

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